Showing posts with label Sexy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexy. Show all posts

Monday, December 25, 2017

Sexy Santas -- Guess Who!

These sexy celebrity Santas are bringing some heat to the North Pole this year … sleigh through these seasonal shots and see if you can guess the stars showing off their holiday hotness.


Friday, December 22, 2017

Sofia Richie Sexy Dances To Dad Lionel"s Music While Scott Records

Sofia Richie got down and dirty — sexy dancing for boyfriend Scott Disick — and it was all while her dad’s music blasted in the background. Disick shared the clip of a 19-year-old Richie in some skimpy Santa gear moving her hips and shaking her…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mohamed Hadid Is Proud of Bella"s Sexy LOVE Shoot, But He"s Not Looking

Mohamed Hadid doesn’t need to see his daughter Bella’s half-naked, hammer-yielding LOVE Magazine Advent calendar video to know he’d be a huge fan … in theory. We got Mohamed out in Bev Hills Monday and asked him about Bella’s “hammer jam,”…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Meghan Markle Rocks Sexy Santa Outfit, Reminds Us Prince Harry Is a Lucky Man

Before Meghan Markle met Prince Harry and became future royalty, she was just another Los Angeles-based model and actress with dreams of success and stardom.

Sure, she enjoyed some pre-Harry success and lived out every young girl’s dream of starring in a USA Network legal drama, but like so many others struggling to make it in Hollywood, Meghan had to pay her dues.

And in her case, that meant holding a briefcase and pretending to be amused by Howie Mandel.

Fortunately, Deal or No Deal was taken off the air due to a government probe into the inhumane demands of its producers.

Or it was canceled because everyone got sick of watching a super-elaborate version of “guess how many fingers I’m holding behind my back.”

We forget which.

Whatever the case (pun fully intended), there’s been a resurgence of interest in the show now that one of its former models is soon to become a royal.

And this week, the retroactive ogling has taken on a seasonal tone, thanks to this photo of Meghan wearing a sexy Santa outfit.

Unlike the other girls, Meghan seems to be genuinely enjoying Howie’s antics in this pic, which is a testament to her acting ability.

It’s also a reminder that Meghan is the opposite of a stuffy royal, which is probably exactly why Harry was drawn to her.

And of course, like the now-famous photo of her in college, this pic reminds us that Meghan hasn’t aged, and presumably will never age.

That’s also a pretty nice bonus for ya boy Harold.

In a way, we suppose being a briefcase girl on Deal or No Deal is pretty good preparatin for life as a royal.

You have to spend a lot of time standing around and pretending you’re not bored out of your mind.

You have to feign joy whenever the peasants get all excited.

And of course, you have to await the deaths of those more powerful than yourself, so that you can move up the briefcase girl line of succession.

We’re pretty sure that’s how it works.

The important thing is, Meghan proved that the always-questionable sexy Santa get-up can work under certain circumstances, and for that, we thank her.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Female WWE Superstars Ditch Sexy Gear For Middle East Throwdown

Wanna participate in a women’s pro wrestling match in Abu Dhabi? Better trade out the skimpy spandex for a non-skin-baring costume … juts like Sasha Banks just did.  The pro wrestling superstar just threw down in WWE’s very first women’s…


Brock O"Hurn is Back to Quench Your Thirst as Sexy Santa

Brock O’Hurn is here to make mouths water again for the holidays — ‘cause he’s back to doing his Sexy Santa shtick … which nobody minds whatsoever. Brock was tapped by Icelandic Glacial Water to reprise his role as a beefed out Saint Nick in…


Brock O"Hurn is Back to Quench Your Thirst as Sexy Santa

Brock O’Hurn is here to make mouths water again for the holidays — ‘cause he’s back to doing his Sexy Santa shtick … which nobody minds whatsoever. Brock was tapped by Icelandic Glacial Water to reprise his role as a beefed out Saint Nick in…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Ashley Graham Gets Super Sexy on Streets of New York

Ashley Graham brought the temp up a few degrees in NYC with an insanely sexy shoot for Love Magazine’s Advent Calendar. No need to write about it … it’s all about the video, so check it out. The calendar was shot by Phil Poynter and features…


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Stars in Sexy Costumes -- Guess Who!

