Showing posts with label Pants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pants. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Rick Fox: Game 7 Nerves Can Ruin People, "I"ve Seen Guys S**t Their Pants"

Rick Fox has played in multiple Game 7 situations — and never lost — and he’s got some serious advice for the Dodgers … DON’T CRAP YOUR PANTS!!! The ex-Lakers champ — who has won 3 rings — says he’s seen what pre-Game 7 jitters can do to a…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Jennifer Lopez Shows Off Booty in Yoga Pants

There’s no grey area when it come to Jennifer Lopez’s best asset, which was on full display Friday in NYC … in yoga pants. J.Lo still had a glow to her leaving her SOHO gym, but you’d never notice it if her butt caught your eye first. So what does…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: I Wear the Pants in This Relationship, Not Austin Forsyth!

It looks like Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth might be breaking from tradition in more ways than just violating the courtship rules.

The Duggar daughters are expected to submit to the will of their lord husbands or whatever, but Joy-Anna might be bucking this trend.

And nobody’s more surprised by this than Austin Forsyth.

When it comes to Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth, sometimes it’s a little difficult to tell what’s a problem for them and what’s just part of their weird little arrangement.

Like … did Joy-Anna’s pregnancy cause a shotgun wedding, or is her pregnancy just the result of two people who’ve never been allowed to orgasm before in their lives suddenly having free reign?

(While, of course, also possibly believing that they have a religious duty to produce a small army)

Or when Austin Forsyth and Joy-Anna get political again, are they trying to stir controversy or are they just making an endorsement as some part of family deal?

(Remember, these two are so far outside of normal society that they might not realize what’s controversial and what isn’t)

This time, though, the issue at hand seems to be between Joy-Anna and Austin himself.

We’ve seen some boring sneak peeks of Counting On before, but this one piqued our interest for one reason and one reason only:


So, this upcoming episode of the series offers a look at Joy-Anna’s bachelorette party and Austin’s bachelor party. They had the parties together as a joint venture.

Calling them a “bachelorette party” or “bachelor party” is kind of misleading. It’s more like when a couple of kindergarten students “date” but it literally just means that they wave goodbye to each other at the end of the day and that’s it.

In the same way, Joy-Anna and Austin are shown having a “party” that represents all that they, at that pre-marital part of their lives, understand to be fun.

Keep in mind that it’s totally viable to have fun without drinking or anything sexual.

But also keep in mind that these are people who don’t consume “the culture.” So talking about TV shows or podcasts or video games — or playing video games — is right out.

They go on a camping trip with lots of friends and family, and to their credit they spend their afternoon kayaking and rafting, which is genuinely fun.

What weirds us out — and where it becomes clear that Austin and Joy-Anna disagree about a fundamental part of their relationship — is when the couple plays “The Shoe Game.”

We’ve never heard of it outside of the context of the Duggars, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist elsewhere.

Austin and Joy-Anna sit back-to-back, which frankly sounds like something that they’d only be able to do after getting married, and play.

Basically, they get quizzed on each other and their relationship.

Holding flip-flops, they respond by raising their hands.

The question sounds like it would be an easy one for any of the Duggars.

“Who wears the pants in your relationship?”

Not only are the Duggar girls expected to submit to the will of their husbands after Jim Bob effectively transfers ownership of them when marrying them off, but Joy-Anna literally does not wear pants.

She wears dresses. That continues now that they’re married, as Austin Forsyth apparently prefers it.

Despite that, both Joy-Anna and Austin raised their right hands to the question — meaning that they were both announcing that they were the ones wearing the pants.

Now, maybe they had decided on the Duggar version of an “equal” partnership already … though we’ve seen no signs of that in their marriage.

So as much as people might like to see this as a progressive moment, it looks like they may have had a power struggle at that point during their relationship.

And it looks like Joy-Anna did not come out as the winner.

Still, it’s surprising to see any of the Duggar ladies asserting themselves, even if Joy-Anna may have been joking.

Is that a predictor of more conflicts to come between these two? Or, now that months have passed since this scene was filmed, is it all settled?


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Wiz Khalifa Challenged By UFC Fighter: I"ll Make You Crap Your Pants!!

