Monday, October 26, 2015

Sam and Nia Rader: Expecting Third Child, Again!

Sam and Nia Rader are expecting another child together. The Christian vloggers announced it via this video, in which he puts a bun in the oven.

Literally, people!

Only it"s his mom"s oven, instead of his wife"s, and she doesn"t get the joke, so there"s all kinds of awkwardness involved. And happiness, though.

Good times.

In the clip, Sam can be seen surprising his mom with the big baby news by placing a bun in her oven for her to find. Which she does, to no great effect.

Of course, fans may recall Sam and Nia"s pregnancy announcement that went viral earlier this year, before she miscarried almost immediately after.

That video and their subsequent viral miscarriage announcement were met with some skepticism by fans, given how perfectly staged it all seemed.

When Sam Rader was outed as an Ashley Madison client not long after that, well, it didn"t exactly help his reputation as a non-shady person, either.

It was all pretty bizarre, from the moment he stole his wife"s urine out of the toilet and did a pregnancy test for her, while filming it. We"re just saying.

Sam denied having staged the pregnancy or faked the miscarriage, insisting that the couple"s naysayers were merely “drinking haterade.”

Yes, the popular faith-based vlogger, who is already the parent of two small children with his high school sweetheart, actually said that.

As for the Ashley Madison scandal, he admitted he maintained an account on it, but only to "chat" with other women, and Nia Rader forgave him.

What tricks does this character have in store for us next? Stay tuned to your YouTube channel, because he"s going to show you early and often.

Sam and nia rader expecting second child again