Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2018

Jinger Duggar: Shamed by Fans Over Pregnancy

It’s no secret that Jinger Duggar Vuolo is pregnant. In fact, fans were just treated to a look at Jinger’s baby bump at 15 weeks.

Some fans are offering Jinger and Jeremy their congratulations. This will be the couple’s first child.

Others, however, appear to be shaming the couple for having “taken so long” to get pregnant.

After Jinger shared her good news — and a glimpse of her baby bump — fans and followers filled her Instagram comments.

“Yay!! They are finally pregnant!!”

That comment … didn’t need the finally part, but it’s overall positive and doesn’t seem to be mean-spirited.

“Omg yay!!! Finally.  I’m so happy for you guys.”

That’s more like it.

“Congratulations, so happy for you guys! My God bless you and your family.”

That one’s sweet and incorporates a reference to the Duggar family’s Christian faith. Totally appropriate.

Other commenters offered their heartfelt congratulations … while also congratulating the “late” timing of the news, since Jinger and Jeremy have been married for a “whopping” 15 months.

“You look gorgeous. So glad you took time to just enjoy being a married couple before having a baby. I suspect you planned it that way & good on you. After all, women are not just brood mares.”

She does look great. Though we suspect that Jim Bob would disagree about the brood mares comment.

“I am glad you waited a little bit to enjoy being a newlywed. There is nothing like being parents but you also need time to learn and grow as a couple first.”

That’s definitely very healthy!

“So cute. Congratulations , I happy you had a year to learn about each other without distractions.”

Most people learn about each other by dating, but the courtship-to-marriage pipeline for the Duggars is practically instantaneous. 

Then came a comment that sounded an awful lot like shaming.

“Finally I was wondering if y’all were just gonna use birth control unlike the rest of your sisters. But I guess it happened for ya all in good time.”

This sounds like, for one thing, they’re relieved. And there seems to be a judgmental tone to it.

I’m not the only one who picked up on this and similar comments as being rude; one commenter took their peers to task:

“You don’t know why she didn’t get pregnant right away, whether it was by choice or they were having trouble for some reason or if she’s had miscarriages.”

In fact, very miscarriages are so common that many women have them without realizing that they were ever pregnant. The commenter continues:

“Please think about that kind of comment for any pregnant woman, because some women actually want to get pregnant right away and it can be hurtful when you congratulate them for a timeline they didn’t plan on.”

A couple of these comments seemed a little off-topic but also worth mentioning, so that people can get the full spectrum of Jinger’s Instagram comments:

“Congrats to you Jinger & Jeremy can’t wait to start the new season on the 26th of February. I have been wondering what the heck was going on and finally saw a commercial last night. My husband always has the control but I have a lot of shows saved on the dvr”

This sounds less like a comment and more like a cry for help. One possibly misplaced in the Instagram comments of a Duggar, since the family eschews both “worldly” entertainment and any notion of gender equality.

And then there’s this:

“The Lord put you and your baby on my heart today to claim the Lords DNA In every cell in that little babies body! And for protection against any firey darts the enemy tries to throw in the growing process! The Holy Spirit is guarding your womb and you will have a healthy baby and God ordained delivery in Jesus name!”

That is perhaps the most colorful well-wishing that we’ve ever seen on Instagram.

Jim Bob has been criticized for doing his best to force his children to be “clones” of his ideology and lifestyle by deterring them from seeking higher education (or public education).

Jinger may be a deviation from that — or maybe she and Jeremy have been trying their hardest to conceive since they got married.

We don’t know. Frankly, it’s not our business when an adult gets pregnant or what they did or didn’t do along the way.

She’s pregnant now and anyone who considers themselves a real fan should just offer congratulations. Pariod.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Jenelle Evans FINALLY Addresses Pregnancy Rumors!

Jenelle Evans is not exactly the most beloved of all the Teen Moms.

In fact, she’s currently locked in an eternal battle with Farrah Abraham for the title of Most Hated Cast Member.

But fans remain fascinated by Jenelle’s life – and who could blame them?

The woman is nicknamed the Carolina Hurricane for a reason, after all.

Pretty much the only constant in Jenelle’s life is that it’s constantly filled with drama.

It’s a condition that might make life stressful for those around her, but it also makes for compelling reality TV.