Brown and yellow? If Wiz Khalifa wants to get the actual crap beat out of him, UFC bad ass Felice Herrig says she’s more than happy to do the honors … if Wiz wants to test his MMA skills against a real fighter.  As we…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Jinger Duggar Sports Tight Pants, Continues to Stun Fans

Now that she’s married, Jinger has started wearing pants.

As scandals go that would normally fall somewhere between “she doesn’t cut her sandwishes diagonally,” and “she hangs the toilet paper so that it faces the wall.”

But Jinger is a Duggar, which means that prior to getting married, she was only permitted to wear skirts.

Her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, doesn’t share Jim Bob Duggar’s view that women’s jeans are stitched by the devil himself in the garment district of hell, so he bought his wife a pair of Levi’s shortly after their wedding.

Apparently it was like giving a house elf an article of clothing in the Harry Potter series, because Jinger is now a free woman.

Not only is she wearing pants these days, Jinger is wearing shorts!

Her legwear seems to be getting tighter with time, and as you can see in the pic above, she’s not shy about showijg off her new fashion sense on social media.

The photo probably had her father rounding up a pitchfork posse, but thus far, it seems fans are loving it.

“Such a cute couple! Jinger needs to get into the fashion business!” wrote one fan.

“Jill probably needed to be escorted to the fainting couch when she saw this outfit,” joked another.

Interestingly, Jinger has yet to comment on her decision to begin sporting less formal attire.

And she has yet to sport her pants on the family’s reality show, which is proably no coincidence.

Creepily, Jinger’s legs at currently in the middle of a power struggle between her husband and her father.

Jinger wears pants because Vuolo says she can, and while Jim Bob can’t contest the decision, he reportedly doesn’t like it.

Sources say he’s strongly encouraged Jinger to not wear pants in his presence or on television.

You’d think JB would have something bigger to worry about than what sort of clothing his adult daughter is wearing.

Maybe he should spend more time concerned about his child molester son who’s a free man with children of his own.

Just sayin’,

Watch Counting On online for more out-of-whack priorities.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Jinger Duggar Wears Pants & Shoots Gun; Fans Freak Out!

Back in April, Jinger Duggar wore pants in an Instagram photo, and the Internet lost its collective mind.

That’s a bit of a strange sentence, but if you watch Counting On online, you know that pants and the women of the Duggar clan don’t normally go together.

In fact, Duggar women are flat-out forbidden to wear pants, and fans loved that the newly-married Jinger was rebelling against her upbringing and taking advantage of her newfound freedom.

So you can imagine how much they enjoyed the above pic of Jinger rocking pants and brandishing a sidearm.

Yes, the photo above appeared on Jinger’s Instagram page over the weekend with a photo reading simply, “Ready! Aim! Fire!”

Needless to say, the comments section erupted with praise and Random Capitalization:

“I am SOOOO happy to see that you are finally able to Be Your Own Person!!! You can now do whatever makes YOU happy! Good for you! Your smile says it all,” wrote one fan.

“Forget all the haters out there. You are a grown woman, do whatever makes YOU happy, girl!!!”

Another commented:

“Nice to see the new diversity in your life Jinger! Target shooting and pants do not define a person so please pay no attention to the judgemental comments being made!”

But not surprisingly, there were those who took issue with the pic.

And because this is the Internet, their arguments were always perfectly cogent and level-headed.

Just kidding, most of them were completely bonkers:

“You are a bloody hypocrite! What is a big Christian like yourself doing shooting guns, a weapon used to kill people? And why are you wearing pants? According to you and your hypocritical ass family, wearing pants is wrong and and guns are evil,” wrote one completely rational commenter, adding:

“You were dying to leave your own Christian parents so you could live how the heck you want? That is a sin, Ms Christian.

As you can see Jinger In Pants With Firearm has replaced Jinger Wearing Shorts as the most divisive work of photographic art featuring a member of the Duggar clan.

This one, of course, is a bit more divisive, but we suppose it’s because Jinger – perhaps unwittingly – touched on a timely political issue.

Watch out for Jinger Wears Pants and Poses For a Selfie With Vladimir Putin and Edward Snowden, which should be debuting sometime this summer.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Jinger Duggar Wears Pants, Sports Possible Baby Bump on Instagram

In the nine months since Jinger Duggar married Jeremy Vuolo, the couple has been subjected to so many pregnancy rumors we’ve lost count.

But that’s what happens with pretty much every Duggar marriage.

