Showing posts with label SHOCKING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SHOCKING. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2018

Sarah Hyland Shares Shocking Selfie, Explains Why She Was "Torn From Work"

Without getting into specifics, Sarah Hyland has opened up like never before about her health problems.

And our heart aches for the Modern Family actress as a result.

Over the past several months, Hyland has often had to combat chatter that she has an eating disorder, as fans have reacted with shock and dismay over her frail appearance.

The 27-year old has never discussed in great detail exactly what affliction she unfortunately has, but Hyland has confirmed she underwent a kidney transplant in 2012.

In a 2015 interview with Seventeen Magazine, she said simply that she was “born with so many health issues.”

These issues apparently struck again in a frightening manner this week, considering what Hyland shared on her Instagram Story yesterday, which just happened to be National Selfie Day.

(Yes, this is evidently an actual day now.)

“Sometimes a selfie is more than just a good angle or feelin cute,” Hyland wrote as a caption to the disturbing image below.

“This time for #NationalSelfieDay, I’ve decided to share my truth. As painful as it is.

“So here is my face that was torn from work against my will. But I’m very grateful it was. Health should always come first.”

As you can see, Hyland’s face is horribly and, we assume, painfully swollen.

In a second Instagram snapshot, Hyland wrote that she was hospitalized on Monday, June 18 — and added that her beloved canine, Boo, knew something was amiss right away.

“Can’t wait to come back to my precious angel princess. She’s perfect and knows exactly what I need at all times,” Hyland penned alongside a video of the dog giving her kisses, adding:

“This was taken this past Sunday. Day before hospitalization. She was literally telling me to get treatment.”

Again, it’s unclear exactly what is the matter with Hyland.

But it’s clearly pretty serious.

With Modern Family on hiatus, the actress was working on the comedy movie The Wedding Year when she became ill, an insider tells Us Weekly.

This latest incident comes just over a year after Hyland blasted critics who scoffed at her weight.

“My circumstances have put me in a place where I’m not in control of what my body looks like,” she angrily Tweeted at the time, emphasizing:

“I am working hard to maintain my weight by eating as much protein as possible and continue to be STRONG and healthy.

“There’s no need to worry! I’ve been down before and I’ll probably be down again in my lifetime but I’m steadfast and solid and will conquer my obstacles.”

Sadly, Hyland also has had to deal with tabloid speculating in the past about her appearance and whether she has had any plastic surgery.

“THIS MAKES ME SO MAD to have [doctors] give their opinion ON MY FACE is absolutely ridiculous and degrading,” she tweeted in November, appropriately adding:

“F-ck off.”

In this same (justified) rant, Hyland touched on her ongoing health struggles:

“I have had the worst medical year of my life and to create an entire article surrounding the question of if I’ve had plastic surgery is the MOST insulting thing.

“Adding insult to injury, you have NO IDEA what I have been through. And I have somewhat addressed these rumors already.”

Addressing the magazine Life & Style, which ran the report questioning her looks, Hyland concluded:

People like you are the reason why young girls need to alter their face. MY face has been altered by LIFE SAVING medication. Take your “journalism” and use it for some good. FOR ONCE.

Perfectly said, Sarah.

We really hope you feel better soon.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Cardi B UNLOADS on Donald Trump in Shocking Interview

It’s pretty clear at this point that Cardi B doesn’t entirely understand how the government works.

Remember this Instagram video of the rapper going off on Uncle Sam in regard to the use of her tax dollars?

But while Cardi B may be confused when it comes to the Federal Reserve, she is very clear and straightforward when it comes to the person sitting in the Oval Office.

“Every artist has explained how harmful he is,” the artist says in the latest issue of Rolling Stone, referring, of course, to Donald Trump and then adding in more detail:

“He has made divisions in this country – he almost made a crazy civil war between the blacks and the whites. He has proven himself to be a madman so many times, and proven himself to be disrespectful to women, and that still hasn’t gotten him impeached.

“Clinton got impeached for cheating on his wife, and it’s so clear that this nigga has sex with so many porn stars, and he’s just been shown to be a dickhead, and it’s like, ‘Nope.’”

Well… okay then!

Tell us how you really feel, Cardi B.

This isn’t the first time the superstar has made vocal her unfiltered opinion on the President; she previously called him “soo disgusting” for calling Nigeria a “sh-thole.”

Cardi B, of course, is as outspoken as it gets in Hollywood.

