Thursday, November 12, 2015

Arrow Season 4 Episode 6 Recap: What is Normal?

Everyone tried to get back to normal on Arrow Season 4 Episode 6.

But what now constitutes normal for Felicity? That was a significant question at the center of this interesting hour.

The beloved computer genius feels as if she’s “lost” herself in Oliver, as if her identity has been wrapped up in her boyfriend.

This was especially upsetting to her because Felicity lamented early on that she missed Ray’s original distress calls due to the relationship of her dreams.

“I was never that girl,” she said to Oliver at one point “That is not who I am.”

Inspired to come to her ex-boyfriend’s rescue, Felicity led the team in a break-in of Kord Industries.

The mission? To nab the mathematics for a machine that would enable Ray to return to normal himself; i.e. about six foot, two inches tall.

Eventually, upon realizing that Damien Darhk was holding Tiny Ray captive, everyone (and we mean EVERYone!) infiltrated his lair.

Ray was discovered and “grown” again, while Sara snapped a goon’s neck (uh-oh! and Oliver scarcely escaped another mystical showdown with Darhk.

As a result of this (mostly) successful caper, the following developments took place:

  • Felicity told Oliver that they were going to be “fine,” largely due to words of wisdom from her mother than included how she’s “supposed’ to feel lost in the man she loves because they will find themselves in each other; and also that she’ll never find anyone else “that hot who cooks.”

  • Sarah peaced out, telling Laurel and Thea that she felt a need to “start over,” perhaps visit “a couple of somewheres” as a way of dealing with her post-Pit issues. Might we recommend a CW spinoff as a helpful destination?

  • Darhk tasked one of his scientists with using some of Ray’s “dwarf star” power source to do… something. Something nefarious, we’re sure.

What did you make of this Felicity-based episode?

Go watch Arrow online if you need to catch up and sound off in the Comments below!