In Jinger’s case, there’s a unique and entirely new controversy surrounding her Instagram photos:

Yes, Jinger wears pants.

That may seem like a ridiculous development for Duggar fans to be obsessed with, as women in the Western world have been wearing pants without controversy for about the past 70 years.

But believe it or not, Jinger is the only woman in her family to publicly rock Levi’s.

Every time a new photo of Jinger wearing pants is posted on social media, it’s met with the Instagram equivalent of wild applause.

Again, it’s insane that clothing with leg holes is considered a big deal for anyone in 2017, but it’s a reminder of the sort of basic freedoms that are denied to the Duggar women on a daily basis.

And Jinger’s latest pants pic (above) has fans freaking out for another reason, as well.

Many swear they see a baby bump.

Yes, we know it’s hard to imagine they’re looking at that photo and taking it as a sure sign that Jinger is knocked up, but that’s exactly what’s happening.

Some commenters insist that they see a full-blown bump.

Maybe it’s like one of those Magic Eye things from the ’90s, where you have to squint really hard and tilt your head or something.

We just don’t see it.

Others concede that they don’t see a bump, but point to the fact that Jinger is wearing all black as evidence of the fact that she’s expecting.

If she were really that concerned with hiding a baby bump, we think she would probably just stick to shoulders-up Instagram pics, but what do we know?

Anyway, the rumors that Jinger is pregnant are sure to keep coming, and because she’s a Duggar, they’ll eventually be true.

Of course, the pregnancy talk will be overshadowed by the avalanche of “YAAAAS, SLAY KWEEN!!!” praise that will ensue next time Jinger wears shorts.

We live in strange times.

Watch Counting On online to try and figure out why the hell Jim Bob has such strong feelings about legwear.


Monday, June 26, 2017

UFC"s Justine Kish Craps Pants During Fight, "S**t Happens"

A UFC fighter got the literal crap beat out of her Sunday night — and left the proof INSIDE THE OCTAGON!! The fighter is Justine Kish — who was trying to wriggle her way out of a killer rear naked choke courtesy of Felice Herrig during “UFC Fight…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Jinger Duggar: Wearing Pants Again! Probably Not Pregnant!

There’s a certain irony in this statement:

Jinger Duggar may not wear the pants in her marriage (she’s a Duggar, after all), but she does literally wear them because of her marriage.

Ever since Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo got married last year, she’s been charting a different course than the rest of her married siblings.

First and foremost, she moved. To Texas.

Jeremy is a pastor in the border city of Loredo, and as a result, Jinger has relocated many hours away from her hometown in Arkansas.

The lifestyle change is more than just geographic, too, as fans who follow the duo – they recently opened their own Instagram – know.

Breaking free in the fashion department, photos of Jinger Duggar wearing pants have caused the Internet to lose its collective mind.

Last week, Jinger posted the above photo of herself and her husband, along with Jeremy’s parents who were visiting the newlyweds.

This is just the latest example of a fashion “rebellion” of sorts; Jinger wearing shorts or pants has become a surprisingly common thing.

Why is this noteworthy at all, you may ask?

One of the many things required by the Duggar family – specifically matriarch Michelle – are long dresses or skirts that go all the way down. 

Like most restrictions on their impressionable young lives, this is meant to promote modesty and stifle any sexual desires among men. 

How men might respond differently to loose-fitting jeans vs. loose-fitting, ankle-length dresses is debatable, but neither here nor there.

The point is that Jeremy Vuolo says she can wear them now, and so she does … and that’s significant on a number of different levels.

Jeremy Vuolo will never be described as an immodest heathen, but he has very different views on this topic than Jim Bob and Michelle.

Vuolo does feel that revealing female outfits fuel men’s sinful thoughts, but at the same time, sees no harm in women wearing pants.

“It is not your liberty, women, to wear sensual, seductive clothing that is designed to draw the attention of your brothers,” he has said.

“It is your liberty,” though, “as to whether you dress modestly with a modest pair of pants, or with a skirt, or with a T-shirt, or with a blouse.”

Jinger’s husband has preached against this kind of legalism in his sermons, saying that despite noble intentions, it’s a tad over the top.

Vuolo believes that the point of the Bible is not to formulate “an army of Christian clones” who all follow the same endless list of rules.

