Showing posts with label Right. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Right. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Larry King Says Julie Chen Was Right To Stand By Les Moonves

Larry King thinks Julie Chen Moonves was not only right to stand by her man … he sang her praises for doing so — literally. We got Larry and wife Shawn Friday night in Bev Hills leaving Madeo, and Larry said he’s known Les for many many years,…


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Bikini Babes Climbing Ladders -- Step Right Up!

These sexy swimmers have stepped up to the plate to pull you through the long weekend! Take the plunge this Labor Day weekend by dipping into our gallery of bikini babes climbing ladders … see whose mounting some memories! 


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Shaunie O"Neal Says LeBron James Jr. Picked The Right School, Here"s Why

Shaunie O’Neal says life at the ultra-exclusive Crossroads School in L.A. will be a breeze for LeBron James Jr. … because her son Shareef O’Neal educated the institute on how to deal with a celebrity student. Shareef transferred into Crossroads…


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Jennifer Aniston Just Feels SO Bad for Brad Pitt Right Now: Report

As previously reported, Matthew Perry may be on the verge of death.

But while we all hope and pray this report is erroneous, in the interest of a winning segue, we must also add:

You are just gonna die (in the figurative/cute sense, LOL) when you hear what Jennifer Aniston thinks about Brad Pitt.

As also previously reported on The Hollywood Gossip, Pitt’s divorce proceedings with Angelina Jolie have turned ugly because the actress is alleging that Pitt owes her a lot of money in child support.

Via documents filed in court on Tuesday, an attorney for Jolie says that the handsome star “has paid no meaningful child support since separation.”


“Given the informal arrangements around the payment of the children’s expenses have not been regularly sustained by [Pitt] for over a year and a half, [Jolie] intends to file an [courtorder] for the establishment of a retroactive child support order.”

In other words:

Jolie says Pitt has been a bad father because he has not been helping take care of his six children financially.

Heck, Jolie even claims she can prove this.

We’ll be curious to see if that is true, or if this is just another example of Angelina doing all she can to trash her estranged husband in the press because she wants to eventually win primary custody of their children.

While we watch this sad drama unfold from afar, Aniston is reportedly doing the exact same thing…

… and just feeling terribly sorry for Pitt in the process.

“Jen is feeling horrible for the fight Brad is involved in over custody of the kids with Angelina,” an anonymous source who apparently knows all tells Hollywood Life.

This source adds:

“Jen can’t imagine what it must be like to fight with someone as powerful as Angelina over your own kids.

“Knowing Brad as well as she does, Jen is in agony over the pain Brad must be going through fighting with his ex just to be with his own kids.”

This is possible, we guess.

It also seems possible that Aniston is totally and completely over Pitt and hasn’t given his relationship with Jolie a second thought in years.

“Jen thinks it is shameful that Angelina can not be more mature, put the kids needs first and compromise with Brad on this important decision,” Hollywood Life concludes.

It is true that Pitt and Jolie have been battling in court for awhile now over custody of their children.

But this isn’t unusual in a high profile divorce case. Or in any divorce case, really.

We’re not in a position to say who is right and who is wrong here.

Ever since Pitt and Jolie broke up nearly two years ago, there has been chatter that the former couple will get back together.

This chatter only escalated after Aniston’s marriage to Justin Theroux also fell apart.

And it’s getting out of control at this point, considering some outlets are claiming that Aniston is pregnant with Pitt’s next child.

We strongly doubt this is true.

If it is, however, perhaps it will soften the blow if Angelina will her custody battle against Pitt — because he’ll have a new precious bundle of joy to shower with affection at home with Aniston!

How exciting!


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Becca Kufrin Eliminates Blake on "Bachelorette," Our Photos Were Right!

Becca Kufrin just eliminated Blake Horstmann on the finale of ‘”The Bachelorette” — which means Garrett Yrigoyen won her heart … and our photos were spot on! The ‘Bachelorette’ star sent Blake packing on Monday’s finale…


Becca Kufrin Eliminates Blake on "Bachelorette," Our Photos Were Right!

