Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Donald Trump Accuser Summer Zervos Back in Court for Defamation Suit with Gloria Allred

The former ‘Apprentice’ contestant who accused Donald Trump of sexual assault in 2007 is back in court … showing her defamation suit against the Prez is not going away. Summer Zervos attended a hearing Tuesday at the Manhattan State Supreme Court…


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Frankie Muniz Binge-Watched "Malcolm" This Summer Because of Memory Loss

Frankie Muniz did plenty of Netflix and chill this summer … not on a hot new show, but on “Malcolm in the Middle” to jog the memory. We got Frankie at The Grove Wednesday and asked him about his big revelation on “Dancing with the Stars” –…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Winter in Summer is Coming

Monday on an explosive Teen Mom 2 Season 9 Episode 12, Luis dropped a bombshell on Briana just as she was about to go into labor.

Meanwhile, Jenelle’s mother tried to work her way back into her good graces at Kaiser’s party, but that proved easier said than done.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, or follow the stars on social media, you knew about some of the major milestones on tap this week.

Nevertheless, it was amazing to watch them play out.

After her final doctor’s appointment before giving birth to baby Stella, Briana DeJesus was asked by Luis Miguel if she wanted to work it out.

He said he wanted her back in his life, and she was caught off guard to say the least, telling him that would have to wait until the baby comes.

Clearly, reuniting with her ex-boyfriend romantically was the last thing on her mind, as she’d already (sadly) decided that ship had sailed.

Luis cheated on her, after all; DeJesus openly lamented not being together with her baby’s father, but sometimes you do what you have to.

In North Carolina, Barbara Evans tried making peace with Jenelle at Kaiser‘s birthday party, but her daughter wasn’t having any of it.

Babs suggested they all rent a cabin and go away for a weekend, saying they were getting along again and that they could build on that.

Fat chance.

Jenelle told Barbara that they are only “civil” because of co-parenting Jace, but that she doesn’t like Barb and doesn’t want to be with her.

Harsh. Jenelle said Barbara is not invited to wedding (she meant it, as Babs wasn’t there to see Jenelle Evans and David Eason married).

Considering the custody issues involved, it’s just sad, and the saddest thing is the impression that it will get worse before it gets better.

Chelsea Houska, for her part, took her family on a trip to Florida, where Aubree met a dolphin and Cole looked super hot. Sorry, it’s true.

Fresh off her Bumble experience last week, Leah tried becoming a motivational speaker, but she ended up bumbling through that as well.

Finally, Kailyn Lowry prepared to graduate from college at Delaware State by going out to dinner with Javi and the boys, Isaac and Lincoln.

Pretty impressive feat for Kail!

When it comes to Lowry and Chris Lopez, he’s now telling her that he wants to be in her life and try to be a family with all three of her sons.

One can’t keep track of Chris’ whims from one day to the next, but what we can tell you is that there’s never a dull moment with them.


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Johnny Manziel"s Fiancee Bre Tiesi Ain"t Letting Summer Go, Hot Bikini Photos

Seasons change, but Johnny Manziel’s future wife, Bre Tiesi, doesn’t change (out of her bikini) … ‘cause she’s still killin’ the ‘gram with super hot, nearly-naked photos, even though it’s nearly Fall. We were just casually browsing Bre’s…


Johnny Manziel"s Fiancee Bre Tiesi Ain"t Letting Summer Go, Hot Bikini Photos

Seasons change, but Johnny Manziel’s future wife, Bre Tiesi, doesn’t change (out of her bikini) … ‘cause she’s still killin’ the ‘gram with super hot, nearly-naked photos, even though it’s nearly Fall. We were just casually browsing Bre’s…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Summer Olympics Go Hollywood, L.A. Gets 2028 Games

Traffic is gonna be soooo bad.  The International Olympic Committee has officially announced what all expected … the 2028 Olympic Games will go down in Los Angeles.  Several high powered celebs were part of the campaign to get the Games…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Spoofed by Bill Hader on SNL"s "Weekend Update: Summer Edition"

Anthony Scaramucci belatedly got the ‘SNL’ treatment courtesy of ‘SNL’ alum, Bill Hader … and it was, well, a day too late. It kinda felt like calling Scaramucci “The Mooch” was a new thing, even though it was kinda played out a…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix: Divorcing!