She admitted in April that she considered aborting her impending child and she even described the position in which Offset knocked her up.

The rapper also went in a number of directions in this magazine feature, another of which was political.

Where does she stand on the topic of gun control?

“God forbid, the government tries to take us over, and we can’t defend ourselves because we don’t have no weapons,” she said, elaborating on this strange point:

“How do you think American colonizers went to Africa and it was so easy for them to get those people? Because they had guns. No matter what weapon you have, you can’t beat a gun.

“They have weapons like nuclear bombs that we don’t have. So imagine us not having any weapons at all.”

(Just a quick note here: IF the government somehow ever decided to take over the lives of its citizens, the guns legally available at the moment won’t exactly do a gosh darn thing.)

But forget Trump and guns for a second.

Let’s have a little more fun, shall we?

Sort of like what Cardi B wants to do at a certain party in the near future.

“I want a lit baby shower,” Cardi told the publication.

“My baby shower’s not starting at no 5:00. My shit is going to start at 9 p.m. because that’s how I celebrate, that’s how Caribbean people celebrate.

“I don’t like baby showers that be at 5 p.m. in the backyard, eating, cooking hors d’oeuvres. Nah. Shit, I might even drink some red wine. Red wine’s healthy, right?”

Not when you are pregnant, no.

Offset – to whom Cardi may or may not be engaged, but with whom she is definitely having a kid – already has three children from three previous relationships … but Cardi DGAF about that, people.

“People want to make fun of me, saying I’m the fourth baby mom,” she says here. “[But] I know I’m not having a baby with a shitty-ass man.”

The singer has confessed in the past that this pregnancy wasn’t planned and that she had her doubts at first.

“A lot of successful women have kids, and a lot of successful artists have kids, but not at the peak of their career,” she said of her own thought process.

Hence the abortion consideration.

But she’s moved past that hesitation and is now excited to embrace motherhood.

Cardi B told Rolling Stone that she wants to have her daughter with her everywhere she goes after giving birth.

“Only time I don’t have my baby with me is when I’m getting my hair done, makeup done, performing,” she explained.

“I don’t want to miss one second. I don’t want to miss no smiles, I don’t want to miss no new movement, I don’t want the baby to confuse me and the babysitter.”

Seriously, we can’t wait to see Cardi B as a parent.

It’s gonna be… lit.


Jenelle Evans Flaunts Drug Stash, Ditches Cops In Shocking Teen Mom 2 Preview!

At this point, it"s almost impossible to imagine that Jenelle Evans could sink any lower in the estimation of Teen Mom 2 viewers.

Yet somehow, the Carolina Hurricane keeps discovering new rock bottoms.

Recently, the revelation that Jenelle keeps her pills out in the open in a house full of toddlers is the latest thing to piss fans off.

And that"s arguably not even the most shocking Jenelle behavior of the week.

So prepare yourself for a deep dive into the psyche of reality TV"s most maligned villain, as we break down Jenelle"s latest colossal f–k up.

1. The Cops Come A-Callin’

Jenelle evans takes a lot of drugs

Our scene begins with a Teen Mom 2 producer informing Jenelle that there’s a sheriff at the door. Jenelle seems remarkably unfazed, but still refuses to answer the door.

2. Sheriff On the Land

Sheriff on the land

Asked by the producer why someone might have called the police, Jenelle replies, “There’s nothing I did, so [shrug].” Like we said, she doesn’t seem terribly concerned.

3. You Gotta Warrant?

You gotta warrant

Jenelle asks if the sheriff “has papers in his hand.” You know you’re a horrendous mom when you’re this casual about the cops being called to your home for a wellness check.

4. Her Bright Idea

Jenelle hearts drugs

At this point, Jenelle decides to have David answer the door, because apparently, he’s the brains behind the operation.

5. Calling In the Big Guns

Jenelle and her pills

When the knocking began, Jenelle and David were sequestered in the back of the house and took a long tiime emerging.

6. The Alibi

The alibi

“I’ve been here at my house, not worrying about no one, not doing shit,” Jenelle explains. Can someone explain to her that being completely inactive is not a good thing when you have kids?

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Friday, June 15, 2018

Justin Bieber Accused of Hurling N-Word During Fight In Shocking Lawsuit

You may have read that headline and thought to yourself, Hey wasn’t Justin Bieber already accused of using the N-word?

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: Yes, and there was video evidence, but Bieber has a long history of being awful, yet somehow he always gets a pass.