Becca Kufrin just eliminated Blake Horstmann on the finale of ‘”The Bachelorette” — which means Garrett Yrigoyen won her heart … and our photos were spot on! The ‘Bachelorette’ star sent Blake packing on Monday’s finale…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Demetrious Johnson Wants Cody vs. T.J. Dillashaw Winner, If Money"s Right

Demetrious Johnson wants to fight the winner of this weekend’s scrap between Cody Garbrandt and T.J. Dillashaw … as long as the UFC ponies up a helluva lot of cash. We asked DJ — who’s fighting in the co-main event at UFC 227 this Saturday in…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Jenelle Evans Defends David Eason: My Husband Is Always Right!

Last week, MTV stunned shocked the world with the news that Bristol Palin had been cast in Teen Mom OG.

The decision was a highly controversial one that attracted a tremendous amount of criticism.

Naturally, no one had more to say about the news than the past and current Teen Mom franchise members, themselves.

And as is always the case with this sort of thing, the people the public wants to hear from the least have been the most outspoken.

Former Teen Mom: OG cast member Farrah Abraham has already thrown shade at Bristol by reiterating her opinion that the show will never survive a Farrah-less season.

And of course, the other former star who was also fired for being a moron also had to make his voice heard.

Yes, David Eason took to social media to inform the world that he feels he’s been wronged by MTV.

David has been beating this dead horse for months now, but there are two interesting things about his latest rant:

For one thing, he’s finally admitting that he got fired.

(For a long time, David claimed it was his decision to end his lucrative business relationship with MTV.)

On top of that, Eason is now taking dead aim at Bristol and insisting that it was a hypocritical of network execs to hire her.

“I know MTV is comprised of hypocrites but how do you fire me and hire Bristol Palin after all her homophobic and racist remarks?” Eason wrote on Facebook over the weekend.

We highly doubt that either Bristol or anyone at MTV gives a crap what David thinks of the decision, but even so, his wife, Jenelle Evans, is clearly in awe of his willingness to express his opinion with absolutely nothing at stake.

“And again, I will ALWAYS stand by my husband’s opinion #BestBelieve #StandUpForYourself,” Jenelle tweeted in reference to Eason’s post.

That may not sound like a particularly shocking statement — especially by Jenelle standards — but pause for a moment and consider what she’s really saying here.

If you’ll recall Eason was fired for hurling homophobic slurs and expressing bigoted views about gay and trans people.

It was only a few months ago, and the incident is probably fresh in Jenelle’s mind.

So when she says she will “ALWAYS” support her husband’s views, is she co-signing that revolting bigotry?

Seems astoinishing that anyone would admit that publicly, but when it comes to Jenelle, nothing surprises us anymore.


John David Duggar & Abbie Burnett: Breaking Courtship Rules Left and Right!

It’s only been a few weeks since the world learned that John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett are courting, and yet, to look at photos of the happy couple, you’d think it had been much longer.

For one thing, they seem much more comfortable with physical contact than any of their predecessors.

Yes, John David and Abbie are breaking courtship rules — and they don’t seem to care who knows it.

Not only are they openly flouting his parents’ rules regarding limited physical contact, JD and Abbie seem to be blazing their own trail in just about every other respect, as well.

For starters, they both have multiple social media accounts.

This may seem perfectly normal for two people in their late twenties, but for the Duggars, it’s virtually unheard of.

While it’s not a hard and fast rule, Duggars typically don’t join social media until they’re engaged.

Which, as far as we know, John David and Abbie are not.

So that’s out of the ordinary, to be sure … but it’s the content on those social media pages that really has fans scratching their heads.

For starters, Abbie wears pants.

Again, in most of the world, that’s perfectly normal behavior for a 26-year-old woman (or anyone else, for that matter) to engage in.

But if you’re a fan of the Duggar family, you know that women are forced to wear long skirts until they get married, at which time, their husband determines their dress code.

It’s not the most progressive system in the world, but for years, John David’s sisters have participated in it uncomplainingly.

But Abbie is not a Duggar — and it seems she has every intention of sending that message loud and clear.

In addition to embracing John David in public, being active on social media and wearing jeans, Abbie has broken perhaps the biggest Duggar rule of all.

Okay, the second biggest (as far as we know, she and JD are not engaging in premarital sex).

Yes, John David and Abbie have been skipping church.

Online sleuths pieced together info garnered from the couple’s social media pages and determined that they’re often off doing their own thing while the rest of the Duggars are at Sunday services.

And we probably don’t need to tell you that church is quite a big deal in Duggar Land.

