Showing posts with label Royal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Royal. Show all posts

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Meghan Markle Attends First Royal Event Since Honeymoon, Looks SO GOOD!!!

OK, so it’s not exactly news that Meghan Markle is gorgeous and amazing and all-around delightful, right?

Well, actually it is technically news, since here we are.

Maybe we should say that it’s not a surprise that Meghan would show up to her first royal event post-honeymoon looking like a radiant, divine goddess.

Because it’s true, it’s not a surprise, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to see pictures and know literally every detail about everything!

OK, so Meghan and Prince Harry just got back from their honeymoon, right?

They postponed it until a bit after their actual wedding so they could do a different event, but then they went to an undisclosed location — many say they planned a trip to Africa, some say Ireland, some say Canada.

But wherever it was, they went, surely had a lovely, sexy time, and now they’re back home.

Us peasants usually enjoying a few days to recuperate from such big vacations, but the whole thing about Harry and now Meghan is that they’re not peasants.

They’re literal royalty, and that’s why they had to dress up this morning and do a big birthday thing for the queen.

And just look at how great she looked:

If you’re not familiar with all the ins and outs of royal tradition, the event is called Trooping the Colour, and it’s been around for centuries.

It’s basically a big birthday parade for the sovereign, and it’s been held in June for many, many years now — Queen Elizabeth’s actual birthday is in April.

Everybody gets in carriages, there’s a royal salute, the whole family stands on the balcony and waves at everyone who’s gathered around to watch.

It’s this big thing every year, but this is the first year that Meghan’s participated.

And, as we previously mentioned, she looked so, so amazing.

Her dress, that beautiful pink number, is a Caroline Herrera, and the hat is by Phillip Treacy, natch.

It’s interesting because with this look, Meghan has once again broken that pesky royal protocol.

Yep, even though she is pretty much the picture of class here, it’s apparently a bit immodest when compared against the traditional wardrobe to this event.

For reference, Kate Middleton has never worn sleeves that come above her elbows to a Trooping the Colour, and if you want to go even further back, Diana never did, either.

It’s not the first time she’s gone against the usual royal lady fashion guide, either — she often wears her hair messier than other princesses before her, for instance.

In those beautiful engagement photos she and Harry did, she wasn’t wearing nude pantyhose — another no-no — and even her gorgeous wedding dress was a bit off-the-shoulder, too.

But the thing is, Meghan is a black American actress, you know?

She’s already breaking a lot of rules just by joining the family in the first place.

And honestly, if this is the kind of rule-breaker she’s going to be, then we are 100% here for it.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thomas Markle Never Asked Meghan For Money Ahead of Royal Wedding

Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas, has never asked his daughter for money — despite reports — because he says he leads a frugal life by choice and doesn’t need extra cash. Thomas is shooting down reports that, in the weeks before his…


Thomas Markle Never Asked Meghan For Money Ahead of Royal Wedding

Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas, has never asked his daughter for money — despite reports — because he says he leads a frugal life by choice and doesn’t need extra cash. Thomas is shooting down reports that, in the weeks before his…


Monday, May 28, 2018

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry"s Honeymoon in Canada Will Be "Royal Retreat"

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are heading to a spot with a royal reputation for their honeymoon, and it’s not too far from her homeland, just up north of the border … TMZ has learned. We’re told the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are going to…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Prince Harry CALLED HIS EX Right Before the Royal Wedding!!!

In case you’ve spent the past week on Mars, living in a cave with really crappy wi-fi, allow us to bring you up to speed on recent events on this planet:

Prince Harry married Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle, and … well, that’s just about it for good news, so why don’t we just leave it there?

Yes, the royal wedding had something for everyone, including a few unexpected surprises.

(The sight of a bunch of stuffy Brits attempting to pretend they weren’t freaked out by the fiery sermonizing of Michael Curry was worth waking up for on its own.)

Of course, the one person you don’t want to surprise on the day of a wedding is the bride.

So hopefully everyone agreed to wait until the honeymoon to break it to Meghan that Harry rang up his most recent ex, Chelsy Davy, just a few days before the wedding.

Yes, not only did Harry give Chelsy a call, the conversation got so emotional that she ended up in tears, wondering aloud if she should attend the ceremony at all.

“It was their final call, a parting call in which they both acknowledged Harry was moving on,” a source close to the situation tells Elle.

“Chelsy was quite emotional about it all, she was in tears and almost didn’t go to the wedding. In the end, she went and promised Harry she wouldn’t try and gatecrash the party.”

