Showing posts with label Quitting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quitting. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Announces New Show: Is She Quitting Teen Mom 2?!

Kailyn Lowry has a lot on her plate these days.

A recent college grad, Kailyn welcomed her third child last month, and she’s currently looking into grad school options.

Oh, and of course, there’s that whole “starring in a wildly popular reality show” thing.

But believe it or not, Kailyn is eager to take on more responsibility and pursue even greater opportunities.

In a recent interview with Radar Online, Lowry revealed that she’s currently developing a television pilot about a topic very close to her heart.

“I filmed a pilot with one of my friends back in March so I am hoping to edit that and try to get it out there,” Lowry told the outlet.

“I want to pitch it and see what happens,” she added.

Asked for details about the show, Kailyn perhaps intentionally kept things a bit vague:

“It’s a TV show about working moms with a spin to it,” she said.

Unfortunately, it looks like that’s all she wants to say for now.

Is it a scripted series? Another reality show? Is she hoping to pitch it to MTV?

For the time being, at least, Kailyn’s not talking.

The good news is, it doesn’t look like the new series will prevent Lowry from continuing to star on Teen Mom 2.

As for the show’s chances of getting picked up and when it might premiere, Kail doesn’t have a whole lot of information to offer – but it sounds like that’s because she’s in the dark herself.

Switching gears to dicuss her future academic efforts, Kailyn says she’s definitely planning to pursue a master’s degree in the very near future.

“I just don’t know when,” she said.

“It depends on the kids and where I’m at. I don’t know exactly for what yet either.”

And of course, these days, Kailyn is asked when she’ll reveal the name of her third child, but she’s still keeping that information on a need-to-know basis:

“I have not filled out legal paperwork yet,” she said.

“There is always room for me to change my mind on the name. That’s why I haven’t announced it yet. But once I do fill out the paper work I’m going to announce it.”

She added:

“It’s not a family name or anything like that. It’s something I stumbled across over the years and it kind of always was in the back of my mind.”

So it sounds like Baby Lo does have a name, as far as Kailyn’s concerned, but she hasn’t gotten around to making it legal yet.

Like we said, she’s got a lot on her plate these days!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on Kailyn’s incredibly busy life.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer: Quitting Teen Mom Amidst Drug Scandal?!

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, then you likely remember the most shocking scene from the show’s latest season finale.

In the weeks prior to the wedding of Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer, there were serious concerns about Ryan’s extensive substance abuse.

On the drive to the ceremony, those concerns came to a head in frightening fashion.

Edwards drove to the wedding so high on prescription painkillers that he was often unable to keep his eyes open.

Standifer was by his side in the passenger seat, and she took a good deal of flak from fans for allowing him to drive in that condition and turning off the car’s dash cam so as to prevent viewers from seeing the entire ride.

Shortly after the wedding, Edwards checked into rehab, and he’s now reportedly sober.

But the damage to Standifer’s reputation had already been done.

At first, Mackenzie fought back against allegations that she endangered lives by allowing Edwards to drive.

Then, she went silent.

And now, it looks as though Standifer may have decided that the life of a reality star is simply not for her.

Mackenzie Standifer Post

Mackenzie posted the above photo to Instagram this afternoon.

Radar Online is reporting that it’s her not-so-subtle way of informing fans that she’s quitting Teen Mom.

The site reports that several of Mackenzie’s followers commented with requests for further clarification:

“The show? If so sad to see you go,” one fan commented.

“Hope it’s not TMOG!” wrote another.

Not only did Mackenzie fail to respond, she deleted the comments.

We’d say that’s about as unsubtle as a sledgehammer.

In the weeks before she went silent on Twitter, Standifer alternated between defending her actions and begging fans to ease up on the criticism.

“Here’s a thought… maybe instead of making assumptions and tearing people down, you could spend that time praying for us instead,” she tweeted last month.

It may be quite some time before Mackenzie makes an official statement about her future on the series.

But something tells us you won’t be seeing her on MTV anytime soon.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Woody Harrelson Opens Up About Foursomes, Police Brutality & Quitting Pot

Woody Harrelson is an esteemed actor who has appeared on some of the biggest hits around. From TV shows to movies, he’s had success at many things. 

One thing he was not successful at, however, was having a foursome while he was in London. The 55-year-old opened up about several key moments in his life during an interview with THR. 