It’s Halloween time and these hidden hotties are here to spark your costume creativity … can you guess who the dressed-up darlings are in these sexy shots? What a treat!


Monday, October 16, 2017

Ariel Winter: Done Sharing Sexy Photos?!

You can usually count on Ariel Winter to show off her curves in amazing outfits. Trolls telling her to cover up don’t make her back down — she sticks it to her haters with another selfie.

But we’ve noticed lately that there’s been a lull in Ariel’s racier pics.

Is it just because she’s busy, or has all of the hate that she gets for dressing and posing the way that she wants gotten to her, causing her to drop the act for good?

We would hate to think that the haters have won.

Not just because Ariel Winter is, in addition to being a thoughtful and well-spoken young women and a talented actress, super … easy to look upon.

Though that is obviously a factor.

But no one, and particularly not a 19-year-old who has only been able to really live her life for a few years after escaping from a horrible childhood, should have their lives dictated to them by haters.

Whether it’s Ariel Winter twerking again or showing off her butt tattoo, there’s nothing wrong with advertising her body if that’s what she wants to do.

But trolls like to post hate in her comments, telling her to cover up.

These hateful voices are echoing Ariel’s awful mother, who repeatedly slut-shames her estranged daughter in the media in a transparent ploy for attention.

… All so that she can beg for sympathy and support from her children who, rightly, want nothing to do with her.

While Ariel Winter’s given us a glimpse of herself working out her butt, we haven’t seen much lately on her Instagram. And you can’t tell us that October’s been too cool to wear a bikini.

So … is Ariel going to give in and let haters tell her how to dress?

According to HollywoodLife‘s source, Ariel Winter hears the hate but she’s not going to submit to their demands.

Ariel tries to ignore all the haters as much as she can, but it does get to her sometimes.”

We’re all that way, right? No matter how strong you are, sometimes it sinks in.

“She’s not going to stop posting whatever photos she wants though, and she knows that trolls are just an inevitable part of social media.”

That is a relief.

Not just that she’s not going to cut out flaunting what she’s got, but that she has a healthy sense of perspective when it comes to trolls, hate, and social media.

She has good reason for not backing down.

Ariel works really hard to stay in shape, and she’s really proud of all that she’s achieved — she looks and feels amazing.”

We’ve seen some of those workouts and they’re no joke.

“As far as she’s concerned people trolling her Instagram need to get a life, and leave her alone to live hers.”

We absolutely agree.

Ariel Winter has no reason to back down.

Not only does every adult on the planet have the right to show as much, or as little, of themselves as they’d like …

(Provided that the social media platform that they’re utilizing is okay with such photos, but Ariel Winter tends to stay within the realm of what’s appropriate for Instagram0

… But every time that Ariel Winter showcases her peach in daisy dukes or a string bikini and every time that she flashes some underboob or major cleavage, she’s helping to boost her own image as a young actress.

Modern Family might feel like it’s been on television for centuries, but it won’t last forever. She’ll want another acting job after that, and then another and another.

Staying relevant is important, and there’s a reason that — even with controversy included — Ariel gets talked about more than most of her costars.

One thing that haters love to give Ariel a hard time for, aside from daring to be a corporeal being and then having the audacity to take pictures of her body, is her boyfriend.

Levi Meaden only just turned 30 and they’re both adults (and were both adults when they began dating), but people who don’t like the relationship say that the age gap alarms them.

Ariel is also much more famous and more successful as an actress than Levi, which has led to more criticism of their relationship and also to the occasional humiliation rumor about their dynamic.

But Levi is also an actor, and he’s going to be in the new Pacific Rim film (we’re super hyped about that, honestly).