The latest accusation against Bieber comes from a man named Tobias Cannon who claims that he got into an altercation with Bieber at the 2016 NBA finals in Cleveland.

According to a lawsuit filed this week, Bieber physically assaulted Cannon, but the Canadian businessman declined to retaliate.

Cannon says that Bieber shouted the n-word at him as a form of humiliation.

“Justin Bieber has a history of inappropriate behavior,” Cannon’s lawyers write.

They go on to say that Bieber is “fortunate” Cannon did “not engage in mutual combat,” 

That’s some top-notch shade, Cannon’s lawyers.

Justin’s longtime manager Scooter Braun has already come to his client’s defense with a lengthy online statement.

“Justin Bieber has done a lot of stupid things in his past but what he has also done is apologize and own those mistakes,” Braun writes.

“This most recent claim against him is completely false and a fabrication from a man who tried to push for money for the last several years.”

Braun continues:

“He never said these things before because they never happened. This is a smear tactic to get money and it’s gross.

“So I repeat… these statements again Justin are completely false and we won’t be scared or blackmailed. This man should be ashamed of himself. Real racism exists.. but it doesn’t apply here. Just horrible.”

We’re not saying Braun is definitely lying or Bieber definitely acted like a colossal douche basket at the finals (although, probably and probably would be our guesses), but it’s pretty wild that he’s claiming Justin would never use that word.

Did we mention he’s been caught gleefully saying it on video on multiple occasions?

Cannon’s lawyers have already fired back, saying:

“This lawsuit was not filed for publicity. If that was the case, it would have been filed at the time the assault was first reported.”

It may not have been filed for publicity — but it’s likely to result in a lot of bad press for the Biebs.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Anthony Bourdain: Shocking Suicide Details Revealed

This morning, the world awoke to the tragic news that Anthony Bourdain had passed away at the age of 61.

“Celebrity chef” is the descriptor that’s used most often in reference to Bourdain, but it’s a woefully inadequate encapsulation of a career that brought him to the farthest reaches of the globe and into the lives of millions of fans.

Bourdain may have been a chef first and foremost, but he was also a writer and world traveler, a restaurateur and a raconteur.

The news that he took his own life comes as an almost unimaginable shock, not only because the food world has lost one of its most beloved figures, but also because Bourdain was a man whose talent for delighting in everything that life had to offer was one of his defining traits.

We may never get a satisfactory answer to the question of what drove Bourdain to despair in his final hours, and the details that have emerged thus far have only served to deepen the mystery.

What we know so far is that Bourdain was in northeastern France shooting an episode of his CNN series Parts Unknown.

He was in the company of his longtime friend and fellow world-famous chef Eric Ripert.

“I like to bring the distinguished three-star Michelin chef and good friend Eric Ripert someplace every year and torture him,“ Bourdain once said of his lifelong traveling companion.

A police report obtained by Page Six indicates that Bourdain died by hanging, and it was Ripert who discovered his body. 

“We learned this morning about the death by hanging of an American chef at a luxury hotel of Kaysersberg, Le Chambard,” a prosecutor in Kaysersberg-Vignoble told French newspaper Dernière Nouvelle D’alsace.

“At this point, nothing suggests the intervention of a third party.”

Details remain scarce, but it is believed that Bourdain did not leave a note.

At the time of his passing, Bourdain was dating actress Asia Argento, and those who knew the couple best reported that they were madly in love with one another.

Argento was reportedly in Rome at the time of Bourdain’s death.

In the hours before his passing, she posted an Instagram story in which she can be seen wearing a t-shirt that reads, “F— EVERYONE.”

She captioned the image, “You know who you are.”

Many have taken the post as an indicator of trouble in the relationship, but just moments ago, Argento posted a loving trbute to her departed life partner:

“Anthony gave all of himself in everything he did,” Argento wrote.

“His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds.”

She added:

“He was my love, my rock, my protector. I am beyond devastated. My thoughts are with his family. I would ask that you respect their privacy and mine.”

All across the internet, fans, fellow chefs, and a legion of adoring fans have been paying tribute to Bourdain, a man whose adventurous life and legacy will surely continue to serve as an inspiration for generations of food lovers and travelers.

“We ask very simple questions: What makes you happy? What do you eat? What do you like to cook?” Bourdain said while accepting a Peabody Award for his work in 2013.

“And everywhere in the world we go and ask these very simple questions, we tend to get some really astonishing answers.”

