Monday, November 23, 2015

Scott Disick: Selling Bachelor Pad to Win Kourtney Kardashian Back?

Ever since Scott Disick completed rehab earlier this month, the troubled 32-year-old has been doing everything in his power to win back Kourtney Kardashian.

Disick cheated on Kourtney, disappeared for week-long benders, and generally neglected his family, but remarkably, his efforts to make things right seem to be working. 

Of course, after everything Scott’s put her through, Kourtney is understandably wary, and she’s reportedly taking their reconciliation very slowly and forcing Disick to prove that he’s a changed man.

According to TMZ, the latest step in this process involves Scott selling his Beverly Hills party palace

Apparently, the place served as the headquarters for Scott’s bad behavior during his boozing and philandering days, and Kourtney wants him to get rid of it as a symbolic gesture.

Sources say it wasn’t easy for Scott, as it’s the one piece of property that he purchased on his own, but he’s reportedly willing to do whatever it takes to win his way back into Kourtney’s heart.

And it doesn’t hurt that he’s making a hefty profit on the deal.

Insiders claim Scott has found a buyer, and the place will go for upwards of $ 4.5 million.

The exact price is unknown, but considering Scott bought the house for $ 3.69 million just a couple years ago, we’d say he’s making out alright on the deal.

Even better, Disick reportedly enjoyed the renovation and haggling process so much that he’s already looking into flipping more properties.

It’ll certainly be less of a strain on his liver and his relationship than his old hobbies.