Showing posts with label Tequila. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tequila. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tila Tequila Threatens to Shoot Up Movie Theater

Move over, Kanye West.

There’s a new crazy Twitter user in town.

Okay, Tila Tequila being crazy on Twitter really is nothing new.

This is the same person who recently claimed the Earth is flat and who also said obese people deserve so die.

But now the troubled former reality star really may have crossed a line. Multiple lines, in fact.

In Tila’s latest Twitter meltdown, she first defended her use of the N-Word by pointing the finger at artists who use the epithet in their songs.

@NICKIMINAJ has a song where she says “N—-” over 100 times & has violent gun visuals 2 the music vid! What outcome did u expect?

The argument that African-Americans should stop using this word if they don’t want others using it is not all that insane, not for Tequila at least.

But then Tila went ahead and got very racist when responding to a user who took exception to her viewpoint, writing:

No need for name calling! All I did was eat some fried chicken and drink grape soda yesterday! Chill bro!

Racism aside, Tequila also alleged once again that she is God’s daughter… that she is Jason Bourne’s sister… that she is a “Super Soldier” created by the Nazis.

At one point on her rant, Tila admitted that 90% of what she says is just “trolling” and that’s fine. We get that someone like Tequila is desperate for attention and that Twitter is a place where she can get it.

But then she also wrote the following:

I have been sitting in 1 single room for 5 hours! I am being brainwashed again. As soon as I leave here I am going to shoot up a theater.

There’s nothing funny there. There’s no joke to be made about a mass shooting.

Tila deleted this Tweet soon after it went live because even she knew it had gone too far.

But it’s still out there for all to see. This woman needs years of professional help.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tila Tequila Baby Daddy Demands Full Custody of Child

Tila Tequila is in danger of losing her only child.

According to TMZ sources, baby daddy Thomas Whitaker is seeking full legal custody of one-year-old Isabella, asking a court to put him in charge all decisions concerning the little girl.

In documents obtained by the aforementioned site, Whitaker claims Tila has delusions of grandeur, such as believing she’s God.

Tequila has certainly posted her share of unusual thoughts, messages and photos over the years.

Most recently, Tila wrote about being an alien messiah.

This rant followed a diatribe in which Tequila said the Earth was flat.

There was also the time she drew a Hitler mustache on her baby daughter. That wasn’t cool at all.

Thomas says he and Tila do not have a formal custody arrangement at the moment.

He’s asking a judge to grant him child support, and also to change Isabella’s last name from Nguyen (Tila’s actual last name) to Whitaker.

Whitaker also wants to make it illegal for Tequila to drink within 24 hours of having Isabella in her custody and illegal for her to talk trash about him to their child.

This is merely a first step for Whitaker.

Ultimately, he confirms that wants physical custody of the infant as well because his daughter would just be safer in his care.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Tila Tequila Posts Photos of Boobs, Daughter

No one is really sure what Tila Tequila does or why she’s still famous, but one thing is for sure: she has one hell of an interesting Instagram page.

What you see above are three photos that Tila posted in quick succession last night.

The first is a photo of her daughter, Isabella. The second two kinda speak for themselves.

“My precious little tomboy is an advanced intellectual like her Mother,” Tila captioned the photo of her kid. “She will too, become empress of earth!”

Moments later, without irony, Tila posted the middle photo with a caption reading, “I told ya my ass keeps getting bigger! I need to chill out on the cheez-its.”

Take note: Empresses of the Earth love Cheez-Its.

Anyway, this is all very tame by the standards of Ms. Tequila’s social media accounts.

If you haven’t been keeping up, Tila thinks the Earth is flat, Hitler had some good ideas, and we would all respect her more if we could only see her giant, invisible penis. 

We wish we were making that up, but really it’s just the tip of the crazy-pants iceberg

At least Tila didn’t dress her baby like Hitler this time. We guess that’s progress.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Tila Tequila Begs for Rent Money, Actually Gets It

Tila Tequila may be an alleged Nazi sympathizer who dresses her daughter up like Hitler.

But she’s still a human being!

This must be the line of thinking taken by a handful of folks out there who have gathered online in order to help Tequila overcome her latest financial troubles.

