Showing posts with label Surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surgery. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2018

Derick Dillard: Jazz Jennings" Gender Confirmation Surgery is CHILD ABUSE!

Does anybody else get so emotionally and spiritually exhausted by hearing all the absolute garbage that Derick Dillard spews whenever he opens his dumb mouth?

Because hey, same.

It’s just … he’s so awful. He’s an exceptionally terrible person.

And on top of that, it always seems like he really tries so hard to be that way, you know?

Like he puts a ton of effort into being the worst.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, just take a moment to consider the way he’s treated Jazz Jennings.

His weird obsession with the transgender teenager began nearly a year ago when he commented on a Twitter post about her reality show, I Am Jazz, that TLC had shared.

He said that “‘transgender’ is a myth,” and that “gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

And he was just warming up.

A few months after that, when his comments were brought up again, he tweeted “I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.”

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

So not only did he use the wrong pronouns there, but he also called into question Jazz’s parenting skills.

Seriously, the guy who married into the Duggar family thinks he has any room to criticize someone else’s parenting?

After that, Derick felt the need to bring Jazz up in a conversation he was having about the Parkland shooting — it didn’t make sense then, and it sure doesn’t make any sense now.

The point he was trying to make was something about “liberal agendas” and that darn devil media, and at one point he tried to explain that “I criticized the media’s use of kids again … like @TLC uses Jazz.”

Was Jazz relevant to what he was talking about?

Obviously not.

But, for whatever reason, Derick just can’t help himself but run his mouth about her.

And since she has some pretty huge news this week … you know where this is headed.

In case you missed it, Jazz was able to get her gender confirmation surgery earlier this week, and she’s been pretty excited about it.

She hopped on Instagram yesterday to let her followers know that she’d doing well, and to thank them for all the love and support they’ve been giving her.

It’s a lovely, heartwarming story, but of course Derick didn’t see it that way.

Over on Twitter, he shared a news story about Jazz’s surgery and commented “This kind of thinking should not be encouraged by media. A system that allows this kind of child abuse is clearly broken.”

How wild is it that this guy is honestly trying to talk about “child abuse” when his own wife was molested by her brother and her parents did nothing about it?

Also, what does it say about him that after all this time, he still hasn’t learned that even if he wants to cling to his beliefs, he should maybe just keep his mouth shut about this one teenage girl?

It’s easy to get worked up over this kind of ignorance, and the poor souls that follow Derick on Twitter definitely did.

“Why is this ur business?!” one of those people asked him. “Not every1 agrees with how u raise ur kids or how the Duggars raise theirs, who in their right mind raise girls 4 breeding purposes only, does not encourage college or jobs, solely raises them 2 b dependent on men.”

The character limit on Twitter can sometimes get in the way, but a good argument is a good argument.

Another solid argument with way fewer characters: “Your thinking is clearly broken.”

“Come on Derick,” another person urged. “Does it really matter to you? It’s not your family or your business.”

Amazingly, even some people who share Derick’s belief are sick of him talking about this.

One of those people wrote “I agree with you, but why in the world do you need to tweet this? Our job, as a Christian, is not to point out people’s sins. Our job is to show the love of Jesus. Let Him work on peoples hearts.”

So far, he’s only made one response to all the backlash he’s been getting — and oh boy, you’re going to love this.

Several people pointed out the hypocrisy of Derick getting upset about the “child abuse” here but remaining silent on the Trump administration’s actual abuse of immigrant children.

His response?


How does he live? How does this man survive while being so painfully ignorant?

It’s a mystery for the ages, for sure.


Jazz Jennings: I"m Out of Surgery, I Have a Vagina, And I"m Doing Great!

Several weeks ago, transgender teen reality star and activist Jazz Jennings announced that she will finally have a vagina.

She has been waiting for this moment for her entire life, and it has arrived.

Jazz celebrated by sharing a post-op photo with her fans.

She had to lose 30 pounds before undergoing surgery, but she did it!

And now, Jazz can wipe away her dysphoria by having the body that she deserves.

Fans knew that she would be undergoing surgery on June 26, and she took to Instagram in the afternoon of June 28 to update them, writing:

“I’m doing great, thanks for all of the love and support!”

She followed that with a shining heart emoji.

Take a look at the hospital bed selfie that she shared along with her message:


Honestly, it speaks to how seriously she takes her role as an activist who works to raise awareness for the trans community that she left such an earnest message.