For example, Jenelle just married David Eason in September, and their marriage is already the subject of constant rumors.

First, there were reports that Jenelle and David are headed for divorce.

The Easons claimed otherwise, but given their shaky relationship with the truth, it’s not hard to see why they had a hard time convincing fans that all was well in their marriage.

(The fact that David changed his Facebook relationship status to “single” didn’t help their argument.)

Anyway, after weeks of rumors, a stunning thing happened:

Teen Mom Twitter completely reversed course and started circulating a rumor that Jenelle and David’s relationship is going swimmingly.

In fact, several media outlets insisted that – far from getting divorced – the Easons were planning to welcome a fourth child.

Jenelle wanted nothing to do with those reports, and she tweeted the above photo as evidence that she’s not currently expecting.

“Now the @theinquisitr is FASELY trying to report that I’m pregnant with baby 4 and has @ok_magazine convinced and also writing FALSE statements about me once again,” Evans captioned the pic.

“So kill your curiosity, I’m not pregnant.”

Fans were mostly convinced, but they still had fun taking some shots at Jenelle:

“Isn’t this the drama you said you weren’t entertaining?” one fan wrote.

“Anything to try and stay relevant huh?” another commented.

Because it’s generally pretty funny to roast Jenelle, we won’t bother pointing out the irony of commenting on someone’s social media page to inform them they’re no longer relevant.

Anyway, it seems Jenelle very much has her guard up these days.

In addition to the tummy tweet, she posted the following on Twitter:

“Today’s motto: TRUST NO ONE.”

All caps?! Clearly, the woman is serious.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more shenanigans from the Carolina Hurricane.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Kylie Jenner Gives Birth, Reveals Shocking Pregnancy Secrets!

Nine months of secrecy. Nine months of hiding. Nine months of holding back a barrage of selfies and life updates over social media.

Now, the dam has burst.

Kylie Jenner gave birth!!

In an announcement over Twitter and Instagram, Kylie shared that she has given birth to a healthy baby girl. She shared the news on her due date, February 4th, but actually gave birth on February 1st.

In addition to that joyous news — and an apology to her fans for keeping this part of her life when they are accustomed to her sharing so much — Kylie and her family revealed everything that fans had missed.

Below, you can see the numerous photos that Kylie and her family shared, including the world"s first glimpse of Kim"s daughter, Chicago West.

Are you ready to see the baby kick? Are you ready to see the ultrasound? Take a look!

1. Kylie introduces her baby bump

Kylies bump

Did you worry that Kylie had stopped taking photos of herself? Never fear!

2. Kylie and Khloe

Kylie and khloe pregnancy sisters

Kylie and Khloe were pregnant at the same time despite their massive age difference.

3. Kylie Jenner’s Baby Shower!

Kylie jenner baby shower photo

Kylie kept her pregnancy “secret” from the world, but it was no secret to her friends who attended her baby shower.

4. Kylie and Heather

Kylie jenner and baby bump

Kylie Jenner and Heather Sanders showcased their baby bumps, side-by-side.

5. Pregnant together

Kylie jenner and heather sanders

Kylie reveals that she and Heather had joked that they would both be pregnant at the same time.

6. Kylie’s announcement and apology

Kylie jenner gives birth announcement

Before Kylie’s self-imposed embargo on new photos ended, Kylie shared the news on February 4th.

View Slideshow

Monday, February 5, 2018

Kylie Jenner Pregnancy Photos: They"re Finally Here!

Talk about anti-climactic!

Typically, when a star as big as Kylie Jenner gets pregnant, baby bump photos are everywhere in the months before the baby arrives.

But Kylie broke all the rules while carrying her kid.

On Sunday, the world learned that Kylie welcomed a baby girl on February 1.

With an astonishing 102 million Instagram followers, the 20-year-old reality star is usually one of the most visible people on social media.

But during her pregnancy, Kylie all but disappeared from the public eye.

(Well, to the extent that it’s possible for a member of the Kardashian clan to disappear from the public eye.)

There were many rumors as to why this was the case, and Kylie put some of them to rest in a heartfelt Instagram post yesterday.

Basically, it sounds like the pressures of impending motherhood and her insecurities about her changing body compelled her to lie low – but now that the baby has arrived, we finally get to see what Kylie looked like when she was knocked up!