Casey Affleck has been dogged by sexual harassment allegations for ages, and there’s no telling how much of a toll that’s taken on his marriage.

When Casey Affleck and his wife, Summer Phoenix, separated in the spring of 2016, they did so fairly quietly and without the sort of scandal that you expect to see when Afflecks are having marital problems. 

Well, this situation is officially past “marital problems” … because Summer Phoenix has filed for divorce.

Casey Affleck, who is 41 years old, and Summer Phoenix, who is 38, have two sons together.

Children and concerns about their emotional well being and adjustments are a complication in a divorce, even after more than a year of separation.

Indiana Affleck is 13 years old.

Atticus Affleck is 9 years old.

(You remember — the children Casey Affleck famously forgot in his Oscars speech)

Summer Phoenix is Joaquin Phoenix’s sister, by the way — Joaquin originally set the two of them up.

Casey Affleck is, of course, Ben Affleck’s (worse) brother.

Whatever sense of commonality the two felt as less-famous siblings in famous families clearly wasn’t enough to keep them together forever, though.

E! reports that, in her divorce filing, Summer Phoenix cites “irreconcilable differences.”

Honestly, it’s technically nobody’s business why people are getting divorced — to the point that it’s weird that couples even have to cite reasons that they’re ending their marriage unless it’s a contentious divorce.

That said … “irreconcilable differences’ is vague as hell and could mean just about anything.

Like it just means that they couldn’t get along, basically.

That’s why people divorce in the first place, folks.

But clearly they’re not entirely at odds.

Summer Phoenix is seeking joint legal custody and joint physical custody of the boys with Casey Affleck.

She is also seeking spousal support.

Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix met in 1995 after their more famous siblings had worked together.

They were engaged by 2003.

It wasn’t until a couple of years after Summer gave birth to Indiana in 2004 that the couple married in May of 2006.

They separated just under eight years after marrying.

For Hollywood, that’s basically a 20-year marriage.

Considering that their relationship began in 1995, they had a lengthy relationship by any standards.

But even long-lasting relationships where both parties come from similar worlds, share similar values, and take years to get to know one another before getting engaged or married don’t guarantee happily-ever-afters.

We can’t help thinking that a factor behind this separation and divorce may have been Casey Affleck’s alleged sexual harassment.

The accusations that Casey Affleck used his position as director to sexually harass multiple women working for him got him slammed on Twitter, but 

Some of the accusations just sound like poor judgment — allegedly, Casey instructed one man working for him to show his penis to a woman who was working for him.

Definitely inappropriate and definitely poor judgment, but when we’re talking about directors and sex crime accusations, that’s a far cry from Woody Allen.

Some of the accusations were more serious, including allegations of him grabbing one in an effort to intimidate her into having sex with him in a hotel room.

If someone feels that “no” isn’t a safe answer, then they cannot consent. Obviously.

Even if Summer Phoenix heard these stories and thought to herself that all of these women were conspiring together to lie just for the fun of it, that Casey had just been innocently flirting with them … well, it wouldn’t seem innocent to Summer, his wife.

And if Summer heard these allegations and thought “oh no, what sort of man have I married?!” Well, divorce sounds like exactly the right response to that.

But, for all that we know, their divorce has been a long time coming.

Sometimes couples just grow apart.


Siesta Key Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: A Summer Like No Other

Siesta Key is a reality TV series that’s essentially Laguna Beach with a fresh cast and locale, and it’s a perfect guilty pleasure for the summer. 

