Showing posts with label William. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William. Show all posts

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Prince William Gets Water Bottle Splash to the Face During London Marathon (PHOTO)

Prince William might be royalty, but he’s not above a good squirt in the face … especially when he’s on the front lines of a marathon handing out H2O. William and Kate were at the London Marathon Sunday, being good citizens and handing out…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Serena William: Pregnant With First Child!

The tennis world should just go ahead and begin bracing itself for the arrival of another dominant phenom now, because Serena Williams is expecting her first child!

Williams shared the unexpected news with fans moments ago, via a selfie that shows her looking remarkably fit (of course) more than halfway though her pregnancy:

Serena posted the above pic to Snapchat this morning.

Though she’s provided no elaboration and has yet to confirm the pregnancy via an official statement, the tennis icon’s “20 weeks” caption seems to be a pretty good indication that she’s knocked up.

Not only is the kid destined to win the genetic lottery in terms of athletic ability, he’ll also be very well taken care of.

Serena is one of the world’s top-earning athletes, and in December, she got engaged to Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit.

We wonder if Alexis is a little pissed that Serena announced her pregnancy on Snapchat, rather than during an AMA on his site.

Thus far, Serena is thoroughly crushing 2017 in terms of her personal life.

Shortly after news of her engagement went public, photos of Serena’s engagement ring went viral.

Fun fact: The rock on her finger is currently still bigger than her baby bump!

But while Ohanian may pull in mega bucks in the future, Serena remains the breadwinner in the relationship by a colossal margin.

Industry analysts believe Ohanian’s other projects (In addition to his Reddit, the 33-year-old has launched a venture capital firm and a travel search website.) may one day make him a billionaire.

But currently, his net work is estimated at just $ 4.5 million.

Serena, by contrast, is worth a cool $ 140 mill.

But hey, who’s counting, right?

The point is, Serena and Alexis’ baby won’t be wanting for much.

Our congrats go out to Williams and Ohanian, but it’s important that we remember the many others who will benefit from this situation.

Think of all the female tennis players whose odds of winning a tournament this year just improved by approximately 400,000 percent.

They should all be writing thank you letters to Alexis today.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Nick Viall vs. William Shatner: Unexpected Feud Alert!

As The Bachelor this past season, Nick Viall had to overcome drunk women, surprise announcements and the criticism that came along with having slept with, like, 37 past franchise contestants.

But that was nothing.

Viall handled it well.

He’s now up against a far stronger foe than anything he faced on The Bachelor: William Shatner.

For hilarious reasons that remain unknown, the beloved ex-Star Trek actor has made it his mission to get Viall kicked off Dancing with the Stars.

Prior to the Season 24 premiere airing on Monday night, Shatner Tweeted the following:

“My goal for #DWTS is to knock Bachelor Nick out ASAP. Who is with me?”

He later added: “Whoever your favorite is – just not Nick- make the 10 phone calls for them.”

Was Shatner on Team Rachel Lindsay or Team Raven Gates and is angry that Viall proposed instead to Vanessa Grimaldi on The Bachelor finale?

It’s unclear.

Along with partner Peta Murgatroyd, Viall earned a surprisingly decent a score of 24 out of 40 from the judges on Monday evening.

He then told Us Weekly after the show that Grimaldi has been “very supportive” throughout the journey.

The same can most definitely NOT be said about Shatner, however.

“How do we get #BachelorNation to not vote for Nick?” he Tweeted after the premiere.

When a fan said that Nick actually ought to win so that he doesn’t return on future seasons – a reference to the four Bachelor franchise programs he’s already appeared on – Shatner replied:

“No! He needs to go next week.”

The guy is not messing around.

shat tweets

And he apparently uses the Internet to watch The Bachelor online every week or his television set to watch it during regular hours.

Shatner is clearly well aware of Viall’s history and reputation.

shat tweets2

Shatner also referred to Viall as “Vile,” asked for his elimination to be Shatner’s “birthday present” and denied that he was bullying the reality star in any way.

As for Peta?

Shatner has no problem with her.

