Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sarah Stage Takes Dressing Room Selfie With Baby Lying on Floor: Not Cool or Who Cares?

You may remember Sarah Stage as the model whose taut baby bump earned her lots of negative attention earlier this year.

Despite her tiny tummy, Sarah gave birth to big baby boy back in April, but now she’s once again drawing the ire of the Internet with a controversial selfie:

Obviously, the first thing that catches your eye in this photo is Sarah’s Kardashian-esque backside, but once you get over the new mom’s curves, your eyes may make their way to the floor, where you’ll see what first appears to be some sort of discarded stuffed animal.

As our friends at Fishwrapper pointed out, that’s actually Sarah’s baby lying on the floor as she poses for a sultry dressing room selfie.

Sarah has taken a fair amount of crap for this pic, but frankly, we’re fine with it.

Look, do you remember the oppressive, stultifying boredom of being dragged to the mall with your mom when you were a little kid?

Now imagine if your mom wore clothes for a living and insisted on taking a selfie every time she tried something on.

The process probably takes hours, and we imagine this dude was quickly overwhelmed by the desire to be at home watching a Sesame Street parody of Game of Thrones that won’t be funny to him for 15 years.

So he took a nap; she snapped some selfies – everyone was happy. And we should all be fine with that.

But a word of advice, Sarah: Next time just crop the kid out of the pic so you don’t have to deal with this, mmm-kay?