When it comes to what people are allowed to wear, eat, or drink, “Jesus does not save people to make them wear skirts,” Jeremy said. 

The 29-year-old also believes that the occasional drink is okay as long as it doesn’t impair one’s judgment (though he no longer partakes).

Jinger’s husband also has a tattoo on the inside of his right arm (which is widely believed to be a Bible verse, obviously, but still, wow).

So basically, he’s a LOT more chill than JBD and MD.

While that’s a breath of fresh air in a sense, some fans are troubled by the idea that Jeremy has to give Jinger permission to do this.

The lingering doubts that we’ll see Joy-Anna Duggar wearing pants for the same reason – Austin Forsyth isn’t a fan – are equally troubling.

Whatever you think of it, the male-dominated culture of the Duggars and their in-laws will be a topic of intense debate for some time.

In any case, it’s safe to say that Jinger is not pregnant right now – or if she is, it just happened, and she hasn’t been hiding a baby bump.

Many fans thought she might be carrying her first kid based on some of her recent fashion choices, but she still looks very, very small.

If and when that day comes, we’ll be very interested to see if the expectant Jinger channels some of Jessa Duggar’s pregnancy style.

Which, some members of Duggar Nation have frequently commented, is considerably less modest than you might expect from her.

Check out some of the pics below and see:


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Will Austin Forsyth Allow Her to Wear Pants?

It’s been two weeks since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth got married, and naturally, fans are already filled with follow-up questions.

Where are they honeymooning? Is married life everything they thought it would be? And of course …

Is Joy gonna start wearing pants?

Yes, believe it or not, clothing with two leg-holes is an issue that’s very much on the mind of many Duggar obsessives these days.

It all started when photos of Jinger Duggar wearing pants began to circulate online.

Things got even crazier when images of Jinger wearing shorts were posted to Instagram.

And why the hell would anyone care about a grown woman sporting a very commonplace article of clothing?

Well, if you watch Counting On online, you know that Duggar women are required to wear skirts, for reasons that make sense only to the voices in Jim Bob’s head.

When Jinger got married, we learned that she and her sisters live under a power structure of Game of Thrones-ian complexity, and that once they’re married, Jim Bob surrenders control of their lives and their husbands take the reins.

Jinger’s dude, Jeremy Vuolo, doesn’t require floor-length denim skirts in his household, so Jinger was given a pants pass.

Sadly, it looks like former tomboy Joy-Anna won’t be quite so lucky.

Despite expressing strong anti-dress views in the past (“I was not born to wear dresses. I was born to wear my own style,” she said in an episode of Counting On), it looks like Joy is doomed to spend the rest of her days be-skirted:

“I said before that I don’t like dresses, but Austin likes them on me, and so I’m branching out and I’m wearing some dresses now,” she recently told Counting On cameras.

“I don’t really have fashion. I just kind of wear whatever Austin likes. Before, I just wore whatever was in the closet. I’m trying to improve that.” 

Joy … fashion isn’t a thing you possess; it’s a thing that possesses you!

No, but seriously, it’s a bummer that for the rest of her freakin’ life Joy can’t dress the way she prefers because that just doesn’t suit her husband’s aesthetic.

Lighten up, Austin!

In all likelihood, you’ll never have to work again thanks to Joy’s reality TV earnings.

The least you can do is let her put on a pair of Wranglers now and then.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Danny Amendola"s GF Throws Spiral Tighter Than Her Pants

A smokin’ hot model who can throw a football?? Yes. Here’s Danny Amendola teaching his ridiculously attractive Miss Universe girlfriend, Olivia Culpo, how to get a tight spiral over the weekend. The video (from our friends at NESN) is…


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jessa Duggar: How Does She Feel About Jinger Wearing Pants?

In most families, wearing pants is not only unremarkable, it’s expected.

In fact, if you had a relative who insisted on only wearing skirts, or mumus, or a chaps-and-loin-cloth combo, or some other non-pant leg covering, it would probably be considered quite weird.

But what’s strange in the rest of the world is the the norm in Duggar Country and for the female members of reality TV’s most pious family, pants are a strict no-no.

If you follow the family closely, by now you;ve probably caught wind of the mini-controversy that ensued when photos of Jinger Duggar wearing shorts surfaced online.

Shortly thereafter, pics of Jinger wearing pants were posted on social media, and the fundamentalist pearl-clutching continued.

