Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Josh Duggar: Bailing on Rehab Months Ahead of Schedule?

Last we checked on Josh Duggar, the disgraced 27-year-old husband and father had checked into rehab for sex addiction after it was revealed that he’d paid prostitutes for sex and used an Ashley Madison account to try and cheat on his wife.

As more details about Josh’s rehab were revealed, it became clear that the secretive Reformers Unanimous center in rural Illinois is more like a faith-based boot camp than a treatment facility.

Sources claimed that Josh was to spend six months atoning for his sins by putting in 10-hour days of hard labor and reflecting on his actions in marathon prayer sessions that begin as early as 4 am.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that several insiders are claiming Josh has decided to bail on the program several months ahead of schedule and will soon be headed home.

The program is reportedly broken up into 45-day segments, after each of which, residents must choose whether they’d like to re-enroll or call it quits.

Josh has yet to reach the end of his second segment, but he’s reportedly already told the center’s administrators that he believes 90 days of treatment is sufficient, and that he’s eager to get back to Arkansas in order to fix her marriage.

After spending some time with her parents in Florida, Anna Duggar has reportedly returned to Arkansas (a decision prompted in part by the fact that Josh’s dad, Jim Bob Duggar, bought her a house), and sources say she’s excited about the prospect of Josh’s early return.

So we guess this is our last chance to say: RUN, ANNA! RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!