“Peta, you know I love you. Congratulations on becoming a mommy,” he wrote at one point. “Just can’t cheer you on this season. Love to Maks & Shia.”

What was left for Viall to say about this onslaught? Not much.

So he just went with a sad face emoji in response:

viall reply

What do you think of Shatner’s all-out war on Nick Viall?

Is it deserved? Is it over the top? Is it funny? Is it cruel?

We somehow doubt Viall will win Dancing with the Stars, or even come close, so Shatner can probably sit back, relax and just enjoy the show.

There are other DWTS controversies he can weigh in on instead if he so chooses.

Choose a side in this unexpected feud and then scroll through the following photos to determine who you think will come out on top at the end of Season 24…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Prince William: Is He a Jerk Behind Closed Doors?

When Prince William married Kate Middleton in 2011, the whole world tuned in for what was almost literally a fairy tale wedding.

Of course, fairy tales usually come to a close after the princess lands her prince (Hey, it’s not our fault they’re so behind the times), and we all know happily ever afters are rare in the real world.

So while the stories we all grew up with depicted royal marriages as the ultimate source of bliss, everything from the Charles and Diana nightmare to the stories about the contentious early years of Queen Elizabeth II’s marriage has shown us that

Yes, he pressures of royalty seem to have a damaging effect on marriages, but there was a time when William and Kate were regarded as the exception to that rule. 

Now it seems they’re falling into the same traps that ensnared William’s forefathers.

Last week, there rumors that Kate was (pardon the pun) royally pissed at William for the mini-scandal that followed his recent ski trip to Switzerland.

You see, Will wasn’t just hitting the slopes with his buddies.

He was day-drinking, “dad dancing,” and getting a bit too close with some women who were decidedly not his wife.

Now, it seems it’s not just Kate who’s feeling fed up with Will’s hard-partying, work-averse ways.

In a new piece for the Daily Mail, columnist Robert Jobson offers a frank assessment of Will’s royal career up to this point.

And it would be a massive understatement to say Jobson is less than thrilled by what he sees:

“The sugar-coated image he enjoyed for so long was almost too good to be true. For scratch the surface of William and what you find is a complex character,” he writes.

“There is an ‘over-confidence’ which some say is bordering on arrogance, and which senior Palace aides now fear is clouding the 34-year-old’s judgment.”

We’ve known for some time now that the public is turning on William and Kate, but Jobson says it’s not just those of us outside the palace walls who are getting tired of Will wearing his sense of entitlement like a badge of honor:

“He can be ‘petulant, capricious, even hostile’, I am told – words you might not readily associate with the second in line to the throne,” Jobson writes.

He goes on to say that Prince Charles has given up on trying to influence the behavior of his “headstrong” eldest son, and William has chosen to surround himself with sycophantic yes men.

Jobson says the added attention Will has received since marrying Kate has gone to his head, and the 34-year-old accepts criticism from no one.

“The Duke of Cambridge has some very good, innovative ideas. But the Duke can be a little unforgiving,” one royal insider tells Jobson.

“When he gets it right everyone is patting him on the back, but who is there to criticise him and warn against getting it wrong?”

It could be a dangerous scenario, as these days, it sounds like Will is “getting it wrong” more than ever.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Kate Middleton: Why is She Pissed at Prince William?

Typically, the Kate Middleton rumor mill churns with talk of her and Prince William taking a trip to Pound Town.

In other (less confusing and lewd) words, most chatter surrounding the Duchess of Cambridge has to do with her womb and when she’ll next get pregnant.

But sources now tell Vanity Fair that Middleton is upset at her handsome husband for a different kind of trip; one that involved cold, wet snow, not red hot banging.

Earlier this week, the Royal Family became the subject of a few negative headlines after William had perhaps a bit too much fun with friends at a nightclub in Switzerland.

He was at the establishment as part of a ski vacation with his friends.

Multiple outlets reported on the singing and “dad dancing” that was included in the break Williams took with close pals Guy Pelly, Tom van Straubenzee and James Meade.

(Are those not the most British names you’ve ever read in your entire life?!?)

