Showing posts with label Rose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rose. Show all posts

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Charlie Rose Loses Walter Cronkite Award for Journalism

Charlie Rose isn’t just losing jobs … Arizona State University just yanked his prestigious Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism. Christopher Callahan, the dean of ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication,…


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Olivia Munn Says Charlie Rose Had to Go, Women Have Power in Numbers

Olivia Munn has a message for all the women speaking out against sexual misconduct — keep it up and stay strong … because it’s making a difference. We got Olivia at LAX Tuesday … shortly after Charlie Rose was fired from CBS and…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Charlie Rose On-Air Sexual Innuendo Going Viral, Courtesy of John Oliver

Charlie Rose is off the air at CBS, but his sexual banter with his “CBS This Morning” co-hosts is all over the Internet … thanks to John Oliver’s HBO show, ‘Last Week Tonight.’  Oliver does a running “awkward sex talk” bit, fully…


TMZ Live: Charlie Rose: Fired From CBS & PBS!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Ryan Seacrest: $ 15 Million Demand From Accuser Meek Mill: My Judge Is A Bitter, Failed Actress! Kim Kardashian Fires Assistant! Charles Manson’s ‘Final Words’


Charlie Rose: FIRED by CBS!

Well, that didn’t take long.

Less than a day after a report in The Washington Post outlined various ways in which Charlie Rose allegedly harassed eight different women, the veteran journalist has been fired by CBS.

Rose had been suspended by both CBS and PBS immediately after the aforementioned allegations were made public.

These allegations were leveled by victims who claimed, among other explicit behavior, that Rose:

  • Walked around naked in front of them.

  • Grabbed their buttocks at staff parties.

  • Ran his hand up their thigh.

  • Placed inappropriate phone calls.

In response, CBS News President David Rhodes now confirms the following:

“A short time ago we terminated Charlie Rose’s employment with CBS News effective immediately.

“This followed the revelation yesterday of extremely disturbing and intolerable behavior said to have revolved around his PBS program.”

Rhodes went on to say he was “deeply disappointed and angry” about the situation, adding:

“Despite Charlie’s important journalistic contribution to our news division, there is absolutely nothing more important, in this or any organization, than ensuring a sage, professional workplace – a supportive environment where people feel they can do their best work.

“We need such a place.”

You can read the full firing statement below:

CBS statement

Rose issued his own statement in reply to The Washington Post bombshell.

It only denied a small part (and nothing specific) of what the women accused him off, saying in further detail:

“It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior.

“I am greatly embarrassed. I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate.

“I always felt that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken.

“I have learned a great deal as a result of these events, and I hope others will too.

“All of us, including me, are coming to a newer and deeper recognition of the pain caused by conduct in the past, and have come to a profound new respect for women and their lives.”

Rose, 75, was the host of his own interview show on PBS at the time of these allegations.

He was also the co-host of CBS This Morning.

His fellow co-hosts, Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell, made heartfelt speeches at the outset of today’s program, addressing the awkward circumstances.

As you can see below, both seem legitimately affected by what has transpired with their colleague and friend:

Said O’Donnell:

“This is a moment that demands a frank and honest assessment about where we stand and more generally the safety of women.

Let me be very clear:

There is no excuse for this alleged behavior. It is systematic and pervasive and I’ve been doing a lot of listening and I’m going to continue to do that.

This I know is true: Women cannot achieve equality in the workplace or in society until there is a reckoning and a taking of responsibility.

I am really proud to work at CBS News. There are so many incredible people here, especially on this show — all of you here.

This will be investigated. This has to end. This behavior is wrong. Period.

Very well said.


Charlie Rose: Slammed by His Own CBS Colleagues

Gayle King and Norah O"Donnell have sat alongside Charlie Rose for the past five years on CBS This Morning.

But the co-hosts greeted viewers today as a duo, as opposed to a threesome, as a result of Rose being suspended by network executives in light of a disturbing sexual harassment scandal.

According to The Washington Post, eight women have come forward and accused Rose of various inappropriate actions; from walking around naked in front of them to grabbing their buttocks and thighs.

Unprompted, of course.

It"s hard to believe the 75-year old will ever be on the small screen again.