She’s a Gen Z kid, and even older Millennials these days tend to announce recoveries from surgery with bed selfies that read: “I lived b–ch.” It’s a meme.

Not all trans folks experience dysphoria with relation to their genitals. Gender, after all, is not defined by genitals.

But for those like Jazz who do experience dysphoria, living in a body that doesn’t match their identity — a body that constantly encourages society to view them in a certain way — can be agonizing.

Jazz is extraordinarily fortunate that, with the love and support of her family, she was able to undergo bottom surgery — that is what it is called when a trans person gets confirmation surgery on their genitals — at 17.

Her fans are overjoyed for her.

Jazz’s surgery was not without its challenges. Her efforts to lose weight were only part of that.

See, Jazz has been on puberty blockers — a good first step for any trans child who doesn’t want to see their body transformed by puberty hormones.

Puberty blockers are simple and reversible and safe, but gender confirmation surgeons have found that they mean that there is less tissue for them to use when performing bottom surgery.

Or, to be blunt: a trans girl who never went through puberty might have an otherwise easy time with her body, but she won’t have enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to make her new vagina.

“They didn’t have enough material to construct the entire vagina,” Jazz described to her followers in the weeks leading up to her surgery.

Jazz explains the solution: “So they’re using a special procedure to extract my peritoneal lining.”

The peritoneal lining is a membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers most of the intra-abdominal organs.

The membrane, as Jazz notes, is regenerative. You can think of it like an internal skin graft.

“They take that out laparoscopically through my bellybutton or whatever,” Jazz explains. “They use that and harvest that and use that to make the vaginal canal.”

And, as she explains, there are some definite benefits to using this method to perform the surgery.

“It’s better,” Jazz says. “Because it looks like real vagina tissue and it feels more like real vagina tissue.”

Jazz will of course have to recover from her surgery and become accustomed to her new anatomy.

Her fans are happy for her and showered her with congratulatory messages.

Unfortunately, Jazz has to contend with more than her share of trolls, even though she’s a teenage minor.

We’re not just talking about Derick Dillard’s transphobic attack. There are a lot of these people.

Just glancing at her post-op selfie, we could see multiple harassing messages from an Instagram account with no posts of its own that follows only Jazz — meaning that someone created it specifically to leave her nasty comments.

But Jazz explains why she puts up with the hate and vitriol instead of quietly transitioning and living her life outside of the spotlight.

“The reason why I’m being so open and documenting my journey with this procedure,” Jazz explains on her YouTube channel.

“Is because I feel like education is super important,” Jazz says. She’s right.

“If I put out this information for people to see,” Jazz continues. “They won’t need to ask any more questions.”

“And also,” Jazz adds. “It’s educational within the community, as well.”

Like we said, not all trans kids come from such loving and supporting families. But those parents who do support their kids might have questions.

“A lot of parents who have transgender kids are like, ‘what do I do? I don’t know much about this process!"” Jazz explains.

“And seeing our show kind of helps them realize what steps they could take to help their kids and what the journey might look like in the future,” Jazz concludes.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

"Sugar" Shane Mosley Sues Doctor for Botched Elbow Surgery, Alleged Cover-Up

‘Sugar’ Shane Mosley went in for a quick surgery to fix his elbow pain, but ended up getting cut up and burned … according to a new suit. The 4-time world champion boxer claims he was training for a fight in March 2017, when he went to Dr. Gary…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Carrie Underwood Walks Red Carpet, Sparks Plastic Surgery Chatter

Carrie Underwood has an amazing voice, a humble attitude, a happy marriage…

… and a fake nose?

This question is now being asked by a handful of social media trolls after the legendary country singer walked the red carpet of the 2018 CMT Awards in Nashville.

Do they have a point?

What does this have to do with that awful accident the singer suffered through in late 2017?

Scroll through the following photos and comments to find out!

1. Look at Us!

Look at us

Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher do not walk many red carpets together. But they made an exception at the CMT Awards in Nashville.

2. But Whatever…

But whatever

No one seemed to care about the appearance of Carrie and her husband, only about a face they swear looks different than it did before.

3. Compare for Yourself

Carrie underwood on acm stage

This is a photo of Underwood on stage at the ACM Awards in April, about two months prior to her CMT Awards appearance. See anything markedly different?

4. Like New Lips, Maybe?


This is what at least one Twitter user is wondering.

5. Or the Nose?


This person is giving a new meaning to the NSFW term “just the tip,” if you know what we mean.