Likely as a result of a headache and/or extreme fatigue, the Duke of Cambridge was noticeably absent from Monday’s Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey, Britain’s largest interfaith gathering attended by many members of his famous family.

And an insider claims that the most important person in William’s immediate family was “disappointed” with her husband’s behavior.

“It was William’s choice to go away, but make no mistake Kate wears the trousers in their marriage, and she won’t be happy with William’s antics,” a source tells the aforementioned publication, adding:

“She thought his partying days and larking around with the boys was a thing of the past. I imagine she’ll find this humiliating and William will have come in for a pasting.”

(Are those not the most British words you’ve ever read in your entire life?!?)

To be clear, this was solely a guys’ trip.

Cameras did capture a few females hanging out in William’s presence, but there’s no concern that he acted inappropriately with anyone of the opposite sex.

According to The Sun newspaper/tabloid, the Prince and his friends spent last Sunday night dancing to the band Hussy and looked “very worse for wear” after downing “several drinks.”

Footage of this behavior, which went public in Great Britain on Wednesday in numerous tabloids, has left Middleto “less than pleased,” Vanity Fair writes.

Later today, William and Kate are expected to step foot in Paris, as the future king makes his first official visit to the city since Princess Diana passed.

It marks yet another major occasion for the couple and the family they represent.

The two-day trip is expected to strengthen relations between France and a post-Brexit Britain – and all eyes will clearly be on William’s eyes on Friday and Saturday.

Will they be bloodshot? Will he be back on his game?

If not, the public may continue to turn on William and Kate, leaving us wondering about the future of their marriage, as opposed any future addition to their adorable brood.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Prince William Unleashes New Booze-Fueled Dance Moves (VIDEO)

Now we know Prince William’s dance floor secret — booze fuels those moves! We got some new video of William cutting it up in a Verbier, Switzerland nightclub, and he clearly knows he’s being recorded. Busting a move we’ll call “The Prince…


Helio Castroneves Has IMPORTANT Dancing Advice for Prince William (VIDEO)

Prince William needs help … ‘cause his dancing sucks … and Indy legend Helio Castroneves (who also won “Dancing with the Stars”) is offering up his expertise!  Helio joined the guy on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs tonight on FS1) … and…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Prince William Shows Off "90s Dance Moves in AWESOME VIDEO!

BEST dance moves from a future King … EVER … goes to Prince William in this video. Wills raised the roof like he was straight outta Buckingham, or just the ’90s, during a ski trip to Verbier, Switzerland with some buddies. Kate can rest easy,…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Kate Middleton & Prince William: Is the Public Turning on Them?

It wasn’t all that long ago that Kate Middleton could do no wrong.

Sure, she was the butt of the occasional joke about waiting around for Prince William to propose, but by the time of the royal wedding back in 2011, Kate had endeared herself to the the British public.

Or at least the relatively small portion of the British public gives a damn about what the royals are up to.

Now, however, it appears that the honeymoon period is at an end.

The tide seemed to turn against Will and Kate around the time they abandoned London for the rural community of Norfolk, a move that many regarded as a means of shirking royal duties with no scrutiny from the press.

Kate and Will briefly found themselves back in the public’s good graces following the birth of Princess Charlotte, but sources say they quickly squandered that goodwill by publicly griping about the challenges of raising two kids.

We’d like to pause momentarily in order to issue a public service announcement to celebrity parents:

Complaining about the difficulties of parenting doesn’t help you come off as likable or relatable.

It just makes you seem out-of-touch, tone deaf, and self-pitying.

Sure, raising kids is always difficult, but it’s easier with a team of nannies and live-in-chefs, ya know?

According to The Daily Beast’s royal correspondent, Tom Sykes, the British public has grown tired of Will and Kate’s “we’re just like you!” schtick, and it may prove difficult for the couple to win over the public that they’ve now thoroughly alienated.

“Whenever he talks about how hard parenthood is you realize he has no idea how his choices come across,” an insider who wished to remain anonymous told Sykes. 

“[It’s] partly because no one dares tell him that doing so little looks pathetic; they surround themselves with yes people including staff and friends. They are very spoiled and indulged.”

