Thursday, October 8, 2015

Randy Quaid: Arrested AGAIN!!!

Randy Quaid has had a rough few years.

And by “rough,” we mean the formerly beloved comic actor is making Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen look like role models who could be trusted to take care of your children.

In the past few months, Quaid got arrested, ranted about an international conspiracy to murder Hollywood actors and shared a genuinely disturbing sex tape with his wife Evi.

Earlier this week, Quaid was arrested yet again, and now it looks as though the unstable 65-year-old may be deported from Canada (where he and his wife fled to escape the Hollywood assassins, natch.)

Following an arrest back in April, Quaid agreed to regularly check in with border agents in Montreal.

Apparently, he somehow failed to meet the requirements of his continued residency, and was detained.

He’s set to go before the Immigration and Refugee Board on Thursday, at which time, our neighbors to the north will probably give him the boot.

Quaid was denied residency status several months ago, but was permitted to remain in the country after an impassioned plea to the court:

“At this point, I desire nothing more than to fully co-operate with any restrictions or conditions,” Quaid said.

“As long as I could be with my wife, even if that means going back to the States to reapply for permanent residency status in Canada.”

There’s no word on how exactly Quaid pissed off Canadian officials, but we’re guessing they finally watched the Randy Quaid Sex Tape

Seriously, we can’t even describe how disturbing it is.