6. This Absolutely Happened!

100 percent

I have total, complete, 100% certainty that Carrie Underwood has undergone plastic surgery. I’d bet my life on it!

View Slideshow

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Undergoes Second Emergency Surgery

Back in April, former Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller had emergency back surgery after a rapidly spreading paralysis threatened her life.

That paralysis turned out to be the result of a form of cancer called Burkitt lymphoma.

Now, Miller has revealed that she had to undergo a second emergency surgery. This does not sound good.

Abby Lee Miller took to Instagram with a surprisingly calm tone to share the news with fans and followers.

“After another 2 hour MRI this morning,” she begins.

Remember, she is battling a fast-spreading cancer in some very delicate parts of her body — doctors need to keep a close eye on where and how it spreads or does not spread.

“The pros thought I needed one more quick little emergency surgery!”

Her next word is more or less what you would imagine.


Surgery is always serious. When the word emergency is slapped in front of it, it is worse.

“I’m in recovery now and texting so everything must be ok.”

Abby Lee Miller second surgery pic

Miller continues to put on a brave face, acting as if the surgery were merely an inconvenience.

“Just hiccups in my plans!”

She explains that she is genuinely very busy at the moment.

“I’m on a tight schedule; shooting two projects and I need to get out of here and on with my life!!!”

Obviously, we hope that she is able to continue uninterrupted by yet another heatlh crisis.

Abby’s post continues, as she asks fans to continue to send her good vibes for a swift and full recovery.

“Please keep me in your prayers.”

She wants everyone to know how much she appreciates their emotional support.

“I’m grateful for all the well wishes!”

She finishes her post with a series of tags.

“#ALDC #aldcla #dancemoms #abbyleemiller #lymphoma @hoomanmelamedmd”

Note that her last tag is of Dr. Hooman Melamed, her doctor.

It is worth noting that she was seeing him for his spinal expertise more than a year before her cancer diagnosis.

Another recent post by Miller shares some sage advice with her fans and followers.

Beside a photo of her head tilted back so that she can enjoy a faceful of somewhat filtered solar radiation, Miller writes:

“Going outside to feel the sun on my face was wonderful!!!”

If you’re a person who enjoys sunlight, spending the better part of a year in prison and then weeks in the hospital would make you feel almost starved for some Vitamin D.

(We mean literal Vitamin D, which your body can make from sunlight. Not the euphemism for penis. Though that may also be the case for the newly freed)

“Kids, never take anything in this world for granted!”

That is very good advice.

Simple “luxuries” like being able to choose your own meals or go outside when you choose seem almost beneath your notice until you no longer have those choices.

“It can all change so suddenly!”

Remember, undergoing major surgery that involves her spine meant that she’s been cooped up, recovering, for a while now.

“The Brilliant Dr. B cleared me for sunning this afternoon!”

She was clearly enjoying her time outside.

“Woo Hoo! Thank you sir!”

We wish her the best and hope that this second emergency surgery does not keep her cooped up for too long.

Mostly, we just hopes that she beats this cancer.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Jazz Jennings Previews Upcoming Surgery: "I Can"t Believe I’m Gonna Have A Vagina!"

Forgive the rather obvious pun, but…

… Jazz Jennings is rather jazzed about her upcoming surgery.

(We’re very sorry, but the terrible play on words was just sitting right there, you know?)

The TLC reality star, who anchors a series titled “I Am Jazz,” used her personal YouTube account late last week to preview a rather giant procedure currently scheduled for June 26.

It will officially, technically, medically turn her from a male to a female.

“I am so looking forward to it. I have been ready for this my entire life,” the transgender 17-year says in her video, speaking, of course, about gender reassignment.

This has been a major theme on her aforementioned series, which debuted in July of 2015.

In this same video, Jennings explains that she has decided to be open about the surgery in hopes that it will educate people both inside and outside of the transgender community.

And she’s very explicit in talking about what it will entail.

“I’m gonna have new genitalia,” she says. “Like penis to vagina! That’s some serious sh-t, y’all! I can’t believe I’m gonna have a vagina!”

Jennings has long been an advocate in the LGBT community.

She has found herself in the headlines over the past few months because Derick Dillard, who appeared on Counting On but who has since been fired by TLC, has often mocked and slammed Jennings for the way she lives her life.

“I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child,” Dillard randomly said last fall, adding at the time:

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

Jennings never invited this sort of critique and is certainly not interested in Dillard’s pity.

