Monday, November 2, 2015

Jessa Duggar: Terrified of Giving Birth at Home!

Jessa Duggar’s due date is nearly upon us, and the reality star is reportedly terrified to end up with a birth experience akin to sister Jill’s.

Especially with Jill, who is trained in midwifery, jetting off on another Central American mission trip, Jessa is petrified she will be all alone.

Not literally alone, of course. But with no offense to Ben Seewald, Jessa had been Counting On (high-five!) her sister to be there for her.

When she’s not taking heat for pregnancy no-nos like caffeinated delicacies and pedicures, she’s fretting about her delivery. And HARD.

Jill was supposed to be her rock, both because of her training in the field and because they are so close, and Jill had just gone through it.

Alas, she’ll be stuck with her husband in all likelihood. Unlike their last mission trip, Jill says it will be many months before her next return.

Jessa and Ben celebrated their one-year anniversary Sunday, which was also her due date; Jill went past hers earlier this year as well.

Also like her sister, Jessa has planned a home birth, though Jessa is said to be scared about the situation after watching Jill’s go haywire.

After 70 grueling hours of labor, Mrs. Derick Dillard was forced to go to the hospital for an emergency cesarean section anyway April 6.

At least Jessa won’t have to worry about that child molester Josh hanging around at all. He’s still at Reformers Unanimous out in Illinois.

What she may have to worry about is Jim Bob pushing her to stay relevant, though she doesn’t seem to differ much from him there.

Jessa and Ben have tried almost too hard when it comes to their efforts to stay in the spotlight. Just imagine after she gives birth …