Monday, October 26, 2015

Leah Messer Gushes About Kids, Continues to Pretend All is Well

Last week, Leah Messer lost custody of her twin girls, Ali and Aleeah.

Over the weekend, Leah posted a Facebook message that seemed to be her way of both convincing herself that everything is fine, and reminding the world that she still gets the girls on weekends.

Today, Leah went a step further and posted the above collage on Twitter. As you can see, it’s basically the photo equivalent of tweeting, “I’M A GOOD MOM!!!” in all caps.

Leah crammed sleeping kids, packed lunches and even a pair of loving notes into a single shot.

We suppose it’s not surprising that she’s feeling sentimental, considering today was the first time that she dropped the kids off at school on Monday morning knowing she probably wouldn’t see them for again until next weekend.

“My Dearest Aleeah Grace, Mommy hopes you have a great day at school and you give your all! I love you with all of my heart,” Leah wrote to one of the twins.

“My dearest Ali, Mommy hopes you are having [an] amazing day at school! I love you with all my heart!” says the other note.

If you watch Teen Mom online, you know that Leah lost custody for very good reason, as the show chronicled her struggle with prescription pill addiction, as well as her highly questionable parenting practices, such as feeding the kids dinner at midnight.

It’s nice that she seems to be putting in more effort these days, but Leah has a long way to go if she wants to win sympathy from fans – or convince a judge that she’s fit to be a full-time mom.