Friday, October 9, 2015

Watch This Mother-to-Be Whip, Watch Her Nae Nae

We"ve seen plenty of impressive examples of people doing the Whip/Nae Nae in recent months.

There was Riley Curry, who may be the cutest young person on the planet.

There was this grandmother, who is far cooler than we"ll ever be.

And there was this six-year old and her very pregnant mother, both of whom have amazing moves.

But this video likely features the most impressive dancer yet, considering she is ACTIVELY IN LABOR while busting our her moves.

She"s doing it to help her contractions along and to speed up the birthing process in general. She isn"t just showing off.

But that doesn"t mean she doesn"t deserve an ovation. Watch her go!

Watch this mother to be whip watch her nae nae