In response to the scandal surrounding their colleague, King and O"Donnell delivered heartfelt speeches in support of Rose’s alleged victims, making it evident they won"t tolerate that sort of behavior moving forward.

"It takes a lot of courage for these women to come forward and I think that they should continue to do so,” O’Donnell said at the outset of the program.

She added:

“This is a moment that demands a frank and honest assessment about where we stand and more generally the safety of women. Let me be very clear: There is no excuse for this alleged behavior.

"It is systematic and pervasive and I’ve been doing a lot of listening and I’m going to continue to do that."

Clearly torn over a friend being accused of such heinous behavior, O"Donnell made her stance on the situation very clear:

"This will be investigated. This has to end. This behavior is wrong.”

King was no less harsh in her assessment of Rose.

"I am not okay," she told viewers.

"After reading that article in the Post, it was deeply disturbing, troubling and painful for me to read.”

Rose is merely the latest Hollywood male to be accused of sexual harassment or misconduct.

More and more alleged victims are feeling empowered to speak out in the wake of Harvey Weinstein being accused of assault and harassment.

“I think that we have to make this matter to woman — the woman that have spoken up, the women who have not spoken up because they are afraid, I’m hoping that now they will take the step to speak up too and that this becomes a moment of truth,” King continued.

Emphasizing that Rose "does not get a pass" of any kind, King added:

"I’ve enjoyed a friendship and a partnership with Charlie for the last 5 years. I’ve held him in such high regard.

"What do you say when someone that you deeply care about has done something that is so horrible? How do you wrap your brain around that?

"I’m really grappling with that."

Watch the emotional speeches by King and O"Donnell below:

Charlie rose slammed by his own cbs colleagues

Charlie Rose Says He Didn"t Commit "Wrongdoings" Amid Harassment Accusations

Charlie Rose seemed the worse for wear as he walked home Monday after getting benched from all of his gigs, and he seemed to take issue with the characterization that he did something wrong. A photog got Rose entering his New York City apartment…


Charlie Rose Suspended By CBS Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations (UPDATE)

2:56 PM PT — CBS News has suspended Rose and PBS will halt production and distribution of his show. Charlie Rose — one of the most famous journalists in the country — has just been accused of sexual harassment … and he’s apologizing for the…


Charlie Rose Responds to Allegations of Pervasive Sexual Harassment

The long and heretofore illustrious career of Charlie Rose may be over.

The veteran journalist has been suspended by PBS and CBS amidst accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct.

The accusations have been made by eight different women.

In a bombshell report published on Monday by The Washington Post, these alleged victims shared eerily similar stories about how the reporter would act in horribly inappropriate ways toward them.

There are accusations that Rose would place sexually explicit phone calls… expose his genitalia… and grope the women without their permission.

Three of the women spoke on the record, while five spoke on the condition of anonymity.

But all expressed stories that detailed how Rose would either walk out of a shower, naked, in their presence; and/or would grope their buttocks at company parties; and/or place his hand on their upper thigh, awaiting a reaction.

Said Reah Bravo, who worked as an intern and then associate producer for Rose’s PBS show beginning in 2007:

“It has taken 10 years and a fierce moment of cultural reckoning for me to understand these moments for what they were.

“He was a sexual predator, and I was his victim.”

The women were employees or aspired to work for Rose at The Charlie Rose Show from the late 1990s to as recently as 2011.

They ranged in age from 21 to 37 at the time of the reported encounters.

Rose is 75 years old and his one-on-one interview program airs on PBS and Bloomberg TV.

He also co-hosts CBS This Morning and is a contributing correspondent for 60 Minutes.

“In my 45 years in journalism, I have prided myself on being an advocate for the careers of the women with whom I have worked,” Rose said in a statement to the Washington Post, adding:

“Nevertheless, in the past few days, claims have been made about my behavior toward some former female colleagues.”

He continued as follows:

It is essential that these women know I hear them and that I deeply apologize for my inappropriate behavior.

I am greatly embarrassed. I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate.

I always felt that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken.

I have learned a great deal as a result of these events, and I hope others will too.

All of us, including me, are coming to a newer and deeper recognition of the pain caused by conduct in the past, and have come to a profound new respect for women and their lives.

