Thursday, March 3, 2016

Courtney Stodden Talks Marriage, Pregnancy Rumors in New Interview

Courtney Stodden has a new reality show to promote (the impressively hot messy-looking Mother/Daughter Experiment on Lifetime), which means she’s been making the media rounds to talk about everything from her relationship with her mom (it’s not good), to her marriage to Doug Hutchison (somehow, it’s still solid).

Last we checked in on her, Courtney was talking about how her mother tried to steal her husband, so you might think her entire life would have a similarly Jerry Springer-eque vibe, but remarkably, things seem pretty stable for the 21-year-old professional giant-boob-haver.

Though Courtney and Doug separated in 2013 (and Courtney admitted to banging other dudes while they were apart), they’re back together now and still making their early-May, late-December romance work. (He’s 34 years her senior, FYI.):

“Our relationship right now is really, really good,” Courtney recently told In Touch.

“We’re really strong and we’re very happy. We’re getting ready to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary and we’re absolutely going to renew our vows for our fifth wedding anniversary. So, yeah, we’re doing really, really well!”

Yes, Courtney married a 50-year-old when she was 16, and she’s somehow lasted 5 years, so the fact that she can’t fix her relationship with her mom really makes us think the mom is to blame:

“We’re still not completely close,” Court said when asked about the reality show that was supposed to help them them work things out .

“But we’re better off than where we were when we entered The Mother/Daughter Experiment.”

As for those rumors that Courtney is pregnant – Stodden says they’re bogus, and she and Hutchison are content with their twin pooches these days:

“I don’t know if we’re ready for a baby right now. We have two little fur babies, so those are kind of our babies right now. But, you never know!” 

So why was Courney spotted buying pregnancy tests back in October?

Well, sometimes you need a prop to get those paparazzi flashbulbs poppin’. Did we mention the girl is pretty much only famous for having big boobs and marrying an old dude?