Showing posts with label Walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walking. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Walking Dead Shocker: Who"s Dying?!

We think it’s fair to say that The Walking Dead Season 8 has been polarizing for long-time fans of the series. 

With the death of Chandler Riggs’ Carl in the can, The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 13 was all about advancing the plot, and it left us with a startling revelation: Another character is about to die. 

When the twist-filled episode got underway, the Hilltop was gearing up for the next round of their war against the Saviors. The villains were on their way to the Hilltop, so it was time to prepare for a fight. 

We were introduced to Dr. Dana who admitted that Siddiq was all talk and of very little use to them as a medic. If you watch The Walking Dead online, you will know that Carl’s dying wish was for Siddiq to find his place in the group. 

But Siddiq used this to his advantage, and Dr. Dana changed her views on him. Why the swift 180? Did she want him to stop being so passive, and stick up for himself?

Maggie and Simon had it out over the walkie-talkie, and the former made it clear that she was not opposed to offing the hostages she had. This did nothing to faze Simon. 

He was more concerned about the people who were not tainted by the Hilltop, and that it was time to bring this war to a grinding halt. 

Dwight tried to reason with Simon because he knew there was a possibility that Negan survived the big fight with Rick. Simon continued with the stance that it was time to fight. 

Daryl showed up in a blaze of glory and sent bullets towards the villains. But things took a turn, and Tara ended up being hit by an arrow. This was moments after Dwight refused to kill her. 

Maggie cut the lights, and it seemed like the Hilltoppers made their getaway, but they didn’t. It was all a ruse to get the Saviors into the open and to shoot them down. 

Simon and his team left the compound, but not before Rick greeted them with some bullets. Rick’s back, and ready to fight his way to the top!

The victory became a defeat when Tobin, Dr. Dana, and some others passed away. The Saviors had infected all of their weapons, and it meant that whoever got hit was going to turn into a walker. 

As the characters battled the wave of walkers, it became apparent that Tara was about to die. Daryl swore that he was going to take down Dwight, while Tara realized she would soon be dead. 

How will the series cope with the loss of another series regular?

Hit the comments below!

The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC.


Monday, March 19, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 12 Recap: The Key

Negan is not ready to give up without getting some more blood on his hands. 

That much became clearer than ever on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 12 when the villain decided it was time to frighten everyone at the Hilltop. 

Negan and Simon plotted to cause some tension amongst the team, but Dwight was eager to travel on his own. 

The reason?

Because he was a full-blown Hilltopper at this stage. It was only a matter of time before everyone found out, but he wanted to be with the others when it all came out. 

At the Hilltop, Rick met up with Daryl in the aftermath of recent events. Daryl was apologetic because he felt that he was partly to blame for driving the truck to the Sanctuary. 

Maggie watched the meeting from afar and wondered whether Rick was too far gone now that Carl has been taken from him. 

Things took a strange turn when crates showed up in the distance, and a mysterious note asked for them to be filled with food. 

Maggie, Rosita, Michonne, and Enid shockingly decided to help the unnamed person out. 

Meanwhile, Rick noticed Negan making his way towards the Hilltop, so he rammed his car into Negan’s one. 

Rick chased the villain, and they engaged in a fight to the death, but Negan fell over a ledge and Rick threatened that it was time for him to die. 

Negan then offered Rick a deal: Join an alliance, and Negan would only take 25 percent of their belongings, and they could all live in unity. 

That’s when Rick admitted that it would never happen … not after what Simon did to the Scavengers. 

As always, Negan escaped, and Rick was left to fend off a group of walkers. 

At the rendezvous point, Maggie, Enid, and Michonne met up with a woman named Georgie. When guns were drawn, Georgie essentially admired the Hilltop community. 

Maggie realized something was amiss and ordered the women to be taken to the Hilltop. A war of words ensued, but ultimately, the women were set free. 

Simon and Dwight returned to the Saviors and admitted that they only found blood and they do not know if Negan is dead or alive. 

This created a whole lot of unrest amongst the team, but Simon reiterated that they were all Negan and that was not going to be changing. 

In another part of town, Negan woke up to find Jadis waving a gun at him, and she’s ready to get revenge on the villains. 

What did you think of this wild installment?