Apparently, the royals are very award, and very concerned about this issue, which might explain Kate’s recent rash of public appearances following a several months of isolation.

Will it be enough to convince Brits that their future queen is a woman of the people?

Probably not, but fortunately Will and Kate won’t be running for re-election anytime soon.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Prince William, Harry & Kate Do a Royal Race Off (PHOTO)

Prince William might be first in line to the throne but he was second to finish during a practice sesh for the London marathon. Will, his wife, Kate, and Prince Harry squared off Sunday for an impromptu 100 meter sprint at the…


Saturday, January 14, 2017

William H. Macy Says Guys Can"t March with Women in DC!!! (VIDEO)

William H. Macy will not be joining wife Felicity Huffman for the Women’s March on Washington during Trump’s inauguration … because he doesn’t have the right body parts! We’re guessing William  H. was joking, but he pulls it off good.…


Monday, January 9, 2017

"MASH" Star William Christopher Death Certificate (DOCUMENT)

“MASH” star William Christopher – who played Father John Mulcahy — died from cardiorespiratory arrest … this according to his death certificate obtained by TMZ. The document also lists small cell carcinoma as a contributing factor,…


Friday, January 6, 2017

Prince William Returns to Pilot Duty (PHOTO GALLERY)

Prince William’s back in uniform and saving lives! Just another day for the future King of England. The Duke of Cambridge was back at work after a holiday break as an air ambulance pilot … landing the chopper at a hospital in Cambridge. William –…


Sunday, January 1, 2017

William Christopher Dies; Beloved MASH Star Was 84

Just hours before it comes to an end, 2016 has struck again.

We’ve lost yet another beloved celebrity.

According to multiple sources, William Christopher – a veteran actor best known for his iconic role on the smash hit TV show MASH – has passed away at his home in Pasadena.

He was 84 years.

will image

Christopher portrayed Father John Mulcahy on the show, having been part of a legendary ensemble cast that included Alan Alda, Jamie Farr, Mike Farrell, Loretta Swit and Harry Morgan.

As lore has it, Christopher, who played a Catholic priest yet was Methodist in real life, auditioned for the role … but went off script with a rambling, ad-libbed monologue. 

Per TMZ, producers absolutely adored the unexpected lines he uttered and hired him on one condition:

That he had to stay on script for the episodes.

mash pic

Along with his character on MASH (whose series finale remains the most-watched episode of any television show in history) also made appearances on Gomer Pyle, The Andy Griffith Show”and Hogan’s Heroes.

He graduated from Wesleyan University in 1954 and was a member of Sigma Chi Fraternity.

A native of Evanston, Illinois, Christopher kicked off his acting career on the stage, appearing in Off-Broadway productions like The Hostage.

But it was MASH that made Christopher a household name for years.

It ran on CBS from 1972 to 1983.

After the program went off the air, Christopher reprised the role for two more seasons in the spin-off AfterMASH.

from mash

Christopher passed away at his residence from non-lung, small cell carcinoma.  

He leaves behind a wife and two kids.

And we don’t mean to be flippant… this is just getting ridiculous: 2016 can really go home now. It’s obnoxious.

Hurry up and get here, 2017.

We send our condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of William Christopher.

Along with the family, friends and loved ones of all the stars (above) who died this year.


"MASH" Star William Christopher Dead at 84

“MASH” star William Christopher — who played Father John Mulcahy on the iconic show — is the latest celebrity to die in 2016. Christopher was part of one of the most spectacular ensembles ever on TV … a cast which included Alan Alda, Jamie Farr,…


Monday, November 28, 2016

Prince William: I Don"t Hate Meghan Markle!

For the past six years, Meghan Markle has starred on the USA Network series Suits.

It’s an ideal job for someone hiding out from the mob, but if you’re trying to make a name for yourself as an actress, it’s a less than perfect situation.

So when the world learned that Markle is dating Prince Harry, the relationship immediately raised suspicions.

Many felt that the actress was more interested in boosting her public profile than in pursuing a royal romance with the Ginger Prince.