Remember how Anna Faris used to be the more famous one in her (now over) marriage with Chris Pratt? And then he became one of the biggest actors ever.

We never know what’s on the horizon for actors and their careers.

What we suspect is that the people who complain about their relationship don’t really care. They wouldn’t like anyone who was dating Ariel Winter.

Isn’t that sad?


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bella Thorne Debuts Halloween Costume: The Sexy Weed Doctor Is In!

It’s a tired joke at this point, but Halloween really has gone from a time when parents get dragged around the neighborhood by cranky toddlers in shoddy Marvel masks to a holiday that’s mostly focused on drunk people wearing underwear and cat ears in public.

And for that, we thank it.

Of course, for social media celebrities, the Halloween season starts earlier every year, and this year it looks like the divine Ms. Bella Thorne is first out of the gate with a costume that conveys her profound understanding for what makes the internet tick:

Yes, that’s Bella dressed as … some sort of sexy employee at a weed dispensary?

A sexy stoned Mortal Kombat character?

A sexy tribute to the politicians are helping to lower our nation’s appalling incarceration rate by decriminalizing cannabis?

We’re not sure, but we know there’s weed involved, and we’re guessing the website she ordered it from described it as “sexy.”

Bella captioned the pic, “Hi, indica? Or sativa?”

Which basically translates to, “I’m not just wearing the costume to rack up likes; I legit smoke weed.”

And that’s about it for context.

We know from Bella’s time with Scott Disick that she’s not much of a drinker, and apparently she’s planning to advertise her love for the jazz cabbage on Halloween night.

Or is she?

These days, it’s not unusual for the young folk to rock pick up multiple Halloween costumes with an eye on going out multiple nights.

Hence, Bella’s … sexy red rabbit thing costume.

Frankly, we have no idea what’s going on here, but that’s okay.

Revealing Halloween costumes are like Christopher Nolan movies.

You don’t have to completely enjoy them to appreciate them.

All that really matters these days is that Bella is done with Scott Disick.

She could run around in February in a form-fitting burlap sack and call it a sexy 1920s hobo costume, and we’d be cool with it.

In fact, we’re kind of hoping that happens now.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Blac Chyna: Taking Shots at Rob Kardashian in Sexy New Music Video?

It looks like Blac Chyna is already capitalizing on her former relationship with Rob Kardashian.

Sure, Chyna"s been a model since long before she hopped into bed with Rob, but now her star is brighter. Working moms need work.

But her latest gig — caressing herself while wearing lingerie in a rap video — seems like it"s part of a dig at Rob. You can see that video below.

Blac chyna hair photo

So, there"s a rapper named Belly (he"s recently lost a lot of weight, by the way, and has documented his healthier habits on Instagram).

He has a song titled "P.O.P."

It"s not a pop song — it"s rap. Or whatever.

"P.O.P." is an anagram that stands for Power Of Pussy.

Belly … is not talking about cats.

In the, uh, charming music video that you can watch below, he has a number of models dancing in lingerie and caressing themselves.

Like, it is not subtle at all.

One of those models … is Blac Chyna.

Blac chyna in a red wig and little else

Now, Chyna is only in a limited portion of the music video.

Maybe it"s because she was a potentially distracting special guest.

Maybe it"s because she"s too famous and therefore too expensive to have for the whole video.

(This doesn"t look, to us, like a music video with a huge budget)

Blac Chyna"s segment, during which she caresses her breasts and hips and butt and, yes, her crotch, features some interesting lyrics.

"She took you for everything/You let her do it again."

Now … that sure sounds like it"s intended to be a dig at Rob Kardashian, right?

Blac Chyna even winks at the camera and smiles.

TMZ reports that the lyrics are just a coincidence, and that the meaning is supposed to be more universal.

You know, referring to femme fatales in general.

But … casting Chyna for that role is really on the nose, you know?

Blac being blac

Plenty of people would say that, after Rob Kardashian"s revenge porn attack against her, Chyna deserves the chance to milk that story for everything that it"s worth.

