Showing posts with label Part. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Part. Show all posts

Monday, August 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Chris Lopez WILL Be Part of Our Baby"s Life!

Last week, Kailyn Lowry welcomed her third child.

No doubt many of the sensations and experiences of the past few days are familiar to her, having given birth to two older baby boys in the past.

But this time, there’s one major difference, as Kailyn brought her third boy into the world as a single mom.

Late last year, Kailyn got pregnant by Chris Lopez during a brief fling that quickly fizzled out.

We don’t know much about Lopez, and it seems he’d like to keep it that way.

After she gave birth, sources close Kailyn stated that Lopez will not be involved in his son’s life.

Teen Mom 2 insiders say Lopez has made it clear that he has no interest in appearing on the show that made Lowry famous.

Indeed, it seems that while he reportedly has every intention financial obligations, Lopez will play little to no part in the lives of Lowry and her son.

Nevertheless, Kailyn remains optimistic.

“Every child deserves their dad,” Lowry recently told Radar Online.

“I’m hopeful. I’m positive he’ll be around.”

Kailyn concedes that Chris is not exactly diving head-first into the role of new dad, but she says he’s off to a good start in terms of providing support and showing an interest in his son.

“I think he has been as supportive as he can,” the mother-of-two said.

“He does the best to his ability even though it doesn’t necessarily meet the standards of what everyone else expects of him. I think people need to keep that in mind.”

She points to the fact that Lopez was present in the delivery room and drove her home from the hospital as evidence of his commitment to being a dad.

Sounds to us like Kailyn is setting the bar pretty low, but hey – as long as she’s happy …

Lowry says she was “always hoping” that Lopez would be present in the delivery room, but she admits there was a time when it seemed unlikely.

“But just based on how our relationship has been there was always a question whether he would have his phone on him or would he be at work,” she said.

“I’m so glad that he came.”

Friends and family have expressed concerns about Lopez in the past, stating that Kailyn offered “a relationship of convenience” to Lopez, and he quickly cut ties when it became clear she was interested in more than a commitment-free fling.

Here’s hoping the people in Kail’s inner circle are doing their best to manage her expectations.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of the turbulent life of Ms. Lowry.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Demi Lovato: I Don"t Normally Show this Body Part, But ...

Demi Lovato isn’t shy about hot selfies, but there are certain angles and parts of her body that she’s been conspicuously shy about putting on display.

Until now, that is.

We’ve seen Demi Lovato go topless before, so you might be wondering what sort of selfie could cover new territory. Well, wonder no more!

Demi captioned the photo — which is below — with a message explaining why it’s so unusual for us to see her abdomen.

“I rarely post pics with my belly button showing because I’m normally insecure about showing my full stomach.”

As you’ll see in the photo, the “Confident” singer should be proud of her incredibly hot body.

(But we’ll get to the “insecurities” thing in a moment)

“But I’ve been working really hard.”

Exercise can require a lot of time and effort, but hard work can really pay off.

And it clearly has, as you’re about to see.

“And thanks to @d.leith and his yummy food with @lockhartandleith I’ve been seeing progress so I thought I’d post this cause I’m feeling myself right now!!”

Sometimes you have to seize upon the moment when you’re feeling up to it to share a photo if you’re nervous.

Demi also gives a shout-out to the people who helped her work out.

“Also can’t forget the best gym in the world @unbreakableperformance and my trainers @fatenginethatdoes & @itskimglass.”

You can’t argue with these results:


Honestly, and not that she needs to compete against herself …

But this photo puts that pic of Demi Lovato’s huge unstoppable boobs to shame.

Don’t get us wrong, because you’d have a hard time finding any photo of her that doesn’t look great.

But in this one, we see flat, amazing abs and clear, gorgeous sex lines — you know, those lines where your abs meet your hips.

They’re called sex lines because they’re sexy as hell, but also because they’re literally lines that draw the gaze to your crotch.