“I went to this bar in London, and afterward these girls came up to me, these two girls, and asked me, ‘So you want to take a walk on the wild side?’ So I said, ‘I guess I do.’ And then I hopped in the car, and another girl I didn’t even know hopped in,” he revealed.  

“We went to my place, and one of the girls was a razzi [paparazzi] or worked for them, worked for the rags. And she got a photographer to come out. That one girl manipulated the other two.”

Having a member of the paparazzi involved was a sure-fire way to cause some controversy for the star, and he was not impressed. 

“I was bummed when they all left together ‘cause I knew it was going to happen [an article]. News of the World, it was. I never read it ‘cause I didn’t want to read it.”

Who would want to read an article about themselves apparently getting jiggy with three women? At the time, Woody was in a very serious relationship with a woman who later became his wife. 

“I’m not sure how [his now-wife] Laura found out, but she did. I was kind of hoping she wouldn’t see it. I can’t remember the details; I’ve doubtless repressed it.”

What Woody needs to know is that nothing is ever kept on the down low in the celebrity world, so there was no chance he was going to avoid the news becoming common knowledge. 

“She never saw the thing. But someone told her. Laura — this really gives you a sense of the depth of her compassion — what she said to me after finding out was, ‘That must be really hard for you, to have this shit exposed.’ She just said that. Now that doesn’t mean she wasn’t upset.”

“How did I apologize? You know, just your standard Texan grovel. But she forgave me, and we’re still together.”

We’re sure Woody promised to never do it again, and stuff. That’s the standard response when you’re caught in a situation of that caliber. 

Foursomes aside, the actor even opened up about his first time being arrested and all of the drama that ensued from that incident. 

“My first arrest, the police were really brutal,” he began.

“I was 20 or 21, and I was jaywalking, me and a friend, and this cop flags us over, asks to see our ID. My friend showed his ID, but I said, ‘I don’t have my ID,’ which I did, of course,” confirming suspicions that Woody was a cheeky youngster. 

“And he says, ‘Have you been out to some of these bars? Then you had to have an ID to get in.’ I go, ‘Oh, good point.’ So I pull it out, and as I pull it out, he goes, “Don’t lie to me again, punk!”

The officer did not take too kindly to being lied to and reacted in violence to the whole situation, and that’s when the ordeal took a rather dark turn. 

“And then he grabbed me, smashed me against the wall a couple of times.”

“I knocked his hands off, pushed him away and started running. And that was the beginning of a real dire episode. He put out an officer-in-distress signal, and soon I’m just surrounded by blue, and they had me down on the ground, knee in my throat.”

Harrelson felt like the whole ordeal was crazy, and did not like the way he was being handled. 

“It was so brutal, the way they were handling me. A bunch of students gathered around and were complaining to the cops, and the cops were vicious to them, too.”

“Then they threw me in a paddy wagon, and I’m handcuffed behind my back, and I asked one of the cops, “Why are you treating me like this?” And he slammed my head against the van.”

However, there was a glimmer of hope when the van made a stop for someone else. 

“They stopped to pick up this other poor bastard peeing on the sidewalk, and when they opened those back doors, I just shot out of there.”

“They maced the f*ck out of me. And when they mace you, you’re done, that’s the end of the story. So yeah, I went to jail, they rough you up a little more, and before it was over, they had six counts against me.”

Yes, this is a cautionary tale about being snarky with officers of the law. Don’t do it. 

Woody also opened up about his decision to kick pot out of his life for good. He was candid about the reasons surrounding the decision. 

“I stopped smoking pot [14 months ago]. I had some weird reaction, which I looked up later, and it was adrenal exhaustion. I still drink, but I try just to drink on weekends.”

“I mostly just drink wine now, but a few years ago I got into cognac for a while — you know, I’d do shots. I’m a happy drunk, but sometimes I drink to the point where I’m not really thinking very clearly.”

Changing your lifestyle is a difficult task, but Woody knew he needed to change some things up. 

“And one of the bad things about celebrity — there’s a lot of positives, but one of the bad things is everybody wants to have a shot with you.”

“It’s dangerous to go into a regular bar because I can end up doing a lot of shots, depending on the charity of the [other people].”  