Such attire is expressly forbidden by Jinger’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, and the early days of the scandal that we like to call Daughter-gate coincided with the Duggars doubling-down on their love of “modest” attire.

The same week that Jinger shocked her family’s fan base by brazen rocking a pair Dockers, the world learned that her older sister Jessa Duggar would be giving a speech at a women’s retreat in Ohio.

The topic?

How to Cover Every Inch of Flesh Below Your Neck Without Looking Like You’re in the Middle of a Colonial Cosplay Cession.

Okay, so that’s not the actual title of Jessa’s address, but she’ll be instructing a room full of young women and girls on how to dress “modestly” so as not to unwittingly tempt any young men.

We don’t expect forward-thinking progressivism from the Duggars, but it’s a pretty messed up lesson for Jessa to be teaching, especially since she’s a victim of sexual assault in a community that teaches that rape and incest victims are often to blame for the actions of their attackers.

So how does Jessa feel about Jinger’s bold stance on legwear?

It’s a good question – and one that will probably never be answered.

For years, the Duggar women have claimed that they prefer to wear skirts and that their attire doesn’t hold them back from any sort of physical activity.

But as many fans have been pointing out on Jessa’s social media pages, Jinger changing her preference to pants the second she left the compound really undermines that argument.

At this point, countless fans have asked for Jessa’s opinion on the matter, and not surprisingly, the 24-year-old has been completely mum:

“How is Jessa going to explain why her sister is now wearing shorts and pants? That is not in line with the Duggar modesty rules,” asked one follower.

“So basically the whole ‘we don’t want to wear pants and can do anything in skirts’ is crap! As soon as Jinger got married she started to wear pants,’ commented another.

“I feel that Jessa would also love to wear pants but she doesn’t because she lives too close to her parents house.”

A third added:

I think [Jessa] does need to explain because we all know full well that the family modesty lifestyle rules began with modest clothing, which meant below-the-knee skirts for girls, period.

“I’d love to hear Jessa explain in her own words why it’s OK now for any Duggar (or even former Duggar) girl to wear pants. Or maybe why it’s not OK, and Jinger has already taken heat for it?

Of course, the folks who are demaning answers from Jessa probably aren’t the one who will be shelling out $ 25 to see her talk fundamentalist fashion.

Watch Counting On online to see jessa and company break the record for most yards of denim worn in a single hour of television.


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jinger Duggar: I"m Wearing Pants & I Don"t Care What Jim Bob Thinks!

Brace yourselves, Duggar nation: 

Jinger Duggar is wearing pants again.

That might not seem like a big deal (and it’s certainly not as newsworthy as that time Jinger wore shorts), but in a way, the 23-year-old is rebelling against her upbringing by donning her Dockers.

You see, women in the Duggar family are forbidden from engaging in a number of activities:

Sex before marriage, individual thought, and clothing with more than one leg-hole are all off-limits to the Duggar gals – for reasons that aren’t entirely clear.

But if there’s one thing the Duggars value above the subjugation of women, it’s the supremacy of men.

They’ve instituted a strictly-enforced line of succession so that women are never confused about who they’re supposed to answer to:

When a Duggar woman gets married, her husband replaces her father as the master of her mind and body, and it seems Jinger’s dude, Jeremy Vuolo takes a less draconian view toward jeans:

Jinger has worn jeans on social media before, but the above photo represents the first time that she’s appeared on one of Jeremy’s social media pages rocking the Devil’s Leggings.

It seems to be the couple’s way of confirming what had previously been rumored:

Jinger is allowed to wear pants because Jeremy says it’s okay.

Given that Vuolo and Jim Bob Duggar clashed several times during Jinger and Jeremy’s courtship, the photo could also be interpreted as a massive middle finger to the Duggar patriarch.

Granted, it would be the most tame, passive-aggressive middle finger in the history of middle fingers, but these dare the Duggars we’re talking about.

We’re surprised they don’t lop off their middle fingers at birth just to make sure they’re never tempted to direct their sinful wrath at a particularly inept umpire.

Anyway, whether Jim Bob likes it or not, it looks like Jinger has every intention of continuing to wear pants.

As rebellions go, we suppose he got off pretty easy.

But it could be a slippery slope from here.

