Showing posts with label Tyrese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyrese. Show all posts

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Tyrese Gibson Patted Down by Bailiffs in Custody Case

Tyrese Gibson was cornered in a courthouse hallway Thursday by 4 bailiffs who fully patted him down … this after Tyrese exhibited emotional/irrational behavior on video Wednesday. Tyrese showed up at the downtown L.A. Courthouse for the custody…


Tyrese Gibson Patted Down by Bailiffs in Custody Case

Tyrese Gibson was cornered in a courthouse hallway Thursday by 4 bailiffs who fully patted him down … this after Tyrese exhibited emotional/irrational behavior on video Wednesday. Tyrese showed up at the downtown L.A. Courthouse for the custody…


TMZ Live: Tyrese: I"m Not Crazy, I"m Broke!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Justin Bieber: Selena Gomez Is My Devil World Series Star Takes Another Big Loss Michael Jackson: Son Hurt In Motorcycle Accident  Travis Scott: Brutal Fall During Concert


Tyrese Says He"s Not Going Crazy, Just Desperate and Broke

Tyrese looks like he’s having a mental breakdown and his friends are worried sick, but the actor tells us his behavior is that of a desperate father who has been bled dry by an angry ex-wife.  Tyrese has posted a gut-wrenching, almost…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Tyrese Melts Down Before Court Battle, "Don"t Take My Baby!!"

Tyrese is coming apart at the seams over his legal battle to see his daughter, and he recorded an emotional breakdown hours before heading to court. Tyrese posted this video where he just loses it, saying he’s been away from 10-year-old Shayla for…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Tyrese Takes Daughter to In-N-Out During Monitored Visit

Tyrese’s first visit with his daughter in 2 months was pretty short … so he took her a place that’s just as quick with grub that made both daddy and daughter smile.  Tyrese got to see 10-year-old Shayla Sunday for a monitored visit…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Tyrese Will Be Allowed to Visit His Daughter

Tyrese will get some daddy time with his daughter, Shayla, after all, but the restraining order battle with his ex-wife is far from over … TMZ has learned. Sources connected with the case tell us both sides agreed, and the judge later ordered…


Tyrese Says Someone Coached His Daughter to Rat Him Out

Tyrese insists the permanent restraining order his ex is trying to get against him is based on a story his daughter was coached into telling. Tyrese filed docs saying the only evidence his ex-wife, Norma Gibson, has is hearsay from their…


Tyrese Gibson, Exhausted, Depressed Leaving Hospital

Tyrese Gibson was down in the dumps as he left Cedars-Sinai Thursday night, after checking himself in for chest pains and anxiety. Tyrese says he’s never been embroiled in a court case in his life, and Thursday’s marathon hearing that pitted him…


Tyrese Checks Into Hospital for Chest Pains, Dehydration

Tyrese checked himself into an L.A. hospital Thursday night after experiencing bad chest pains, shortly after an explosive day in court with his ex-wife … TMZ has learned. Sources close to Tyrese tell us he went back to his hotel after leaving the…


Tyrese Says He Wore Black to Court Because it was a Funeral for Accusations Against Him

Tyrese believes there was a death in the courtroom Thursday … and a figurative funeral was held for all the accusations about him being a bad dad. We got Tyrese leaving the L.A. courthouse with his wife, Samantha Lee, and asked him about his…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

TMZ Live: Tyrese: Baby Mama Runs To Cops

ON TODAY’S SHOW Justin Bieber: Home Hit By Trespasser Kendall Jenner: Cozying Up At Charlie Sheen’s Harvey Weinstein: More Trouble Drake’s Wild 31ST Birthday Party


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tyrese Digs Up The Rock Video Talking MAJOR Crap About "Black Rose" Album

Tyrese’s doing everything he can to prove The Rock is a piece of s*** … by posting a 2015 video of The Rock calling his album “dog s***.” The singer posted this video on Instagram Wednesday in which The Rock UNLOADS tons of crap…


Tyrese Gibson to The Rock: "Fast & Furious" Spin-off is "F****d Up,"You"re Selfish and Self-Promotional

Tyrese says he’s not mad at The Rock for doing a spin-off of ‘Fast & Furious,’ but then Tyrese goes after him with a vengeance, essentially saying he’s a selfish actor who screwed his loyal fan base just to get ahead. We got the ‘Fast’ actor…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Tyrese SLAMS Dwayne Johnson: He Tore the Fast Family Apart!

The ninth installment in the popular The Fast And The Furious film series won’t be out until 2020, but it looks like this cast is going to generate enough drama to keep us entertained until then.

This week, Tyrese Gibson, who plays Roman Pearce in the films, is slamming Dwayne Johnson, who plays Luke Hobbs. Why?

Because Dwayne Johnson accepted a spinoff which Tyrese feels delayed production of the 9th film … and was a betrayal of the entire cast!

Tyrese taking swipes at Dwayne Johnson is hardly the first time that the men of the Fash & Furious franchise have let their drama spill out into the public.