She’s living her best life, thank you very much!

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality,” Dillard previously said, piling on an entire community of people by adding:

“‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”


But, hey, if Jazz can take the high road and basically ignore Dillard throughout this nonsense, so can we.

We’ll just focus on her latest video and the surgery about which she can’t stop talking.

“I have been looking forward [to the surgery] forever,” Jazz told us. “Even at a young age, I knew.”

She also says she’s excited for the procedure – but, as you might expect, also a bit frightened.

“Because I started the [testosterone] blockers so early that I never went through puberty…basically the blockers block testosterone in my body so I don’t develop as a male and get a beard, a mustache, a deep voice,” Jennings says.

“That’s why I’ve been able to be so feminine. Because of that, it caused me to be so suppressed that I didn’t have growth in ‘that’ region.”

In conclusion, Jazz goes over what’s about to happen in pretty fascinating detail, even if it may gross out some folks out there:

“Because there was a lack of tissue [down there] they didn’t have enough material to construct the entire vagina, so they’re using a special procedure where they extract my peritoneal lining.

“It’s regenerative, so it will regrow and what not.

“They take that out laparoscopically through my belly button or whatever. They use that and harvest that and use that to make the vaginal canal.

“It’s better because it looks like real vagina tissue and it feels more like real vagina tissue.”

Science, huh?

Pretty amazing.

We wish Jazz Jennings the best of luck.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Arnold Schwarzenegger Out for Bike Ride 2 Months After Heart Surgery

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s back, as promised, and looking happy and heart-healthy enough to go for a bike ride. The 70-year-old actor hit a Santa Monica bike path Thursday and was seen pedaling around with a friend … less than 2 months after having…


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Buys Frappuccino Days After Wedding, Heart Surgery

Meghan Markle’s father might’ve missed his daughter’s wedding with Prince Harry, but he wasn’t missing his Starbucks while on the mend … broken hearts be damned. The Duchess’ dad, Thomas Markle, was in Rosarito, Mexico Monday stopping off at a…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Thomas Markle is Alert and Out of Surgery

3:05 PM PT – Thomas says, “I’m ok. It will take a long time to heal. Staying in the hospital a few more days. Not allowed to get excited.” Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas, appears to have successfully undergone heart surgery … TMZ has…


Meghan Markle"s Dad Thomas Markle is Alert and Out of Surgery

3:05 PM PT – Thomas says, “I’m ok. It will take a long time to heal. Staying in the hospital a few more days. Not allowed to get excited.” Meghan Markle’s dad, Thomas, appears to have successfully undergone heart surgery … TMZ has…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Dad Thomas to Undergo Heart Surgery and Can"t Attend Wedding

Thomas Markle is not going to walk his daughter, Meghan, down the aisle Saturday, nor will he travel to England, because we’ve learned he’s dealing with something far more serious … major surgery. Thomas tells TMZ, he will go into surgery at 7:30…


Donald Trump Says Melania is Recovering "Really Well" After Surgery

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Monday, May 14, 2018

UFC"s Ray Borg Says Baby Son Battling Hard After 2nd Brain Surgery

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Melania Trump Hospitalized for Kidney Surgery

Melania Trump is hospitalized, and will be for several days, after having surgery Monday morning on her kidney. The First Lady had a procedure called embolization done at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Embolization is considered a…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Shares Graphic Back Surgery Photo

Abby Lee Miller is out of prison.

But she is not out of the woods.

Not when it comes to her health, that is.

As previously reported, the former Dance Moms host has been diagnosed with cancer (non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, to be exact), a development that has understandably caused the choreographer to take stock of her life.

She’s expected to still live a long and fruitful one, but this is still a very frightening experience.

On Friday, Miller went ahead and took fans behind the scenes of this experience, a little bit, posting an Instagram photo of her recent back surgery.

(Days before her cancer diagnosis, Miller was rushed to the hospital due to extreme back pain, which was originally determined to be a spine infection.)

“This gives a whole new meaning to being stabbed in the back!” wrote Miller, actually making us laugh with the caption to the photo below.

It’s no secret to any long-time reader of The Hollywood Gossip that we are not huge Abby Lee Miller fans.

But we’re obviously do not wish any actual physical harm or pain on the ex-Lifetime personality.

Last week, for the first time since her Burkitt lymphoma diagnosis, Miller spoke out, releasing a statement along with a hospital bed selfie.