Hell, Jinger’s younger siblings might one day be inspired by her example and wind up drinking a beer or voting for a Democrat.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Jeremy Vuolo: Jinger Duggar Wears Pants Because I SAY SHE CAN!

As card-carrying members of Duggar Nation have likely heard by now, Jinger Duggar has already made numerous headlines this year.

Headlines not related to her being pregnant, no less.

After two-plus decades of only being seen wearing dresses and skirts, Jinger’s sense of fashion has departed from her family’s dramatically.

Fans freaked out a few weeks ago when a photo of Jinger Duggar wearing shorts (above) hit the Internet, as such a move is unheard of.

Fast forward to last week and the 23-year-old Mrs. Jeremy Vuolo dropped another fashion bombshell during an outing with her sisters:

Yes, Jinger Duggar wears pants (below).

Jinge showed off her bold new look as she, Jessa and Jana Duggar visited Magnolia Market in Waco, Texas (her new home state).

Owned by Fixer Upper tandem Chip and Joanna Gaines, the location is a popular tourist destination, and not one known for controversy.

The Counting On star’s fashion choices may not seen daring, but for a Duggar – one posting them online no less – they most certainly are.

As you can see, Jessa and Jana continue to abide by the family’s dress code that mandates dresses and long skirts, no matter what.

It’s a woman’s responsibility, the Duggars are taught from a very young age by matriarch Michelle, to ensure they do not tempt men.

Yes, showing even a little bit of skin invariably leads to rampant sexual desires in their view, and that means covering up around the clock.

As this Jessa Duggar swimsuit photo and this image of the younger Duggar girls riding bikes prove, they take this to extreme levels.

Jessa was even scheduled to teach a seminar on the subject, but Jinger? Ever since she got married, she’s not having this anymore.

Why the change of heart, and fashion?

Simply put, her husband, former pro soccer player Jeremy Vuolo, while hardly an immodest heathen, has different views on the topic.

In one sermon in Laredo, Texas, the pastor said that unlike Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, he sees no harm in women wearing pants.

“It is your liberty as to whether you dress modestly with a modest pair of pants, or with a skirt, or with a T-shirt, or with a blouse,” Jeremy said.

Vuolo does share, to a degree, the belief that women who wear overly revealing outfits are somewhat to blame for men’s sinful thoughts.

“It is not your liberty, women, to wear sensual, seductive clothing that is designed to draw the attention of your brothers,” Vuolo said.

So … he’s just slightly more chill about it.

Jinger’s husband has actually preached against this kind of legalism in the past, saying that despite noble intentions, it’s over the top.

Vuolo believes that the point of the Bible was never to create “an army of Christian clones” who all follow the same endless list of rules.

When it comes to what people are allowed to wear, eat, or drink, “Jesus does not save people to make them wear skirts,” Jeremy said. 

The 29-year-old’s life experiences are quite a bit different than the Duggars, as he used to get drunk and has even been arrested before.

Jeremy still believes that the occasional drink is okay as long as it doesn’t impair the drinker’s judgment, though he no longer partakes.

Somewhat incredibly, Jinger’s husband also has a tattoo on the inside of his right arm (which is widely believed to be a Bible verse, but still).

Of course, Jinger breaking free of her family’s dress code anymore is also eyebrow-raising because of another aspect of her belief system.

The Duggars adhere to the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), a religious organization founded by controversial minister Bill Gothard.

IBLP followers believe that men have complete authority over their wives and kids until their offspring grow up and get married themselves.

At that point, sons become the heads of their own families, while daughters become their husbands’ “helpmeets.” Yes, that is a real thing.

A woman is expected to shift her allegiance and undying devotion from one man to the next, obeying her husband, instead of her father.

Put another way, Jim Bob Duggar didn’t let Jinger wear pants, but Jeremy does, and he controls everything in her life now, so it’s cool. 


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Jinger Duggar Wears Pants, Duggar Nation Loses Mind Again

Jinger Vuolo has officially shocked the world once again with her choice of attire during a recent outing in her new home state of Texas.

If you thought that it couldn’t get any more jarring than that photo of Jinger Duggar in shorts, which we saw a few weeks ago, well …

Grab a hat and hold the f–k onto it.

These days, Duggar fans are anxiously pining for the inevitable announcement that Jinger Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

In the meantime, the 23-year-old wild child (by Duggar standards) continues to produce news that is as big, if not bigger than that.