Not everyone would agree, though.

Like, Blac Chyna has expressed an interest in co-parenting with Rob.

If that"s even still on the table, could her using her past with him for work put that plan in jeopardy?

Latest reports suggest that Rob and Chyna want to settle their differences (and issues like custody and child support) rather than going for the throat and putting it all in the hands of a judge.

That makes sense.

Like, if we were in Chyna"s shoes, we"d want to settle out of court and get a better deal in exchange for not pressing charges about the revenge porn.

Rob Kardashian is being represented by Bob Shapiro, who even in the "90s had a reputation as someone great at negotiating favorable deals for his clients, but there"s only so much that negotiation can accomplish when someone has well-publicized ammunition like Chyna does.

Besides, it"s in both of their best interests to cut a good deal on Dream"s behalf.

They will always share a child.

Blac chyna selfie alert

But there"s a difference between work and one"s personal life.

Chyna speaking out in interviews and making subtle (or not-so-subtle) digs at Rob in music videos sort of goes with the territory.

(Remember, Blac Chyna"s wants to do her own music)

Based upon his past behavior, it doesn"t really seem like Rob has the maturity to handle little callouts like that without lashing out on social media.

(Honestly, we know that he"s 30 or whatever but Kris Jenner should just take his phone)

But he"s just going to have to learn to live with it. That"s how life works.

Blac chyna taking shots at rob kardashian in new music video

Monday, July 31, 2017

Carmelo Anthony Shares Sexy Snapshot of Estranged Wife; What Does It Mean?!?

It looks like just as many questions are hanging over Carmelo Anthony’s personal life as are hanging over the basketball star’s professional life.

As NBA fans continue to wonder whether the proficient scorer will score points with the Knicks or some other team next season, celebrity gossip followers are now asking a similar question about his marriage.

Will Melo continue to drop score with LaLa Anthony (in bed)?

Or will the couple finalize its divorce and go in different directions?

Carmelo and LaLa seemingly broke up in mid-April, and for a very understandable reason:

According to various reports, Anthony didn’t just cheat on his wife… he cheated on his wife AND got his mistress pregnant.

This rumor has not been verified, however, and LaLa has not spoken out publicly to castigate Carmelo for his alleged actions.

Over the past few weeks, meanwhile, Anthony has first wished his estranged wife a happy birthday on Instagram – and now he’s shared a rather sexy snapshot of LaLa as well.

In the above photograph, the television personality is wearing a short silver dress and her husband is clearly taken with her appearance in it.

As a caption, Carmelo simply included three emojis along with the snapshot: eyes, a heart and a world.

The Anthonys share 10-year-old son named Kiyan and have been married for seven years.

They are supposedly living apart at the moment, but both stars still reside in New York City.

Moreover, Carmelo is reportedly refusing to be traded from the Knicks to any team that takes him too far away from his only child, which is an admirable stance to take.

And it doesn’t sound as if LaLa is anxious to legally put an end to their romance any time soon, either.

“You know marriages are tough … it’s filled with ups and downs. We are just going through a time right now,” she said on The Wendy Williams Show on June 27.

She added at the time:

“Him and I are the best of friends and our number-one commitment is to our son… and we have to set an example for Kiyan and that’s what’s most important to me.

“I would absolutely never say a bad thing about my husband. That’s my son’s father and he is an amazing dad.”

If only all celebrities going through a break up would share this sentiment, right?

In conclusion, LaLa earned our respect by saying of Carmelo and their future as husband and wife:

“I don’t know what the future holds. I just know that we are doing an incredible job again being parents to our son. We are the best of friends.

“I’ve been with Melo since he was 19 years old. You’re not with somebody that long, and it just goes out the window.

“I love him with all my heart, and we are the best of friends.”