Anyway, Demi is looking incredible here.

And also making us long for a return of the fashion trend of ultra-low rider jeans.

No, low-waisted jeans don’t frame butts as well as a lot of today’s jeans.

But who needs to show off their butt when they’re packing abs like Demi’s?!

As for her insecurities — we said that we’d talk about that — we need to understand that insecurities don’t have to make sense.

As a general rule, you wouldn’t think that a young, hot celebrity whose new song, “Sorry Not Sorry,” has been making waves for the past month, would have reasons for insecurity.

But it’s kind of like depression or anxiety — depressed people don’t have to be depressed about something any more than a sick person has a fever about something.

To be fair, insecurities aren’t a mental illness, but they don’t happen on the same level to quite everyone.

People with the most conventionally attractive bodies imaginable can be riddled with insecurities, and people considered overweight or otherwise outside of what society considers to be “pretty” can be incredible confident.

Insecurities are generally something to overcome, and Demi deserves praise for tackling hers head-on.

Plus, Demi Lovato deserves thanks from everyone who enjoyed that photo.

And from everyone who continues to enjoy her many, many gorgeous photos.

We know that she’s been working out for years, including taking boxing and other self-defense techniques.

(So if you ever do those “the last singer you’ve been listening to is on your squad for the zombie apocalypse” things, hope that you’ve been listening to Demi)

Keep it up, girl.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Lady Gaga"s New Boyfriend Is So Part Of Her World In The Hamptons

Lady Gaga’s last day of Spring played out just like the ‘Little Mermaid’ t- shirt she was wearing Tuesday while out with her agent-turned-boyfriend, Christian Carino. The couple looked totally enamored with each other on a beach walk Tuesday in…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Kim Kardashian on Caitlyn Jenner: She"s a Part of Me. Always.

Kim Kardashian is not a huge fan of Caitlyn Jenner these days.

Quite simply, she thinks her stepfather is a liar, saying as much on a late-season episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians in response to what Caitlyn wrote about Kris Jenner in her controversial memoir.

In this book, Caitlyn claimed Kris knew all about her transgender tendencies from the beginning of their marriage and also that she took advantage of him financially.

Such assertions have put a severe damper on Caitlyn"s relationship with Kim and her sisters.

"If you turn on my mom and you continue to bash us, I can’t… spend time with someone who doesn"t care about my mother,” Kim even told Caitlyn a few months ago, threatening to “come” for her if she kept slamming Kris.

This set the stage for Kim"s appearance on The View on Monday morning.

Asked about the fireworks between herself and Caitlyn, Kim acknowledged she hasn"t spoken to Caitlyn in the last couple of months – but also expressed hope that they would mend the rift soon.

“She’ll always be a part of me,” Kardashian said on air. “We’re not that kind of family. We’re just taking a breather. We’ll get it together. It’ll work out.”

Labeling sections of Caitlyn’s memoir as “hurtful” and “unfair,” Kardashian proceeded to tell Whoopi Goldberg and the hosts:

"I was a little shocked by putting things out there that just weren’t true or didn’t make sense or were hurtful when I feel, at the end of the day, my mom and Caitlyn had a 25-year relationship, and you just have to have some respect for it."

That"s a reasonable sentiment, don"t you think?

“I don’t want to discredit her feelings or her account, but when all of us there were witnessing some things and seeing things really different, it was just a little bit surprising to me,” she said, concluding:

"She’ll always be my stepdad and always be a person that raised me and taught me so much in life.

"I’ll never forget what Caitlyn instilled in us as kids and was a part of who I am today."

Check out the video below to see the full extent of Kim"s comments.

Think she"s being fair to Caitlyn? Or is it impossible to even pick a side when all parties involved are seeking fame, fortune and attention?