Yes, it seems Chelsy was invited to the ceremony, but not the “more intimate” reception that followed.

And she probably made the right call by not busting through the door and giving a sloppy-ass toast.

As insulting as it is to be invited to the ceremony but not the reception (“Oh, so I have to bring a gift, but I can’t take advantage of the open bar? Neat!”), crashing a party thrown by the royal family is probably not a good idea.

People have been beheaded for less.

And how did Meghan feel about all this?

She’s pretty much the first royal in history that could accurately be described as “chill,” so she was probably relatively cool about the whole thing.

Still, her position must have been a little uncomfortable, as it’s not like Chelsy was just some fling from Harry’s past.

Harry and Chelsy broke up in 2011 after seven years of on and off dating, but they attempted to rekindle their romance in 2015 – just a few months before Harry met Meghan.

Apparently, it was Chelsy who broke it off (!!!) after deciding she wasn’t cut out for such a public life.

It seems she missed quite a party, as the royal reception included dance competitions and beer pong.

Unfortunately, it was the last fun Meghan will ever be permitted to enjoy.

You dodged a bullet, Chelsy.


Meghan Markle"s Sister to The Royal Family: Stop Inbreeding!

The Royal Wedding has been over for days now.

However, the loudest critic of The Royal Wedding is yet to move on.

Indeed, we’re very sorry readers, but it’s time to once again talk about Samantha Markle.

The half-sister of Meghan Markle (aka The Duchess of Sussex!), Samantha is 17 years older than her more famous and FAR more classy sibling.

The two share a father, but did not grow up in the same household and barely know each other.

Over the course of the past several weeks, Samantha has been dragging Meghan left and right, slamming her as fake and phony and unappreciative and acting very bitter over her lack of a wedding invitation.

(Hmmm… we really can’t figure out why Meghan didn’t invite her, can you?)

After actually watching her sister get married, though, and after especially listening to Bishop Michael Curry’s impassioned sermon about love, Samantha appeared to have a change of heart.

Kind of.

“I watched the bishop talk about love and unity and forgiveness and I hoped it would strike a chord within Meghan,” she said earlier this week, still clearly blaming Meghan for their riff and adding:

“If that was real and if I were to define a principle to all of this, then it would be that we all just work for a peaceful resolution and reunion as a family.

“I feel a religious and moral obligation to be open to her and not be vindictive or isolating or hurt.”

You can guess how long this “open” attitude lasted probably, can’t you?

First, Samantha took Meghan’s mother to task, bashing Doria Ragland for “cashing in” on her appearance because she talked to Oprah Winfrey and, according to Samantha only, sold photos to the press.

But Samantha, who did warn us about never shutting up, was only getting started with this Tweet.

On Tuesday, Samantha wrote on her private Twitter account that her family is “just as embarrassed by [Meghan]” as ever before, adding that just because Markle is now royalty “she does not suddenly walk on water and she owes it to our father it is not charity it is gratitude.”

This is a reference to how Markle’s dad was not given his own coat of arms.

(Thomas Markle did not attend the wedding due to health problems and also embarrassment over a scandal in which he was caught paying paparazzi to take flattering photos of him.)

“To exclude him off a coat of arms is really stripping him of an honour and it’s a huge insult,” Samantha fumed to The Sun.

“After a heart attack that would be cruel and isolating.”

According to the Daily Mail, meanwhile, Thomas was not given a coat of arms because the process was deemed too “complicated.

It entails finding proof that the family had an ancestor who was a subject of the Crown.

Instead, Meghan will actually be given her own coat of arms… but her American family won’t be able to use it.

(We love Meghan and Harry and William and especially Kate Middleton, but man: This royalty stuff is very weird and sort of messed up, don’t you think?)

Samantha, however, is in no mood to try and actually comprehend her dad’s perceived snub.

She used Twitter to attack the Royal Family’s allegedly superior attitude, noting that they’d had “generations of scandal” themselves.

And then getting especially frisky and personal by writing:

“You’ve got inbreeding, you’ve got substance abuse, you’ve got alcohol abuse, you’ve got infidelity. On what grounds could the royals feel that the Markles are somehow not worthy?”

There’s a lot we could unpack here.

There’s no real arguing that the Royal Family lives by a haughty set of unusual rules that literally don’t really apply to anyone else in the world.

But they are coming around, that’s for sure.