Jinger’s older sister, Jessa Duggar, took to Facebook to post photos of a trip to Texas that she and her sisters took to see Jinger.

In Jessa’s pictures, she is seen holding baby Henry Wilberforce, along with sister Jana Duggar, family friend Sierra, and others.

One picture, however, features Jinger Duggar, and fans were immediately struck by the fact that she is dressed differently than usual.

Yep. Instead of the modest dresses or skirts that she has been wearing her whole life, Jinger can be seen sporting a pair of pants.


Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo have married five months, and in that time, when it comes to her clothing choices, she is breaking free of tradition.

As you can see above, Jessa and Jana continue to abide by the family’s long-established dress code of dresses and long skirts, always.

Not Jinger. Not anymore.

Just last month, Jinger was seen donning a pair of shorts – even more unheard of than pants – in a picture with Jeremy Vuolo and a fan.

This isn’t to say Jinger is somehow immodest – her style of dress is still conservative and appropriate – but she’s come out of her shell.

Small as it may be, this sign of rebellion is significant in that it shows she’s choosing to do things her own way now that she is married.

It’s also notable that Jessa has not changed anything since she married Ben Seewald, and in fact, hopes to impart her wisdom onto others.

Jessa is teaching a seminar in modest dress for young women, looking to inspire them to follow this facet of the Duggars’ way of life.

It’s every woman’s responsibility, the Duggars are taught from a young age, to ensure that they don’t tempt men into engaging in sex.

That means covering up around the clock (even in the pool, as this Jessa Duggar swimsuit photo shows) so you don’t stir up any passions.

Jessa is scheduled to give a speech at the Middletown Ladies Retreat in Ohio next week on this topic, entitled “Fashionably Modest.”

Men and girls under the age of nine are not allowed.

Besides the revelation that Jinger was wearing pants, fans hoping for a hint of a baby bump may be let down, as there was no giveaway.

Standing sideways, she could possibly be hiding something, but she could also not be expecting. It’s only been five months of marriage.

Normally, that would not be considered a long time, but these are the Duggars we’re talking about. Procreation is where it’s at.

In any case, if she does break out the maternity hand-me-downs soon, Jinger can be counted on (heh, heh) to dress adorably.

She loves fashion, and doing her own thing within reason (see pants and shorts), so her pregnancy wardrobe should be fun to observe.

We still give it like six more months though.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mama June So Thin She Can Barely Keep Her Pants On (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Mama June’s size 4 jeans — she claims — were already falling off her slimmed-down frame Monday in Midtown NYC. June says she’s lost about 300 lbs and undergone several painful plastic surgeries … and in this video it looks like just walking is…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Lamar Odom Laments Letting D-ck Out of Pants, Blowing Lines & Career

In the latest issue of Us Weekly, Lamar Odom opens way about up his history of drug use, his past of cheating on Khloe Kardashian and where his troubled life stands at this point.

It’s easily the most revealing Odom has ever been in one interview.

The former basketball star, who is almost better known at this point for his four-year marriage to Kardashian, admits that he probably should be dead.

He refers to himself as a “walking miracle” after he fell unconscious in October while taking drugs and having sex with a lot of women at a brothel in Las Vegas.

Odom tells the magazine that he suffered 12 strokes and two heart attacks as a result of the incident.

The 37-year old completed a stint at San Diego’s Casa Palmera rehab center in January; is working on an autobiography; and says he must be “winning” at life.


Simply because he’s alive.

Asked if Khloe was aware of his drug problem during their marriage, Lamar says yes.

He then delves into her reaction after his wife caught him doing cocaine in his “man cave” some time in 2009.

“She was disappointed. So was I,” Odom says in this cover story, adding;

“The sad thing about it is, I don’t know if I was disappointed because I was actually doing the drug or because she caught me. She knew I was doing cocaine the whole time after that. It was my drug of choice.

“I’m not going to say she accepted it because that would be the wrong word. Tolerated would be a better word.”

Does Lamar regret any appearances on Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

Or his spinoff with Khloe? Or just making his romance so public in general?

Yes and no.

Lamar says this exposure opened up new “business opportunities” for him, even referencing the fragrance (actually called “Unbreakable”) that he developed with Khloe.

But it also made him better known and painted him as “enticing” to other women.

