Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Wendy Williams Blasts Taylor Swift as "Queen of Mean"

Wendy Williams has made another baseless accusation in the name of headlines and ratings.

In the opening segment of her talk show on Monday, the painful host went off on Taylor Swift for no reason reason whatsoever.

Detailing how Swift has amassed 50 million Instagram followers, becoming more popular on social media than Kim Kardashian and Beyonce, Williams noted that Taylor keeps her clothes on in her Instagram photos.

“All Taylor does is expose pictures of her cats,” the talk show host said.

Okay, true. Fair enough.

But Williams wasn’t finished.

“I think she’s probably meaner than Beyonce and Kim put together,” Wendy said for no reason at all, adding that “Taylor Swift is the queen of the mean… she’s sneaky and smart about doing it.”

Williams went on to say Swift has “hypnotized” members of her squad “to think that she’s the bees knees.”

“We’ve never seen Kim and Beyonce bake and cook,” said the host before alleging Swift’s “trying to trick us into making us think she’s a good woman ’cause she bakes and cooks.”

This is the same woman who also slammed Caitlyn Jenner for not being an actual woman, so we shouldn’t be surprised by anything she says.

But still, it begs the question in this case:

WTH is Wendy Williams talking about?!?