They’ve accepted Meghan into their home, despite a previous divorce and despite the fact that she’s American; this would have been unheard of decades ago.

More importantly, though, is the context of this complaint and these allegations.

They come from someone who is working on a book about her toxic relationship with her estranged half-sister — and it will be titled “The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.”

Samantha Markle really needs to go away.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Thomas Markle Wants To Be Left Alone After Daughter"s Royal Wedding

Thomas Markle says he’s still being chased by paparazzi days after his daughter’s marriage … and he can’t even go through a drive-thru without getting hounded. Thomas tells TMZ the pictures of him grabbing a drink Monday were taken right after his…


Bishop Curry Gets the Rockstar Treatment in NYC After Royal Wedding

Bishop Curry is getting major love in New York City after preaching about it at Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding.  We got the bishop in NYC Tuesday, where he was making the media rounds after his powerful sermon, hypothesizing on a…


Monday, May 21, 2018

TMZ Live: Royal Wedding Harry & Meghan Tie The Knot

ON TODAY’S SHOW Mario Batali: New Rape Investigation Taylor Swift Slammed For ‘September’ Cover Santa Fe School Shooter: Before The Massacre John Cena Visits Nikki Bella 


Meghan Markle"s Dumb Dad Wishes He"d Gone to the Royal Wedding

If you’ve been anywhere near an internet-enabled device in the past 72 hours, then you’re no doubt aware that Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in a unique ceremony at Windsor Castle in London.

Harry and Meghan’s nuptials were different from previous royal weddings in a number of important ways.

Most were cool and interesting, others … well, not so much.

For example, the ceremony incorporated elements of African-American culture in order to honor Meghan’s ethnicity and nationality.

That was inarguably awesome.

In the other column, you’ll find the almost unbelievably messy drama surrounding Meghan’s family.

While it certainly helped set this wedding apart from its predecessors, we’re guessing Harry and Meghan would have been happy to skip over the soap opera BS delivered by her father and her half-siblings.

Meghan’s half-brother and half-sister talked a bunch of trash, but that came as no surprise, as those two revealed themselves to be bestselling items at the jerk store several months ago.

Much more unexpected was the last-minute turmoil involving Meghan’s father.

Thomas Markle skipped the royal wedding, bowing out just days before the ceremony for reasons that still aren’t totally clear.

At first, there were reports that Meghan’s dad had suffered a heart attack.

Now, however, it doesn’t that that was the case.

The more likely explanation seems to be that Thomas was humiliated by the revelation that he’d agreed to be photographed by paparazzi in exchange for a fee.

That’s not to say Thomas is without health issues, but it seems that his reasons for skipping the wedding were more varied and complex than initially reported.

Weirdly, Thomas was in regular communication with TMZ throughout the build-up to the wedding, and he spoke to the site on Saturday after Meghan and Harry exchanged vows.

“My baby looks beautiful and she looks very happy,” he said.

“I wish I were there and I wish them all my love and all happiness.”

Thomas added that watching the wedding on television was both “emotional and joyful.”

We may never know exactly what prompted Thomas to stay home instead of participating in this once-in-a-lifetime event, but remarkably, it seems he and Meghan have remained on good terms.

But perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by that – something tells us Meghan has lots of experience forgiving her father.


Royal Wedding 2018: The Official Portraits are Here!

Meghan Markle didn’t merely marry Prince Harry this past Saturday.

She married into Prince Harry’s famous and very wealthy family.

And this development has now been driven home via the release of the official Royal Portraits from Kensington Palace.

Snapped in the Green Drawing Room at Windsor Castle after Meghan and Harry magical carriage procession through London, the picture were shot by fashion photographer, Alexi Lubomirski.

This is the same artist who took the couple’s memorable engagement photos at Frogmore House in Windsor late last year.

The first image (above) is a truly epic gathering of the entire royal family (minus four-week-old Prince Louis, who stayed home at the palace because… come on, he’s four weeks old).

Include in this snapshot is the little bridal party and Meghan’s proud mother, Doria Ragland.

(As you’ve likely read about by now, Meghan’s father, Thomas, suffered a heart attack last week and then underwent a heart procedure. He was unable to make the trip.)

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released three official photographs from their Wedding day,” opens the Kensington Palace Twitter caption alongside this photo, adding:

“These photographs were taken by photographer Alexi Lubomirski at Windsor Castle, following the carriage procession. #RoyalWedding.”

Also featured in the photo set is a picture of just Harry and Meghan with their adorable page boys and bridesmaids.