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Monday, July 10, 2017

Simon Saran: I"m Done With Farrah Abraham & I"m Quitting Teen Mom!

Farrah Abraham and Simon Saran easily rank right up there with the most dysfunctional couples in the history of the Teen Mom franchise, which is really saying something.

Simon has assumed a weird role as a sort of resident agitator, picking fights with Amber Portwood, Matt Baier, and other cast members, seemingly just for the fun of it.

We always assumed he just gets off on bringing misery into the lives of others, but it could be that it was all part of Simon’s strategy to remain relevant after his ill-fated relationship came to a close.

Yes, after years of on and off drama, it looks as though Farrah and Simon are broken up for good.

The last time they split was in March, but they’ve been spotted together in public multiple times since.

Now, however, it looks like Farrah and Simon’s claims that their just friends are actually legit.

For one thing, Farrah is starring on a reality show called Single AF, which is a pretty good indication that she’s single af.

On top of that, it looks as though Simon has found someone new.

We don’t know her name yet, but the mystery woman is all over Simon’s social media pages.

Tellingly, many fans have jumped to the conclusion that Simon is in a new relationship, and he hasn’t corrected them.

The news comes as something of a surprise, as just last month, fans were buzzing about rumors that Farrah and Simon were engaged.

The former couple went on a romantic vacation to Jamaica together, and Farrah dropped hints about a proposal on Instagram.

So whatever happened between these two that led them to call it quits, it’s safe to assume it happened in the past few weeks.

And that’s not the only recent development in the exciting life of Mr. Saran.

In a recent tweet, the reality star confirmed that he’ll be the subject of an umpcoming Teen Mom special entitled Being Simon – and revealed that that will be the final time he’ll appear on television.

“It will be the last time you see me on screen so make sure you watch it!” Saran tweeted.

Something tells us fans won’t be terribly sad to see him go.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive all of Simon’s most weaselly moments.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Is Another Houseguest Quitting?

We think it’s fair to say Big Brother 19 has had the most shocking first week on the live feeds than any full season of the CBS ratings juggernaut. 

We’ve had one houseguest quitting after a surprising bust-up with one of her fellow allies, and some shocking twists thanks to the Den of Temptation. 

But what happened over the long weekend that’s got everyone talking? Okay. Let’s get to it.

As we previously reported, Cody tried his hardest to try and find common ground with Alex. In short, he felt like she was a strong player and deserved to be there. 

However, Alex told him to his face that she would be targeting him and the rest of the couples if she got into power. That meant Cody had no choice and had to nominate her. 

Unsurprisingly, Alex emerged victoriously in the veto competition, securing her safety for the week. The other side of the house immediately questioned what they should do because Cody was going to have to name his fifth nominee. 

Initially, Cody thought it would be a good idea to backdoor Jason and send the cowboy out of the game early on. However, his alliance members were against this idea. 

This presented Cody with a dilemma. He was friendly with Paul and Christmas but felt like they were going to take him out as soon as they got the opportunity. 

At the veto meeting, Cody nominated Paul as the replacement nominee. However, Paul had the Pendant of Protection and practically shoved it in Cody’s face. 

So, Cody then put Christmas on the block. As expected, it caused a lot of drama on the feeds and Christmas felt betrayed because she thought she had a good thing going with Cody’s side of the house. 

While Christmas fumed, Cody told Paul that he was the target because he did not give him one of the friendship bracelets. Paul respected the decision but was still unimpressed that Cody used underhand tactics to get revenge. 

The plot thickened Monday morning when Christmas decided to jump on Jason’s back and fell flat on her face. In the process, she damaged her foot. 

Presumably knowing she would likely be leaving, she asked producers to have a return next season. Christmas then left the house, and everyone thought she was gone. 

Cody then had to think about naming a replacement nominee… again. He did not know what to do because he’s put so many people on the block in the first week. 

Surprisingly, Christmas reappeared with crutches. Her foot was not broken, but she had damaged ligaments and was told she would get an MRI scan at some point this week. 

With Christmas on the block next to Jillian, will the house choose to keep her safe or send her out before her foot heals? It’s difficult because Christmas is seen as a competition beast. 

Something tells us she may be getting an early exit from the Big Brother house. 

What do you think of this? 

Sound off below!