The photo above was posted by Kylie’s friend Heather Sanders, who was pregnant at the same time as Jenner.

Heather posted the pic, along with the following tribute to Kylie:

“Congratulations To The sweetest,Loving, Most Caring person on earth! So happy we got to share this experience together!” Sanders wrote.

“Sleep together, Eat together, Workout etc Love Having you as my pregnant sister for 9 Months! You are going to be such an amazing Mom, and your beautiful baby is the luckiest girl in the world to have you as her mother.

“You Were Made For This! I Love You So Much! Can’t wait for Your Snap Back We Not Even Ready.”

Another one of Kylie’s bump buddies is her sister Khloe Kardashian.

Khloe is still pregnant with her first child, and it seems she’ll miss having Kylie around as her partner in pregnancy.

Like Sanders, Khloe posted a pic of herself with a pregnant Kylie, along with some heartfelt words of support:

“Congratulations My Sweet Kylie! What a magical ride it’s been! I’ll miss you bumping along with me,” Khloe wrote.

“Never in a million years did I think we would do this together but it’s been that much more special because of it.

“God is so great!! He had His plan all along! I love you little mama.”

Sounds like a lot of folks will miss pregnant Kylie.

Fortunately, Mama Kylie is taking her place, and we’re guessing she’ll be pretty popular, too.

After all, not every new mother can boast a 9-figure Instagram following.

Our sincere congrats go out to Kylie and her family.

We’re sure she’ll slay motherhood the same way she slays the selfie game.


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s Pregnancy Shots Well-Documented Ahead of Birth

Kylie Jenner might’ve been out of the spotlight through her pregnancy … but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t keeping tabs on her baby bump along the way. A then-pregnant Kylie is seen showing off her belly in a number of different scenarios and poses…


Kylie Jenner Shows Off Kim Kardashian"s New Baby Chicago West in Pregnancy Video

Kylie Jenner didn’t just make a big news this weekend regarding her own birth … she also fully showed off Kim Kardashian’s new baby in the process. Kylie put newborn Chicago West on full display Sunday in a pregnancy montage video she posted as…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo Talks Jinger Duggar Pregnancy, Trolls Jim Bob

It’s been almost a month since we first learned that Jinger Duggar is expecting her first child, and the beloved 24-year-old is clearly enjoying sharing her excitement with fans.

While her sister Joy-Anna continues to keep a low-profile, Jinger has already shared her due date and posted a pic in which her long-awaited baby bump can clearly be seen.

Not surprisingly, it seems Jeremy Vuolo is every bit as psyched as his wife is about the idea of starting a family.

Vuolo sat down for a rare interview over the weekend, and he candidly shared his thoughts about becoming a father.

“Well, I have a family on the way here,” Jeremy said.

“My wife is pregnant and due in July with our first. But I think it begins with establishing that relationship with your wife and I think just walking through the word together.”

Jeremy went on to hold court about his religious beliefs in a way that’s very much in keeping with the Duggar brand:

“If you’re abiding in Christ and walking with Christ daily, I think it can look like sharing that and opening the lines of communication about your own walk with Christ,” he told the hosts.

“Where are you wrestling right now? How is scripture helping you? Just opening that communication and fellow shipping with your spouse and that’s gonna translate to your children.”

He concluded by sharing some thoughts on what he sees as the relationship between his religious beliefs and his duties as a husband and father:

“If you’re not spending the time in the work yourself, if you’re not disciplining yourself to walk with Christ in your devotional time,” he said.

“Then how do you expect to really pour into [your] family?”

Now, that may all seem perfectly innocent and perfectly in line with the Duggars’ message but there’s reason to believe that Jim Bob was less than thrilled about Jeremy’s latest interview.

You see, the podcast that Vuolo appeared on is called Calvinist Batman & Friends.

That may seem like an innocently dorky title, but it might have been enough to have JB buttoning up his angriest flannel and preparing for a very soft-spoken confrontation.

Much to his father-in-law’s chagrin, Jeremy is a Calvinist.

Jim Bob is decidedly not, and actually finds the belief system to be heretical.

Not surprisingly, this clash of beliefs has led to growing tension between Jim Bob and Jeremy.