Kim kardashian on caitlyn jenner shes a part of me always

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Bow Wow Insists Fan Chase Wasn"t Part of Bow Wow Challenge

Bow Wow is sticking to his story … that pack of rabid fans really was on his tail, and no … he did NOT pay them. In other words — NO #BowWowChallenge. We talked to Shad Moss on TMZ Live and he broke down the story behind that viral video of…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Bob Marley"s Son Now Part Owner of High Times Magazine!!!

It just makes sense … Bob Marley’s youngest son now has a vested interest in the most famous marijuana publication, High Times. Damian Marley is 1 of 20 new investors in the ownership group that bought controlling interest in the media…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Neil Gorsuch Has Cafeteria Duty as Part of His SCOTUS "Hazing"

Neil Gorsuch will have more than just Supreme Court cases to deal with as the newest justice … he’ll also be assigned to cafeteria duty and other lowly tasks for being the new robe on the bench. SCOTUS justices have a long-running…


Neil Gorsuch Has Cafeteria Duty as Part of His SCOTUS "Hazing"

Neil Gorsuch will have more than just Supreme Court cases to deal with as the newest justice … he’ll also be assigned to cafeteria duty and other lowly tasks for being the new robe on the bench. SCOTUS justices have a long-running…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Jesse James on Sandra Bullock: Hey, Cheating is a Part of Life!

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane, all the way back to 2010.

A happier time, a simpler time. Well, for everybody but Sandra Bullock, that is.

It was in 2010 when the world discovered that Jessa James, Sandra’s husband, had been cheating on her with a series of women.

In Touch broke the news, nearly seven years ago to the day, that he’d been sleeping with Michelle “Bombshell McGee, several other women came forward and revealed that he’d been having affairs with them, too.

Jesse went to rehab to “deal with personal issues,” we started hearing about some weird Nazi stuff he was into, then Sandra finally confirmed she was divorcing the creep.

Since then, Jesse hasn’t exactly redeemed himself — he was in a relationship with Kat Von D for a while, but he cheated on her, too.

He’s had a few more Nazi-related scandals, like one does, and coincidentally he’s also been a loud and proud Trump supporter for a while now.

And now, in this awful new interview he did with the Daily Mail, he’s making himself look even worse. As if that were even possible.

About Sandra, Jesse says “Yeah, I did cheat on my wife, yeah, I stood up and took accountability for it and apologized. And that’s the end of story. Everything else was just …”

At that point, the reporter describes that he just stopped and shook his head, because consequences suck, right?

He complains that “The easy [put down[ is like, oh well you cheated on Sandra Bullock. That’s the world’s easiest comeback.”

And it’s also a fact, so what’s your point, bud?

“In general,” he claims, “both women and men cheat. It’s part of life. It’s like people love to see you fall. And the farther you get, the higher you get, the more they love it.”

We’d argue that not everyone cheats, and certainly not everyone makes cheating into a career like Jesse does, but he seems intent on this narrative, so sure, we’ll go with it for now.

“I look at myself now and I look at how I was feeling then,” he says, “and I think I wasn’t completely overreacting as far as letting it really get to me.”

Because Jesse, as he says, is “a fighter, man, I come from the tradition of — if you do something I don’t like, I’m going to punch you. There’s no lawsuits, nothing — we’re just going to fight it out.”

Yeah, sounds like a great dude.

He says that since he’s so into communicating through violence, just being cool while the media was being honest about his terrible ways was hard.

But these days, he feels that “A lot of good happened out of [the end of his marriage] because it helped me focus on being a dad more, it helped me focus on doing the right thing and being myself, and getting out of LA and getting a better life for my kids.”

Jesse says that he has “no regrets” about what happened with Sandra, except he does feel kind of sad about not being able to help raise “my son” — Louis, the little boy Sandra was in the process of adopting before the divorce.

And we don’t suppose he would have any regrets. He’s been married to Alexis DeJoria for four years now, and we haven’t heard about any mistresses, but time will tell.

What a gross, gross man.