Predictably, many social media users and online commenters were unnecessarily harsh in their assessment of the situation, because 2016 is the Year of the Troll according to the Chinese calendar.

Harry issued a statement on the abuse that was heaped on Markle that can be roughly paraphrased as, “I ain’t having that sh-t. Step the f-ck off, knaves.”

“The past week has seen a line crossed. His girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment,” the statement issued by Harry actually read. 

“Some of this has been very public – the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments.”

Harry (or whoever wrote the open letter on Harry’s behalf) maintained a formal tone throughout, but it was still a side of the royal family that we rarely see.

These are people who embody the phrase “stiff upper lip,” but it was clear in his statement that Harry was pissed.

Cordially pissed, but pissed nonetheless.

The statement sparked a rumor that Prince William was upset with his brother for letting his guard down and showing the troll community that they’d gotten to him.

Now, however, a source close to the family is stating what should have been obvious from the start:

The royals are not Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

All public statements that the family signs off on are carefully considered and approved by all interested parties.

In short, Will read his brother’s address to the public and gave it the royal thumbs-up.

“They don’t issue statements like that without talking to each other, and they talked about the Meghan Markle statement extensively in advance of it being put out,” the insider tells People.

“The Duke was as alarmed as anyone about what was happening with Meghan. No one wanted to have to put that statement out, including Prince Harry, and there was concern about confirming the relationship.

“But over the course of one weekend things escalated to the extent that Prince Harry felt he had to act.”

Asked if he’s had a chance to binge-watch Suits, William replied that he doesn’t get Starz at Kensington Palace.

Told that the show is actually on basic cable, he threw a smoke bomb and promptly disappeared.

True story.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Prince William and Kate Middleton: Baby #3 On The Way?

Some media outlets love to play Captain Obvious when it comes to royal family planning, especially if the royals in question are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Ever since Catherine said “I Do” at the royal wedding, everyone and their mother has been on baby watch.  Weekly tabloids predicted a pregnancy so often that they were bound to get it right at some point.

Now, Us Weekly has spoken to a “family friend” close to the couple who is convinced that they’re going to get to work on making baby number three sooner rather than later.

William and Catherine “want a third baby soon,” said friend revealed.

“It would not surprise me if they were pregnant by Christmas.”

The Cambridges – along with their kids, Prince George, 3, and Princess Charlotte, 1  – will embark on a royal tour of Canada later this month.  

This will be Charlotte’s first official trip.

One thing to keep in mind when reading about royal pregnancies is that they are not true unless confirmed by Kensington Palace.  

OK!, Life & Style and Star Magazine can put as many gold stickers claiming “Palace Makes It Official!” on their covers, but until royal aides say “it’s true,” it’s simply not.

It’s also widely known that William and Catherine have always wanted at least three children, though they have never themselves come out and said that is their magic number.

One thing that can be confirmed is that the Cambridges are visiting the Queen and Prince Philip up at the family’s Scottish summer home, Balmoral Castle, as reported by People Magazine’s Simon Perry.

The castle was originally purchased by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1852, and has been in the Windsor family ever since.

When they’re not traveling or in London for engagements, William and Catherine live at their 10-bedroom Anmer Hall home on the Queen’s Sandringham estate.

The home offers the family privacy and quiet, and allows them to live as normally as possible.  Catherine has joked during royal engagements that George is “very messy” when it comes to eating, and he’s a huge fan of anything with an engine.

So while it may very well be true that William and Catherine are planning to expand their family, it’s anyone’s guess when that will be (if you want my opinion, it’ll be some time in October after they’ve returned from Canada).

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

William and Kate: 16 Times The Tabloids Got It Wrong

The weekly rags pride themselves on a really captivating cover, especially when it comes to covering the royals.  

If you use a gold sticker stating that either the Duchess of Cambridge or the palace confirms something, then it has to be real, right?

Don"t forget Photoshopping crowns on to William and Catherine to prepare the world for their ascension to the throne.  And imagine what the $ 100 million coronation will be like!


1. In Touch – May 2011

Kates baby heartbreak

William and Catherine hadn’t been married for 4 minutes before In Touch claimed she was battling fertility issues. Classy.