It’s enough to make fans wonder — why are John David and Abbie allowed to get away with so much more than his siblings?

The answer seems to have much to do with age.

John David is 28, which means he’s beginning the courtship process much later than expected.

As such, it seems that he’s being allowed much more freedom than Josh and Josiah, the two previous Duggar males to enter relationships.

Of course, the real reason that John David is given so much leeway can be found on his birth certificate — but it has nothing to do with when he was born.

Yes, JD is a man, and as such, he isn’t bound by the ridiculous set of rules that confined his sisters for so long.

Jim Bob and Michelle might have preferred that John David had ended up with a more traditional courting partner, but at the end of the day, he’s male, which means they trust him to do what’s right.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Hell Yeah MTV Was Right to Fire Farrah Abraham!

Late last year, Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG as a result of her refusal to stop performing in live online sex shows.

The decision met with a mixed response, as even some of Farrah"s staunchest critics thought MTV"s reasoning was questionable and had the effect of shaming both Abraham and other sex workers.

Tyler Baltierra is now speaking out on the network"s decision — and Farrah probably won"t care for what he has to say.

Get ready for another round in the ongoing feud between two of the Teen Mom franchise"s most outspoken stars:

1. Keeping It Real

Tyler baltierra gets honest on instagram

Tyler is known for speaking his mind on social media. And when it comes to Farrah, he’s never pulled any punches.

2. At It Again

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

Farrah and Tyler have clashed before, perhaps most notably when she posted a lengthy Instagram rant in which she claimed that Baltierra is gay and his wife, Catelynn Lowell, is a drug addict.

3. The Last Laugh

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Of course, the Baltierras have emerged victorious, as not only are they still employed, Farrah’s life has devolved into a public trainwreck in the months since she was fired.

4. The Arrest

Farrah abraham on insta

Farrah’s latest downward spiral began when she was arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel last month after allegedly assaulting a staff member.

5. The Feud

Farrah drita split

Things got worse from there, as Abraham found herself embroiled in a very public feud with Mob Wives star Drita D’Avanzo.

6. Spiking the Football

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that Tyler had little sympathy for Farrah when he was asked about her while filming an interview with Dr. Oz this week …

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ronda Rousey Says Daniel Cormier Is Best UFC Fighter "Right Now"

Ronda Rousey stopped short of giving Daniel Cormier G.O.A.T. status — but tells TMZ Sports the UFC’s new “champ-champ” is definitely the best in the game “right now.” The newly inducted UFC Hall of Famer was at LAX on Monday where we asked if DC’s…


Ronda Rousey Says Daniel Cormier Is Best UFC Fighter "Right Now"

Ronda Rousey stopped short of giving Daniel Cormier G.O.A.T. status — but tells TMZ Sports the UFC’s new “champ-champ” is definitely the best in the game “right now.” The newly inducted UFC Hall of Famer was at LAX on Monday where we asked if DC’s…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Doc Rivers Says Trading Austin Rivers Was the "Right Thing for All Of Us"

Doc Rivers tells TMZ Sports … trading his son, Austin Rivers, from the Clippers to the Washington Wizards was “the right thing for all of us.” Austin played for his dad on the Clippers from 2014 to 2018. But, last week, the Clippers shipped…


Monday, June 18, 2018

Charles Barkley Gives Worst Possible Right Answer On "Family Feud"

If your fly was open at church, what would you use to cover it up?!  Guarantee your answer is BETTER than the one Charles Barkley gave on “Celebrity Family Feud”! Chuck — along with his cohosts from “Inside the NBA” — took on a team from…


Friday, June 8, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Hits Pause On MMA, "Not Thinking About Fighting Right Now"

Bad news for Conor McGregor … Floyd Mayweather’s changed his mind about an MMA fight — telling TMZ Sports he’s way too busy to take a fight in the Octagon any time soon.  “I’m not thinking about fighting right now,” Floyd told us while…


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Matt Barnes Gets Insanely Real Tupac Tattoo On Right Hand

All eyez are on Matt Barnes’ right hand … ‘cause the ex-NBA baller just got the most insane Tupac tattoo!! The artwork is crazy real … and the story of how Barnes got it is even more wild. The former Laker — who’s tatted all over — was…


Zeke Upshaw"s Mom Is Right In Death Lawsuit Against NBA, Says John Salley

John Salley says the mother of the NBA G League player who died after collapsing on the court is “100% right” in her lawsuit against the league … saying, “I think she has a case.” TMZ Sports broke story … Zeke Upshaw’s mother claims the team…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Farrah Abraham Posts Photo of Her Daughter Taking a Shower, is Just Not Right

Will Farrah Abraham ever learn?!

