Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Duggar Family: Secretly Visiting Josh in Rehab?

Since late August, Josh Duggar has been living in a rehab center in northern Illinois.

According to previous patients, the facility – operated by a faith-based organization called Reformers Unanimous – is less like a traditional rehab center and more like a Christian work camp where men like Josh put in ten-hour days of hard labor.

That may be why insiders are now saying Josh intends to leave rehab a full three months ahead of schedule.

That may also be why, according to Radar Online, the Duggar family recently paid Josh a low-key, late-night visit, even though they’d initially planned on keeping their distance for the duration of his “treatment.”

Josh was dropped off at the facility in his younger brother John David’s private plane.

Radar is now reporting that the first time since dropping his brother off in August, John David’s plane has once again made a trip to the Great Lakes area, this time landing at Mitchell Airport in Milwaukee, less then 100 miles from Josh’s rehab facility.

We have no way of knowing what other family members joined John David on the trip, but it seems clear that the Duggars paid Josh an impromptu visit. 

Now, the question is – why?

Has Josh already bailed on the program and his family rushed to get him home with as little media attention as possible?

Or was this a last-minute effort to convince Josh to finish his course of treatment?

Either way,