Bourdain’s love of food was matched only by his love of people, and his generous spirit will be greatly missed.


Anthony Bourdain: Celebrities React to Shocking Suicide

Absolutely tragic, shocking news this morning …

Anthony Bourdain, celebrity chef known for TV shows like No Reservations and Parts Unknown, was found dead of an apparent suicide.

He was 61 years old.

The news was confirmed in a statement from CNN, his home network, and shortly after the statement was released, the reactions came pouring in.

It"s clear that Anthony Bourdain was well-loved by many, and that his death is hitting us all very, very hard.

1. Adam Richman

Adam richman

2. Chrissy Teigen

Chrissy teigen

3. Gordon Ramsay

Gordon ramsay

4. Jamie Oliver

Jamie oliver

5. Patton Oswalt

Patton oswalt

6. Andrew Zimmern

Andrew zimmern

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Anthony Bourdain, Celebrities and Chefs React to Shocking Suicide

Anthony Bourdain’s sudden and shocking death has stunned the culinary world. Many fellow chefs, celebrities and athletes have taken to social media to share their experiences and some kind words about the star. As we reported … Bourdain was found…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Shocking Sacramento Road Rage Incident: Watch!

Road rage is a toxic and often alarming phenomenon. But this takes things several steps further.

Captured on camera, a man in a fury of roadrage rams his car into another vehicle repeatedly, then gets out to stomp on the other car.

You have to see this video for yourself, but we"ve immortalized a few of the highlights in gif form because they are worth seeing.

Watch that again. As you can see, his car is already damaged.

So, according to police and eyewitness reports, here is what happened:

Just before 1:30pm on Monday, June 4, two vehicles exited Highway 50 in Sacramento.

Then, near X and 10th street, a white Chevy Trailblazer began ramming into a silver Ford Fiesta. Repeatedly.

Sacramento police say that the Ford Fiesta left the area … which is when the Trailblazer picked a new victim.

Authorities say that the Trailblazer then began ramming a blue Honda CRV, which had been parked.

The repeated blows forced the vehicle into the intersection of X and 10th.

Mercifully, the CRV was not occupied at the time.

By this point, of course, there were multiple bystanders.

A few were quick-thinking enough to film the horrifying displays of violence, aggression, and rage.

One of the eyewitnesses was Nikki Guinn, who lives in the area.

"I was inside and I heard a car accident."

Well, she heard a collision. An accident would imply that it"s not intentional. But she didn"t know that, yet.

"Then, I heard my roommate yell, ‘He’s going to hit him again.’"

She remarked upon the behavior and speculates about the mental state of the driver, saying:

"He didn’t seem deterred or even aware of other people’s surroundings."

The video would seem to support that.

The driver, who would later be identified as 40-year-old Jose Garcia Alvarez, did not stop there.

After his efforts to destroy the other vehicle with his own car were exhausted — you can see white smoke rising from his rear tires — he got out of the car.

Not to get help or even to flee the scene — but to physically attack the car with his own body.

Police say that he was mostly just smashing what remained of the empty vehicle"s windshield.

We are thankful that the car was not occupied.

As you can imagine, Alvarez was super arrested. He was first taken to a hospital for treatment, then booked on charges of vandalism and assault.

Guinn, despite witnessing the violence, takes a sympathetic tone when she describes him.

"He seemed really upset. There’s a couple of moments where he bends over and he starts hitting his head and he just seems really lost."

Officers did mention that they had been alerted that he may have been under the influence of narcotics.

"I think we just need to be more aware of what people are going through."

That is good advice. That does not, of course, mean that anyone needs to allow themselves to be put in harm"s way.

"Our inkling is to make fun and say nasty things about what this man was doing. But the truth is, none of us know."

She"s right. That is … very insightful for a random bystander. Good job, Guinn.

Shocking sacramento road rage incident watch

Monday, June 4, 2018

Johnny Depp Appears Gaunt, Frail In Shocking New Photos

One of the many, many perks of being a world-famous movie star is getting to spend time with your idols.

And so, Johnny Depp has lived with Hunter S. Thompson and jammed with Keith Richards.

Unfortunately, it looks like all those decades of keeping pace with the world’s hardest partiers is beginning to take a toll on Johnny.

That’s a photo of Depp that was posted online by a fan this week.

The actor appears considerably more gaunt than usual, and fans took notice in a major way.

