Thursday, November 19, 2015

Anna Duggar: Planning to Divorce Josh Duggar Due to Danica Dillon Lawsuit?

Ever since news of Josh Duggar’s many (many) sexual indiscretions started to go public back in May, fans and Duggar haters alike have encouraged Anna Duggar to divorce her philandering husband.

At first, it seemed as though Anna would stand by her man through even the most vile sort of misconduct, as she refused to cut and run after it was revealed that Josh had molested five young girls (including four of his sisters) and cheated on her with a porn star while she was pregnant.

Now, that porn star, Danica Dillon, is suing Josh, claiming that he was so rough with her during the two times he paid her for sex that he left with “extensive physical and emotional scars.”

Dillon’s lawyers say that Josh was so violent with Danica that he left her feeling as tough she’d been raped.

It’s a shocking (and disgusting) allegation, and some insiders are now claiming that after hearing the details of the suit, Anna has finally had enough.

“[Anna] is really starting to believe that divorce is the only option,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“These new allegations have made her feel disgusting. Anna is a loving woman and a devout Christian, but given what Josh has done, no one would be surprised if she decided she never wanted to see her again.”

The insider says the decision was made easier by the fact that Josh was a negligent husband and father even before his scandals went public, and he’s spent the last several months in rehab for sex addiction, thus allowing Anna to adjust to life as a single mom.

“The kids have begun to question where Daddy is, but he was never around that much, so it’s not that unusual,” says the source.

Looks like the day of reckoning is finally at hand for Josh, who’s gotten off virtually scot-free up until now.