Yes, Lamar Odom cheated on Khloe. He’s here to fully admit that.

“Bitches and THOTs came out of the woodwork,” he says to Us Weekly.

“If there is one thing I regret when I was married, it was having multiple affairs with different women. That wasn’t the stand-up thing to do. I wish I could have kept my d–k in my pants.”

Khloe finally had enough and filed for divorce in 2013.

And that’s when Odom moved into an apartment with a friend and really let loose, in the most dangerous way possible.

“I was in a very dark place and very confrontational,” he explains.

“I wasn’t trying to repair my marriage; I was just trying to get high. My life was all about drugs at that point. It probably helped the end of my career come along a little faster because drugs killed my drive to want to train and be in shape.

“It killed that and my sex drive. The only time you can f–k is when you take coke.”

Lamar goes on to say he went to the Nevada brothel almost out of boredom.

He doesn’t recall taking many drugs or doing anything particularly outlandish. But…

“When I woke up four days later, I was trying to pull the tubes out of my mouth.”

Despite all he had put her through, Khloe was by his hospital bedside when Lamar awoke.

“She played a major role in me getting my memory back. She would bring pictures of my mother and my grandmother.

“I kept thinking, ‘Am I paralyzed forever? Am I mute forever?’ It was scary shit. Faith got me through.”

Odom says he hasn’t been “intimate” with Kardashian in years and that he felt “blessed” just to be near her as he recovered; he wasn’t trying to rekindle any flame.

Why did he finally enter rehab this year?

Because his daughter basically said he had to do so… or else she’d stop talking to him.

“Living sober, meaning no drugs, is a great feeling,” Lamar says now, swearing that he’s clean and concluding:

“Being in the moment is important – how you react, respond, create. If I would have done coke last night, you would have gotten some dickhead here trying to get out of here fast.

“But you’re getting Lamar now.”

For more of Odom’s exclusive interview with Us Weekly, pick up the new issue. It’s on newsstands now.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Justin Bieber: I Didn"t Pee My Pants!

Justin Bieber is fighting back against a gross accusation making its way around the Internet.

That he headbutted some dude in a bar this month because the guy dared to pull out his camera and film Bieber acting like a spoiled young punk?

Nope. Bieber is yet to speak on this allegation.

But Bieber has taken to Twitter in order to address another piece of chatter that spread like hilarious wildfire over the past 24 hours or so.

And that is this:

Did Justin Bieber really pee his pants?!?

The pressing question trended on Twitter (really, go search for #JustinPeeber) because Bieber was spotted in West Hollywood on Thursday, rocking a pair of designer sweatpants…

… with a very noticeable wet stain all around his crotch.

Might the singer have spotted a paparazzo and panicked to such an extent that he failed to control his bladder?

No. That is not what happened, according to Bieber.

Late last night, the artist went on Twitter to explain what actually transpired, writing simply:

“Someone got me flowers and I was driving, made a turn, and the water spilled on my d— area.”

Oh, okay then. That happens, we suppose. And Bieber is known for driving around recklessly, even getting pulled over one time for drunk driving.

While some celebrities may have been pissed (get it?!?) off about this rumor, Bieber appears to have taken it in stride.

He’s likely read much worse about himself online.

Along with the above Tweet, Bieber also wrote: “Didn’t bother me if it made ya laugh nice!”

And then he went ahead and made a Billy Madison reference, sharing a side-by-side photo of his alleged peeing incident with a picture of Adam Sandler from that beloved movie.

“You ain’t cool unless you pee your pants,” Bieber wrote, quoting a scene from the 1995 film in which Sandler’s Madison pretends to pee his pants so that school bullies will stop teasing another kid who actually did pee his pants.

It’s a complicated, layered scene, much like the entire premise of Billy Madison.

Go check it out if you’ve never seen it. Maybe it will make you laugh.

Aside from this urine-based scandal, Bieber has mostly been in the news of late due to the burgeoning romance between Selena Gomez and The Weeknd.

The artist hasn’t spoken directly about this relationship, but he has taken some subtle digs at his ex-girlfriend’s new man.

Take THIS video, for instance.

Expect Justin’s response here to go viral because he mentions his “dick area.”

And we all know how many women out there would love an up close and personal look at said area, don’t we?

We’ll keep readers apprised about the next female who gets to enjoy this honor.