Friday, January 6, 2017

Chelsea Houska Reveals the Best Part of Her Wedding

Back in October, Chelsea Houska married Cole DeBoer in a small, relatively private ceremony in the couple’s native South Dakota.

The reception wasn’t crashed by Teen Mom 2 obsessives, which is somewhat surprising given how beloved Chelsea and Cole are amongst the show’s fans.

Chelsea attracted a loyal following of her own before Cole came along, but now that she’s one half of what is arguably the franchise’s most well-liked couple, her popularity has skyrocketed.

The Chelsea and Cole relationship is bigger than the two reality stars as individuals.

For many TM2 fans, the Houska-DeBoer wedding was proof that dreams come true and happy endings are possible.

That may sound melodramatic (and it absolutely is) but this is a show with “teen” in the title, and in fairness, viewers did watch Houska put up with a Herculean quantity of BS in the years before she met Cole.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Chelsea may have the dubious distinction of having gotten knocked up by the absolute worst baby daddy in the show’s history.

Fortunately, after years of Adam Lind getting arrested for everything from assault to failure to pay child support, Chelsea has put him well and truly in her rearview.

Best of all, she didn’t endure those years of suffering for nothing.

Chelsea’s daughter may be the most well-adjusted of all the Teen Mom offspring, and it’s no surprise that when Chelsea reflects on her wedding, she does so with love not only for her husband, but for little Aubree as well:

“Even though I’m marrying Cole, it’s such a big moment for [Aubree] also, because she hasn’t had the best experience with her dad,” Houska recently told MTV News when asked about the most memorable part of her wedding.

“Her being able to have her own dress and feel beautiful and get ready for this day just as much as I am was really amazing.”

These days, Chelsea is pregnant with her second child, and she says Cole has been essential in helping her to cope with the stresses of raising one child while preparing for the arrival of another.

“Cole has been wonderful — he’s really laid-back, and I get anxiety really easily,” Chelsea says.

“So he’s been amazing. And I had a wedding planner, so she took a lot of the stress out of it.”

Who would have guessed that someone on a reality show best known for the trainwreck lives of its stars would go on to provide so many with #RelationshipGoals?


Saturday, December 31, 2016

Caron Butler Calls George Karl "Dysfunctional Part of NBA Family" (VIDEO)

NBA star Caron Butler says he’s “blown away” by George Karl’s comments about players, and thinks he hurt his relationship with the rest of the basketball community. Karl’s new book, “Furious George: My Forty Years Surviving NBA…


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dance Moms Season 6 Episode 32 Recap: Two Teams, Two Studios Part 2

Was Abby Lee Miller be able to reel the Elites back in after a whole season of treating them like crap?

That was her plan on Dance Moms Season 6 Episode 32, when she realized that time was running out to save her dance studio. 

If you watch Dance Moms online, you probably know that Abby is never one to admit defeat and would rather trash her peers some more, before muttering an apology under her breath. 

That’s just what she’s like and there’s no sugar coating it. 

We picked up with the Elite moms letting Abby know their kids would be competing in the competition, but not under her leadership. 

Abby was taken aback. She obviously thought there was no way this day would ever come, so she told the moms to get everyone to make a list of why they hate her. 

Holly was very adamant that no one would be making any lists and was quick to point out that Abby was just trying to degrade them some more. Jill even blamed Abby for screwing the kids over at the last competition. 

The moms did have a point. Abby practically pushed the Elites to the side in favor of the Minis. It was bad. She should have been giving both teams enough attention to ensure they were all good. 

Jill then decided to give the girls a pep talk. Basically, all she wanted to do was let the girls know they needed to prove to Abby that they didn’t need her to get further. 

The plan for the Elites to prove Abby wrong started going awry when Kendall pulled a muscle in her neck, making her neck movement restricted. 

Ashlee seemed to think she was trying too hard to prove a point and that’s why she’s in this situation. 