On Siesta Key Season 1 Episode 1, friends new and old descended on Siesta Key for a big event: Rich kid, Alex was throwing a party of epic proportions for his birthday. 

When the episode got underway, we got to find out the gist of what there is to know about the people of Siesta Key, and there were a little too much characters to keep track of for our liking. 

Bella Thorne lookalike Juliette opened the episode with a narration to confirm she has a thing going on with Alex and that his ex-girlfriend, Madisson was back in town. 

Juliette was cautious because she wanted things with her and Alex to flourish and she worried that she was going to wind up in a love triangle down to the fact that he and Madisson have a history that dates all the way back to school. 

It was a little much for an opening number, but it set the tone for the episode ahead. Jealousy is rampant on teen dramas, and Siesta Key is no different. 

Alex’s best friend, Chloe was the only one who was semi-likable. While her fellow cast members appeared very awkward on-screen, Chloe was a natural. 

Maybe they all had jitters because it was the first episode, but Chloe definitely seems like the one who will be the glue that holds everyone together, and that’s easy enough to get on board with. 

She works in a beach bar and has a thing for Brandon. She spoke him up very well to new girl Kelsey, and it was obvious Kelsey thought about laughing when she actually got to meet him. 

Kelsey is smoking hot, and everyone wanted to be her friend because who doesn’t like a hot friend to hang around with?

Alex looked like he was undressing her with his eyes across the bar when they first met. Chloe then practically forced him to invite her to his birthday bash. 

Kelsey has a boyfriend named Garret who went to school with the rich kids, but apparently kept himself to himself. Something tells us he’s going to have some deep, dark secrets that will be brought to the forefront as the series goes on. 

When it came to the party, everyone was fawning over Alex, and it was probably because he (or MTV!) were paying for all the drinks. 

All eyes turned to Kelsey when she walked in because they were enamored with her swimsuit. However, Juliette was instantly jealous and asked Alex to introduce them to each other. 

Juliette then proceeded to lick Alex’s face all over while everyone watched. Kelsey was not amused by it, and Juliette made herself look like an ass. Aren’t we supposed to root for the narrator?!

Juliette then turned her attention to Madisson to find out whether anything was going to happen between her and Alex. Madisson shut her down, but it didn’t stop Juliette saying they could hang out and be friends.

Yeah, that’s never going to happen. Madisson is in love with Alex. If her looking at old pictures of them together does not prove that, then we don’t know what will. 

The biggest moment of the episode was when Chloe face timed Alex, and her face looked busted. We don’t know what happened, but something tells us she may have fought with her friend over having a thing for Brandon. 

All told, Siesta Key was a bit of a slog to get through. MTV is trying desperately trying to return to its former glory, and with a few tweaks, the show could become a flagship. 

The episode would have benefited by giving less back story on some of the periphery characters. We also could have done without meeting the parents so soon. 

Either way, we’re hooked and will be bringing you recaps of the new show on a weekly basis!

What did you think of this frothy new series? Are you in for more? 

Sound off below!


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Prince Harry"s Just Another Bloke Watching The Killers at British Summer Time

Prince Harry became Mr. Brightside at The Killers’ concert this weekend — throwing on a hat and guzzling beer with the common folk at a British music festival.  Harry was seen hangin’ with some friends Saturday at Hyde Park in London,…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Odell Beckham Swarmed By UCLA Students After Summer Workout

Odell Beckham got all sorts of love at UCLA on Thursday after an intense summer workout on the Bruins’ intramural fields … but ya gotta watch the exit, when the NFL star hops fence like a ninja warrior.  The NYG wideout spent a few hours…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Eli Manning Breaks the Law, Hits Court In Summer Frat Boy Attire

Eli Manning is a convicted road menace! For real … the NY Giants quarterback was in a New Jersey courtroom Wednesday where he was actually found GUILTY of the heinous crime of driving on the shoulder.  For shame!!!!! TMZ Sports has confirmed…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kendall Jenner Flaunts Bikini Body and Great Hair in Summer Selfies

You wouldn’t normally think that wearing even part of a shirt on top of a bikini could somehow make your pic even hotter.