Monday, June 12, 2017

Farrah Abraham: I"m Quitting Reality TV to Become an Actress!

It seems that despite the many obvious examples that indicate otherwise, just about every young reality TV star assumes they’ll be famous forever.

Some are smart and invest their money, knowing that the reality audiences are a fickle lot and the gravy train won’t keep running til the end of time.

But most are far more delusional, mistakenly believing that the public’s fascination will remain constant.

Farrah Abraham is an extremely rare case, in that she seems to have adopted both strategies.

Farrah owns several frozen yogurt stands, and she’s engaged in several … less family-friendly business ventures, as well.

We’re talking, of course, not only about Farrah’s sex tape, but also the vibrating plastic molds of her various orifices which can be purchased from a number of fine online retailers.

As a reality star and a porn star, you’d think Farrah would realize that the odds of her ever achieving mainstream celebrity status are virtually non-existent.

But you would be assuming that a cogent, self-aware thought has ever passed through Farrah’s mind, and that’s clearly not the case.

In an unintentionally hilarious new interview, Farrah reveals that she dreams of one day gracing the silver screen.

And since we’re pretty sure porn theaters are a thing of the past, that means she’ll have to land a legitimate acting gig.

“I will always have a place in my heart for reality TV as I [have] history in reality television and for social issues time and time again-– but I must continue creating in a different way in my free time,” Farrah tells The Sun.

That’s some grade-A Farrah-babble, right there. *kisses fingertips like an Italian chef*

Love the random insertion of the phrase “social issues” into a sentence in an effort to lend gravity to what she’s saying.

That’s not even close to how words work.

Anyway, there are several reasons why it’s hard to take Farrah’s pledge to ditch reality TV for Hollywood too seriously.

One of which is that she’s currently filming a new reality show!

Yes, Farrah is starring in Love Socially, a UK series in which she’ll use Twitter and Instagram to help her locate bang-able fans.

Not the greatest title when you have Farrah on board.

Just makes us think of a social disease.

Watch Teen Mom online so that you can tell your friends you knew about Farrah before she hit the A-list.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Blake Shelton Quitting The Voice Because of Gwen Stefani?!

It’s been a year and a half since we first learned that Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are dating, and unlike most workplace romances, the relationship seems to have had only positive impacts on the singers’ careers.

The Voice viewers seem to enjoy the Gwen-Blake dynamic, and ratings for the show continue to surge.

But whenever co-workers date, the situation is always fraught with peril, and it looks as though audiences and producers of The Voice may soon find themselves wishing Shelton and Stefani had never hooked up in the first place.

Sources close to the singing competition say Gwen is ready to leave her her coaching duties behind.

The problem, it seems, is that Miley Cyrus plans to return to The Voice next season, and Gwen is less than thrilled by that development.

From the time of her first appearance on the show, there were rumors that Miley didn’t get along with her co-stars.

Most of the reports involved a feud between Miley and Adam Levine, but it seems Cyrus also rubs Stefani the wrong way.

Gwen and Miley have never appeared on the show together (Miley served as Gwen’s temporary replacement in 2016.), and sources claim Gwen intends to keep it that way.

Insiders say Gwen has made it perfectly clear to her bosses that The Voice Season 12 will feature either Stefani or Cyrus – not both. 

“Since Miley is set on coming back to the show next season, Gwen definitely does not want to be on the panel alongside her,” says one tipster.

And what does all of this have to do with Blake Shelton?

Well, it seems that The Voice producers aren’t the only ones receiving ultimatums from Gwen these days:

Sources have indicated that if Gwen doesn’t come back to the show, Blake won’t be returning either:

“Since Gwen does not want to return, now Blake is considering throwing in the towel as well,” one insider claims.

The show has been a consistent hit for NBC for years, but producers now fear that Miley-gate could bring it all crashing down:

“Producers feel like it might be a domino effect,” said one source when asked about the possibility of other coaches quitting as well.

We guess this time Miley really did come in like a wrecking ball.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

"Married to Medicine" Star Lisa Nicole Cloud Quitting Show, Happy National Doctors" Day! (VIDEO)

Lisa Nicole Cloud’s got a strange way of celebrating National Doctors’ Day — she’s done with docs, on TV, anyway. The “Married to Medicine” star told us she and her husband, Dr. Darren Naugles, are leaving the Bravo series. Lisa says she’s…


Monday, February 27, 2017

Adam Lind: ACTUALLY Quitting Teen Mom 2?