Shortly after news of Rose’s allegations broke, PBS announced it is stopping production on the anchor’s self-titled program.

Meanwhile, CBS News has also suspended him from his regular duties.

Rose is the latest major name to be accused of sexual harassment or misconduct.

Several weeks ago, allegations of assault were leveled by countless women against movie producer Harvey Weinstein.

Since then, women around the country have been empowered to speak up, with stories popping up nearly everyday about allegedly heinous acts committed by such stars as Kevin Spacey, Louis C.K. and Jeffrey Tambor.

We salute these victims for coming forward.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Rose McGowan: Arrested on "Drug Charges" While Fans Cry Foul!

One of the biggest fears that kept so many people silent about their experiences before the Harvey Weinstein rape accusations and the numerous outings that have followed was the fear of reprisal.

Well, Rose McGowan spoke up. In fact, she’s been one of the most prominent voices in the efforts to expose and cast out harassers and abusers in the entertainment industry.

And now she’s been arrested … for drug charges that date back to the beginning of 2017.

If you’d told us years ago that Rose McGowan was going to be at the forefront of a chorus of brave voices calling for a shift in the culture that makes women afraid to be alone with their male coworkers …

Actually, we’d have believed you.

It was in 2016 that Rose McGowen revealed that she’d been raped by a Hollywood executive.

We didn’t know by whom, at the time, though rumors have surrounded a number of powerful men in Hollywood for years and even decades.

Almost exactly one year after she revealed her sexual assault, Rose McGowan named Harvey Weinstein as her rapist.

She was, at that point, adding her voice to others — who had accused Weinstein of grotesque harassment as well as sexual assault.

But we still cannot imagine the kind of bravery that she needed to muster in order to speak up.

It appears that Rose McGowan’s outspokenness may have come back to bite her.

We don’t know if this is some sort of reprisal or just a very unfortunate and unjust coincidence.

Just at the end of October, we learned that a warrant for Rose McGowan’s arrest had been issued.

The warrant was issued in Virginia.

See, Rose McGowan apparently behind a bag on a plane.

(Never do that, folks — you might lose it, and someone might also assume that it’s a bomb and start a panic)

Allegedly, tests showed that there were traces of an illicit substance — cocaine — on the bag.

We’re talking about traces, here, so aside from the fact that every adult has the natural right to put whatever they want to in their bodies, this sounds like pretty thin evidence.

Also, “trace evidence” of drugs is notorious for producing false positives. Most people just don’t have the resources to fight a charge and they cop a plea.

The warrant for her arrest was obtained on February 1st, but apparently nobody bothered to tell Rose McGowan until late October.

Maybe they saw her name in the news and somebody got excited at the idea of arresting a celebrity. But some, Rose included, have wondered if there might have been something more serious at work.

“Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia,” Rose tweeted. “What a load of HORSES–T!”

But, as ridiculous as the whole situation sounds, Rose McGowan traveled to Virginia and turned herself in.

She was booked, briefly, before being released on $ 5,000 bond.

This is Rose McGowan’s first arrest. She has a reputation for “making trouble,” but that’s only because she calls out people and has zero chill about it.

Is this suddenly revived warrant revenge or an attempt to silence her and others? If so, it’s not working. Women are still coming forward every day.

But with the timing of everything, we can understand why Rose and many of her fans would have their suspicions.

The whole scenario is very weird.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Rose McGowan Surrenders in Felony Cocaine Possession Case

Rose McGowan turned herself into cops in Virginia where she was arrested for an outstanding warrant for possession of cocaine. Back in January, cops say they found a few small bags of cocaine in a wallet McGowan had left behind at the airport. A…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rose Namajunes: Joanna Privately Congratulated Me After UFC 217 Beatdown

For all that trash she talked before the fight, Joanna Jedrzejczyk was humble in defeat … privately congratulating Rose Namajunes after losing at UFC 217.  “She came up and congratulated me afterwards and said, ‘All the best,"” Rose tells…


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Rose McGowan: Arrest Warrant Issued. Is She Being Silenced?

Just a little more than two weeks ago, Rose McGowan accused Harvey Weinstein of having raped her. She was far from Harvey Weinstein’s sole accuser, but she’s one of the bigger names to go public.