Leave it to Kendall Jenner to reliably look hot no matter what she’s doing. These two new photos really embody that.

Those abs are gonna kill us.

Try as she might, Kendall can’t quite compete with her sisters’ curves, but she has her own body-type.

And she’s just ridiculously gorgeous.

Like, she’s not a supermodel by accident.

While her more problematic siblings are being accused of stealing designs or doing weird stuff to promote their business, Kendall just goofs around with friends.

And models.

Modeling, more than most of the Kardashian clan, resembles what most of us consider to be a real job.

(Reality stars work hard and are followed by cameras all day, and that’s a lot, but it doesn’t fit traditional concepts of a job, okay?)

And the worst thing that Kendall’s ever done is, what, star in a dumb Pepsi commercial?

Actors and models are supposed to basically be just action figures who act out the vision of the writers and directors.

It’s kind of hard to lay that controversy at Kendall’s feet.

Kendall’s whole minding-her-own-business-while-being-hot thing works.

And then there’s this photo:

She captioned this one: “Rest of 2017.”

A mirror selfie is a little less polished, of course, than her bikini photo.

But she still looks all kinds of gorgeous.

-Those legs.

-That leopard print (it looks great in moderation, but let’s keep it from coming back in style, please).

-That form-flattering white with ruffles.

-Don’t ignore the wine glass in her off-hand.

-That hair.

She has this hair in both of the new photos, and we’re kind of feeling a little obsessed.

Given her caption, we wonder if she’s going to keep this style for the rest of the year.

Could we be so lucky?

Kendall’s no stranger to having good hair, of course.

None of the Kardashian girls are.

We’re definitely crediting Kris Jenner for being a good influence in that department.

Growing up on camera probably didn’t discourage them from being selective about their hair, though.

But this hair looks fun and stylish.

It also looks intensely practical for dealing with summer heat.

Southern California is too hot at the best of times and blazing hot at the worst.

You have to find a way to cool off.

And if you’re not willing to forego all of the hair on your head like Kendall’s friend Cara Delevingne has recently, there are other options.

You don’t even need to get an undercut, though those look amazing.

A huge, stylish updo or whatever Kendall wants us to call this could work for casual and polished looks.

Maybe don’t wear it to a board meeting or into a courtroom, but other than that, it looks pretty darn versatile.

Maybe, when they tire of controversies, Kendall’s siblings will learn to calm down and quit stirring up backlash.

Yes, the Pepsi commercial caused backlash, but that can happen to anyone.

And Kendall didn’t mastermind it.

Her role was just being super hot, like in every job that she takes.

We’re glad that she’s keeping cool enough to enjoy a glass of wine this summer.

The worst parts of summer are when it’s too hot for you to drink.

Unless you live in a place that tends to be on fire during the summer.

That’s worse.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

22 Shows You Absolutely Need to Watch This Summer

Summer is a time for barbecues, sun tanning and…

… television viewing?

In this day and age, YES!

As you"re about to find out, there are plenty of strong shows about to air that we strongly recommend you tune in for…

1. Big Brother

Julie chen on big brother

Big Brother 19 premieres June 28 on CBS, and we are already imagining the twists and turns as deals are broken between the multitude of houseguests.

2. Vanderpump Rules: Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky

Jax taylor brittany cartwright bravo offices

Ever wanted to watch Jax tell Brittany to get him a sandwich on a weekly basis? Bravo sure seems to think so and the first Vanderpump Rules spin-off will debut later this summer.

3. Nashville

Rayna dies on nashville

Nashville faces the impossible when it returns for the second half of Season 5: Continue telling the stories of the characters in the wake of losing Connie Britton’s Rayna. Don’t worry, Rachel Bilson and Kaitlin Doubleday are tapped to appear in the upcoming episodes.

