Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Amber Rose DEFENDS Kim Kardashian Nude Selfie, SLAMS Pink Over Comments

Yesterday was International Women’s Day, and three stars are going at it and sharing their views on what it means to them in very different ways.

First, there was Kim Kardashian, who wrote an open letter defending the nude selfie she shared on Instagram earlier in the week.

“I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality,” she wrote, adding, “It’s 2016. The body-shaming and slut-shaming—it’s like, enough is enough.”

Her letter came as a response to detractors – including Bette Midler, Piers Morgan and Chloe Moretz – who poked fun at the fact that, ya know, Kim Kardashian posted another nude selfie. 

Then last night, another celeb jumped into the fray.

Pink posted the following message to Twitter, in celebration of International Women’s Day.

Pink Twitter message on International Women

Although she didn’t mention Kim specifically, many fans assumed she was pointing the finger at the reality star, since it came it came right on the heels of Nakedgate.

Pink throwing shade at Kim isn’t terribly shocking. After all, she certainly ain’t the first.

But here’s something we truly didn’t expect: AMBER ROSE came to Kim’s defense.

Amber, Kim’s former nemesis and Kanye West’s ex-girlfriend. In other words, possibly the last person we thought would be sticking up for Kim.

Amber reposted Pink’s comment on Instagram and wrote her own open letter to the singer, asserting that women should be able to do whatever the hell they want with their bodies without censure:

“Damn Pink we were all born naked society sexualizes our breast and bodies. If a grown mother of 2 is comfortable with her body and wants to show it off that’s none of ur business or anyone else’s.

“Now, if u wanna talk to kids and be a mentor to young teens, tell them to go to school and to not use their bodies to get ahead?! I’m all for it! But please as a grown woman let another grown woman live as she wishes.

“That’s our problem! We’re so quick to down each other instead of uplifting!

“Pink, We’ve seen u damn near naked swinging from a rope( Beautifully) but what’s the difference between a rope, a pole and a pic on Instagram? Classism. Because u sing while ur half naked does that make it “Classy” or is it because u have a “talent”?

“I’m not dissing at all Pink just curious after u said “You’ll never have to make a silly excuse for yourself.”

Oh, but she wasn’t done.

In a second post, Amber talked about how she has been condemned in a similar manner and invited Kim to share her own slut-shaming stories.

“And @kimkardashian I don’t know u well but I saw u speak about slut shaming and as u know I’m an activist feminist so it spoke to me.

“Being Slut shamed and ridiculed is not fun it’s hurtful and mean. Us women deal with it everyday and I’m happy u can speak openly on this now because if anyone knows what it’s like to be Slut Shamed it’s u!

“Live it Kim! Make a difference and speak on it! Not only when it’s convenient for u but when u can help others.

“Last year at my Slutwalk I told my Slut shaming story. This year I would love for u to come and tell urs. This is an open invite from me to u and ur sisters are welcomed too

“Let’s let the naysayers know u are so much more then a sex tape (13 years ago). fuck it own it.

“Ur a mom and a business woman, a wife, sister and daughter. Hope we can make this happen #AmberRoseSlutWalk2016”

The former rivals hinted at a reconciliation when they took a selfie together after Kanye slut-shamed Amber on Twitter.

Fans presumed the mom of two extended an olive branch to the blond model, and now it seems Amber has Kim’s back as well.

We can’t wait to hear what Pink thinks of Amber’s remarks – and to see if Kim joins Amber in her Slut Walk this year.