Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Charlie Sheen Never Told His Kids He"s HIV Positive?!

Unless you’ve been on Mars, sipping tiger blood with your warlock homies, you’ve probably heard by now that Charlie Sheen is HIV positive

So in a way, you’re like a member of the Sheen family now (We bet Martin gives awesome Christmas presents!), because apparently Chuckles own kids found out about their dad’s diagnosis the same you did – by seeing it all over the news.

Yes, according to TMZ Charlie never told four out of his five children about his condition, even though he was diagnosed several years ago.

In fairness, his 30-year-old daughter Cassandra was aware of the situation, and 6-year-old twins Bob and Max are probably a little young for that type of news.

That leaves 11-year-old Sam and 10-year-old Lola, both of whom are certainly old enough that they’ve no doubt heard the news by now.

We understand that it must be incredibly difficult to share such potentially tragic news with children so young, but it surely beats having them find out about on the Today show as they’re getting ready for school, right?

Of course, this isn’t the first time that Charlie has been chided for being a bit too selective about whom he shares his info with.

Several former sex partners have already sued after claiming they were misled, and porn star Bree Olson says Sheen never told her he was HIV positive even though they may have been living (and sleeping) together at the time they were diagnosed.

Sheen could face criminal charges for exposing others to the illness, but even if he avoids prosecution, you can bet he has some seriously ugly legal entanglements in his future.