The former Celebrity Big Brother contestant opened a GoFundMe page last week, asking fans to donate so that she could afford rent and furniture for her and her young daughter.

It’s not surprising that Tila would make such a request.

But it has taken us aback that she surpassed her goal of $ 2,500 in just six days.

“The reason why I am creating this GoFundMe campaign is because they have raised the rent at my old home to $ 4,500 a month,” she wrote, explaining:

“And being a single mother without any support from the father, it can sometimes be very tough taking care of 2 people with only a 1 person income.”

That’s not an abnormal statement on its own of course.

“Right now I need to raise some money so that I can move into my new home and get it furnished for my daughter and I,” she added.

“The last apt I was at came fully furnished and that’s why it was so expensive, but I’d rather save money for my daughter than keep wasting money each month like that.

“So I basically need to buy all the furniture and beddings from scratch to start over if we are to move. It is going to cost a lot to start off, and that is why I am asking you all for your help!”

Incredibly, the troubled Z-Lister – who believes the Earth is flat and who may very be an alien messiah who has seen Jesus – somehow convinced people out there to put money into her account.

“Most people would be so ashamed or embarrassed, but I’m not,” she said of her online begging.

“This is for my daughter so we won’t be homeless and she won’t starve.”

Upon surging past her stated fiscal goal, Tila once again took to Twitter and said she plans on calling every single person who donated in order to thank them for their kindness.

“Oh my God! I cannot believe we actually not only reached our goal, but have actually gone PAST it! This is truly a humbling experience,” she concluded.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Tila Tequila Claims She"s an Alien, the Messiah, and Human Crack-Cocaine in Another Wild Twitter Rant

Tila Tequila is sharing her, um…unique views on Twitter again, and as always, we’re not sure if we should be amused or concerned.

Last week, Tila claimed she has an alien brain and argued that Earth is flat in one of the wildest online rants in recent memory.

Prior to that, Tila shared her belief that “all obese people deserve to die” and shared the news that she has a “giant penis.”

This time, she started out by sharing her belief that the world we live in is part of a Hollywood production, a la The Truman Show.

She went to claim that she predicted the death of David Bowie, before arguing that the moon was placed in the sky by alien engineers.

Then things really got weird:

“The media is trying to spin this as if it’s a joke because the Reptilian rulers of planet earth really don’t want you to know the truth,” Tila tweeted, as her 40,000 followers reached for their popcorn.

“I literally seriously saw Jesus when I died the 7th time & he transferred his energy into me then brought me back,” Ms. Tequila went on.

After that, she broke down her alien DNA:

“Because my dna came directly from the tall alien whites, but the greys are my distant cousins. I have their eyes.”

Then she closed out with a simple explanation of why her tweets are so damn addictive:

“Because I am the embodiment of crack cocaine but on twitter.”

Makes sense. For once, Tila, we might actually be in agreement on something.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Tila Tequila Claims She Has Robot Brain, Earth is Flat in All-Time Twitter Rant

Based on her latest Twitter rant, we believe that Tila Tequila has either lost her mind or is a consummate pro’s pro at Internet trolling.

Not only does she claim the world is flat, but the reality star says she actually died and was replaced by a clone four years ago.

At least she didn’t dress her kid up as Hitler. Well, this time.

To sum up, the 34-year-old alleges that she is actually a Russian spy who died and was replaced by a clone at some point in 2012.

That would be the main takeaway from any one else’s Twitter tirade, but this is Tila Tequila. The girl operates in her own orbit.

Speaking of which, she may not know what orbiting is, since she believes the Earth is flat and described why in hilarious detail.

It’s not clear if these thoughts are being bestowed upon us because she has a robot brain, but they are … out of this world.

So to speak. The earth is flat, the moon isn’t real because it was placed there artificially and is really spaceship. And so on.

We can’t really do justice to Tila’s tweets but here’s a sampling:

Tila Crazy Tweets

Then she demanded answers from NASA and claims she’s going there to get the scoop on the #FlatEarth once and for all, writing:


Persuasive as ALL CAPS TWEETS may be, good luck getting through security. The gatekeepers of the #FlatEarth secrets ain’t playin’.

Anyway, perhaps the best moment of all of this came when she tossed out another “truth bomb” and got taken to school by a follower.

