Tuesday, March 22, 2016

John La Tour: Duggar Family Friend Accused of Sexual Assault

The Duggar family is finding itself wrapped up in yet another sexual abuse scandal.

This time, however, the family may find itself on the side of those who are demanding justice for the victims.

Fayetteville, Arkansas city council member John La Tour, who describes himself as “a personal friend” of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar has been accused of harassing a local waitress and threatening to expose himself to her.

La Tour has not been charged with a crime, but citizens of Fayetteville have demanded that he step down after behaving inappropriately with the waitress and then violating a city ordinance by taking to social media and encouraging his constituents to boycott the restaurant.

Thus far, the Duggars have declined to support La Tour, a development he reacted to in a recent interview with Radar Online.

“Jim Bob and Michelle are personal friends of mine,” La Tour said when asked about the Duggars, who donated $ 2,000 to his most recent campaign.

“We line up similarly politically, but we don’t agree on everything.”

Explaining the bizarre circumstances of his alleged assault, La Tour stated that it all began when he complained about the music in the restaurant being too loud.

When management refused to turn it down, he decided to begin dancing:

“Iwalked up to the bar, and in my weak attempt at humor, I danced up to the counter to ask if a woman would dance with me,” La Tour explains.

“I am a heterosexual male and I don’t ask a man to dance with me. So I said to her ‘You are a woman, right? Because I am a man and I can prove it.’” 

Witnesses say La Tour threatened to expose his penis and loudly demanded that the waitress “pick a gender.”

Obviously, the Duggars are still recovering from their own sex scandals, so it’s not surprising that they’ve chosen not to get involved with La Tour’s situation.

Thus far, Jim Bob and Michelle have declined to comment on the allegations against their friend.