Monday, November 9, 2015

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: Major Shake Ups at DASH!

It’s. About. To. Go. Down.

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 8 marked the inevitable moment when the fit hit the shan amongst the Kardashian hangers-on and someone paid the price.

The season finale of the Keeping Up With the Kardashians spinoff marked the end of its inaugural run on E! and with it, Melody’s run on the show.

No longer able to fulfill her responsibilities, which are truly immense as occupational roles go, she suffered the consequences and got booted out.

Melody had been enjoying a boost in her modeling career, but with that came a loss of time and time management, and the other Dolls were pissed.

Khadija was forced to cover for her more frequently, and because Khloe Kardashian had warned them about this, Khadija and Malika had to tell her.

The boss lady then brought the hammer down on Melody, as you’ll see when you watch DASH Dolls online. She sure can be tough when need be.

It wasn’t personal, of course, but that’s the way it goes in business. When Mel broke down in tears, everyone in the DASH house felt bad for the girl.

Elsewhere, Stephanie and Colin decided to call it off once he got sprung from jail and she immediately found out he was using drugs again. Yikes.

In an attempt to save the relationship, she took him to counseling and eventually staged an intervention, which sure happens a lot on TV it seems.

Bottom line: Colin chose drugs over his girl. Good riddance in that case, but here’s hoping he pulls it together before he wastes his life on this path.

Durrani and Shalom also reached a breaking point when her brother Abdullah visits and is shocked to learn that his sister is dating a Jewish man.

Abdullah reluctantly agrees to meet him, but the tension is palpable and Abdullah tells their parents about the romance, at which point they cut her off.

Shalom and Durrani have a long talk about the future, though, and she says she may even convert to Judaism for him. This is serious stuff, people.

We’ll see if it lasts … and if the show does. Tell us, do you think DASH Dolls should be picked up for a second season?! Discuss in the comments!