“So much gratitude and love for those who listened, those who looked deeper and those who leapt into action,” Miller said at the time, adding:

“So much more I wish I could say……about how quickly your life can change at the hands of others.

Miller has always been a polarizing figure, due to the way she treated kids in her Dance Moms class, along with their parents.

But messages of support poured forth in response to the caption above and picture below.

Here’s a prime example:

I really really hope you get better. I am praying for you. I believe you will get through this. I haven’t met you and I’ve seen you on TV, but I can clearly see you are a strong caring person. I really hope you feel better.

“Me and all your friends, family and fans are all with you and praying for you. I hope u get better.”

Another fan added:

“We love you Abby. You can do this!”

This has certainly been quite the past year or so for Miller.

After pleading guilty to bankruptcy fraud back in 2016, she was sentenced to a year in jail.

In late March, she was then released to a halfway house, where she was expected to serve the remainder of her term.

It’s unclear if she’ll need to go back there in the face of this health issue.

Sources have told MTZ that Miller is apparently “resting comfortably” as she awaits further treatment and will probably need to undergo another spinal surgery whether the tests cancer tests come back positive or not.

We wish her the best.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Farrah Abraham Explains Her Plastic Surgery and Porn Career, is Actually Articulate!

So Farrah Abraham … well, she’s sort of given us a gift.

And to be perfectly honest, you’re not even a little prepared for it.

A lot of things have happened with her in the past several months — her decision to get back into the adult industry with those webcam shows, and the way she was subsequently fired from Teen Mom OG, for example.

Now, in a new video she filmed and slapped up on YouTube, she’s telling the stories behind all that and more, in her own words, without producers or MTV cameras and without her trademark inability to communicate.

Yep, that’s right — there’s no Farrah word salad here at all. It’s very odd.

Really, it’s a 14-minute video in which she just talks and makes sense the whole entire time. 

We told you that you weren’t prepared.

To kick things off, she tells the story of how she found out she was pregnant with her daughter Sophia — she went to Planned Parenthood to get a refill on her birth control, and they told her she was expecting.

“My mom used to say if I ever got pregnant, I’d be kicked out of the house, so I was more than scared to tell my mother,” she recalls.

But instead of kicking her out, her mother, Debra Danielsen, “was like crying and said ‘you know, I raised you to not kill something that’s alive."”

Which was apparently the discussion about Farrah’s options with the pregnancy.

From that, she says she learned “that what you tell your kids really affects them and how they communicate with you.”

Now, see, that’s some classic Farrah delusion — she’s talking like she learned some big parenting lesson about talking to your children when she’s out here telling Sophia about her porn career and inviting her along for her various vagina procedures.

Next, she discusses Sophia’s late father, Derek Underwood, who passed away in a car accident when she was eight months pregnant.

She says that event “literally crushed my life,” and she even tears up talking about it all these years later.

On the topic of Debra’s arrest — the one where cops arrived to the house and Deb answered the door with knives in her hands — she explains that it happened because her mother had accidentally hurt Sophia.

We’ve heard that before, but it’s interesting to hear the story from this newly coherent Farrah!

What happened was that Deb was going through Farrah’s mail, and when she got upset about it, Deb threw the mail, which included a package, and it landed on Sophia, who was in her car seat at the time.

When Sophia started crying, Farrah admits she “snapped,” so she took her baby to a different room, and when she went back Deb started throwing the mail at her.

So to “break that cycle of abuse,” she called the police, and we know the rest.

For a while, Debra wasn’t allowed to be around Sophia at all, but after Derek’s mother took Sophia from a babysitter and somehow traumatized her — Farrah says “for two days she was traumatic” — she dropped the case against her and they became close again.

Elsewhere in the video, she talks about how difficult her childhood was, how her parents had a terrible relationship and also how her family was racist and wouldn’t let her be friends with anyone who wasn’t white.

She ended up getting baptized at one point, but then immediately after that she says that she found herself hanging with a lot of porn stars and drug users, and that she still doesn’t know how she ended up in that scene.

She says that she was “very vulnerable” at that time, and that being a porn star is not who she is.

“I’m sick and tired of trying to be so perfect to make the right choices,” she says through tears, “and there’s times when I was like ‘is God real, why is this happening to me?"”

But in the end, she says that all those struggles brought her closer to God, because “God was really the only person there through some crazy stuff.”