But don’t worry, we’re sure it’ll all be resolved when the baby is born and Jeremy and Jinger raise it in such a way as to condemn its mortal soul to the fires of hell in Jim Bob’s eyes.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Is Her Pregnancy Destroying Her Businesses?

When the world first learned that Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child, it was widely assumed that she would share every detail of her pregnancy, just as she had shared every detail of every other aspect of her life up to that point.

Fans braced themselves for Kylie’s line of maternity wear, her frequent baby bump selfies, and her inevitable parenting book.

However, it seems that no one considered the possibility that Kylie would take a different tack entirely and simply disappear.

Yes, there was a time when the idea of Kylie taking a extended break from social media would’ve been as absurd as the thought of a reality TV star being elected president.

But as it stands, Kylie hasn’t been seen on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram–where she reigns supreme with an astonishing 100 million followers–in over two months.

Sure, she’s posted in that time, but none of her photos have been recent, and none of her captions have given any real insight into what’s going on in her life.

Given that the success of Kylie’s many business ventures relies almost entirely on her status as social media queen, it’s no surprise that profits have taken quite a hit in recent months.

As Radar Online reports, Kylie’s cosmetics line–once the crown jewel of her empire–is currently in crisis mode following a full-blown sales crisis. 

Wednesday marked the launch of five new shades of Kylie’s brand of liquid lipsticks.

Typically, the release of a new color is a site-crashing event, and the shades sell out within minutes.

This time, however, the products are still available nearly 36 hours after they were released.

That may not sound like a disaster, but this is the same makeup line that launched just over a year ago and has very nearly made Kylie a billionaire at age 20.

That kind of wealth wasn’t generated from products that sit on the virtual shelves for several days after their launch.

Kylie’s “lip kits” thrive on artificial scarcity.

They’re like Beanie Babies or iPhones for Kardashian-obessed Millennials.

Without Kylie hawking her wares on Instagram, her fans see the kits as what they are:

Overpriced makeup that can be purchased for a third of the price at Target.

Kylie’s empire is built in large part on illusion, and it seems the hard reality of impending single motherhood is making difficult for her to keep up appearances.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Kim Kardashian Confesses: Surrogacy is Harder than Pregnancy!

At the beginning of the week, Kim and Kanye welcome their third child — a healthy baby girl. 

We don’t yet know the youngest West child’s name, but we do know how she was born. Kim’s pregnancy via surrogacy was … not exactly secret.

But now Kim is opening up about everything about her pregnancy and her huge decision to have this child via surrogate.

In a post on her app, Kim Kardashian spoke about her pregnancy decision — about her surrogate, why she chose that route, and about her healthy baby daughter.

“It’s as if she was with us the whole time,” she says of her new baby. She then explains that, because of her history with pre-eclampsia and placenta accreta, this was really her only option.

“Doctors said that it wasn’t safe for my, or the baby’s, health to carry my own.”

Which, of course, is why Kim and Kanye opted for what she refers to as a “gestational carrier,” but almost everyone else refers to as a surrogate.

In case there’s any confusion about whose gametes got to mingle to make the third Kimye baby, Kim clarifies that her child is “biologically mine and Kanye’s.”

Did anyone really think otherwise? Kim’s eggs work just fine; it’s the placentas that form in her body that try to kill her.

Are you ready to hear about how hard it is having a surrogate? Because Kim’s ready to tell you.

“Having a gestational carrier is definitely different, but anyone who says or thinks it’s the easy way out is completely wrong.”

Well, sure. For one thing, it’s super duper expensive, which is likely why the mysterious surrogate hired by Kim and Kanye agreed to it in the first place, though we don’t know how rich the surrogate may now be.

Kim says that it’s not all carefree fun, though.

“People assume it’s better because you don’t have to deal with the physical changes, pain, or complications with delivery.”

Well … yeah.

“But for me it was so hard to not carry my own child, especially after I carried North and Saint.”

Ah. She’s talking about bonding. Not the baby’s bonding — her nameless third child is doing plenty of that. But Kim’s own bonding.

But, clearly, she still feels that having a surrogate is better than dying.

As for her surrogate, Kim says that she “trusted her completely throughout the entire process.”

That’s great. I think that we’ve all seen one episode of a crime show or another where a couple’s surrogacy plans didn’t turn out as they’d expected.