Saturday, July 29, 2017

R. Kelly Shows Up Late, But Keeps Concert Super Sexy Amid "Cult" Allegations

R. Kelly was defiant in his first concert since the “sex cult” allegations — keeping all the rubbing, groping and sexy portions of his act fully in tact. Kelly took the stage in Virginia Beach Friday night, and said the “boss man” wants me to tone…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Kylie Jenner: I Can Be Sexy on Twitter, Too!

Kylie Jenner appears to have taken that “when life gives you lemons” saying to heart.

After her Snapchat was hacked — which is awful but also bold, since she’s pretty much the queen of Snapchat — Kylie took to Twitter to share an eye-popping photo of herself in a see-through yellow bra.

Honestly, it’s good that she shared this on Twitter. If Kylie’d posted this photo to Instagram, she might have gotten reported.

Whoever hacked her Snapchat hasn’t leaked anything compromising of her.

Honestly, they may have just gotten nothing.

(Kylie’s a celebrity and, though she’s still a teenager, she seems to already be a serial monogamist — she might limit sending nudes to texts)

It’s also possible that someone’s trying to blackmail her, though she seems unconcerned.

And honestly, even if the hacker has nudes, they might be getting cold feet.

(As well they should)

But, perhaps to show how chill she is about the whole situation, Kylie shared this photo on Sunday night.

You can see why she might have hesitated to share this photo over Instagram.

Not because she doesn’t look amazing — she does.

But because you do not have to have Cara Delevingne’s preternatural ability to locate nipples through clothing to spot Kylie’s.

Instagram, as we know, is notoriously terrified of lady nipples.

Twitter, on the other hand, is totally fine with that.

(On the other hand, they have nazis and terrorists using their platform to send death threats on a daily basis, so … no platform’s perfect)

Kylie’s incredible figure is getting into the range of top-heavy ’80s models now.

(Whether she got that way with surgery or at this stage of puberty is … a topic of considerable debate)

And, that kind of figure is not everybody’s type, but hopefully Kylie’s body matches how she wants to look and not what she imagines that anyone else wants or expects from her.

But she looks all kinds of hot.

Like, Kylie does sexy photoshoots all of the time, but she usually isn’t this … nippley.

She also shared this (above) photo as a “sneak peek” of a photoshoot.

In the Instagram post (no nip-nops here, so she’s in the clear), Kylie said that she’s “shooting some looks” from her upcoming Birthday Collection.

At Kylie Cosmetics, of course.

All in all, she’s been a busy girl.

Remember that, throughout all of this, Kylie’s been filming Life of Kylie.

(And we more than suspect that Kylie will go out of her way to drive up attention leading up to the premiere)

In case you’ve forgotten, yes, that’s Kylie’s very own reality series.

Even with what we’ve already heard about Kylie Jenner’s net worth, it looks like she’s determined to rake in even more money than her siblings.

It makes a lot of sense, too.

Demographically, Kylie has a wider appeal, right?

Kim Kardashian is a married mother of two.

Like, there are plenty of adults who pretty much tune out even on scripted television when there’s a pregnancy storyline, because it doesn’t interest them and it isn’t relatable.

It’s hard to imagine that a lot of teens and young twenty-somethings, one of the most coveted demographics, are still able to relate to Kim and Kourtney.

They’re both moms who are nearly 40.

There’s a huge market for them, of course.

But if you want to get your hooks back into that youth demographic like the Kardashians first did a decade ago, you want Kylie.

(Assuming that the demographic is even willing to tune in — makeup sales don’t guarantee viewers, folks)

Recently, Kylie Jenner tweeted all about Life of Kylie.

The 8-episode first season premieres August 6th (that’s so soon!).

Episodes will only be a half-hour in length, because not everyone has an hour to spend (and also she won’t have to come up with that much filler, let’s be real).

Her dogs will be in it, thank goodness.

What we don’t know is how much we might see on the series of Rob Kardashian’s revenge porn attack against Blac Chyna.

Or, at least, Kylie’s point of view on it as news of it reached her and the family drama.

So … we guess that we’ll all find out about that in a couple of weeks.