Adam Lind has the dubious honor of being considered the douchiest baby daddy in the Teen Mom franchise.

However, it looks like Chelsea Houska’s ex may have forfeited that title as sources close to Lind have revealed that he’s stepping away from the show that made him famous.

We’ve heard rumors about Lind quitting Teen Mom 2 before, but this time it looks like it may be a done deal, thanks in part to the fact that Lind is no longer an integral part of his baby mama’s life.

“He just wants to live his life & not be bad-mouthed all the time,” a source tells Radar Online.

“He is living the normal quiet life. He’s working on a friend’s car lot doing mechanic work.”

The insider notes that the decision to part ways seems to be mutual, as producers have not yet offered him a contract for another season on the show.

 “If they offer it to him, he says he’s gonna say no,” the source claims.

“He’s sick of getting bashed all the time on the show.”

Though Lind always elicited a strong emotional response from viewers, he’s factored into Chelsea’s life less and less following her marriage to Cole DeBoer.

“He was under contract for Season Seven, but they didn’t film with him for the past seven months while they were filming with Chelsea,” the insider says.

Lind apparently feels that he’s become the show’s resident punching bag.

“So they just use him to bash him on the show.”

While in the past, Lind fought with fans on Twitter, these days he reportedly steers clear of social media due to the amount of flak he gets from TM2 fans:

“It got to the point where Adam deleted his Twitter and doesn’t use his social media anymore,” the source claims.

“It’s pointless because he always has to defend the plot lines against him.”

Like other castmembers before, Lind blames Teen Mom 2 editors for falsely portraying him as a bad guy, but no amount of cutting room shenanigans can create the sort of behavior that earned him so much scorn from fans.

Of course, after he’s gone, producers and viewers alike might better appreciate the importance of a good reality TV villain.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Nick Cannon Says He"s Quitting "AGT"

Nick Cannon doesn’t see himself shooting the next season of “America’s Got Talent” … after NBC execs considered firing him over a racial joke he told in his comedy special. TMZ broke the story … NBC and ‘AGT’ honchos felt Nick had…


Friday, February 3, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Is She Finally Quitting Keeping Up with the Kardashians?!

Kim Kardashian is obviously going through a time of transition in her life.

And no, we’re not just talking about her face.

Thanks to that pesky Paris robbery, she’s shifted her priorities, she’s spending more time with her children and less time posing in dumb fashions in various major cities around the world.

And thanks to Kanye West being Kanye West, there are several rumors floating around that she might soon find herself single yet again.

But is Kim thinking about making another major change?

Is she konsidering kwitting Keeping Up with the Kardashians?!

We know, we know, it’s unfathomable. Keeping Up with the Kardashians has been around for over a decade now, filling our lives with joy and laughter and just so much nonsense.

But according to a new report from Life & Style, Kim wants to end all that.

What’d we ever do to you, girl?!

“What would Keeping UP with the Kardashians be like without Kim?” the report begins. “The world may soon find out.”

“After a 10-year run, Kim wants to jump ship.”

But why, Kim? Why would you leave us like this? Why do you want us to hurt?

How else are we supposed to keep up with all those ridiculous thoughts that you make up in that pretty little head of yours, how are we supposed to hear them fall out of your mouth in that flat, empty tone of yours?

It’s just. Not. Fair.

But still, a Kardashian insider claims that “Kim says KUWTK is just consuming too much of her time.”

“Kim wants to build herself as a true brand and feels hindered by being a part of KUWTK.”

It’s not the first time we heard that Kim wanted to leave the show — we heard back in September that Kim wanted to quit because the show was “adding a lot of stress to her life.”

Then, after her robbery, we heard that she was too traumatized to continue filming her entire life.

However, we did just see a promo for the new season, and Kim was front and center in it, still dealing with the aftermath of what happened to her in Paris.

And she does have a contract through 2019. It’s hard to imagine that Kim would let go of millions and millions of dollars for basically doing nothing, right?

But, like we said, her priorities have shifted. Maybe she really is over it all, millions be damned.

The source even acknowledges that contract, saying that Kris Jenner is “furious” that Kim would quit while she’s still obligated to film.

