Friday, November 13, 2015

Harry Hamlin: Caught Cheating on Lisa Rinna AGAIN?!

For the second time in as many weeks, Harry Hamlin is in trouble.

No, he wasn’t spotted wearing a swastika t-shirt in public again (We still don’t know what he was thinking on that one), but he might soon find out that a woman scorned can be even harsher than the court of public opinion.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, then you’re aware that Harry’s faithfulness to his wife, Lisa Rinna, was called into question last season.

Things got so bad that Rinna attacked Kim Richards when the latter wouldn’t stop spreading rumors that Harry was sleeping around.

Now, according to Radar Online, Harry is once again facing cheating accusations, and this time, they’re coming from all directions.

“This season, several cast members started a campaign once filming began stating there had been whispers Harry had cheated on Lisa,” says one production insider.

“This was entirely separate from what Kim Richards had been referencing during the last season…Lisa was furious this was continuing into another season and insisted it wasn’t true.

“Harry isn’t happy that he is going to be dragged through the mud yet again. Being on the show has definitely impacted their relationship.”

Hamlin is one of the few folks involved with the Housewives franchise who actually has a legitimate show-business career outside of the show, so it’s not surprising that he encouraged Lisa to bail on the show when he found out he would be subjected to another season of accusations.

Unfortunately, Lisa was having none of that suggestion.

“Lisa told Harry in no uncertain terms that she is committed to doing the upcoming season because it was so good for her career,” says the insider.

She added that Lisa is prioritizing her career over her marriage, and she may end up suffering as a result:

“Lisa and Harry’s marriage is on solid ground for now, but how much more can this relationship take?”