You may not know what exactly we’re talking about yet, but you probably already know the answer is a resounding “NOPE.”

No matter how many years go by, no matter how much life experience she gets, Farrah still cannot seem to develop the least little bit of sense.

It’s pretty remarkable, really, how she hasn’t managed to learn one single lesson after all this time, isn’t it?

So Farrah is currently traveling the world with her daughter, Sophia — and just to refresh your memory, Sophia is still only nine years old.

They’ve been to Fiji, they’ve been to Cannes, but most recently, they’ve been in Dubai.

And, wouldn’t you know it, trouble is just following them every step of the way.

While in Cannes, Farrah got quite a bit of heat for some photos that were posted on Sophia’s Instagram.

It’s unclear whether she posted them for Sophia or if the girl is in charge of her own account, but basically it was a photo of Farrah’s ass with the caption “I love my mamas booty!”

Farrah booty

Then, after spending some time in Dubai, there was more controversy when everyone saw a picture of Sophia holding a glass of a suspicious looking drink.

Lots of people thought Farrah was allowing her kid to drink wine or champagne, but it turned out it was just fancy juice in a fancy glass, complete with gold flakes.

But honestly, you can understand why people would think the worst here, right?

And on top of that, you can’t really be surprised when now, just a day after the juice fiasco, Farrah and Sophia’s followers are troubled by yet another bizarre photo.

This one, though, is a photo of Sophia taking a shower.

In the caption, she explained that she was taking the shower on a plane, which is admittedly pretty cool.

Sophia shower selfie

But then again, this is a photo of a child in a shower on Instagram, so the ick factor beats out any coolness here.

And judging by the comments, people were really, really disturbed by this.

“Why the f-ck are we posting pics of a child in the shower?!” one person asked. “Farrah is a terrible mother and horrible example as a woman.”

“Plus she’s being desensitized to being naked with the camera out…. when I was 9 I was so modest I would have died if my mom tried to take my picture,” another person added.

And isn’t that the truth? Seriously, just think about being nine years old, taking a shower, and being photographed by your mom.

When you’re done cringing and flailing of just the imagined embarrassment, let’s get back to this.

As another commenter pointed out, “Millions of people have the ability to look at her profile and to have the pic up is just asking for trouble.”

“Honestly, I’m surprised CPS hasn’t been involved yet.”

Of course, in addition to all the haters, there are also those who will defend Farrah’s choices, no matter what.

“How is this inappropriate??” one of those deluded fans questioned. “It’s only inappropriate if you are sexualizing a child in a shower cap……so you’re the weirdo if you find this inappropriate.”

To that, the people said “she’s a young lady and there’s sickos in this world unfortunately.”

Another acknowledged that “after a certain age, around 4-5, these types of photos are inappropriate.”

And on top of all that, there were also many, many people confused followers asking why Sophia is taking showers in airplanes instead of, you know, going to school.

Listen, we could spend all day talking about the reasoning behind why Farrah thinks sharing these kinds of photos, or why she thinks giving Sophia juice with gold flakes is more important than fourth grade.

And it would be fun, honestly.

But at this point, it’s clear that Farrah is going to do whatever she wants to do with Sophia, no matter how many people think CPS needs to get involved.

So … whatever, just go take a nap or something, rid your poor, exhausted brain of this kind of nonsense.

Farrah is going to replace this with another unbearably awkward/awul moment soon enough anyway.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Kim Kardashian to Donald Trump: Do the Right Thing For Once!

Back in 2016, Kanye West met with Donald Trump during the then-president-elect’s fraught transition from reality TV blowhard to leader of the free world.

Fans of West’s were surprised, but not terribly stunned, as the visit seemed to have less to do with politics than with the shared worldview of two of America’s most infamous egomaniacs.

In recent weeks, Kanye has doubled-down on his support of Trump, alienating many of his fans in the process.