Hit the comments below!

The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC!

Remember you can watch The Walking Dead online right here. 


Monday, March 5, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 10 Recap: The Lost and the Plunderers

How does life continue after the death of a loved one?

That was the big question on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 10, an hour which focused on six different stories. Yeah, fans tend to complain about the slow episodes that follow just one character, so this one seemed like a way of proving the show can still be exciting.



We picked up with Michonne in the immediate aftermath of Carl’s death. Michonne realized that Carl had painted his hands with Judith’s on the porch. 

Michonne and Rick realized the best foot forward was to make a getaway from Alexandria and regroup with their allies somewhere else. 

Rick was not wanting to follow through on Carl’s last wishes, and refused to read the letter Carl left for him. The only thing giving Rick the drive he needed was finding a way to get the truth from Jadis about the alliance. 

When they arrived at the landfill Jadis and her mischevious group called home, walkers descended on them, and it did not look good. 


Negan and Simon were chatting about what happened when they attacked each of the places they planned to. Negan did not know how to feel about the fact that Carl played him. 

Was he ready to admit that Carl was one of the best manipulators around, or was he prepared to move on and try to take down some more of Rick’s group?

Well, it seemed like Simon was lying to him for a start. He claimed the drama at Hilltop all went to plan. Negan then told Simon “the garbage people” were next on the hit list. 

Negan tasked Simon with killing one of them to keep them in line. It was a classic move from the Negan playbook. 


Aaron and Enid were stuck at Oceanside, and Rachel was still whining about Natania being killed. She even went as far as claiming they should be killed. 

Cyndie was the one given the power to decide who to kill, and she thought about it. 

Enid admitted to Aaron that, given the opportunity, she would kill again. In the end, the pair were ousted from Oceanside and told never to return … or else. 

Aaron said he was going to stick around because he needed to get them to join the fight with them. Enid worried that she would not see him again, but a new friendship was formed. 


Simon made his way to the Hilltop and Jadis tried to imply that she had not sided with Rick and that she was still on his side. Simon said the Saviors needed to take all of their belongings to prove the “garbage people” were on board with Negan. 

Simon made some jokes about the garbage, and then shot Brion because Jadis was anything but open with him. Simon then gave the order to take down all of the Scavengers. Yeah, he was totally going against Negan’s word on this one. 


When Rick and Michonne made their getaway from the walkers, they realized the walkers were actually the Scavengers. She admitted that she thought she and her people could make something of the landfill and that’s why they stuck around for so long. 

“This was our world, apart form everyone else in every way,” she dished. She pleaded with Rick to allow her to join him and his people, but he left her high and dry to fend for herself. 


Rick was glad he did not kill her, but he was too consumed by his grief to care about what came next. Rick decided to read some letters, and he was shocked to learn that there was one for Negan. 

He looked at it and found out that Carl wanted peace between everyone because too many people died. Rick called out for Negan on the walkie-talkie and said that he was coming for him. 

Negan concluded that Rick had already lost. 

What do you think?

Hit the comments below!


Monday, February 26, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 9 Recap: Farewell, Carl Grimes!

Carl Grimes is out!

On The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 9, we finally said goodbye to another member of the Grimes family, and boy, it was emotional. 

We picked up with Carl assessing the fatal wound he had thanks to the walkers invading Alexandria. Carl was told about Michonne making her way to the Sanctuary, and she left him a note. 

The note gave Carl the guts to realize his time in the world was coming to a close, and he decided to write letters to his nearest and dearest. 

This kid has had a profound effect on all of the characters, so it made sense that his death would be such a big deal. Carl wasted no time in taking one last picture with Judith. 

He subsequently left both of their handprints in front of the house. Yeah, this episode was a real tearjerker, but it’s difficult to say goodbye to a long-serving cast member. 

Elsewhere, Morgan found himself in a difficult situation because the walkers were essentially gone, and he had to decide what was the best course of action. 

Carol was on hand to help hide some of the Kingdommers, and she returned to help Ezekiel make his way out of a deadly situation. 

The next big gut punch came when Carl revealed all about his bite to Rick and Michonne. Siddiq proved he was a good egg by offering to help care for Carl as his time ran out. 

