Showing posts with label Situation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Situation. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Agrees to Plead Guilty in Tax Evasion Case

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is coming clean with Uncle Sam — he’s agreed to plead guilty in his tax evasion case in New Jersey. The Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Jersey filed docs, obtained by TMZ, informing…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Donald Trump Asks China for Help with UCLA, LiAngelo Ball Situation

The UCLA shoplifting situation has been escalated to the White House — with President Donald Trump calling Chinese President Xi Jinping to ask for help. Trump spoke with President Jinping about the issue while in Beijing last week — one day after…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

R. Kelly in No Mood to Talk Joycelyn Savage Situation

R. Kelly was Mr. Chatterbox … until our guy wanted to know what the hell was going on at his Atlanta crib and his alleged sex cult there. We got the singer leaving State Social House Wednesday in WeHo where he was clearly in a giving mood.…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Dolphins Coach Adam Gase Clearly Annoyed By Lawrence Timmons Situation

Miami Dolphins head coach Adam Gase didn’t seem like a man concerned with the health of linebacker Lawrence Timmons — he seems pissed off.  We broke the story … the Dolphins filed a missing persons report with police after Timmons…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Farrah Abraham Clashes With Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino! Watch!

Some of our younger readers might not remember Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino from his time on Jersey Shore, but trust us when we say he laid the groundwork for future reality TV psychopaths … like Farrah Abraham.

Don"t get us wrong, Farrah has taken the role much further than Mike ever dreamed, but it was Sorrentino who first made us believe that mental illness could be entertaining.

He paved the way for future Farrah"s narcisstic personality disorder, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

The Sitch was basically the Woody Guthrie to Farrah"s Bob Dylan, which is another reference that makes us sound super old.

So why are we subjecting you to our geriatric ramblings about a show reality star no one has cared about for the better part of a decade?

Well, Farrah is starring in the new season of Marriage Boot Camp, and the show also features Mike and his two brothers.

We assume producers got a tax write-off for sheltering the Sorrentinos for six weeks.

Anyway, despite the title, the show has nothing to do with marriage this season, and is instead focusing on family dysfunction.

And despite the fact that Farrah is abusive to her parents and generally treats them like dog sh-t, they still defend her every chance they get.

So for that reason, when one of Mike"s brothers brings up Farrah"s porn past, her dad does that thing where he gets out of his chair like he wants to fight even though that never ends well for him.

Check out the clip below to watch Farrah"s parents clash with Mike"s brother the sort of ill-conceived crossover that brings to mind the time the Flinstones met the Jetsons.

Farrah abraham clashes with mike the situation sorrentino watch

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Lawyers Talking to NFL Agents About Contract Situation (VIDEO)

Aaron Hernandez’s attorney, Jose Baez, says his legal team is in talks with the NFL player’s former agents to see how the abatement of his murder conviction will affect his contract with the Patriots.  There are theories that with the murder…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino: Headed to Prison For Tax Evasion?!

It’s been a long time since the general public actually cared about what the cast of Jersey Shore is up to, but remarkably, the Seaside Heights gang appears to be holding up pretty well post-fame.

Well, most of them are, anyway.

While Snooki, Vinny and the rest have carved out careers for themselves doing podcasts and appearing at “Hey, remember this guy?” conventions, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino hasn’t fared quite as well.

The Sitch still makes the occasional headline these days, but it’s never for anything good.

In fact, when we see his name these days, it’s usually because Sorrentino was arrested again.

Most recently, Mike was locked up for his involvement in some sort of tanning salon melee, which is either the most appropriate or most ironic arrest in history.

We can’t decide.

But it was the arrest prior to that that’s still giving Mike legal headaches, and it could wind up landing him behind bars of a very long time.

Mike was busted for tax fraud back in 2014, and it seems he still hasn’t sorted the issue out with the feds.

Today, TMZ is reporting that Mike is still facing decades behind bars for tax evasion.

The IRS claims that Sorrentino conspired with his brother (who’s also facing jail time) to conceal a significant portion of the $ 8.9 million that Mike made between 2010 and 2012.

Yes, the freakin’ Situation made $ 8.9 million in two years.

And you thought today’s political news was depressing!

Anyway, far from backing down and working out a restitution plan, the U.S. Attorney in New Jersey is going hard on Sorrentino, adding a handful of new charges this week.

Mike now faces allegations of tax evasion, as well as structuring and falsifying records to avoid detection of assets.

Prosecutors maintain that the Sorrentino brothers filed false income tax returns and made fraudulent deductions.

No trial date has been set, but it sounds like Mike may soon have quite the situation on his hands.

Hey, at least if he goes to prison he’ll have plenty of time to work on his abs.

And that’s it.

We’ve exhausted out supply of The Situation jokes.

If you’re keeping score at home, there were exactly two.

Any more than that would require remembering more about The Situation than his stupid nickname and ab obsession and frankly, we can’t spare the brain real estate.