After all “This would create huge problems” for lots of people.

But hey, if Kim really is done with the show, it’s her life. It’s Kris Jenner’s livelihood, sure, but it’s Kim’s decision.

Best wishes and all that.


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Is She Quitting Teen Mom 2?!

Those poor girls on Teen Mom … can you even imagine how difficult their lives are?

Getting paid a ridiculous amount of money just to let people film your life sometimes sounds just unbearable.

Sure, those lucky girls are securing quite the financially secure future for themselves and for their children.

And yeah, there are countless other girls who found themselves in similar circumstances — pregnant at 16 with family or relationship drama — who would kill to be in their (likely very expensive!) shoes.

But still, what a tough lot in life.

So tough that most, if not all, of the moms have, at one point or another, threatened to quit making hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing next to nothing.

Because how dare some MTV editors do their job and edit the footage into something interesting to watch, right?

Today, Kailyn Lowry is the Teen Mom with the cross to bear.

Poor ol’ Kail is so upset over the way MTV is treating her that she’s reportedly refusing to be filmed until she’s able to have her reality show star needs met.

Apparently what happened is that on the last episode of Teen Mom 2, there was in instance in which Javi tried to call Kailyn, but she didn’t answer because she didn’t want to discuss any of their relationship issues on camera.

But then those pesky editors did some of their magic and the show cut to a scene of Javi talking about the divorce to one of his friends.

The issue, as explained by a source who spoke with Radar, was that “Kail feels they dropped the ball on editing because the part of her saying she didn’t want to talk to Javi was actually from the previous episode when her dog threw up.”

“It was a completely different shoot.”

Also, “Her and Javi at that point already knew they were done and getting a divorce, but did not want to film about it.”

They knew that filming all the messy details would make things “real,” and they “weren’t prepared for the backlash they knew they’d receive.”

Kailyn is allegedly feeling “very hurt and betrayed and is currently on a film strike” because of all these issues.

But while all that information comes from a source, Kailyn spoke out about the issue herself, too.

Over on Twitter, a fan asked her how she could trust the producers when they’re stirring up drama, and she answered “Welllll, now I don’t.”

She even offered up an official statement on the matter, so you know things are serious.

She didn’t confirm or deny the rumor that she’s on a filming strike, but she did say “I want to see how they edited the rest of the season.”

She added that “They’re definitely not showing everything that’s gone on in situations that are playing out, and it’s frustrating to watch back, as the viewers aren’t getting the complete story.”

And while this whole situation is obviously hard for Kailyn, she seems to be forgetting one key thing: viewers don’t care about the complete story, they care about the drama.

If she feels that strongly about how she’s perceived, she can fill in the rest of the story on Twitter — it’s really not a big deal.

Just do your job, ladies.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Lala Kent on Quitting Vanderpump Rules: I Was a Mess!

Back in August, Lala Kent hinted that she"d quit Vanderpump Rules while beefing with a fan on Twitter.

Of course, members of the SUR staff are always threatening to storm off (Frankly, we were looking forward to never hearing Stassi talk about her birthday ever again.), so no one really took it seriously.

This week, however, the sad news was confirmed:

Lala is leaving Vanderpump, and SUR, and hopefully James Kennedy, behind.

Though not quite a one-season-and-done like the forgotten Vail Bloom, but Lala"s time on the show was still very brief.

Even so, she says parting ways with the series was difficult:

"It"s very weird because I"ve been doing this for a year and a half, so to know that my time is up, it"s bittersweet for me," Lala tells E! News in the clip below.

She added:

"I think just the negativity finally got to me. I"m not good at separating real life from work, so it started trickling into my everyday relationships with people who have nothing to do with the show and once that started happening that was like not OK anymore."

Lala didn"t exactly confirm rumors that her relationship Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker Hayes Pullard played a role in her decision to  leave the show, but she hinted that there"s some truth to those reports:

"The hardest part for me was when they started making accusations about a relationship that I really wasn"t in," she explained.

"When that trickles into my real life and I am going to the person I am in love with venting about these crazy people, it really did take a toll on my relationship with my boyfriend." 

Lala also revealed that we will get to see the moment that she quits SUR on this season of Vanderpump:

"It"s sad. I haven"t seen the episode, but I do come back one last time to say my final goodbye," she told us.