Dwayne Johnson, who was not in the series at the beginning, took to social media to slam his Fast 8 costars in an epic rant.

This is a guy who gives off a “cuddly” image to his fans, but he was not only exposing the on-set drama to the public, but also bashing unnamed male costars.

It was quickly obvious that Dwayne’s not-so-subtle rant was targeted at costar Vin Diesel.

Which … might be the first time, in our recollection, that anyone has ever publicly had a problem with Vin Diesel. He’s just a very buff nerd with a deep voice. This is the guy who taught Dame Judi Dench how to play Dungeons and Dragons.

Vin Diesel’s response was very mellow and honestly pretty vague, which really fits his brand. He’s not really Riddick, he just plays him in films.

The feud between these two beefcake actors has been going strong for a while now.

And Tyrese is very decidedly on Vin Diesel’s side. Especially now that Dwayne Johnson has accepted a role to star in a spin-off.

In an Instagram post, Tyrese Gibson shared his thoughts about the direction of the Fast & Furious franchise … and whose fault it was.

“Diversity, love, multi ethnic worldwide multi generational, United Nations, One Race, Fast Family…… Until Dewayne showed up.”

That sounds like an adaptation of the opening lines to Avatar: The Last Airbender, right?

“I guess this whole time he had a problem cause he wasn’t the ONLY ONE on the movie poster……”


“….. I guess dreams do come true congratulations to @hhgarcia41 and @therock you guys are just amazing you really broke up the #FastFamily”

Hiram Garcia is also joining Dwayne Johnson in the spin-off.

“I tried to warn you guys… You thought I was hating…… I was simply fighting to keep the family together what makes us great is when you see us all TOGETHER we don’t fly solo…..”

Ensemble casts can make for the best storytelling.

“#MyLastPost today….. I got 3 years of venting on this clown – They offered but YOU didn’t have to agree with a solo #HobbsMovie”

If he has three years of venting built up, we imagine that he’ll have more to say in the coming days … and years, actually.

“#OriginalFastFamily we salute you and stand on your shoulders #VinDiesel #PaulWalker #RobCohen #RomanTej were offered a spin off we TURNED IT DOWN!!!”

Invoking the late Paul Walker’s name might be a bit much, but Paul Walker was very close friends with Vin Diesel.

Now, we don’t know if Dwayne Johnson actually had a prima donna issue with being part of an ensemble cast instead of playing the lead.

He does tend to project a larger than life image, and we’re not just talking about how swole he is.

Tyrese may genuinely believe that Dwayne Johnson’s motivations are egomaniacal, but that doesn’t make it true.

And in all fairness we should point out that some of Dwayne’s supporters have argued that Vin Diesel turned down his own similar offer because they weren’t offering him enough money, not out of loyalty.

We … don’t know that this is the case. That doesn’t really fit Vin Diesel’s brand or personality at all.

But we felt like we should mention that counter-argument anyway.

For his part, Vin Diesel simply shared a photo of himself with Tyrese and Paul Walker.

Vin captioned that photo: “Brotherhood.”

It’s not a direct response, sure, but it definitely seems like it’s a vague endorsement of Tyrese’s intentions if not necessarily of all of his words.

That’s very much Vin Diesel’s style.

All of this makes us wonder — is Vin Diesel going to have more time to produce his Riddick franchise TV series and more Riddick movies since Fast 9 has been pushed back and Vin didn’t accept the spin-off?

Sorry, but we’ve got to look for the silver lining in all of this.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tyrese Investigated by Children"s Services Over Abuse Claims

Tyrese is now under the microscope of the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services over claims by his ex-wife and baby mama that he spanked his 10-year-old daughter so hard she couldn’t sit. Tyrese and Norma Gibson are in a court battle ……


Thursday, June 22, 2017

TMZ Live: Diddy: Tyrese Calls Out Shatner At Screening!

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tyrese Gibson Says There"ll Be More "Fast & Furious" ... It"s Like Flipping Houses! (VIDEO)

Don’t worry about The Rock and Vin Diesel’s old beef standing in the way of future ‘Fast & Furious’ flicks ‘cause the money train can’t be stopped … according to their co-star, Tyrese. We got Tyrese leaving Bootsy Bellows Tuesday night…


Friday, August 12, 2016

Tyrese Gibson: Wait, I Love Vin Diesel, Too!

Tyrese Gibson is full of love, people.

He wants you to know that.

Earlier this week, Dwayne Johnson caused quite an uproar online when he shared a rant on Instagram that called out one of his Fast 8 co-stars.

He didn’t name this individual, but he did say he it was a “male” and he railed against this actor’s unprofessionalism, referring to him as a “candy ass.”

In Dwayne Johnson parlance, this is as serious as it gets.

It didn’t take long for sources to reveal that Johnson’s beef was with Vin Diesel.