West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, has hinted that she’s not fully on board with her husband’s politics (Kim supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign)

Yes, it seems Kim is a firm believer that there are some things that are bigger than politics.

Which is why she’s setting aside her differences with the Donald in service of an important cause.

It was confirmed today that Kim will pay a visit to the White House today in hopes of securing a pardon for Alice Marie Johnson, a 62-year-old great-grandmother who’s currently serving a life sentence at the Aliceville Correctional Facility in Alabama.

Johnson — a first-time, non-violent offender — was sentenced in 1997 on money laundering and drug conspiracy charges.

Donald Trump-Kim Kardashian

Normally, appealing to Trump for clemency would be the ultimate long-shot, but those who are well-acquainted with the case say there’s a good chance that Kim’s plea might be successful.

Ivanka Trump has expressed her belief that Johnson should be pardoned, and Kanye’s support of the president has reportedly put Kim in good standing with Trump.

Along with attorney Shawn Holley, Kim has been campaigning for Johnson’s release for quite some time.

Holley has stated that she believes today’s sit-down with Trump represents Johnson’s best chance yet at being pardoned.

Last year, Marie wrote a heartfelt thank you note to Kim, in which she stated her belief that the two of them are part of “a defining moment in history.”

“THE BATTLE IS ON!” her missive concluded.

Difficult as it is to believe, it seems Ivanka is not Kim’s only ally within the White House, as Jared Kushner has been quietly working toward more lenient sentencing and improved prison conditions, citing America’s sky-high incarceration rate as one of its greatest shames.

We’d credit Kush for breaking with the rest of the administration by demonstrating an ounce of human compassion, but he may have been acting out of semi-selfish motives.

Jared’s father, Charles Kushner, was released from prison in 2006 after serving a two-year sentence for tax evasion, witness tampering and making illegal campaign donations.

And let’s face it — Jared might soon be following in the elder Kush’s footsteps.

But the important thing today is that Kim is dedicating her time to a truly worthy cause, thus adding to the list of charitable deeds that’s consistently ignored by her haters.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Prince Harry CALLED HIS EX Right Before the Royal Wedding!!!

In case you’ve spent the past week on Mars, living in a cave with really crappy wi-fi, allow us to bring you up to speed on recent events on this planet:

Prince Harry married Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle, and … well, that’s just about it for good news, so why don’t we just leave it there?

Yes, the royal wedding had something for everyone, including a few unexpected surprises.

(The sight of a bunch of stuffy Brits attempting to pretend they weren’t freaked out by the fiery sermonizing of Michael Curry was worth waking up for on its own.)

Of course, the one person you don’t want to surprise on the day of a wedding is the bride.

So hopefully everyone agreed to wait until the honeymoon to break it to Meghan that Harry rang up his most recent ex, Chelsy Davy, just a few days before the wedding.

Yes, not only did Harry give Chelsy a call, the conversation got so emotional that she ended up in tears, wondering aloud if she should attend the ceremony at all.

“It was their final call, a parting call in which they both acknowledged Harry was moving on,” a source close to the situation tells Elle.

“Chelsy was quite emotional about it all, she was in tears and almost didn’t go to the wedding. In the end, she went and promised Harry she wouldn’t try and gatecrash the party.”

Yes, it seems Chelsy was invited to the ceremony, but not the “more intimate” reception that followed.

And she probably made the right call by not busting through the door and giving a sloppy-ass toast.

As insulting as it is to be invited to the ceremony but not the reception (“Oh, so I have to bring a gift, but I can’t take advantage of the open bar? Neat!”), crashing a party thrown by the royal family is probably not a good idea.

People have been beheaded for less.

And how did Meghan feel about all this?

She’s pretty much the first royal in history that could accurately be described as “chill,” so she was probably relatively cool about the whole thing.

Still, her position must have been a little uncomfortable, as it’s not like Chelsy was just some fling from Harry’s past.

Harry and Chelsy broke up in 2011 after seven years of on and off dating, but they attempted to rekindle their romance in 2015 – just a few months before Harry met Meghan.

Apparently, it was Chelsy who broke it off (!!!) after deciding she wasn’t cut out for such a public life.

It seems she missed quite a party, as the royal reception included dance competitions and beer pong.

Unfortunately, it was the last fun Meghan will ever be permitted to enjoy.

You dodged a bullet, Chelsy.