4. Fear the Walking Dead

Fear the walking dead star frank dillane

This spin-off of The Walking Dead returns June 4, and something tells us this will be the season it pops and turns into something worth watching. Who are we kidding? It will be the same old show, but we’ll watch it. It’s not like there are a lot of other options this summer.

5. Queen of the South

Queen of the south picture

USA Network’s addictive mob drama, Queen of the South returns for Season 2 on June 8.

6. Orange is the New Black

Orange is the new black picture

The ladies of Litchfield will return June 9 on Netflix. Look for it to pick up in the immediate aftermath of the women going crazy that Poussey’s death was covered up.

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Pentatonix Losing a Member, Continuing Summer Tour

And then there were four … Five-person a capella group Pentatonix is about to lose Avi Kaplan … who announced his departure Friday morning in video posted on the group’s Facebook page.  Avi says he’d been struggling to keep up…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Summer Sanders Says Trump Could Ruin L.A. 2024 Olympics Bid (VIDEO)

U.S. Olympic legend Summer Sanders tells TMZ Sports she’s concerned that the “chaos” from the Trump presidency could blow L.A.’s shot of winning the 2024 Olympic bid.  The 2-time Olympic gold medalist says the Olympics aren’t supposed to be…


Monday, August 8, 2016

Ariel Winter Swimsuit Photo Just Made This Summer Even Hotter

And now, a public service announcement from Ariel Winter:

Summer is the best time of year. By a considerable margin.

The 18-year-old Modern Family star proved this and then some by donning a daring, one-piece yellow swimsuit on Sunday, celebrating life.

And National Sister’s Day at the spa with her older sister.

Winter and her sister slash one-time legal guardian Shanelle Gray enjoyed some rest and relaxation together – the best sibling bonding.

“Ready to #relax in the #spa #getaway #sister #trip,” she captioned the pic – maybe even better than the recent Ariel Winter topless effort.

A-Dubs also Instagrammed a photo of her and Shanelle in matching black outfits, showing off some leg in a pair of knee-high stilettos:

“Happy #nationalsisterday from me and my b;)” Winter wrote.

It’s Ariel’s world, and we’re just fortunate enough to love in it.

Anyone who says otherwise is officially out of their minds, as we saw when Winter slammed body shaming trolls on social media recently.

“I think there are so many bigger issues in the world that we should be focusing on than what we’re wearing,” the actress said.

“I’ve been body shamed for just about everything.”

“When I got tattoos” in particular, she added, “every single person on the face of the planet had something to say about it.  

“It can destroy a person, and I think it’s disgusting that’s what people spend time on,” she told ET, but she’s been battling back.

Winter has made great strides with her own body confidence, as evidenced rather obviously in some of her racier Instagram offerings.

“I’ve been through a rollercoaster with myself definitely, growing up in the public eye,” she said, reflecting on her self-image.

“But I think now as I’ve gotten older… I’ve had so many people help me learn to accept myself and that’s been really amazing for me.”

And for us, Ariel. Also for us. Every day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Gwen Stefani: The Sad Reason She Wants Blake Shelton On Her Summer Tour

She’s stepping back into the spotlight on July 12th for her This Is What The Truth Feels Like tour, But Gwen Stefani is more concerned about her relationship than anything else.

According to OK! Magazine, Stefani wants boyfriend Blake Shelton to join her when the tour kicks off in Mansfield, Massachusetts.  Stefani has 27 shows scheduled, with the tour wrapping in Vancouver, British Columbia on August 25th.

The only problem?  Shelton doesn’t feel like being her groupie.

“Gwen is worried about the idea of spending time apart,” a soure told the tabloid.

“She’s afraid it’s going to blow up their romance.”

Stefani is said to have “trust” issues following her divorce from Gavin Rossdale, who allegedly cheated on her with their children’s nanny, Mindy Mann (who is now pregnant with another man’s child).