Depp was in Russia, touring with his band, the Hollywood Vampires, and he posed for pics with fans who likely shelled out quite a few rubles for the opportunity.

Not surprisingly, those fans then posted the images to their social media accounts.

And as with past Russian Facebook activity, the effects of the posts were immediately felt on a global scale.

Depp quickly became a trending topic, with some fans expressing concern and others dismissing those concerns.

Johnny Depp Is Thin

“He looks pale here. Hope he’s okay,” commented one IG user.

“Johnny Depp looks so bad, omg, is he ill or something?” wrote another.

“Please please tell me that Johnny Depp is just prepping for a movie and not that he is sick cause he doesn’t look so good here,” remarked.

“He looks like is this for a new movie. He is fine and not sick,” wrote another fan, who may be onto something.

Depp has several new films set for release, including the Harry Potter spinoff The Crimes of Grindelwald, and City of Lies, in which he plays an LAPD officer investigating the murders of Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G.

It’s unlikely that either of those movies necessitated any sort of physical transformation from Depp, but a more low-profile project entitled Richard Says Goodbye may have required Depp to shed some pounds.

According to a description of the film, Depp plays “a world-weary college professor” who receives a “life-changing diagnosis.”

Based on that description and the title of the project, we’re guessing that diagnosis isn’t seasonal allergies.

Depp defenders are clinging to the “it’s for a role” defense, but as many have pointed out, it’s equally possible that the actor’s lifestyle is simply catching up to him. 

Depp will turn 55 next week, and he’s shown little interest in putting his hedonistic ways behind him.

In fact, according to a pair of recent lawsuits, he’s going at it harder than ever.

Depp is being sued by his management team in response to the allegations that the firm nearly bankrupted him.

In one court document, attorneys claim that Depp’s many wild expenditures included spending $ 30,000 a month on wine.

In a separate lawsuit, Depp is being sued by two former bodyguards for creating a “toxic and unsafe” work environment.

The former employees allege that one of their many bizarre job responsibilities was ensuring that there was no cocaine residue on Depp’s face during public appearances.

Like so many others, we’re hoping that Johnny’s frail appearance these days is the result of method acting, not health issues.

Fortunately, fans can take heart in the assurances of audience members on Depp’s current tour who claim he appears to be in good spirits — and good health.

“Just saw #JohnnyDepp in concert in Hamburg. He looks healthy, happy and he had so much fun. … How pictures can deceive an impression,” wrote one such fan.

Reps for Johnny have declined to comment on the situation.


Saturday, June 2, 2018

"The Amazing Race" Makes Shocking Final Cuts for "Big Brother" Edition

Die-hard “Big Brother” fans might not be happy about this — “The Amazing Race” just made some huge last-minute cuts to its upcoming all-BB edition … including winners and fan favorites. Our ‘TAR’ sources tell us … America’s Favorite Houseguest…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Mom-Shamed Over Shocking Photo of Daughter

We think it’s safe to say that Jenelle Evans isn’t anyone’s idea of a perfect mother.

In fact, there are many who believe the Carolina Hurricane is thoroughly incapable of providing a safe and stable environment for her children.

And it’s not hard to see how they arrived at this conclusion.

Jenelle has been fighting for custody of her first son, Jace, for nine years, but the boy is still being raised by her mother, Barbara Evans.

These days, Evans is at risk of losing custody of her second son, Kaiser, to the boy’s father, Nathan Griffith.

And of course, there are those who feel that Jenelle should have all three of her kids taken away simply because she’s the type of person who points guns at people who cut her off in traffic.

Generally, we’re opposed to mom-shaming, but in Jenelle’s case, it’s usually warranted.

And she continues to provide her haters with plenty of ammunition.

Earlier this week, Jenelle posted this photo of her daughter, Ensley, on Instagram.

“She sure is having a lot of fun. #LittlePrincess #WaterBaby #Adorable,” Jenelle captioned the pic.

It might seem innocent enough, but some fans noticed that Jenelle edited that description after catching flak for her original caption.

The post originally read:

“For being a sick baby, she sure is having a lot of fun.”

Needless to say, a lot of Jenelle’s followers took issue with her decision to allow a sick toddler to play outside in cold water.

“Why is the sick baby in the water?” wrote one Instagram user.

“A bath is warm water, not freezing cold hose water outside,” remarked another.

