Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Courtney Stodden Goes Nude in Honor of Kim Kardashian

If you’ve been anywhere near the Internet in the past two days, you know that Kim Kardashian posted a nude photo which for some reason has launched the weirdest debate since Donald Trump defended his penis size to Marco Rubio.

In the 48 hours since she posted the pic, Kim has been attacked as a bad role model, and accused of sending a negative message to her youngest fans. Fortunately, she’s got at least one fellow selfie-obsessed Instagram queen in her corner.

Yes, that’s Courtney Stodden doing her best interpretation of Kim’s now-famous masterpiece “Naked in the Bathroom Mirror #27.”

“Working on a new single! It’s coming out soon… Oh & I can’t find anything to wear either, Kim! #girlproblems #kimkardashian,” Courtney captioned the pic.

We don’t want to weigh in on the Kim issue, but we will say this  – Courtney is really setting a terrible and doing herself a tremendous disservice here.

Seriously – releasing a new single? What is the thinking?!

We’re just now getting over Courtney’s first single, which makes Rebecca Black’s “Friday” sound like a Mozart concerto.

We fully of approve of Courtney getting naked, but her attempts at starting a music career have got to stop.

Courtney, it’s 2016. We might be on the verge of our first female president. You don’t need to “sing” to get attention.