Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back to the Future Day: Which Predictions Came True?

If you"ve so much as dipped a toe into the social media ocean today, then you"re certainly aware that October 21, 2015 has a special connection to a beloved "80s film classic.

Yes, this is the day that this is the day that Charlie Sheen"s character in Ferris Bueller is finally released from prison.

We kid! As you"ve no doubt been reminded by approximately 4,000 memes that have seen more mileage than Marty McFly"s down vest, it"s Back to the Future Day!

Naturally, the question on everyone"s mind is: How accurate was the 1989 sequel that predicted life in the far off future of the 21st Century?

Sadly, we don"t have self-tying Nikes yet, but in many other ways the film was pretty spot-on.

Astrophysicist, snappy dresser and all-around badass Neil deGrasse Tyson gave a rundown of what the film got right (and oh-so wrong) about the technological advancements we enjoy in 2015.

Strap in – because where we"re going, we don"t need roads:


1. Pocket Digital Cameras [Got it]

Pocket digital cameras got it

We’re all carrying tiny, hi-res digital cameras in our pockets. Granted, they look a little different than Doc Brown’s futuristic doo-hickey.

2. Video Chats [Got it]

Video chats got it

Video chatting has existed for years. Of course, we tend to do it on much smaller screens.

3. Drone-walked Dogs. [Nope]

Drone walked dogs nope

Sadly, lazy-ass people aren’t yet walking their dogs with drones. Though can this really be far off?

4. Multiple Home Fax Machines [WTF?]

Multiple home fax machines wtf

This might be the film’s most wildly off-base predicition.

5. Double Neckties. [WTF?]

Double neckties wtf

Although this one is pretty bad, too.

6. Thumbprint Locks. [Got it]

Thumbprint locks got it

Most iPhone owners use one of these every day.

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