And it’s beyond precious…

Led by Prince George and Princess Charlotte, the eight other children include several of Harry and Meghan’s godchildren and children of their friends.

They are:

Florence van Cutsem, 3; Remi Litt, 6 and her sister Rylan, 7; Ivy Mulroney, 4; Zalie Warren, 2; Jasper Dyer, 6; and twins Brian and John Mulroney, 7.

“The duke and duchess would like to thank everyone who took part in the celebrations of their wedding,” a spokesperson for Kensington Palace said in a statement on Monday.

“They feel so lucky to have been able to share their day with all those gathered in Windsor and those who watched on television across the U.K., Commonwealth and around the world.”

Finally, this three-photo release concludes with a romantic snapshot of the brand new bride and groom, looking as happy as two people can be:

Meghan and Harry’s wedding came six months after the couple announced their engagement to the world.

It went off without a hitch, but with plenty of memorable moments.

Markle, for example, paid tribute to Princess Diana by wearing something blue.

She also stunned and inadvertedly seduced millions of people around the world by changing into a sleek white dress for her evening reception.

Just… wow, right?

There was also the kiss outside the chapel and the rendition of “Stand By Me” that was sung right before Meghan and Harry exchanged vows.

The vows did not include the word “obey,” which many have taken as a subtle pro-feminism stance by Markle’s part.

We approve.

Check out the exchange below:

“It has been an incredible honor and privilege to document The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s inspiring journey of love, hope and family; from the engagement photos, all the way through to the official wedding and family portraits on Saturday,” Lubomirski said in a statement, concluding:

“This has been a beautiful chapter in my career and life, that I will happily never forget.”

The same goes for all who witnessed this blessed event.

Relive our favorite moments and fashion statements below:


Paris Hilton Loved Meghan and Harry"s Royal Wedding and Her Veil

Meghan Markle’s haute couture Givenchy wedding dress wasn’t the showstopper of the Royal Wedding, it was her 16-foot veil, according to Paris Hilton. We got Paris at LAX over the weekend fresh off the plane from the Cannes…


Guess Who This Royal Runt Turned Into!

Before this precious prince was being celebrated around the world, he was just another blue-eyed baby growing up in the United Kingdom. Can you guess who he is?


Guess Who This Royal Runt Turned Into!

Before this precious prince was being celebrated around the world, he was just another blue-eyed baby growing up in the United Kingdom. Can you guess who he is?


Sunday, May 20, 2018

SNL Spoofs Royal Wedding Reception with Prince Harry

SNL parodied the Royal wedding reception of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and the funny is also relatable … everyone has screwed up family members. Mikey Day played Prince Harry and walked through the party introducing friends and relatives…


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Meghan Markle: How Did She Honor Princess Diana at the Royal Wedding?

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in an unforgettable ceremony at Windsor Castle this morning.

At this point, virtually every aspect of the royal wedding has been dissected on social media and in the tabloids.

There have been in-depth discussions about Meghan and Harry’s celebrity guests; the moving ceremony that incorporated elements of the cultures in which both newlyweds were raised; and of course, the fabulous dress worn by the new Duchess of Sussex.

But some of the more subtle details of the ceremony have been largely overlooked.

For example, there’s been little coverage of the moving ways in which Meghan and Harry paid tribute to his late mother, Princess Diana.

The most poignant tribute to the late Princess Di may have been the inclusion of her most beloved flower in Meghan’s 16-foot veil.

“The spring blooms include Forget-Me-Nots which were Diana, Princess of Wales’ favorite flower,” a statement from Kensington Palace read.

“The couple specifically chose them to be included in Ms. Markle’s bouquet to honor the memory of the late Princess on this special day.”

For her second outfit of the day (pictured above) Meghan combined her something borrowed with her something blue by sporting an aquamarine ring from Princess Diana’s private collection.

Meg also kept an unofficial British tradition alive by collaborating with a female British designer to craft the perfect dress, just as Di and Kate Middleton did.

As for Harry, his signals that his mother was on his mind were a bit more subtle but no less potent.

Royal watchers believe Harry’s tendency to bite his lower lip was inherited from Diana:

“This is a micro-expression,” human behavioral expert Susan Constantine tells Good Housekeeping.

“In this deeply personal moment, Harry is trying to conceal his emotions.”

