Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Flash Season 2 Episode 5 Recap: A Harry Situation

Look who made his return on The Flash Season 2 Episode 5!

On this installment of the hit CW series, that “other” Harrison Wells made his shocking presence felt… Dr. Light gave a certain Central City resident an eyeful… a closet metahuman was outed … and Barry went on a super-sparkly “blind” date.

After an opening that teased tension between Wells and Jay Garrick on Earth-Two, our Flash team at home got to know this foreign Harrison, who Cisco went ahead and labeled a “dick.”

Why was Harry actually here? He claimed to have come over to help stop Zoom, a villain he referred to as a “plague” that he created – and who is dead set on being the only speedster.

But Wells didn’t exactly make the rounds without raising numerous eyebrows, even drawing gunfire from Joe and unwittingly gut-punching Iris, who, of course, lost Eddie to his “evil” doppelganger.

Cue the arrival of another “breacher,” a female Earth-Two thief nicknamed Dr. Light.

This gave Wells the idea to lure Zoom out by apprehending his latest emissary.

Once Barry actually came face-to-face with the meta, however, he realized that it was CCPN journalist Linda Park’s own counterpart. Twist!!!!

Jay and Caitlin assumed Dr. Light was there to murder our Earth’s Linda. So they went on a stakeout outside CCPN, where the two came ever so close to kissing before the blinding big bad of the week snuck up on them and raced inside to find Linda.

But Iris came to her friend’s rescue by wielding the gun Joe slipped her earlier in the hour and shooting the visor off their attacker. Light, though, killed the ladies’ senior editor before running off.

During this time, Barry was on a date with Patty, despite his vision impairment as a result of his previous run-in with Dr. Light.

There was hand-holding. There was a goodnight smooch. But then they got called to the CCPn  crime scene before anything else could happen

Afterward, Wells went off on Jay, blaming him for Zoom’s villainous reign and alleging that Zoom was after the Crimson Comet… and not the other way around. 

He slammed Jay as a coward and the two slugged it out until Barry came in to break things up. From there, Wells got the idea to use Dr. Light’s visor to locate his nemesis. Actually, he got the idea for Cisco to use the powers he had been hiding.


But Wells had to jab the visor at Cisco’s chest to get his powers to activate, similar to how our Wells/Eobard reached in and crushed his heart.

Cisco then was able to “see” Dr. Light at the train station, prompting Barry to sprint over there and, at Wells’ suggestion and with encouragement from Jay, go speedily enough to create a “speed mirage” of himself, thereby confounding Light’s aim until he can blindside her.

Finally back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Jay turns down help Barry and company to battle Zoom, warning them again about THIS Harrison Wells before departing.

Later, at Jitters, Cisco gets barista Kendra/Hawkgirl’s phone number – and then his own nickname, which is suggested by Barry and seconded by Caitlin. Say hello to Vibe!

We ended a busy hour on Earth-Two, where it seems Zoom has taken Wells’ daughter hostage.

Whew! What did everyone think of this installment? Go ahead and watch The Flash online if you need to catch up and then sound off below!