Kerri then burst in wailing about the other Mini moms not standing up for her against Abby. The other team then allowed Peyton to perform with the minis. 

Kerry wanted to rub it in Abby’s face, but Abby wished her good luck and moved swiftly on.

Kerri then focused on trashing the other mini mothers, saying they just follow Abby’s every command and it’s tiring. 

When the Elites performed their solos, Abby said they never performed anything great. Yikes, will she ever shut up?

She did shut her mouth when Jill asked her what she thought of them. 

The Elite mothers gave their girls some last minute notes and trashed Abby some more. 

The Minis performed very well and Abby was visibly pleased by it. 

When the Elites came in third place, Abby clapped, causing another huge argument. The moms were telling her she was terrible and stuff, but Abby was brutally honest with them. 

In the end, the Elites said they were done with the ALDC, but who might replace them for Season 7?

It’s definitely been a whirlwind season of drama, but what will become of the show?

Sound off below!


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Donald Trump -- We Got Your Star Right Here ... Part of It, Anyway (PHOTO)

LAPD officers got their hands on a piece of Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame star … which had been stashed away after vandal James Otis destroyed it. Cops recovered the brass emblem with the TV icon from Trump’s star at a home in the San Fernando…


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Bachelorette Recap: Chadmaggedon, Part 2

Was JoJo Fletcher able to put the drama – and Chad Johnson – behind her Tuesday on The Bachelorette Season 12 Episode 4?

Easier said than done, clearly.

While The Bachelorette spoilers have teased the winner for weeks, we’re watching some of the best drama play out unspoiled here.

Seriously, it’s been epic.

With Chad Johnson melting down and threatening people’s lives, we’ve got the Villain of the Century on our hands, and his fuse is lit.

And short. Very short.

Picking up where the previous night left off, The Bachelorette Season 12 Episode 4 saw Chad once again in the crosshairs … or everyone.

We’ve already seen Chad get pulled aside by Chris Harrison, given a stern lecture and told to make things right with the rest of the guys.

Would he? Could he?

Not immediately, anyway. We began with Derek, who may still be fixated on his ex, and asked to have a security guard in the house.

Chad overheard this entire conversation and later told him, “Look, whatever guy like me stole your girlfriend or whatever wasn’t me.”

Derek stood up for JoJo Fletcher, who nevertheless gave Chad a rose at the ceremony and sent home Nick B., Christian, and Ali instead!

In the next round of dates, Luke revealed his sensitive side on a one-on-one date, talking about losing a friend and his time in the military.

JoJo gave Luke the rose, while back at the guys’ hotel, Chad got into more verbal altercations – this time with both Grant and Alex.

He also threatened Jordan Rodgers post-Bachelorette: “And when this ends, you go home, you think when you go home I can’t find you?

“You think I won’t go out of my way to come to your house?” Chad told Aaron Rodgers’ little brother. “I’m dead f–king serious.”

Wow. Even better? Chad, JoJo, and Alex went hiking on a two-on-one date, where Alex obviously attempted to rat out his rival.

JoJo confronted Chad about it, then went to do some thinking in the woods. Chad then confronted Alex about confronting him.

“I’m not very happy with you,” he told Alex.

“I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.”


Exercising better judgment, JoJo decided to give the rose to Alex and sent Chad packing over the whole physical violence thing.

The rest of the guys were understandably ecstatic, but … the night ended with Chad showing up at the hotel and knocking at the door!

Until June 20 when we return. Follow the link to watch The Bachelorette online to get caught up on all the drama, then hit the comments!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Victoria Beckham Missing Part Of Her Thigh, Seems Fine With It

I would like to spend a day with magazine photo editors.

I want to watch them photoshop a model"s body, and then point out that he or she is missing a shoulder blade, or that the right oblique is not symmetrical to the left.

Photoshop errors have reached a comical point in pop culture, so ridiculous-looking that some aren"t even replaced because of their popularity.