She finally breaks down here — she’s always said that she experienced some really horrific things around the time she made her sex tape.

On the topic of plastic surgery, she reveals that “I really beat myself up about my body,” and that she was able to find doctors who “will do whatever you want,” but that “sometimes it’s too much.”

“I found myself so insecure,” she admits. “I would literally stare at my face so much every day. That ate me up.”

“When you’re a shattered woman and picked apart to the core and you’re just people pleasing … I was falling apart.”

About being fired, she says that the crew had turned on her when Teen Mom first came back on the air, after her sex tapes, and that it was hurtful because she’d known most of them since the 16 and Pregnant days.

“I was always the villain,” she complains, because every time she filmed producers would “poke” and “push” her.

In another particularly tragic moment, she discusses Debra again and how much she loves her, but that Deb has told her “that I don’t love her and I don’t know what love is, I don’t have that in me.”

In closing, she says that she wants so much to break that kind of cycle for her daughter, and that she wants to be “an influencer that influences change.”

What a roller coaster of emotions, right?

It’s clear that Farrah has been through a lot, and that she’s still trying to work through all that. It doesn’t excuse the seriously awful things she’s said and done, but it does help explain it a bit.

Also, if she’s capable of communicating as clearly as she does here, then why has she made us suffer for years?


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Undergoes Emergency Surgery, Narrowly Avoids Death

As we’ve made clear on numerous occasions in the past, we don’t like Abby Lee Miller.

We think she’s a narcissistic bully.

That said, we’d like to make one thing clear:

We do not wish death on Abby Lee Miller.

Heck, we don’t wish any sort of physical harm on the former Dance Moms host at all, that’s not what we’re all about.

Therefore, we truly do send nothing but well wishes to Miller, following the news that she nearly died this week.

It’s true: Multiple outlets have confirmed that Miller underwent emergeny surgery around 1 a.m.on Tuesday due to an infection in her spine.

She is now recovering in a Marina del Ray, California hospital.

According to a rep for Dr. Hooman Melamed, Miller was actually paralyzed prior to the procedure.

She had been suffering extreme pain in her back, arms and neck and, as a result, underwent a CT scan on Monday night.

This is when the mass was discovered and Miller was taken into the operating room.

“She could have died,” Melamed tells Entertainment Tonight, adding:

“Forget paralysis – if she waited much longer she would’ve died from this. Yesterday, Abby couldn’t move her toes or hands. Now she can slightly. She is in recovery now.”


Melamed added further details in an interview with People Magazine:

“Her condition started deteriorating [over two days]. Not just her pain, but her weakness started getting worse. In the span of 24 hours, which was something that I have not seen, her condition rapidly deteriorated.

“She was completely paralyzed from the neck down.”

The surgeon explained that Miller’s blood pressure was bottoming out, hence the emergent situation.

On March 27, Miller was transferred from the FCI Victorville prison in California to a halfway house in Long Beach, following an eight-plus month stint in federal prison.

The reality star had pleaded guilty in 2016 to bankruptcy and financial fraud, admitting that she lied to the government about her assets.

She is expected to serve the remaining two months of her term at the halfway house.

Dr. Melamed does say, however, that Miller may require another surgery.

For now, though, she will stick around at the hospital for at least another night and possibly for the rest of the week.

The ex-Dance Moms choreographer underwent gastric sleeve surgery in the past and it’s conceivable that her back pain and subsequent infection was related to this procedure and/or the medication she took afterward.

In May of last year, Miller received a sentence of one year and one day in federal jail, followed by two years of supervised release for bankruptcy fraud.

She was also fined $ 40,000 and ordered to pay the $ 120,000 judgment, as well as give a DNA sample relating to her felony charge.

Back in January, she actually released a statement from behind bars, saying at the time:

Sometimes in life you make mistakes. I trusted the wrong people and didn’t pay any attention to things I should of. I’m more than sorry for the mistakes I have made.

My world flipped upside down when I had to enter prison. I did so with grace, the stories you read about me been a princess are untrue.

I have made friends with both inmates and staff, I’ve tried to better myself, participated in anything offered to me and I am a better person for this experience.

We weren’t huge fans of this self-serving nonsense.

But we’re still glad she’s alive.

We don’t wish death on a single celebrity.