That’s when Siddiq revealed that he was a medical resident. At that moment, he became useful to the rest of the team. They needed someone to help with medical instances. 

Carl continued to see Alexandria in the future, but Michonne wanted to get the kid to Hilltop to say his goodbyes and make sure he had the best care out there. 

Back above ground, Carol and Dwight continued to try and save Ezekiel from a certain death. They went to extreme measures and dispatched of Gavin’s friends. 

But Gavin made a getaway, and Morgan was mad. Morgan had to run for dear life to try and find the villain before it was too late. 

Back underground, Carl said goodbye to Michonne and admitted that she was his best friend. Carl said to Rick that the world could go back to normal and they could strive for change. 

Carl then told both of them to let him kill himself when the time was right. Carl killed himself, and Rick and Michonne got ready to bury the kid. 

That’s when we were treated to another flashforward, but this one showed Negan and Judith in the same scene. It looks like the villain is not going to be dying anytime soon. 


What did you think of Carl’s final episode?

Hit the comments below. 

The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC.


Friday, February 9, 2018

2018 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony Features U.S. Walking Out to "Gangnam Style"

The 2018 Winter Olympics officially kicked off while everyone on this side of Earth was asleep … and while ya snoozed ya also lost out on Team USA walking out to “GANGNAM STYLE”!!! The U.S. of A was led by flag bearer and luger Erin Hamlin at the…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Christina Aguilera Drives 272 Feet Instead of Walking

Christina Aguilera can’t be bothered to use her 2 feet when she has 4 perfectly good wheels to get her around … even if she’s only going just 200 feet or so. Christina made the rounds in WeHo Wednesday night, hitting up at least 3 places with her…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Odell Beckham Jr. Ditches Walking Boot for Knicks Game

It’s a beautiful sight for N.Y. Giants fans … Odell Beckham Jr. makin’ his way around the Big Apple without his walking boot!! TMZ Sports spotted the NFL superstar heading into MSG for the Knicks vs. Lakers game Tuesday … and although his…


Jesus From "Walking Dead" Busts Out Impromptu Aerosmith Jam

Jesus wants to rock and who’s gonna tell him he can’t? Thomas Payne, aka Jesus on “The Walking Dead,” busted out a surprise performance last weekend of Aerosmith’s “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing.” Thomas and a bunch of other ‘Dead’ stars were in…


Jesus From "Walking Dead" Busts Out Impromptu Aerosmith Jam

Jesus wants to rock and who’s gonna tell him he can’t? Thomas Payne, aka Jesus on “The Walking Dead,” busted out a surprise performance last weekend of Aerosmith’s “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing.” Thomas and a bunch of other ‘Dead’ stars were in…


Monday, December 11, 2017

The Walking Dead Finale Sparks Controversy, Slamming of Showrunner


Do not read the following post unless you have seen The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8.

Okay? Got it? Ready? Don’t say you haven’t been warned…

On the midseason finale of this beloved AMC drama, we learned that Carl Grimes had been bitten by a zombie and was knocking very loudly on death’s door.

Played by one of the drama’s original cast members, Chandler Riggs, Carl was believed be one of the few characters remaining who wasn’t in danger of being killed off.

Hence, the shocking reaction from fans.

Those who watch The Walking Dead online or on television obviously expected major deaths on a near-weekly basis.

But young Carl?!? Say it isn’t so.

It is so, however.

“Yes, Carl is going to die,” Riggs told The Hollywood Reporter after the finale aired, adding simply:

“There’s no way he can get back from that. His story is definitely coming to an end.”

Again, a long-time character bidding farewell is pretty much par for The Walking Dead course.

But this storyline has sparked a different reaction than prior deaths because Riggs’ father has actually come out and slammed the series of essentially firing his son.

“Watching [showrunner Scott] Gimple fire my son 2 weeks before his 18th birthday after telling him they wanted him for the next 3 years was disappointing,” William Riggs wrote on Facebook last night in a post that has since been deleted.

But this is the Internet.

It will live on forever.

“I never trusted Gimple or AMC but Chandler did,” William added.

“I know how much it hurt him.

“But we do absolutely know how lucky we have been to be a part of it all and appreciate all the love from fans all these years!”