"I was a hot mess, Lisa Vanderpump was a hot mess, it was weird."

Lala, we hardly knew ye.

Check out the full interview below:

Lala kent on quitting vanderpump rules i was a mess

Amber Portwood: I"m QUITTING Teen Mom OG Over Lack of Respect!

Amber Portwood, saying that she’s had it with Teen Mom: OG, is quitting the MTV show following her blowout fight with Farrah Abraham.

This is not a rumor. We’re quoting Amber.

The 26-year-old mother of one quietly but matter-of-factly announced in an Instagram post on Thursday that she’s leaving Teen Mom OG.

“I’ll be leaving #teenmomog sadly,” she captioned a cast pic that showed her with Maci Bookout, Farrah Abraham and Catelynn Lowell.

Her reasoning may not surprise those who watch Teen Mom OG online, or who have followed the social media back-and-forth lately:

“The lack of respect is too much anymore!”

“But still sending all my love!”

Portwood’s announcement comes after the airing of an explosive fight with Abraham (above) during the Teen Mom OG reunion special.

In the first part of the reunion, which aired at the end of November, Portwood went at Abraham regarding the status of their friendship.

“We used to be [friends] and then she decided to open up her crooked lips. She decided to do an interview saying something.”

“About how it’s good that [my daughter] Leah is with Gary [Shirley] and how my house probably smells like piss. You don’t do that.”

That was before they came to blows.

In part two, which aired December 5, Portwood stormed onto the stage, yelled and actually took a swing at the bewildered non-porn star.

What set her into such a rage?

Abraham and her Internet troll boyfriend Simon Saran insinuated that Portwood’s 46-year-old fiancé, Matt Baier, looked like “a pedophile.”

Things got worse as producers tried to restrain her and Abraham’s parents came out; Baier pushed Farrah’s father Michael, to the floor.

Hours after the episode aired Portwood took to social media to claim that the reality show had been unfairly edited in favor of Farrah.

“They cut out Michael literally screaming in my face calling me a bitch and him putting his hands on Matt’s neck!!” Amber said on Instagram.

“After 8 years this is so disrespectful.”

“I’ve worked too hard on myself to take this kind of disrespect,” Portwood said, and compounded with the social media fallout (see meme above)?

Enough was enough for her basically.

Abraham, self-righteously, portrayed herself as the victim of Portwood’s violent attack, and said she’s simply above that sort of shenanigans.

“I didn’t have to attend the rest of the reunion or specials [because of what I consider Amber’s] criminal behavior,” she actually said.

According to the Backdoor Teen Mom star, “MTV legal has said I no longer will ever have to work with or around Maci, Catelynn or Amber.” 

Farrah added that MTV hoped that her dad wouldn’t press charges against Baier or the network even though he “has every right to.”

As for whether is really it for Amber?

We’re guessing money talks and she’ll be back. Not because she’s a greedy sellout, but because life is expensive, and this is a good gig.

Her intentions to bail may be 100 percent sincere; Amber was dragged HARD, on and off the air, all season, leading up to the reunion.

But when push comes to shove here, Amber and Matt have been a big draw for the popular series, MTV is gonna want a new season.

Amber is an important component of that season, with many storylines in her complex life to extrapolate on. So … they’ll make it worth it.

Agree? Disagree? Discuss!


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kendall Jenner on Quitting Instagram: I Needed a BREAK!

If you use social media at all, you"ve probably been felt at one time or another like you"re overdoing it.

Fortunately, you"re probably in a position where you can take the app off your phone or even just delete your account entirely, and it won"t really be that big of a deal Kendall Jenner doesn"t have that option.

When Kendall deleted her Instagram account over the weekend, however, it literally made freakin" CNN less than a week after the most bonkers presidential election in US history.

Today Kendall sat down with Ellen Degeneres to explain why she made the most controversial decision since the country decided to give the nuke codes to Irradiated Richie Rich.

"I honestly didn"t think anyone would care," Kendall said, sounding less than entirely convinced by her own argument.

"I don"t know. I just wanted to detox. I just wanted a break."

Kendall adds that she felt her love for the "Gram was beginning to border on addiction:

"I would wake up in the morning and I would look at it first thing. I would go to bed and it was the last thing that I would look at," she said.