Normal couples have to worry that their surrogate will change her mind and keep their child. For Kim, there must have been fears of spilling secrets.

“I’m so grateful for modern technology and that this is even possible.”

Scientists have actually made an artificial womb recently, and I believe that they were able to grow a lamb in it. Some say that this is the future of surrogacy — parents could watch development in a little nook within their home. Just putting that out there.

But, to be clear, Kim isn’t trying to push this idea on everyone.

“It’s not for everyone, but I absolutely love my gestational carrier and this was the best experience I’ve ever had.”

Considering that Kim’s pregnancies were high risk, we’d imagine so.

“Having a gestational carrier was so special for us and she made our dreams of expanding our family come true.”

We’re so glad that this worked out so well for Kim.

Though Kim is quick to make it clear that she did this because she might have died otherwise, let’s make something clear:

There’s nothing wrong with surrogacy, even with zero medical necessity. It shouldn’t have any stigma attached to it.

Many like the idea of having a surrogate simply so that they don’t have to go through pain and suffering to birth a child. 

And those who can afford the service may also like the idea of financially assisting the person who’s helping them have a child.

It’s a win-win scenario. The only losers are people who think that a natural birth is the only way, and those folks are losers anyway.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Lamar Odom: Throwing Shade at Khloe Kardashian Over Pregnancy News?!

OK, so it’s been nearly four months now since we first learned that Khloe Kardashian is pregnant with her first child.

Or one month, if you just want to go from her confirmation of the big news.

Either way, that’s a pretty decent about of time for Lamar Odom to hear about the news and to come to terms with it.

Or at least to come to terms with it enough to be able to give a statement on the subject without coming across as a little bit shady, right?


Lamar makes an appearance in an upcoming episode of Mancave, a talk shot on BET, and he was asked about Khloe’s pregnancy.

“I’m happy for her,” he said. “She took care of me. She’ll be a good mother, for real. She’s a great woman.”

And that part is sweet, right?

It’s also very, very true.

We all remember how, back in 2015, Lamar suffered an overdose that very nearly killed him, and how Khloe stayed by his side, even though they were going through a divorce.

She even called off the divorce so that she’d be able to help make medical decisions for him when he was unable to do so himself.

We heard about how she rarely left his side while he was in the hospital — if she ever did at all — and how she was so intent to stay with him that she didn’t even shower when things were touch and go there for a while.

She said then that she stayed with him because while their marriage obviously didn’t work out, she still had love for him, and she couldn’t just abandon him in such a time.

So she did take care of him, in a very real way.

But this next thing that Lamar said in the interview?

Well, it wasn’t quite so sweet …

“I still got my shawty’s name still on me, her initials still on me,” he said, referring to the matching tattoos he and Khloe got on their hands when they were married.

“But for no reason,” he clarified.

He said that “I understand when it’s over, it’s over. When she was with her second or third NBA ball player, I could see that.”

Damn, Lamar, don’t hold back!

We get that he’s probably just joking around, or trying to make light of a difficult situation, and of course the Kardashians have always appreciated professional athletes for boyfriends.

But this just seems a little too catty, you know?

It’s not like Khloe ran through NBA players after filing for divorce — which she did, by the way, at least in part because Lamar publicly cheated on her.

The only serious relationships she had between Lamar and Tristan Thompson were with French Montana, a rapper, and James Harden.

She was rumored to be dating Rick Fox for a little while in there, too, so Tristan would make her third NBA player after Lamar.

But regardless of the types of men she decides to date, it’s obvious that she’s very happy right now, way happier than she was during much of her marriage to Lamar here.

And really, that’s what counts.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Duggar Pregnancy Race: Who Will Deliver First?!

The race is on, folks.

Who will be the first Duggar to welcome a child in 2018?

Three of the women in the family are pregnant, and it may seem like there’s a clear frontrunner–but far from receiving a gold medal, the odds-on favorite might be roundly ostracized if she delivers first. 

Allow us to explain.

The first of the pregnant Duggars to announce that she’s expecting was Joy-Anna, who revealed her baby bump just three months after marrying Austin Forsyth.

Not surprisingly, the timing resulted in a preponderance of “shotgun wedding” rumors.

If Joy delivers well ahead of schedule (as many fans believe she will), it could result in a minor scandal, as her family prohibits all forms of premarital sex.