A third laid the whole situation out in the indignant fashion of someone who’s about to call up CPS:

“Let me break it down for the idiots… pool/hose water is cold… therefore your body overworks to keep itself warm… the last thing you want your body to do (while sick especially) is overwork,” she commented.

“Hence why the show is called Teen Mom. #whatNOTtodo.”

Thus far, Jenelle’s only response has been to edit the caption.

To be fair, however, that’s more effort than she usually puts in.

But don’t worry, Jenelle is currently preparing for a house call from the doctor — Dr. Drew, that is.

Yes, as you may have heard, Jenelle didn’t attend the Teen Mom 2 reunion taping in New York City last month.

Remarkably, her MTV bosses are making a major concession by flying Dr. Drew to North Carolina with a camera crew, so that Jenelle can record an interview at home.

Frankly, we think they’re on a bit of a slippery slope.

Next thing you know, the reunion shows will be taped simultaneously in five different states.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more reminders of just how bonkers Jenelle truly is.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Kim Kardashian "Wants a Divorce," Shocking Report Claims

Kim Kardashian is putting on a brave face in public.

She"s saying all the right things about Kanye West.

According to Life & Style, however, the reality star is not handling her husband"s apparent breakdown very well.

Far from it, in fact.

With Kanye blabbering on about Donald Trump and slavery and angering nearly everyone with a rational view of the world, Kardashian is reportedly weighing her options.

Could she really file for divorce from the father of her three kids?

Scroll down for a summary of the latest speculation…

1. Sigh. Where Do We Even Start Here?

Kimye ready to kiss

On April 15, Kanye returned to Twitter… and it was instantly weird. “The psychological zombie effect,” read Tweeted early on. “I’m super chaaaaaarged. Bout to take this whole thing to mars.”

2. It Got A LOT Crazier From There

Kanye west tweets about emma gonzalez

Kanye’s Twitter barrage went from sort of cute to scary and annoying when he praised Donald Trump frequently and said that blacks made the “choice” to be slaves.

3. But Still…

Kim kardashian serious on instagram

… Kim stuck by her husband’s side — in public. The media is “so quick to label him as having mental health issues for just being himself when he has always been expressive,” she Tweeted at one point.

4. In Private, However?

Kimye selfie time

We reported that Kim was considering an intervention, desperate to get through to Kanye in any way she possibly could; to help him seek professional assistance. Click on the above headline to read more about this story.

5. Just How Bad Have Things Gotten?

Their party of 5

“Kim is in talks with lawyers about getting a divorce,” a source exclusively tells Life & Style. “Kanye’s acting more unpredictable than ever. Things have gotten so bad that Kim and Kanye sleep in separate rooms.”

6. Peace Out, Kanye!

Kim kardashian on the instagram

This same report claims Kim will take the kids and go stay at Kris Jenner’s house when things get especially bad between the stars.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Jenelle Evans Pulls Gun During Shocking Road Rage Incident!

When Jenelle Evans started getting into guns, many assumed it was only a matter of time before an incident like this took place.

But even Jenelle"s harshest critics didn"t think it would happen this quickly.

Radar Online is reporting today that Evans pulled a gun on another driver during an altercation in her native North Carolina.

Her eldest son, 8-year-old Kaiser, was in the car at the time of the incident.

The incident takes place just weeks after Jenelle joined the NRA and began ranting about her newfound love of firearms on social media.

Here"s what we know so far:

1. The Incident

Jenelle eason gun photo

According to a police report, Jenelle called 911 on April 26 and stated that her son was injured when another driver “purposely slammed on the brakes” in front of her. However, she left out several key pieces of information…

2. A Pre-Emptive Call

Jenelle evans sunglasses son jace

It seems that Jenelle called police knowing that it would be her word against the accounts of several witnesses following a frightening incident that might ensure she never regains custody of Jace.

3. What Really Happened

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

According to a report from the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office Communication Center CFS, another driver claims that Jenelle “hit his truck, ran over his mailbox and pulled a gun on him.”

4. That Famous Temper

Jenelle evans promotes weight loss tea

According to witnesses, Jenelle became irate while driving behind the man and proceeded to follow him to his house, where she threatened him physically.

5. One Crazy Lady

Jenelle evans pic

“A crazy lady followed him to his house, she is fixing to get shot,” one onlooker told the police. Anyone who’s ever seen Teen Mom 2 knows that’s an apt description.

