Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Azealia Banks vs. Sarah Palin: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Azealia Banks and Sarah Palin may not seem like the most likely rivals, but when you think about it was inevitable that they would eventually butt heads, not because they’re so different – but because they’re so strangely similar.

Like the notorious Alaska-governor-turned-Trump-hanger-on, Banks tends to rush headlong into random situations and offer her (usually outraged) two cents without doing a lick of research.

This recently landed the rapper in trouble when she called for Palin to be gang-raped by black men, after mistakenly believing a satirical news article to be factual. 

The fake article claimed that Palin blamed blacks for willingly “accepting” slavery.

She may have said some truly ridiculous things in her day, but she never said that, and Banks never apologized for tearing Palin a new one in a since-deleted Twitter rant.

Here’s where this story really gets shocking. Palin defended herself today in an astonishingly articulate statement (that was almost certainly written by someone else):

“You’re obviously not exercising enough intelligence to acknowledge you’ve been sucked into believing some fake interview,” Palin (or somebody in her camp) wrote.

“Why don’t we strengthen both our platforms and work together on something worthwhile – like condemning racism.

“And now I’ll go through my young daughter’s playlist to make sure there hasn’t been any inadvertent addition of any anti-woman, pro-rape garbage that you seem to endorse, which perpetuates the cultural challenges we face in America.”

Wow. Looks like Ms. Banks should stick to feuding with Iggy Azalea.

As it is, she’s forcing us to side with Sarah Palin, and that’s just not cool.