Seriously, this guy apparently attended school at some point in his reasonably educated life. Tila not so much. It’s never too late, girl.

We have no idea who he is or why on #FlatEarth he follows Tila Tequila on Twitter, but we’ll forgive him after this ultimate mic-dropper:

Tila Tweets Shut Down

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tila Tequila Goes INSANE on Twitter: Obese People Deserve to Die! I Have a Giant Penis!

Tila Tequila might be insane. We don’t mean she’s a little quirky, or a bit eccentric. We mean she’s the type of mom to put a Hitler mustache on her baby, post the pic on Instagram, and then wonder why everyone’s so upset.

She could be mentally ill, or she may just be the ultimate troll, but either way, Tila’s latest Twitter rant might be one of the great social media meltdowns of all time:

Now, before you read any further, it’s important to remember that Tila’s Nazi views recently got her kicked out of the Celebrity Big Brother house, which meand it’s possible she actually believes this crap.

So, we guess…trigger warning for mind-boggling idiocy. Are we doing that right? Anyway, the following is a bunch of tweets that Tila posted in the past 48 hours and still has not deleted. Enjoy:

  • “Sometimes I like to kill things just to see how it dies.”

  • “If you need a wheelchair to go grocery shopping because you’re too obese to walk, you deserve to die.”

  • “ALL HEIL #HITILA you know the Nazi’s actually won the war in another parallel that dripped over right?”

  • “Is it just me or does everyone struggle w/vibrating at such high frequencies that it becomes hard 2 stay in your meat suit?”

  • “My apologies about the @MileyCyrus penis ordeal. That happened because I’m always talking about how big my dick is so it manifested.”

  • “Rihanna is a replica of me. I was a ‘Good girl gone bad’ way before she was born. I also drowened [sic] in the bathtub.”

  • “Everyone really deserves to die.”

  • If you can spend your Government cheese feeding that fat ass but cannot afford a healthier lifestyle, you deserve to die.”

  • A great #AtomicBomb in the horizon! The future of mankind shall be incinerated. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust #TheEnd

  • “Remember when I used to call myself #Tilisis? Then a few years later they ripped me off & called the terrorists Isis!” 

Believe it or not, there are many, many more where that came from.

We have to hand it to her – we didn’t think it was possible for anyone to make Amanda Bynes’ tweets seem like a collection of rational, well-reasoned arguments, but Tila pulled it off!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Tila Tequila Posts Photo of Infant Daughter Wearing Hitler Mustache

Tila Tequila has a long history of saying and doing truly regrettable things on social media.

For some reason, these things often center around her bizarre fondness Adolf Hitler, aka History’s Greatest Monster.

Sadly, that photo is exactly what it appears to be: a close-up of Tila’s daughter, Isabella, sporting a tiny Hitler ‘stache.

Tila posted a photo explaining the image, and, as you might expect, only made things worse:

“Gasps!!! Isabella!!!!! What in the holy??? One day when you grow up, you’re going to have to apologize for this picture, young lady!!! It will come back to haunt you! This way you’ll know all the struggles your Mama has been through, but I remained strong!

“Just for you my #Princess!! I’m only posting this because #BabyHitler was trending on Twitter today! Lmao! Don’t worry! I shall punish her for being a silly child who meant no harm to anyone! She gon learn today!!!”

We’ll do our best to act as translators and try to explain what in the actual f-ck this psycho-mom was trying to say with this post.

As you may recall, Tila posted photos of herself in Nazi regalia a few years back. To make matters worse, the pics were accompanied by lengthy captions describing Tila’s affection for the man responsible for the torture and murder of 6 million Jews.

Not surprisingly, her career (such as it was) never quite recovered, and Tila was kicked off of the UK’s Celebrity Big Brother over the summer after producers caught wind of her batsh-t Hitler obsession.

Now, Tila – in her own moronic way – is trying to make a point about how she’s been unfairly persecuted for her comments and the ways in which she “remained strong” in the face of her own overwhelming idiocy.

After all, being a parent is all about forcing your own dumb mistakes onto your kids so that they might suffer as you suffered. Oh, and Hitler. Don’t forget about the Hitler.