Victoria Beckham was recently featured in a spread for Vogue China, and readers couldn"t help but notice an odd space between the top of her leg and the torso to which is should be attached.

This was stranger than the thigh gap phenomenon, which measure"s a woman"s beauty based on the size of the gap between her thighs (touching = bad).

Beckham"s photo was simply laughable, because it was so painfully obvious that someone was working on "improving" the designer"s already thin leg, but got distracted by Kenny The Office Manager"s coffee cakes.

The result: A strange, straight line where the top of her thigh should be.  I blame Kenny"s coffee cakes.

One fan tried to explain that the tail of Beckham"s button-down was actually covering the thigh.

"Stunning!!" said fan wrote on Twitter.  "Someone said the thigh of her back leg is missing but it"s just her shirt."

Eh, I see the background.

Check out the photo for yourself to determine whether or not this was the result of fabric placement, or if it was all Kenny"s fault.

Victoria beckham missing thigh seems fine with it

Friday, January 22, 2016

15 Reasons Why The Kids Are The Best Part of KUWTK

Despite the amount of troubling news keeping them relevant, ratings for the Kardashian"s reality series are down to past seasons.  

We can"t help but think this is due to the lack of cuteness running around while the women figure out why the men in their lives are so broken.

Enough sadness!  Give us Penelope.  Give us North.  Give us Mason because he loves the beach AND life!


1. North: Let Me Tamper With Your Face, Mom

North west tries to grab kims face

Why does it feel so…waxy?

2. Penelope: I’m Almost Free Of This Prison

Penelope disick attempts to walk

Just a few more steps, and I can flag down my Uber.

3. Mason: Grandma Screamed When She Saw Dad Naked

Mason disick rolls his eyes

When did she become such a prude?

4. Penelope: There Must Be a Child Services Button On This Thing

Penelope disick holds a phone and smiles

No luck, but I did order 6 puppies. Clear your data next time, mom.

5. Penelope: There’s Vodka In Here

Penelope disick sips her starbucks water

No, I will not slow down.

6. North: I’ve Devised A Failsafe Way To Travel

North wests airport ride

It’s rather genius, really.

View Slideshow

Monday, November 23, 2015

Anonymous "RickRolls" ISIS as Part of Awesome Anti-Terror Campaign

The November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris outraged the world and united leaders in their efforts to degrade and destroy ISIS.

But while armed forces from several nations wage war in the Middle East, the hacker group Anonymous is using less traditional weapons to undermine ISIS’s online recruitment and propaganda campaigns. Yes, the world’s most powerful terrorist organization is now experiencing the power of the RickRoll:

As you probably know, Rickrolling is the practice of tricking someone into clicking on a link to the music video for Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.”

It’s usually something your douchiest Facebook friend does on April Fool’s Day, but in the right hands, RickRolling can be a powerful tool for making the worst kinds of people look like the jackasses they are.

The Foo Fighters RickRolled the Westboro Baptist Church back in August, proving once and for all that Dave Grohl ranks amongst the coolest mo-fos on the planet.

Now, Anonymous is using the Astley’s 1987 ear-worm to seriously confuse the hell out of some potential ISIS recruits.

Via the #OpParis Twitter account, Anonymous announced last week that they’ve begun “spamming ISIS hashtags with rickrolls.”

It may seem like an odd way to combat terror, but Twitter has proven to be a powerful communication tool for ISIS in the past, and replacing their tweets with the dulcet tones of Mr. Astley’s surprisingly baritone vocals not only stops them from spreading their messages of hate, it also publicly humiliates them in hilarious fashion.

So keep on RickRolling, Anonymous. We know you’ll never let us down.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Hunger Games Mockingjay - Part 2 Reviews: Are the Odds in its Favor?

The Girl on Fire is about to fizzle out.

But not before she gets revenge for herself, her District and all the other Districts out there. So we assume, at least.