A producer on Fast 8 (which hits theaters in April), Diesel allegedly let the power go to his head, showing up late to set, insulting other stars and acting like a general jackass.

Conversely, according those in the know who spoke to TMZ, Johnson was a delight to work with.

He even filmed a video with members of the crew that drove this point home.

Here it is:

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

Soon after news of this feud broke, Tyrese Gibson jumped on Instagram to clear the air.

At least as far as he was concerned at least.

In a heartfelt post, Gibson referred to Johnson as his “brother.”

He even shared a video of Johnson singing to his daughter, writing that “a man wouldn’t be singing from his heart and soul to another mans little angel if he had a problem with her dad.”

In other words: don’t look at me! Me and The Rock are cool!

But perhaps afraid as if this would make it look like he was on Team Johnson and against Team Vin Diesel, Tyrese has returned to social media with a new message.

“Spreading love always,” he wrote as a lengthy caption to a photo of himself and Diesel on the red carpet.

He continued:

Without saying I’ve had too many moments to counts, too many heart too hearts, we’ve celebrated in too many countries, too many exchanges, too many play dates with our angels……

“Our brotherhood and every moment has inspired me to be a better man and father…. So much strength to pull from……”

Tyrese just wants everyone to get along, guys.

This is how he concluded his Diesel shout-out:

“I’m so f–king proud to call you my family and my brother…. even now I’m learning so much about sitting still and being centered in the mist of all of this unexpected energy…….

“I’ve always said that if ONLY people knew how hard you work to protect this franchise and characters, minds would be blown…… The fans around the world who continue to show UP for us are just all around amazing……

“And if no one else will jump out there and stand up I will – You’re my brother for life let’s keep it positive and keep rockin this thing…… My proudest post……”

Co-star Ludacris, meanwhile, seemed to give his silent co-sign to Tyrese’s post, following it with a throwback photo of the Fast cast (below) WITHOUT Johnson.

Guess someone has chosen to take a side in this rivalry, huh?

fast cast

We’d say this feud could be nearing its end, but there are a couple things to note:

Cast members will need to do press in a few months to promote the film. That ought to be interesting.

And Diesel has said he’ll soon tell everyone everything… so buckle up, readers!

Nothing is over just yet.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tyrese Gibson on Dwayne Johnson: That"s My Brother!

Tyrese Gibson has many things to say when it comes to Dwayne Johnson.

The actor took to Instagram this morning in order to respond to Johnson’s surprising social media post from earlier in the week, the one in which Johnson SLAMMED anonymous Fast 8 co-stars.

Indeed, the typically upbeat and beloved Johnson had some very choice words for at least one unnamed colleague.

“This is my final week of shooting Fast & Furious 8,” he wrote, adding:

“There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one. An incredible hard working crew. Universal Studios Entertainment has been great partners as well.

“My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em.”

Sounds great, right? But keep reading…

“My male co-stars however are a different story,” he continued.

Without naming names, Johnson added:

“Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right.”

The Internet, of course, is now wondering to whom Johnson is referring, though one report claims he has butted heads throughout production with Vin Diesel.

Gibson, meanwhile, wants to make a few things clear:

  • He and Johnson are totally cool.

  • What Johnson did was not totally cool.

  • He was definitely not the person with whom Johnson clashed.

In a since-deleted video, Gibson shared footage today of Johnson singing to his daughter, writing a long caption that opened as follows:

“Why are you guys so impressionable? A man wouldn’t be singing from his heart and soul to another mans little angel if he had a problem with her dad.”

Here is a screen capture from that video:

While Tyrese obviously wanted to make sure everyone knew Johnson had no beef with him, he also wanted to state that he has a slight beef with Johnson over the way this was handled.

Be warned: somewhat indecipherable Tyrese rant is on the way:

“Does any of us know why bro decided to jump out there with his post? No…… Would one assume that IF he’s going to jump out there and generalize and say ‘Male Co-Stars’ he would be more clear and call out names???

“Of course he should of.

“Let me calm you guys all the way down…….. I don’t know WHO he has a problem [with] and I don’t have any details of WHAT those problems are – as a matter of fact if I DID know I would tell you s**t!!”

TMZ has reported that the problem was with Diesel and that Johnson and Diesel sat down on Tuesday to talk about it.

What makes this feud stand out is that cast members of the Fast & Furious franchise are especially close.

They have been ever since Paul Walker died in November of 2013.

“I’m personally not doing this for anyone but my brother Paul Walker,” Gibson shared.

“This franchise is not about and has #Never been about anyone of us individually it’s about the #FASTFAMILY – the TRIBE.”

In conclusion, Tyrese reiterate that he and Johnson are tight. They’re like family.

He also gushed over Dwayne Johnson as a human being, writing:

“DJ happens to be one of the most humble, down to earth and professional people I’ve ever worked with and more importantly he’s my brother we have NEVER had a problem and will never have a problem.”

Same goes for us!

We love you, Dwayne! Now and forever!