And now, very suddenly, we’re finding out that there’s an arrest warrant out for Rose McGowan over alleged drug possession … dating back to the beginning of the year.

What we don’t know is whether this suspicious timing is just a coincidence or some sort of retaliation. But Rose McGowan has a theory.

It was only a year ago when Rose McGowan revealed that she had been raped by a Hollywood executive.

Sexual assault is horrifying, and we absolutely do not blame her for not naming the monster who came after her.

At the time, it would have been her word alone against his.

Following the Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal and the multiple women accusing him of rape

As a powerful Hollywood mega-producer, Harvey Weinstein had the money and influence to intimidate countless women into silence.

We may never know the names of all of the women left scarred, traumatized, and ashamed by Weinstein’s alleged actions.

We need to respect the choices of those women, however. Most of us are fortunate enough that we cannot imagine being in that kind of situation.

That Rose McGowan has used her voice, her fame, and her platform to speak out against sexual assault is a sign of real bravery.

And yet … there’s a warrant out for Rose McGowan’s arrest.

The Associated Press reports that the warrant was obtained by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department.

And … it was issued on February 1st of this year.

That’s just about 9 entire months ago.

So … why are we just hearing about this now, we wonder?

We’ll get to that in a moment, because the charges are also pretty weird.

The AP reports:

“An arrest warrant has been obtained for actress Rose McGowan for felony possession of a controlled substance.”

Okay. Yikes.

“The felony charge stems from a police investigation of personal belongings left behind on a United flight arriving at Washington Dulles International Airport on Jan. 20. Police say the items tested positive for narcotics.”

Our first thought, aside from “it’s literally no one’s business what Rose McGowan allegedly puts in her body,” was to wonder since when, exactly, do random possessions (like a sweater or whatever) get tested for traces of narcotics?

Rose McGowan tweeted out after she heard the news, asking the question that we’ve all been wondering:

“Are they trying to silence me? There is a warrant out for my arrest in Virginia. What a load of HORSES–T.”

Rose McGowan is a celebrity; Virginia authorities have had an entire pregnancy’s worth of time to tell the Associated Press or the LAPD or … whomever … that they need to speak with Rose McGowan.

They might have mentioned this to Rose, too, you might think.

Virginia-based charges seem like a bit of a reach for Harvey Weinstein.

And, unless all of the women who’ve accused him also start suddenly getting bombarded by frivolous charges, the conspiracy angle doesn’t make much sense.

Do you know what our theory is?

As weird as the timing of it all might be, Rose McGowan making headlines over Harvey Weinstein might be what prompted Virginia authorities to make their warrant public.

We fully believe that Rose McGowan had no idea (authorities allegedly tried to get in touch with her … which leaves us with a lot of questions over how a simple notification could be so difficult).

We don’t know whether Rose McGowan’s alleged possession stems from, like, a baggie of weed in a purse or microscopic traces on a sweater or what.

Proving that she had continuous possession of whatever item that got left behind sounds tricky for prosecutors.

(We can only imagine that the item got tested either because of a drug-sniffing dog or because it was left behind on a plane or at an airport and therefore became a “suspicious” package … we just don’t know)

Even if Rose McGowen really was in possession of a controlled substance, and that’s a big if, it shouldn’t matter because, again, it shouldn’t be anyone’s business what an adult puts in their own body.

Unless they’re, like, driving or performing surgery.

Still, even with this totally plausible scenario of coincidental timing, something about this really rubs us the wrong way.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rose McGowan Says She Was Offered $1 Million in Hush Money from Harvey Weinstein

Rose McGowan says Harvey Weinstein offered her $ 1 million to keep her mouth shut before his 1st sexual harassment story broke — which she countered for far higher before ultimately shooting him down. Rose told the NYT someone in Weinstein’s camp…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

21 Savage Takes Amber Rose Along For First Solo Flight

Most rappers dream of flying in a private plane, 21 Savage is one step closer to flying his own someday after completing his first-ever solo flight with the goal of getting his pilot’s license. We’re told the ATL rapper has been taking flying…


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Amber Rose, I Have Lots and Lots of Sex

Amber Rose says sex is like vitamins … you need both at least once a day. We got 21 Savage’s GF Friday leaving e. Baldi in Bev Hills when we asked if she got something special on her birthday — i.e., sex — and she said it’s just another day…


Friday, October 13, 2017

Rose McGowan: Harvey Weinstein RAPED Me! And Amazon Covered It Up!