The Hunger Games Mockingjay – Part 2 hits theaters on November 20, with Jennifer Lawrence putting on her pin and picking up her bow-and-arrow one final time.

What are critics saying about the final installment of this beloved franchise?

It’s safe to assume you’re going to see it as soon as possible no matter what, but here’s a rundown of some positive and negative The Hunger Games Mockingjay – Part  reviews:

As it turns out, they saved the best for last. “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2” is a dark film, in a dramatically satisfying way. – The Arizona Republic

Mockingjay – Part 2 deserves credit for incorporating real-world themes like media manipulation, terrorism and power vacuums, but its somber-faced, hand-wringing treatment can be tough to take seriously. – Newsday

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2 brings the four-film saga of Katniss Everdeen and her revolutionary war to a dutiful, fairly satisfying if undeniably attenuated conclusion. – The Chicago Tribune

Mockingjay – Part 2 is a grim, dark, trippy, violent and sometimes just plain bizarre journey, which makes for a fitting if uneven conclusion to a film series that’s always been weird. – The Chicago Sun-Times

It’s a rare film adaptation that improves upon the original text, highlighting its crucial themes while streamlining and shaping the action into something legible and gripping. – Vanity Fair

This fourth and final entry into the cinematic world of Katniss and company is a bit of overkill, but certainly will please fans who can now say they have lived though the whole epic story which of course was cooked up by Suzanne Collins in her literary trilogy. – Deadline

All those years ago when I turned my nose at the first film for its apparently franchise-friendly machinations, and at the second film for how the marketing contradicted the messaging, I was falling head-first into a trap. Well played, Katniss. Well played. – Forbes

Friday, November 6, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Reveals MAJOR Side Boob at Mockingjay Part 2 Premiere

Movie fans around the country have been waiting for nearly a year for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 to hit theaters.

In reality, though, we should have been waiting for photos of the London premiere for for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 to hit the Web.

Because, holy Hell, does Jennifer Lawrence look hot in them!

The Oscar-winning actress walked the red carpet with a sleek new haircut and also with a very revealing dress, the sort of ensemble that Kim Kardashian would be hesitant to don in public.

Okay, that’s not true at all.

But Jennifer most definitely did not include a bra underneath this black number, giving onlookers a rather clear look at some rather serious side boob.

We already knew that Lawrence had a talent for stuffing marshmallows into her mouth, but we had no idea she had a talent for being so risque on the red carpet.

We love it!

The final installment of The Hunger Games franchise will hit theaters on November 20.

It will bring back Lawrence in the lead role of Katniss Everdeen, as well as co-stars Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Banks and Woody Harrelson.

We’ll miss The Hunger Games when it’s gone.

But at least Lawrence has a long film career in front of her, meaning she has many future red carpet on which to pose and show off a great deal of skin.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Woman Tries to Pet Tiger at Zoo; Loses Part of Hand

Jacqueline Eide wanted to pet a tiger.  So the 33-year-old reach her left hand into the tiger’s cage at Henry Doorly Zoo.  And just as you suspect, the tiger ripped half of her hand off.

After Eide was rushed to Creighton University Medical Center, police were made aware of the incident.

Eide was behaving belligerently and showing signs of intoxication, so police were asked to assist.

The result of the injury is so severe that she may lose part of her hand.

But she has more to worry about than just her injury.  According to the Omaha Police Department, Eide has been cited for criminal trespass.

“The safety and security of our guests and animals are always a priority at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium,” Dennis Pate, the zoo’s executive director and CEO, said.

Pate continued, “Emergency phone numbers are printed on maps for guests to call in case of an emergency and security staff keep watch on grounds around the clock.”

“We have added security cameras, new path lighting and computer-controlled locks to track exit and entry.”

“Additional path lighting is planned for the new African Grasslands exhibit and more cameras will be installed to monitor the grounds and gates. We will continue to keep security a top priority for Zoo guests and animals.”

Because of people like Eide, the zoo plans to include more cameras in the future.