Needless to say, of all the pregnant Duggars, Joy is the one attracting the most attention these days,

Next up is Kendra Caldwell, who’s currently pregnant with Joseph Duggar’s baby

Kendra announced last month that she’s expecting, but it’s not clear how far along she is.

There haven’t been any shotgun rumors there, but Kendra is still keeping pretty quiet about the details of her pregnancy.

(Well, “quiet” by the standards of Duggar sisters, who have been known to post weekly “bump selfies” on their Instagram pages.)

Of course, there’s always greater interest in the Duggar daughters than in the sons or their wives, so it should come as no surprise that Kendra’s thunder was effectively stolen when Jinger Duggar announced that she’s expecting her first child.

Now, this isn’t on par with Jana Duggar announcing she’s in a courtship, but it’s still news that the Duggar faithful have waiting for for quite some time.

Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo way back in November of 2016, which means she was married for over a year before she got pregnant.

That’s almost unheard of in a family in which women are taught from a young age that procreation is their primary reason for being.

Jinger is also more active on social media than Kendra, so she’s likely to retain her place in the spotlight.

As for the question of who will deliver first … well, the smart money is on Joy-Anna, and if it happens in the next couple weeks, buckle in for what should be some memorable Duggar drama.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Kylie Jenner: Pregnancy Complicated to Come?

Kylie Jenner is a still an expecting mother.

Despite recent rumors to the contrary, the reality star did NOT give birth over the weekend.

Why did this chatter even make the social media rounds?

Why was there talk that Jenner completed labor already and is resting comfortably with her newborn?

Because, insiders tell Radar Online, the 20-year old did see her doctor.

And, yes, the visit was related to her pregnancy… and not simply a regular check-up, either.

“She is due in late February or early March and she is having some minor complications right now that may force her to deliver the baby C-section,” claims a Radar source, adding a bit ominously:

“It is nothing too alarming; her docs think that it would be the best option for the delivery.”

A c-section is the short-hand name for a procedure known as a “cesarean section.”

This is when a woman delivers a baby through a surgical incision in her abdomen and uterus – and, yes, it is very common.

There’s typically a couple week recovery time afterward, however, during which time the mother is very sore and has difficulty doing everyday tasks such as walking or holding her baby.

It’s a common surgery, but it’s still a real surgery.

Most women would prefer to avoid it.

We have no idea what Kylie’s medical condition may be, but it’s well known at this point that half-sister Kim Kardashian experienced two very challenging pregnancies.

She has something called placenta accreta, placenta increta or placenta percreta.

This is means the placenta’s blood vessels attach too deeply to the uterus’ wall; the condition can lead to complications such as blood loss and the inability to conceive again.

Kim did give birth vaginally to both North and Saint West.

But doctors advised against her trying for a third child, which is why she and Kanye West are instead set to welcome a new son or daughter via surrogate.

Kylie, meanwhile, still has not said a word about being pregnant.

Neither has baby daddy and semi-long-term boyfriend Travis Scott.

As a result, we cannot verify this report or, to be honest, anything related to Kylie’s expecting state.

This is where we’d typically make some sort of joke at Jenner’s expense, but the timing just feels off.

If this story is true, and there really may be complications ahead, we simply feel badly for her and wish Jenner the best.

If she’s hiding her baby bump because she’s sad and ashamed, then we say the same thing.

A new life is about to be brought into the world and that’s an awesome responsibility.

This isn’t a time for jokes or mockery, just for the very best of wishes.


Monday, January 15, 2018

Amber Portwood: See Her Pregnancy Test Freakout on Teen Mom OG!

As you surely know by now, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

It is not necessarily good news.

We"d love to be happy and excited and to think good thoughts for Amber with all this, but it"s just so hard, for many reasons.

Like, just so many reasons.

One, she barely sees the one kid she already has. On the current season of Teen Mom OG, we"ve learned that she didn"t see Leah once during her summer vacation.

We also learned that she"s behind on her child support payments, even though she admitted she did have the money.

Two, she"s just coming out of a really, really bad relationship, and she should have probably taken some time to heal from the grossness that was Matt Baier.

Three, she"s only known this baby"s father, Andrew Glennon, for a few months.