Now that Rose McGowan has her viral voice back, the actress is using it to make a couple scathing accusations.

McGowan was actually kicked off Twitter earlier this week after she shared numerous messages calling out Hollywood for its inaction against Harvey Weinstein after the movie producer was outed for being the person she always claimed him to be:

A sexual predator.

Multiple detailed reports have alleged that Weinstein sexually harassed an endless number of women and even raped a few actresses back in the 1980s and 1990s.

McGowan, meanwhile, has gone on the offense in the wake of these allegations, referring to Ben Affleck as a liar, for example, after he pleaded ignorance over Weinstein’s notorious behavior.

After McGowan’s Twitter account was unlocked on Thursday (the company says she was given the temporary boot for sharing a private phone number), the actress celebrated by sending a series of message at people she believes covered for Weinstein …

… and by accusing the movie mogul of rape.

Addressing all of her Tweets to Jeff Bezos – the founder and CEO of Internet behemoth Amazon – McGowan wrote:

“I told the head of your studio that HW raped me. Over & over I said. He said it hadn’t been proven. I said I was proof.”

As part of a New York Times article published last week, it was revealed McGowan was one of eight women who reached a settlement with Weinstein.

In her case, it was for $ 100,000 and it was over a 1997 encounter in a hotel room with the executive producer during the Sundance Film Festival.

The money that changed hands was “not to be construed as an admission” by Weinstein, but intended to “avoid litigation and buy peace,” according to a legal document reportedly reviewed by the aforementioned newspaper.

Continued McGowan in her Twitter explanation last night:

“I had already sold a script I wrote to your studio, it was in development…

“When I heard a Weinstein bailout was in the works I forcefully begged studio head to do the right thing. I was ignored. Deal was done. Amazon won a dirty Oscar.

“I called my attorney & sad I wanted to get my script back, but before I could, #2 @amazonstudios called me to say my show was dead…

“@jeffbezos I am calling on you to stop funding rapists, alleged pedos and sexual harassers. I love @amazon but there is rot in Hollywood.

“@jeffbezos Be the change you want to see in the world. Stand with truth. #ROSEARMY #Amazon.”

mcgowan vs. amazon

This is not a new claim by McGowan.

Any awful cynic who thinks she’s somehow just trying to take advantage of the publicity surrounding Weinstein need only to CLICK ON THIS LINK.

Last October, McGowan also Tweeted about how a Hollywood executive had raped her – and how others within the industry had helped cover it up.

Using the hashtag #WhyWomenDontReport, McGowan wrote the following one year ago:

“A (female) criminal attorney said because I’d done a sex scene in a film I would never win against the studio head.

“Because it’s been an open secret in Hollywood/media & they shamed me while adulating my rapist.”

She concluded: “It is time for some goddamned honesty in this world.”

Sadly, it wasn’t then.

But maybe it can be now.

We’re most definitely proud members of the #ROSEARMY.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Rose McGowan Back On Twitter and Ripping into Amazon"s Jeff Bezos

Rose McGowan is wasting no time — shortly after getting back on Twitter she launched an attack on Jeff Bezos and Amazon Studios … but it’s still all about Harvey Weinstein. Rose posted a pic of a female samurai with the caption “it’s on” then…


Rose McGowan Back On Twitter and Ripping into Amazon"s Jeff Bezos

Rose McGowan is wasting no time — shortly after getting back on Twitter she launched an attack on Jeff Bezos and Amazon Studios … but it’s still all about Harvey Weinstein. Rose posted a pic of a female samurai with the caption “it’s on” then…


Rose McGowan Suspended from Twitter Over Harvey Weinstein, Ben Affleck Attacks

Rose McGowan has been booted from Twitter for tweets attacking Ben Affleck and Harvey Weinstein. Rose went wild on Twitter, telling Affleck to “f*** off,” and going after the honchos at The Weinstein Co., saying, “Every man there has the blood of…