In the graphic novels on which The Walking Dead is based, Carl does not die.

However, Chandler told The Hollywood Reporter that he was made aware of his character’s fate several months ago.

He told the outlet:

“I found out when I was doing rehearsals for episode six back in June. It was quite the shocker for me, Andy and everyone because I don’t think anyone saw it coming.

“It’s definitely not a bad thing because it has been awesome being on the show, but now I get to go and do a lot of other stuff that I haven’t gotten to do before.

“Scott wanted to meet in person because it was such a big deal.

“We had just finished rehearsing for a scene in episode six and he wanted to meet with me and my mom and dad and talk about what’s going to happen.”

Sounds a lot more diplomatic than his dad, doesn’t he?

The Walking Dead, meanwhile, returns to AMC Sunday, February 25, at 9/8c.

Were you stunned to see Carl go? Who do you think gets killed off next?


The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8 Recap: Who Is Dying?!

There’s only so long one side can have the upper hand in the war. 

That was the biggest takeaway from The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 8 which picked up in the immediate aftermath of Negan’s team managing to overthrow the walkers at the Sanctuary. 

Rick realized that there was about to be a whole lot of pushback from the villains, but before he got lost in his thoughts, Carol and Jerry conveniently picked up, and they got ready to find a way to save themselves. 

Everyone in Alexandria had no idea that Negan managed to get the upper hand, so things seemed to be going well for them. That all changed when Negan showed up and started yelling expletives through a megaphone. 

He told the Alexandrians to form a line outside their homes, and he would spare the person who was the sorriest about everything that happened. 

He threatened to bomb their homes if they did not follow his orders, and destroy the whole compound. Maggie was worried about the Saviors being there because she knew they would not come in peace. 

But Maggie knew straight away that something was not right when a tree was conveniently cut down to block the path back to the compound. 

That’s when a group of Saviors appeared and made it known that Negan was back and in charge. 

Carl sprung into action and tried to save all the Alexandrians he could because he knew that things were going to get worse with Negan back in power. 

Carl said he wanted to be the one to die for the sins of the past, but things took a turn when the bombs started exploding, and everyone worried about what was coming next. 

Dwight led a group of Saviors right to Daryl, Michonne, Tara, and Rosita, before turning the gun on his people to prove to the others he was the. 

The same drama was playing out at the Kingdom, and Ezekiel set off an explosion to lay waste to the place before the villains could take up residence. 

Maggie went into full-blown killer mode back at Hilltop and killed the Savior who had an answer for everything. 

Dwight tried to get Daryl to keep him as part of the group, or he would be killed, but Daryl only took notice when Dwight revealed that Eugene was the one who saved the Saviors. 

At the conclusion, Rick and Negan fought it out, but Rick realized it was too late and made off to meet with Michonne. The final portion of the episode found Carl being struck down with a zombie bite. 

Yes, the kid is dying!


Monday, December 4, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 7 Recap: Time for After

With just one episode to go before the midseason finale, The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 7 set the wheels in motion for what is sure to be a doozy of an end. 

When the episode got underway, Eugene knew the truth about Dwight’s betrayal but said that he would not reveal the truth to Negan. 

In fact, Eugene said that he would keep quiet if Dwight stopped working with the enemy. This confirmed that Eugene was done with his former team. 

It’s crazy how one little bit of power can make you become one of the most morally bankrupt characters on TV. 

Dwight was not ready to give up and told Eugene the Saviors had already lost the war. This was a tactic to try and get Eugene back on the side of his old people. 

Eugene was still very much against flipping on Negan, but Father Gabriel had a word with him about doing what was right. Oh, and Gabriel was dying of infections. 

That’s when Negan’s wife, Tanya appeared back in the mix and told Eugene they could still get on board with the plan to off Negan and end the war. 

After a somewhat awkward encounter with Negan, the tech wizard had a plan to use a remote control device to take an iPod emitting noise and create a device to lure the walkers away, 

Just when it seemed like his plan was working, Dwight appeared with a gun, ready to shoot. Yes, Eugene is in a lot of trouble. 

While that was going down,  the rest of the heroes were trying to take down the Sanctuary once and for all. They knew that creating an entrance would give the walkers a safe passage to take all of the Saviors down. 