Usually when you start dating someone new, you want to take that time in the beginning to get to know them and to see if you"re compatible with each other. Welcoming a life into the world makes that a little more complicated.

The whole thing is honestly just so messy and weird.

And as we can see in this clip from tonight"s new episode of Teen Mom OG, it"s been that way since the moment they found out she was pregnant.

The clip begins with Amber and Andrew in bed on their Hawaiian vacation, and she tells him that she"s been feeling tired.

"Is this how you felt when you were pregnant with Leah?" he asks as the camera zooms in on a box of pregnancy tests.

"Totally," she confirms.

They read the instructions on the box, and then they hold hands for a minute and refuse to meet each other"s eyes until she gets up to go pee on that stick.

From the bathroom, we hear Amber go "Um … babe."

He asks her what"s happening, and she lets out a bunch of cusses as she brings him the test, so he can see the results for himself.

Neither of them look excited at what we know now is a positive result.

So, OK, let"s look at the math real quick, all right?

Amber and Matt wrapped up filming on Marriage Boot Camp at the very end of June — that"s where she met Andrew.

He creeped on her after the show was over, and around August 11th, we saw the first photos of them cuddled up together.

On September 23rd, she posted the first photos of their trip to Hawaii.

Considering all that, it"s likely that she got pregnant pretty much as soon as she began dating Andrew — either that, or Matt"s going to have another addition to his big, sad family tree.

Watch the strange beginning to this tragic saga in the video below:

Amber portwood see her pregnancy test freakout on teen mom og

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

O.J. Simpson Addresses Khloe"s Pregnancy: Is He the Grandfather?!

For years, people have speculated that Khloe Kardashian might be O.J. Simpson’s daughter. With O.J.’s release from prison, the topic’s come up more and more recently.

Now that Khloe Kardashian has confirmed her pregnancy, some of those same people believe that O.J. may be the grandfather.

O.J. is finally speaking up. What does he believe?

The O.J. Simpson trial was one of the most infamously divisive trials in the history of the US.

But there are people who believe that O.J. is responsible for more than a couple of alleged murders, an armed robbery, and a series of brutal domestic assaults against his late ex-wife during their relationship.

Quite a number of people believe the conspiracy theory that O.J. Simpson is responsible for Khloe Kardashian.

In that these people believe that Kris Jenner cheated on Robert Kardashian with O.J. Simpson back when they were all friends. They believe that Kris then got pregnant and passed off Khloe as Robert’s daughter.

It might be absurd. It might also be a veiled insult against Khloe for being “bigger” than her sisters (she’s only 5-foot-10, folks; that’s not actually tall; call me when she hits her head on a regular doorframe while walking without heels).

Khloe Kardashian is pregnant with Tristan Thompson’s baby, and the couple is delighted.

Well, okay. Khloe is tired of unsolicited advice from her sisters.

She’s also pretty tired from concern-trolling on social media about things that she continues to do, like exercise.

She’s said that her doctor told her that she should keep doing whatever she’s been doing before she became pregnant.

And, despite the claims of mom-shamers everywhere, people who exercise in a healthy manner while pregnant aren’t endangering their babies.

But is O.J. Simpson going to ruin her party by publicly announcing that he’s excited about “his” grandchild?

TMZ caught up with O.J. and asked him what he thought about Khloe’s pregnancy, using language that clearly suggested the possibility that Khloe is his secret daughter.

He says that congratulations are in order.

“Well, for Bob, God bless his soul, yeah.”

It will always be sad that Robert Kardashian died knowing that he’d been part of keeping O.J. out of prison.

“I don’t know for me.”

Wait … is he saying that he doesn’t know if he’s Khloe’s dad?

“I don’t think for me I have nothing to do with it.”

He then pivots to talking about Kris’ daughters in general.

“Khloe and the girls are all terrific girls … I think today they’re still nice and terrific.”

Remember, folks, that he knew those girls as they were growing up.

He also comments on their sex appeal that they have going now, which is gross to the max.

Finally, he commends Khloe and Tristan on their impending parenthood.

“I’m happy for them. Congratulations to her.”

And then denies that this will be his grandchild.

“But, trust me, I had nothing to do with it. I would be proud if I’d had anything to do with it.”

One, trust me is not a great choice of words here, my guy.

Two, he would be proud if he’d slept with his best friend’s wife?

