Monday, November 9, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 5 Recap: Fight or Die

Following that massive attacks by The Wolves, morale plummeted to an all-time low in Alexandria on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 5.

It didn’t help that Rick ran up to the gate with half of this herd on his trail, but he gave his fellow residents a pep talk once he was safely inside.

Can you hold together, he asked them? We can defeat them together!

With Deanna wandering around half-dazed and Aaron being eaten alive by his guilty conscience and some of the survivors even raiding the pantry for their last mean before Spencer stopped them… it certainly appeared as if this would be it.

But then Rosita inspired Spencer by thanking him for taking out the Wolf who’d attempted to drive a trick into the community.

And Deanna fought back against a zombified Wolf, telling Rick she wants to live and that he ought to take over Alexandria as leader.

Meanwhile, Jessie made like Rick, giving a speech to her neighbors after she got caught dispatching a fellow resident who had been turned.

“If we don’t fight, we die,” she explained.

Toward the end of the episode, Jessie made it clear to Rick that she does see a future. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t need the occasional reassurance.

And then they kissed. A lot!

Elsewhere, Tara lied about her head hiring in order to check on Denise, who she discovered despairing over a patient that she was sure would die, oblivious to the Walkers outside the gates as a result.

Tara praised her bravery… Denise was inspired to save the patient… and then she found Tara for a little makeout session of their own!

Finally, upon realizing Maggie was planning to sneak over the wall to find Glenn, Aaron insisted going with her.

Unfortunately, these two only made it to the far end of the pipe before realizing that they were still awfully close to the half-herd.

Aaron wanted to take out some Walkers along the way, but Maggie told him why she was hesitant to take this route: Because she’s pregnant.

However, although she wouldn’t risk the child’s life by going after Glenn, she also refused to give up on him.

Therefore,, after she and Aaron made their way back, they erased Glenn’s name from the memory wall. Should we be holding out hope for him?

Go watch The Walking Dead online if you need to catch up and sound off below on the latest happenings.