As Daryl drove the truck to the Sanctuary, Eugene decided to defy Dwight’s orders and launch the flying object. Dwight shot it down, and the walkers made their way inside. 

Eugene then decided he was no longer a prisoner and turned to Negan with yet another plan to save everyone. He just needed Negan’s bullet making equipment to make it a success. 

Rick was still in the clutches of the Scavengers. He eventually plucked up the courage to take a walker down, attack one of Jadis’ henchman and even had a tussle with her. 

Rick asked Jadis one last time to think about what it would mean to join him and his team. She then decided that she was on Team Rick, but her loyalty is always wavering, so we will see how long she sticks it out. 

Rick said that he wanted to be the one to pull the trigger on Negan. 

When everyone assembled at the Sanctuary, the walkers were no more. This made Rick (and me!) question what was going on.

How will it end?

Find out next Sunday!


Friday, December 1, 2017

Odell Beckham Jr. Rocks Supreme Walking Boot Because Swag

Somehow Odell Beckham Jr. can even make an injury look cool … ‘cause the N.Y. Giants superstar is turning a negative into a positive by sporting a custom Supreme design on his walking boot!!  Beckham — who suffered a season-ending ankle…


Monday, November 27, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 6 Recap: The End of the War

Who knew that Rick and his people would become pen pals while in the midst of war?

On The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 6, the various factions continued the war to end all wars, and everyone got caught up with one another via letters. 

Rick sent a letter that brought hope to all. He said they were winning the war, and that they would all meet up at the Sanctuary in two days to take Negan and his people out of the equation for good. 

Winning the war would make people happy, but Michonne and Rosita went on a mission to check what was really going on. A part of them did not believe Rick’s words, so they hit the road. 

The two ladies found out quickly what the other Saviors meant by “the fat lady.” It was a truck, and two Saviors were trying to get the music pumping to get the walkers away from the Sanctuary. 

A scuffle ensued, and the female Savior almost got away with the truck, but Daryl appeared in the nick of time and rammed the woman off the road. Things then took an exciting turn when it was revealed that they were headed for the Sanctuary with a truck full of explosives. 

Maybe they should try and get on board with their leader because this is just plain sad. 

Remember the man Carl encountered on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 1? Carl went out of his way to find him this week, and he found out his name was Sadiq. 

Carl gave the man food and water and a lengthy excuse about why Rick flipped out on him. Sadiq opened up about killing a healthy dose of walkers because he felt like he was honoring his mother’s wishes by freeing their souls back into the world. 

In a weird way, it’s actually nice, right?!

The two formed an unlikely bond and Carl reiterated that he would be helping him from here on out, but what will Rick say about it?

Meanwhile, at the Hilltop, Jesus and Maggie continued to bicker over the prisoners that were delivered. Maggie was still bitter about what happened to Glen and felt like showing mercy to them would be a bad move. 

Maggie then chatted with Gregory who gave her an idea to build a compound for the prisoners. She announced they would be kept there, and treated well as long as they worked on the side of good. 

Oh, and Gregory was thrown into the pen. There goes his chance of making it back to being the leader. Maggie revealed that she was only keeping them alive in the event they are needed. 

Rick then went to Jadis and tried to negotiate a new deal. He wanted her to be part of a post-Saviors coalition, but she did not want anything to do with him and had him thrown in a shipping container with the letter “A” on it. 

This cannot be good. 


Monday, November 20, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 5 Recap: Art of War

Father Gabriel was stuck with the Saviors on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 5, but did his predicament make him realize that all of the groups could live in unity if they stopped bickering?

When the episode got underway, Simon was speaking up in defense of Gregory. Yes, really. Gregory has proven one too many times that he will go where the power is and if he has to cut some of his allies on the way, that’s okay. 

Negan was against the idea of trusting Gregory, but he thought about it because Simon was his right-hand man and trusted him way more than some of the others still pledging allegiance to him. 

Simon thought it would be a good idea to make a stop at Hilltop and ensure everyone fell into line and they would kill them if they refused to. Negan did not like this and said that slaughtering their resources would be a bad move. 

Negan reiterated to Simon who was in charge and you could tell that Simon was one scene away from wetting himself. Negan said the best course of action to was to take Rick and make everyone watch them get revenge on him. 