"I felt a little too dependent on it, so I kinda wanted to take a minute. It"s a detox. I"ll be back."

Given that she"s from a family in which "Instagram obsession" is the norm, it was a bold move on Kendall"s part.

But we don"t want to praise her too much, she"ll probably be back on by this afternoon.

Check out her interview with Ellen in he video below:

Kendall jenner on quitting instagra i needed a break

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Donald Trump -- I"m Not Quitting

Donald Trump isn’t backing down from his bid for Prez … even though he’s taking major heat from the heavy hitters in the Republican Party asking him to call it quits.  Trump spoke with The Washington Post Saturday, saying, “I’d never…


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Jon Gosselin: Quitting T.G.I Friday"s, All Our Fault

Before yesterday, Jon Gosselin was happy working the grill at T.G.I. Friday’s.

Well, now he’s going to quit.  Why?  Because we’re all a bunch of jerks for revealing his job.

TMZ first reported that Gosselin was part of the kitchen staff at the Lancaster, PA franchise, accompanied by a selfie Gosselin took with two other employees.

It’s believed that one of Gosselin’s co-workers sold the story (and photo) to the media outlet.

Gosselin had reportedly been working there for a few months before being found out, and yesterday morning he tweeted his disappointment (which has since been deleted) at TMZ, and the internet in general.

Gosselin was furious that a job he was “passionate” about was being used as tabloid fodder.  AND he was donating his paycheck to charity.

“I’m not going to work there anymore because now the trust and the teamwork is gone,” Gosselin told 103.7 in Dallas on July 20th.

“Now someone took a picture of me and sold it … Now I gotta leave a job I was passionate about.”

The restaurant’s general manager, Scott Trompeter told Page Six how much he liked having Gosselin as an employee.

“He works here because he likes to cook,” Trompeter said. 

“He cooks during the day for me and sometimes here and there.  He’s done a great job the last couple of months.  He’s part of my Friday’s family.”

As of today, the restaurant’s rep told Page Six that Gosselin hasn’t yet left Friday’s.

“His employment with us as a team member is in good standing,” the rep said.

Trompeter confirmed that Gosselin does indeed donate his check to charity.

“Every week,” Trompeter said, adding that the 39-year-old former reality star works 7-8 shifts, three days a week.

Gosselin does, however, make time for DJ gigs, which he tries to do at least once a month.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Adam Lind: Caught Lying About Quitting Teen Mom 2?!

If you watched the second half of the Teen Mom 2 reunion show on Monday night, you know that Adam Lind was basically the douchey, tattooed piñata of the party.

“Call Adam out on his BS” was the theme of the night, and everyone from Dr. Drew Pinsky to Chelsea Houska’s father seemed to enjoy playing along.

It all started when Lind talked about quitting Teen Mom 2.

He’s expressed his desire to leave the show many, many times in the past, but for some reason, he never turns in his resignation.

It’s almost as though his career as a South Dakota bodybuilder hasn’t brought him international fame and buckets of money. Go figure.

Anyway, Dr. Drew addressed the topic during his sitdown with Adam that aired on Monday night, and the Worst Baby Daddy in Teen Mom History was evasive at best and flat-out full of it at worst:

“I’m here because I’m under contract and I have to be here,” Lind said at one point.

“I’m done with the show. I don’t want to participate in the show anymore. I texted MTV that I didn’t want to come to f**king LA and they said you better get a lawyer to get out of your contract.”

Unfortunately, for Lind it’s a bad idea to lie about what goes on behind the scenes of a show where you’re taping a freakin’ episode of that show:

Drew brought about TM2 producer Larry Musnick (the one who was assaulted by Farrah Abraham), who called Lind out on the spot:

“I looked back at the text messages backstage and I didn’t say it would be a breach of contract,” Musnik explained.

“I said, ‘Honor your commitments because you made a commitment to the show.’”

Drew seemed so pleased to see this D-bag finally called out on TV that we’re surprised he didn’t break into a happy dance like a dude on Maury who just found out he’s not the father.

Lind stormed off set, but the hits just keep coming on social media, where Chelsea’s dad, Randy Houska, tweeted:

“Shall we call out the lies as they occur?”

You go, Papa Randy.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many, many times that Lind has been busted for lying.