Wednesday, October 14, 2015

19 Celebrities Who Totally Woke Up Like This

Check out selfies of these celebrities, all of whom just woke up in the morning.

Or so they claim, at least.

From Justin Bieber to Miley Cyrus to Kim Kardashian, are you buying the captions that allege these pretty people have barely been awake in these pictures?

1. Lena Dunham

Lena dunham

Yup, we do believe this one. We definitely believe that Dunham woke up, like, 30 seconds ago.

2. Miley Cyrus

Miley cyrus

Miley Cyrus apparently does not go to bed with nipple pasties or a purple wig on. Who would have guessed?!?

3. Megan Fox

Megan fox

Fox said she just woke up before snapping this picture, making us lament the fact that Fox does not sleep naked.

4. Taylor Swift

Taylor swift makeup free with cat

I woke up like thissssssss, Taylor Swift wrote as a caption to this cute selfie, adding in parenthesis: (With a cat on me).

5. Demi Lovato

Demi in bed

Demi Lovato looks pretty happy in this bedroom selfie. She may not be alone.

6. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian with makeup

Wrote Kardashian as a caption to this selfie: “Ugh I hate falling asleep with all of my makeup on!” And we hate it when celebrities lie to us.

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