We then moved back in time to the time Gabriel found himself in Negan’s trailer and how the men became friends.  Gabriel thought his purpose was to get a confession out of Negan for his sins. 

Negan claimed he did not kill people who did not deserve it. Gabriel then tried to grill Negan about whether he had a wife before the apocalypse, and before the villain could move, Gabriel made a mad dash for the gun. 

With the walkers closing in, Gabriel had no choice but to join Negan on a short-term basis to make his way inside the Sanctuary to find out what was going on with everyone. 

Negan opened up about having a wife whom he screwed around at every turn. He then said that he was the one who struggled to put her down when she was ultimately taken over. 

Meanwhile, Gavin wanted to know which one of their men shared some vital news with Rick’s group. If you watch The Walking Dead online, you will know that Dwight was the one. 

Eugene was the prime suspect because he was the newest person to join the Saviors. Dwight changed the subject by saying that he would be the one to lead the people to safety. 

Eugene thanked Dwight for his help, and then Negan and Gabriel appeared full of the guts of the undead. Negan quickly started pointing the finger at Simon because he knew the truth came from the inside. 

But Eugene figured it all out when Gabriel’s bag a had a paint stain the same color as the one Dwight used. 

Outside of the Sanctuary, Daryl and Rick found some dynamite and Daryl wanted to blow the Sanctuary off the map. But Rick was against it because of the families being kept inside the compound. 

The two men legit fought over the dynamite, and they were interrupted by a chopper flying over them. 

What did you think of all the twists?

Sound off below!


Monday, November 13, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 4 Recap: Who Became a Casualty of War?!

The war continued on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 4, and we picked up right after the big shootout that left several kingdommers on the ground. 

Yes, the saviors were well and truly doling out some revenge for all of their people that got killed. Ezekiel emerged from a pile of dead bodies and was relatively unscathed. 

He was sad. Shiva was nowhere to be seen, and he felt like he screwed up by having them all out there in the open admitting that they won that leg of the war. 

One of Negan’s men took Ezekiel along with him because he wanted to be the one to hand Ezekiel over to Negan. He wanted that badge of honor from the violent killer. 

At the outpost, however, the savior could not get back inside. It was chained shut. In a surprising move, Jerry appeared out of the shadows and took the man out of the equation. 

Ezekiel was free, but that did not mean they were out of the woods yet. The savior previously made it clear that he was going to have Rick, Ezekiel, and Maggie for his boss at some point. 

Yeah, that’s all out the window now. 

Ezekiel kept trying to give up on life. He felt like he had let everyone down, but Jerry was there to give him some words of wisdom. 

While the Saviors were preparing to take the weapons to another outpost, Carol snuck in and took out a bunch of them. She was then stuck in the car park with a lot of them. 

In a surprising twist, she surrendered, but it was merely a ploy to have her allow a bunch of walkers into the compound to dispatch of the enemies. 

The saviors made their escape, but Daryll and Rick were right behind and started firing off rounds and rounds of bullets at them. 

Carol, Jerry, and Ezekiel tried to make it back to the Kingdom, but Ezekiel had lost the will to live. He kept telling them to leave him behind, but they were not having it. 

Instead, they kept him going strong every step of the way… until they were ambushed. That’s when the most shocking moment of the entire series took place. 

Shiva sacrificed herself to save everyone, and she was eaten by a swarm of zombies. This show knows how to hit you in the feels. 

Ezekiel seems like he’s going to ditch his duties and hand them over to someone else. 

Who should be King/Queen?

Sound off below!


Monday, November 6, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 3 Recap: Who Died?!

The Walking Dead has killed off several big characters in the past, so it was no surprise when the show went there once again on The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 3

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you will know that Aaron essentially forced Elliot into joining the fight against Negan. Aaron was not the type of person to sit around, so he joined Rick and the others. 

Unfortunately, Elliot became a casualty in the war. We already knew he had been shot at the close of The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 2, but there was no resolution. 

Aaron got him to safety by a tree and thanked the lord that there was an exit wound, but Elliot did not want Aaron to let the others down. He sent his boyfriend back to complete the fight. 