Monday, April 16, 2018

WWE Legend Vader Shows Off Gnarly Open-Heart Surgery Scar

Ex-WWE superstar Vader is doing so well after his open-heart surgery in March, he’s showing off the scar … and even cracking jokes about it!  Vader — real name Leon White — had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure back in 2016 and…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kendall Jenner Selfie Sparks Plastic Surgery Rumors: What Do YOU Think?

In many ways, Kendall Jenner is not like her famous siblings.

The 22-year model doesn’t flaunt her love life in public nor does she really flaunt her body on Instagram.

Which is ironic when you consider her profession.

For the most part, Kendall seems content to stay sort of far away from the spotlight, traveling the world to walk down runways and keeping herself separate from the usual family drama.

But fans are now wondering whether there’s one way in which Kendall actually is more like her sisters than previously believed.

That is, they are now wondering whether Jenner has undergone any sort of plastic surgery.

Anyone who has followed the lives of these reality stars over the past several years really needs to get a life.

Errr, we mean: 

Anyone who has followed the lives of these reality stars over the past several years is aware that such rumors have followed around Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Kylie Jenner at various times.

Of the three, only Kylie has copped to having some unnatural assistance, admitting years ago that she uses lip filters.

But will Kendall soon be forced to make a similar confession?

On Tuesday, hair stylist Jen Atkin shared the above snapshot of Kendall on Instagram.

It’s a rather extreme close-up and features Jenner with some rather plump lips, doesn’t it?

Perhaps her sister would be proud of this look, but it has many folks on social media asking many questions.

And also leaving many comments. To wit:

You were so beautiful before! Now you look puffy! Please stop before it’s too late.

She’s so naturally gorgeous but I hate that she got lip filler like Kylie and Khloé. She didn’t need it.

Others, however, rushed to Kylie’s defense.

They seem to think her appearance here is more a result of editing than of any extreme surgical measures.

“Come on people, this isn’t surgery. It’s just a little Photoshop,” wrote one Kendall defender in response to the controversy.

This latest debate comes mere days after Kendall and close pal Bella Hadid were trolled on social media for their suspected cosmetic makeovers.

“2 fake b—hes sitting in a tree, first comes the nose job, then comes the lips, oh and don’t forget the built-in cheeks,” one person actually said online, which prompted the following reply from Hadid:

“I wish you would know either of our personalities. And not only that, I wish you would only grasp a heart of your own. Blessings to you sweetheart.

“Jealousy is a cry for help that I wish I could help you with.”

Pretty classy, huh?

We’re not sure if we’d be able to respond to a hater in such mature fashion.

What do YOU think of this topic at hand?

Is Kendall using lip filters? Did she get plastic surgery?

Click around below to read Kendall’s take on rumors about her sexuality and then let us know your take!


Friday, March 30, 2018

Arnold Schwarzenegger Rushed to Hospital For Emergency Heart Surgery

Frightening news out of Hollywood today, as multiple sources have confirmed that Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently hospitalized following an emergency open heart surgery.

According to TMZ, the 70-year-old screen icon and former governor of California is currently recovering at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles following a catheter valve replacement that went awry.

Sources say doctors were prepared for the possibility that the valve replacement might fail, and they quickly made the decision to perform emergency open heart surgery.

While the second procedure reportedly went as planned, family, friends, and fans are said to be deeply concerned, and understandably so.

Adding to their fear is the fact that this is not the first time Schwarzenegger has undergone heart surgery.

The actor had an aortic valve replaced in 1997.

Doctors reportedly informed Schwarzenegger that the procedure wasn’t urgently needed at the time, but he decided to get it out of the way while he was still young.

It’s not currently clear if Schwarzenegger’s recent problems are related to the condition he was treated for back then.

At the time of his first procedure, Schwarzenegger stated that the condition was congenital and not the result of past steroid use.

While this week’s open heart surgery was an emergency procedure, sources say it went as well as could be expected, given the circumstances.

There’s no word yet on when Schwarzenegger will be fully recovered, but those who know him best expect the famously ambitious fitness fanatic to be back on his feet in no time.

Arnold, of course, has been a mainstay in American pop culture and politics for the past four decades.

The Austrian-born former bodybuilder is on the short list of celebrities who are so iconic they can be referred to by a single name.

At 70, he remains as relevant as ever, and Schwarzenegger’s feud with Donald Trump recently made headlines and reminded the world of just what a sharp wit Arnold truly is.

Schwarzenegger has yet to issue a statement regarding his latest health scare, but you can bet that one is coming soon.

Arnold famously loves his public as much as the public loves him.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.