In the mean time, it looks like Kylie’s going to tide us all over with some sexy selfies.

That’ll work.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sexy Stars Dressed As Wonder Woman -- See The Cosplay Candids!

In honor of Comic-Con we’ve lassoed up the hottest stars in Wonder Woman costumes for your viewing pleasure … geek out over the sexy superheroes who are definitely out of your (justice) league. Wonder-ful!


Friday, July 7, 2017

Kardashians React to Rob Drama with Sexy Selfies, Ice Cream Promotion and a Makeup Tutorial

According to a recent report, the Kardashians are very angry at the moment.

The entire family is basically irate at Rob Kardashian for taking a private feud with Blac Chyna as public as humanly possible, calling out his baby mama for allegedly cheating on him and even for supposedly taking a lot of drugs.

Rob has taken his venting to such an inappropriate (and possibly illegal) extreme that he got kicked off Instagram.

So it makes sense that Kris Jenner and company would be upset at Rob for two reasons:

1. He’s hurting their brand.

2. He may be hurting his relationship with seven-month old Dream in terms of how frequently Chyna will allow him to spend time with her going forward.

But while the anger on the Kardashian-Jenner side may be legitimate and present, you’d never know it by taking a look at various family members’ social media feeds.

We’ll start with Kylie Jenner.

A mere couple days after Rob blasted Chyna in a way rarely seen before in Hollywood, the teenage reality star acted like everything was just dandy and normal.

Just like she does nearly ever hour, Kylie shared a few racy images and videos on her Snapchat and Instagram pages, the most notable of which included her wearing a tight shirt and eating a banana,

Because of course, right?

Elsewhere, Khloe Kardashian shared a Twitter picture of herself pushing an ice cream cart. For some reason.

“Ice Cream Please!!!” Khloe penned as a caption to this seemingly random image, not really explaining why she posted it online.

And very obviously not saying a word about her troubled brother while doing so.

What about Kim Kardashian, you may be wondering?

She has often clashed with Rob, even giving him the boot from her wedding weekend a couple years ago after he allegedly caused some sort of scene.

It was this incident that prompted Kardashian to really withdraw from his family back in the day, as he left social media for about a year and went completely radio silent.

Ironically, it was his relationship with Blac Chyna that helped Rob get back on his feet, lose a lot of weight, gain self-confidence again and reunite with his loved ones.

But anyway.

Kim spent yesterday giving her Snapchat followers a makeup tutorial and pushing her new line of beauty products:

Rob, meanwhile, has not posted on Twitter since Wednesday afternoon.

He isn’t permitted to post on Instagram at the moment.

It’s possible he’s spoken to a lawyer and is finally aware that his actions crossed a few significant lines and we may not hear from him again for a very long time.

His relatives will just keep going about their regular, everyday tasks until then we guess, praying that Kardashian doesn’t do anything stupid, such as relapse or even attempt suicide.

The guy is very easy to make fun of and he screwed up royally in this case.

But it’s also pretty clear he has a few mental problems. He likely needs help. Let’s hope he gets it.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kristaps Porzingis Stars in Weirdly Sexy Latvian Commercial

What happens when you mix credit cards, erotica and Kristaps Porzingis?  Arguably the best commercial of the NBA offseason.  Feast your eyes on a Latvian ad for the Visa “X” card starring the New York Knicks phenom — where Porzingis gets…


Kristaps Porzingis Stars in Weirdly Sexy Latvian Commercial

What happens when you mix credit cards, erotica and Kristaps Porzingis?  Arguably the best commercial of the NBA offseason.  Feast your eyes on a Latvian ad for the Visa “X” card starring the New York Knicks phenom — where Porzingis gets…


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Guess The Sexy Stars in Red, White & Blue ... Happy Fourth of July!

Atteeeeeeeeention! While you grub on barbeque and binge on brewskis try to guess which sexy stars are reppin’ red, white & blue bikinis.  ‘Merica!