Mike "The Situation" Faces New Tax Evasion Crimes

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is in a heap of trouble, because the feds have added new criminal charges against him, alleging he tried to screw Uncle Sam out of millions of dollars. The U.S. Attorney in New Jersey just added tax evasion,…


Friday, November 18, 2016

Barry Switzer -- Jerry Jones Asked Me About QB Situation ... Here"s What I Said (VIDEO)

Before Jerry Jones made up his mind on the Dallas Cowboys QB situation, he spoke with one of his most trusted football experts … Barry Switzer.  The legendary Cowboys head coach says he offered up his opinion to Jerry — and was pretty…


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Reporter Loses It Over Report on "Emergency Defecation Situation"

Forget those other hilarious moments in live news, folks.

We think we have a new champion.

Say hello to New Zealand anchor Hilary Barry … who is afraid she may soon be saying goodbye to her job because she could not stop laughing during a story about an “emergency defecation situation."

The report centers on a Malaysian diplomat named Mohammed Rizalman.

He is being sentenced for indecent assault after he followed Tania Billingsly home and (among other things) took a poop on her doorstep.

“Mohammed Rizalman once had an untainted two decade-long career in the Malaysian military; today he’ll be sentenced for indecent assault. In November he admitted following then-21-year-old Tanya Billingsly home,” Barry read live on air.

“He said he’d had an ‘emergency defecation situation’ and needed to use her bathroom, but the judge in the case found he had a sexual motive.”

At that, Barry and her colleagues started to crack up.

And then kept right on cracking up.

But what made the situation so unfortunate was that she next had to report on a man being sucked out of a Somali plane after a bomb was detonated.

“I’m not laughing at this," she said during that report, while still laughing and then adding "Today could be the day I lose my job."

If so, though, what a way to go out!

Reporter loses it over report on emergency defecation situation

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Flash Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: A Harry Situation

Look who made his return on The Flash Season 2 Episode 5!

On this installment of the hit CW series, that “other” Harrison Wells made his shocking presence felt… Dr. Light gave a certain Central City resident an eyeful… a closet metahuman was outed … and Barry went on a super-sparkly “blind” date.

After an opening that teased tension between Wells and Jay Garrick on Earth-Two, our Flash team at home got to know this foreign Harrison, who Cisco went ahead and labeled a “dick.”

Why was Harry actually here? He claimed to have come over to help stop Zoom, a villain he referred to as a “plague” that he created – and who is dead set on being the only speedster.

But Wells didn’t exactly make the rounds without raising numerous eyebrows, even drawing gunfire from Joe and unwittingly gut-punching Iris, who, of course, lost Eddie to his “evil” doppelganger.

Cue the arrival of another “breacher,” a female Earth-Two thief nicknamed Dr. Light.

This gave Wells the idea to lure Zoom out by apprehending his latest emissary.

Once Barry actually came face-to-face with the meta, however, he realized that it was CCPN journalist Linda Park’s own counterpart. Twist!!!!

Jay and Caitlin assumed Dr. Light was there to murder our Earth’s Linda. So they went on a stakeout outside CCPN, where the two came ever so close to kissing before the blinding big bad of the week snuck up on them and raced inside to find Linda.

But Iris came to her friend’s rescue by wielding the gun Joe slipped her earlier in the hour and shooting the visor off their attacker. Light, though, killed the ladies’ senior editor before running off.

During this time, Barry was on a date with Patty, despite his vision impairment as a result of his previous run-in with Dr. Light.

There was hand-holding. There was a goodnight smooch. But then they got called to the CCPn  crime scene before anything else could happen

Afterward, Wells went off on Jay, blaming him for Zoom’s villainous reign and alleging that Zoom was after the Crimson Comet… and not the other way around. 

He slammed Jay as a coward and the two slugged it out until Barry came in to break things up. From there, Wells got the idea to use Dr. Light’s visor to locate his nemesis. Actually, he got the idea for Cisco to use the powers he had been hiding.


But Wells had to jab the visor at Cisco’s chest to get his powers to activate, similar to how our Wells/Eobard reached in and crushed his heart.

Cisco then was able to “see” Dr. Light at the train station, prompting Barry to sprint over there and, at Wells’ suggestion and with encouragement from Jay, go speedily enough to create a “speed mirage” of himself, thereby confounding Light’s aim until he can blindside her.

Finally back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Jay turns down help Barry and company to battle Zoom, warning them again about THIS Harrison Wells before departing.

Later, at Jitters, Cisco gets barista Kendra/Hawkgirl’s phone number – and then his own nickname, which is suggested by Barry and seconded by Caitlin. Say hello to Vibe!

We ended a busy hour on Earth-Two, where it seems Zoom has taken Wells’ daughter hostage.

Whew! What did everyone think of this installment? Go ahead and watch The Flash online if you need to catch up and then sound off below!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Situation -- Jersey Score Settled ... $5k for Bouncy Paychecks



0929-the-situation-mike-sorrentino-tmz-02Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino got a slap on the wrist from his home state for screwing up paychecks to employees at his failed tanning salon.

New Jersey’s Division of Wage and Hour Compliance filed a lawsuit against Sitch earlier this year because — as we reported — he was accused of bouncing multiple checks last year to his workforce at Boca Tanning.

The state won the lawsuit, and on August 31, Mike got hit with the bill for $ 5,130. We’ve called his reps to see if he’s settled up yet.

We’re guessing NJ isn’t accepting personal checks from Sitch these days.