It was heartbreaking, but it proved that Elliot believed in Aaron. They may have had their differences, but deep down, they were on the same wavelength and that it made it all the more heartbreaking when Aaron returned after the outpost was taken. 

Elliot was nowhere to be found and was subsequently found as a zombie walking to join the large pack of walkers making their way into the woods. 

He broke down, and another team member showed up to reveal that Elliot was gone, and it was time to win the war, but Aaron was broken. 

Elsewhere, Rick continued to reason with Morales, but the man was not having it. He continued to call in reinforcements, but Daryl showed up and shot him before it was too late. 

But Rick and Daryl then had to go to war with all of the saviors who had just shown up to take Rick to Negan. Surprisingly, both men emerged unscathed, but they did not find the guns. 

All they had to show from the gunfight was baby Gracie, and Aaron decided to take her under his wing to help come to terms with what happened in the fight. 

Rick and Daryl were ambushed by a savior, but he eventually surrendered and let them know that the weapons had been moved and that he could help find them. 

Daryl took him out of the equation by way of bullets, and Rick could only look on in horror. 

Then there was Morgan who went to war with Jesus after some of the saviors escaped. It was a horrible scene that solidified the fact that there’s something seriously wrong with Morgan. 

Everyone just looked on as the two men fought it out, but Morgan ultimately decided to walk because he realized how silly he was being. 

When the prisoners arrived at Hilltop, Maggie was struggling to make a case to keep them, and Gregory felt the same way. Tara threw in her two cents, and it left Maggie with a big decision. 

Finally, Carol and Ezekiel’s crew emerged unscathed and got ready to check the outpost for the guns, but then a savior sniper started picking them off. 

Who else died? We’ll need to wait to find out!

What did you think of this episode?

Sound off below!


Monday, October 30, 2017

"Walking Dead" Makeup Guru Shares His Fave Makeup Job This Halloween

To impress ‘Walking Dead’ makeup artist and executive producer Greg Nicotero it takes more than zombie makeup. We got the genius behind the show’s most epic zombies at LAX where he told us to really wow him this Halloween, someone’s got to…


The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 2 Recap: The Damned

The Walking Dead generally slows down the action for the second episode of the season, but The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 2 took a different approach.

When the episode got underway, Mara found herself in a tough situation when she realized the Saviors were being picked off one by one. 

“Lock the stairwell,” she yelled. “Every floor.” Aaron, Eric, and Tobin then made their way inside, and it was a brutal fight to the death. Both Eric and Tobin were harmed, but it was unclear whether both were going to survive the ordeal. 

Morgan struggled because his team died pretty much straight off the bat, and it left him to take out the bulk of the walkers and the Saviors. Then there was Tara who wanted to kill a Savior. 

The man claimed he was not one of the villains, and Jesus took pity on him because he wet himself. It later emerged that the man was playing them and Jesus still decided to let him live. 

Did he miss the memo that it’s the end of the world and you should take out the villains before it’s too late? 

Jesus continued to annoy everyone when he instructed them only to fire if someone fires at them. Dianne pointed out that it would mean one of their own would die. 

One Savior named Dillon told them he would surrender. Tara and Morgan were against letting them live, but Jesus continued his parade to say that they do not kill people. 

Things are going to get crazy when everyone returns to tell Rick what really happened, you guys!

Rick and Daryl went on a mission to find the Saviors’ weapons, but they got split up along the way. Daryl found himself in the solitary confinement room he was in last season. 

Rick found himself killing a man and then realizing his kid was right behind the door. He was then greeted by Morales, who took him down and radioed in for backup. 

Morales was on the show back in Season 1 and worked with Glenn and Andrea, so what the heck made him switch sides and become one of the villains? 

We have no idea, but it will surely be addressed now that Rick has been kidnapped by him. 

What did you think of the latest twists in the tale?

Sound off below!


Monday, October 23, 2017

"Walking Dead" Star Jeffrey Dean Morgan: L.A. Dodgers Can Use "Lucille"

The Dodgers might have an even BIGGER advantage in the World Series — because “Walking Dead” star Jeffrey Dean Morgan says he’s willing to loan his beloved barbed wire bat to Kiké Hernandez. JDM — whose character Negan has been using…
