Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Josh Duggar: Broke? Selling Home to Settle Danica Dillon Lawsuit?

Currently, Josh Duggar is still in rehab undergoing a controversial faith-based treatment for his addictions to sex and pornography.

But while Josh has been out of public eye for almost three months now, the drama in his life has continued to mount, and he may be on the verge of losing everything.

Last week, we reported that porn star Danica Dillon is suing Josh for assault, claiming that their sexual encounters left her “physically and emotionally injured,” and made her “feel as though she’d been raped.”

It was initially reported that the Duggars planned to do everything in their power to settle out of court, as Dillon’s lawyers promised to dredge up the ugliest parts of Josh’s past if the case went to trial.

Now it seems that Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are finally refusing to help Josh buy his way out of trouble, and the 27-year-old father of four is being forced to resort to desperate measures in order to pay off Dillon.

According to Radar Online, Josh sold his home in Tontitown, Arkansas back in August, just days before Dillon went public with her accusations. 

Insiders believe he did so either in preparation for the inevitable lawsuit, or in hopes of paying Danica to keep quiet.

Either way, it seems Josh is extremely hard up for cash.

Sources say he  accepted the first offer that came and sold his and Anna Duggar’s “dream home” for just $ 75,000.

As Dillon is suing for a whopping $ 500,000, Josh still has a long way to go if he wants to keep this thing out of court – and out of the tabloids.