2. Life & Style – July 2012

Kate middleton humilitated

Around this time, Buckingham Palace gave a refresher course on protocol and rank within the royal family. Tabloids took this to mean that the Queen was getting revenge on Catherine for being popular. Her punishment required her to curtsy to Prince William’s cousins, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie of York. HOWEVER, she only has to curtsy to the York girls if Prince William is not with her, because William outranks his cousins.

3. Star – September 2012

Kate middleton pregnant claim

Oooh, Star was so close to finally hitting its target. Prince George was presumably conceived in November of 2012, just two months after Star’s claims.

4. Life & Style – December 2012

Kate middleton twins

Yes, William and Catherine announced that she was pregnant around this time, but Catherine was only carrying Prince George. Just one prince. Single rider.

5. Star – December 2013

Kate middleton tabloid report

News is slow, everyone loves a holiday pregnancy announcement. And yet…no baby.

6. Globe – March 2014

Globe cover march 24 2014

Her Majesty was not “dying” at the time. In fact, she went on to break Queen Victoria’s record for longest reigning British monarch in history in September 2015.

View Slideshow

Monday, June 27, 2016

Kendra Wilkinson: I Wanna Bone Prince William AND Harry!

Kendra Wilkinson does not mince words.

No one who knows who Kendra Wilkinson is should be surprised by this, but nevertheless, her comments still raises eyebrows at times.

Case in point? Her taking the E!Q in 42 quiz. Her rapid-fire answers to the network"s questions took an … interesting turn at the end.

K-Dubs" favorite thing that begins with E!?

Ex-lax. Because ecstasy would be an answer that could get her in trouble … and because ex-lax is what she took yesterday, she says.

To be skinny today, naturally.

Not exactly information we needed, or a healthy thing we would recommend to anyone else, for that matter. But we digress here, people.

As for whether she prefers Prince William or Harry? Let"s just say there would be no Brexit going on there. Just a double Brentrence.

So to speak.

"Both … at the same time," she said, as if she were embarrassed to admit her fantasy of being involved in a royal English love sandwich.

To be fair, they are handsome fellas, though we imagine Kate Middleton will be FURIOUS if she gets wind that this interview occurred.

Just kidding. Despite what Kim Kardashian thinks, Kate has literally no clue who any of these trashy American reality stars even are.

Anyway, watch Kendra"s TMI interview below and see if you can get through a whole 42 seconds without cringing openly at your phone …

Kendra wilkinson i wanna bone prince william and harry

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Prince William Makes History As First Royal To Cover Gay Magazine

It"s an incredibly powerful statement to make, and one that could not have come at a better time.

Today, Attitude magazine revealed Prince William as their July cover star, a huge step towards promoting acceptance and support of LGBTQ"s global community.

On May 12th, the Duke of Cambridge invited a few staff members from the gay publication, as well as members of LGBTQ, to Kensington Palace, where the group discussed bullying based on sexual orientation and its mental health consequences.

William is the first royal to be on the cover of a gay magazine, something everyone in the world sorely needed to see after the mass shooting in Orlando on June 12th.

A day before the cover was unveiled, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge signed a book of condolence at the U.S. Embassy in London.

There, they chatted with members of LGBTQ group Gliffa, and William revealed that he was doing something special with Attitude (neither Kensington Palace nor Attitude would comment on the project at the time).

When the May 12th meeting wrapped, the Duke released the following statement:

“No one should be bullied for their sexuality or any other reason and no one should have to put up with the kind of hate that these young people have endured in their lives.

“The young gay, lesbian and transgender individuals I met through Attitude are truly brave to speak out and to give hope to people who are going through terrible bullying right now. Their sense of strength and optimism should give us all encouragement to stand up to bullying wherever we see it.

“What I would say to any young person reading this who’s being bullied for their sexuality: don’t put up with it – speak to a trusted adult, a friend, a teacher, Childline, Diana Award or some other service and get the help you need.

“You should be proud of the person you are and you have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Watch the video for behind-the-scenes footage at Kensington Palace.

Prince william makes history as first royal to cover a gay magaz