6. Flipping Out Is What She Does

Jenelle evans cracked out

“She was driving blocking traffic, he tried to pass her on the inside like everyone else and she flipped out,” the witness adds.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Opens Up About Suicidal Thoughts In Shocking Interview

As expected, last night’s Teen Mom OG reunion show was loaded with drama, much of it having to do with ongoing questions about Ryan Edwards’ sobriety.

But while Ryan’s situation may have dominated the tabloid headlines in recent weeks, he’s certainly not the only member of the TMOG cast to grapple with personal demons this season.

Catelyn Lowell checked into rehab three times over the course of the past year.

Unlike Ryan, however, her primary battle was not with substances but with mental illness.

Lowell opened up about experiencing suicidal thoughts prior to seeking treatment in November, and during her interview with Dr. Drew that aired last night, she revealed that her situation has improved dramatically in recent months.

“If I don’t go somewhere else today, I’m going to off myself and life would be 10 times better,” Catelynn said, recalling her lowest point.

“I could picture myself driving into an electrical pole off the road, praying it would kill me. But I wouldn’t do it because I had my kid in the backseat.”

These days, Catelynn says, her life is not without its struggles, but changes in her diagnosis (Lowell suffers from PTSD) and her medications have left her feeling that she’s equipped to handle the ups and downs.

Lowell also says she’s quit pot for good after being advised that the use of recreational drugs might have exacerbated her condition in the past.

For his part, Tyler said he still smokes occasionally but was quick to add that he never gets high in his wife’s presence.

“I don’t smoke around her,” Tyler told Dr. Drew.

Lowell stated in several recent interviews that Tyler has been endlessly supportive throughout her recent struggles.

The segment ended with more good news for the Baltierra clan, as Tyler’s troubled father, Butch Baltierra, joined the proceedings via Skype and informed the audience that he’s been sober ever since completing rehab back in November.

It was a bittersweet interview, with Lowell addressing the subject of her miscarriage and fighting tears while discussing the “emotional year” that threatened to tear her family apart.

But Catelynn and Tyler survived, in part thanks to their love for one another.

Yes, Ryan’s recent bad behavior may make for more scandalous television, but thankfully TMOG viewers seem more interested in celebrating the casts’ successes than in gawking at their misfortunes.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Catelynn’s courageous struggle.


Kim Kardashian Shares Shocking Family Photo (What is Kanye Doing?!?)

Something is definitely wrong with Kanye West.

Are we saying this because the rapper has returned to Twitter with a stream of indecipherable nonsense?

Because he has publicly expressed affection for President Donald Trump and conservative commentator Candace Owens and openly scoffed at the Black Lives Matter movement?

Because a new report from The Blast claims that Kanye recently blew up at everyone around him during a studio session, screaming that he needs no assistance and that “Yeezy is the new Apple?”


For all these reasons, it does seem like something is very off about West.

But they actually do NOT account for why we’re concerned.

No, we’re concerned about the artist because of what he’s doing in the following image, which features Kanye, Kim Kardashian and all three of their kids on board a private plane.

In the rare snapshot, Kanye is… actually smiling.

It’s true! See for yourself!

Kim made no mention of this unusual act upon sharing this sweet family photo on her Instagram page this week.

“Party of 5,” she simply wrote as an affiliated message instead.

And this is now true, of course:

Kim and Kanye added to their immediate unit in mid-January, announcing to the world that son Chicago West had been born to a surrogate.

(Due to health complications, Kardashian had been advised by doctors not to get pregnant for a third time.)

In this picture, West is cradling his five-month old, while Kim has her arm around two-year old Saint and four-year old North flashed the peace symbol.

It’s actually the second five-member family photo Kardashian has shared of late, as she also gave social media followers a look at her precious brood over Easter weekend:

“The most beautiful family ever!” one fan wrote in response to the latest image, while another added:

“This is the most beautiful pic for you bcuz it represent real happiness.”

And yet another replied that North is the “spitting image” of her mother.

Having overcome divorce chatter several months ago, Kim and Kanye have been showing more affection for each other than ever before in public.

Take the video below, for instance, which features a very cute kiss between the famous couple:

The question now, of course, centers on whether or not Kim and Kanye are finished.

Could their party of five become a party of six?

Might they actually add a FOURTH child to the family, in the very near future, no less?

This is what a certain report alleges is at least under consideration.

We can’t say for certain whether it’s accurate or not, but we can say that this would explain Kanye’s mental state at the moment.

Four kids is a lot. We’d also go a bit crazy just thinking about the possibility!