And that’s not the only way in which Harry’s body language spoke volumes, as royal experts noted that he flouted custom by watching Meg walk down the aisle:

“At a British wedding, the groom and his best man (or supporter) will face the altar as the bride walks down the aisle,” says Myka Meira of Beaumont Etiquette.

“He won’t turn to look at her until she is beside him.”

Those Brits, they’re an understated bunch.

Check out more highlights from Harry and Meghan’s big day in the gallery below:


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry: The Best Reactions to the Royal Wedding!

Royal weddings are always exciting, but we can probably all agree that the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is on a whole different level.

After all, Prince Harry is without question the most well-liked royal, and Meghan is a black American actress who became a princess today.

It"s a pretty big deal.

We"ve seen the dress, we"ve seen all the fashion, we"ve heard all about how incredibly sweet Harry was during the ceremony …

So now it"s time to see how everyone who didn"t land an invite is wishing the newlyweds well!

1. A Real Fairytale

A real fairytale


2. Meghan, Please!

Meghan please

Just a few tips. Come on, girl, do us a solid.


Its a very special day

This woman is all of us today.

4. The Magic of Friendship

The magic of friendship

Where did Meghan find friends to set her up on blind dates with princes and is there room in the group text for a few more?!

5. Meghan AND Beyonce

Meghan and beyonce

Cats are good too, right? RIGHT?

6. Go Back!

Go back

Seriously, how dreamy was this wedding? Answer: the DREAMIEST.

View Slideshow

Meghan Markle"s Yogurt Shop Offers 50% Off Royal Wedding Special

Meghan Markle’s humble beginnings haven’t been forgotten by those she left behind, because we found out the yogurt shop where she worked back in the day is offering a special royal offering …at a discount! Turns out Meghan worked at Humphrey…


Royal Wedding Dress Debate: Who Wore It Better?

On Saturday afternoon, it finally happened.

As documented in detail, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got married in London.

The former Suits actress and the son of Princess Diana said “I Do” in front of hundreds of guests in attendance at St. George’s, not to mention thousands lining the street outside and millions watching at home.

But we’re not here right now to talk about those two romantic words.

We’re here to discuss four equally famous words:

Who. Wore. It. Best.

The subjects in this case are the two Royal Brides from the past decade, Kate Middleton and Mrs. Markle.

The former, of course, tied the knot with Prince William back in 2011 in an event whose anticipation we never thought could be topped until today.

At the time, the Duchess of Cambridge wore a lovely lace Alexander McQueen gown designed by Sarah Burton, the fashion house’s creative director.

The now-legendary gown featured long lace sleeves, a v-neckline and an extremely long train.

Kate’s dress was also composed of French Chantilly lace and English Cluny lace throughout the bodice, skirt and underskirt.

Here. Take a look below in order to refresh your memory:

Markle, meanwhile, went with Givenchy.

She donned an ensemble by the fashion house’s creative director Clare Waight Keller.

It featured a boat neckline bodice, long sleeves and a sheer cascading veil adorned with lace trim.

The delicate veil was actually made from silk tulle and it included a trim of hand-embroidered flowers in silk threads and organza.

Check it out here:

Both women looked gorgeous. Stunning. Beautiful in every way possible.

About this there can be no debate.

But let’s be honest now: While the world is standing up and applauding Meghan and Harry on their big day and wishing them the very best of luck, they’re also engaged in a different kind of debate.

It’s the kind summed up by the quartet of words we jotted down above:

Who wore her Royal Wedding Dress best, Middleton or Markle?

Go ahead and vote the poll below to make your opinion known:

Fashion Face-Off!

You must pick one: Who wore her Royal Wedding Dress best, Meghan Markle or Kate Middleton? View Poll »

It’s worth noting that Middleton’s dress grew to be so iconic and so memorable that H&M designed a similar version that retails for the affordable price of $ 299.

Will Markle’s gown create such demand?

Will designers be lining up to essentially copy it and offer it at a discount to the masses?

It’s far too early to say.

However, this much we can state with certainty:

Prince William and Prince Harry are both very lucky men. They married stunning women with terrific fashion taste.

Everyone here is a winner in the broad sense of the word… but only one of these brides can be a winner in the specific sense of this post.

So we ask again: Which Royal Wedding Dress do you like best?


Meghan and Harry"s Royal Wedding Brings Out the Freaks

While the pageantry was in full force inside Windsor Castle … outside it was a big ‘ol party with some bizarro getups. Check it out … a combo of British duds that would shock even Elton John, and a touch of Americana that looks like a 4th of…