Understandbly, the singer “wants to keep an eye on Blake.”

This could also help Stefani sell tickets, if Shelton were to come on stage and perform their duet, “Go Ahead and Break My Heart.”

What’s kind of baffling to yours truly is that this next statement is not entirely inaccurate:

“At this point in their careers, Blake is bigger than Gwen,” the soure pointed out.

“The idea that he could show up to perform their duet would be very attractive to fans.”

One of the reasons Shelton won’t agree to come on tour with his beloved is that he has his own gigs booked.

“Blake loves Gwen but doesn’t want to be her sidekick for two months.”

Fair play, Shelton.  

Earlier this month, the country singer and Voice judge talked opened with Rolling Stone about the evolution of his relationship with Stefani.

“As I was making the record, other developments were happening. I was spending some time with Gwen all of a sudden, and she became my closest ally, my friend, my person in my life who had my back, and I had hers,” he addmited.

“And [I] created this bond with somebody that I never would have thought in a million years.”

Gwen Stefani is a hot piece and Shelton deserves to be hung up by his ears if he breaks her heart.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Britney Spears Bikini Photos Prove the Summer of Brit is Upon Us

It’s officially summer, which means as you while away the hours in your cubicle, open floor plan office or mobile meth lab (we’re not here to judge), your thoughts may start drifting toward sand, surf and swimwear.

For celebrities like Britney Spears, however, summer never really starts or ends, because they can jet off a tropical climate anytime they feel like it, and despite constant claims to the contrary, they rarely do any real work.

(Side note: Always of be wary of people who are constantly telling you how hard they work.)

Britney Spears bikini season started in March this year, when the singer flaunted her perfectly toned abs in a barely-there two-piece.

The background in some of the pics made us think of the pool in that hillbilly trailer court where Rosamund Pike hides out in Gone Girl, but that’s a different story.

Brit herself looked fantastic, and in order to prove those shots were no fluke, she’s back at it again with the bikini selfies. Daaaaaamn, Britney!

You might be saying to yourself, “Hey, doesn’t Britney live in Vegas, where they’ve stopped issuing weather alerts because all of the meteorologists have melted like Nazis in an Indiana Jones movie?”

The answer is yes – but that’s not about to stop Brit from taking full advantage of peak bikini season.

“My head is melting it’s so hot in Vegas!!” she captioned the photo on the left.

As you can see at the top of this article, Brit has no qualms about modeling swimsuits inside, but we guess sometimes she just needs that authentic backdrop.

Anyway, she needs to stay her ass in the pool or get under that waterfall ASAP.

We don’t want another Britney meltdown, and we certainly don’t want Britney to actually melt.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

13 Summer Shows That Will Keep You Nice and Pale

The weather is heating up. The sun may be shining wherever you live. And the beach is likely calling your name.

But summer is no longer a slow period in the world of television.

The following TV shows are either debuting or returning over the next several weeks and we won"t judge you if you close your curtains and settle on to your sofa when they do…

1. Orange is the New Black

Orange is the new black

The fourth season of this Netflix favorite starts streaming on June 17. So at least you can finish it all in one weekend and be free in time for July 4!

2. Pretty Little Liars

Pretty little liars

Not only is it coming back on June 21, but it’s coming back for what may be its final season. You do not want to miss any of the major reveals.

3. American Gothic

American gothic

This 13-part murder mystery limited event kicks off on CBS on June 22. We are so in.

4. Roadies


The first TV show from Cameron Crowe premieres on Showtime on June 26.

5. Match Game

Match game

A reprisal of this iconic game show would be exciting enough. But it will be hosted by Alec Baldwi! Interesting. It also premieres on June 26.

6. Dead of Summer

Dead of summer

Created by the men behind Once Upon a Time, this Freeform drama is a horror-based series set at a 1980s summer camp. Premieres on June 28.

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