Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jessica Simpson Getting DIVORCED? Caught Eric Johnson With the Nanny??

Some celeb tales just never get old.

Particularly the one about the celebrity couple with the beautiful wife who was betrayed by the handsome husband and the nanny of their children.

Sound familiar? (See: Ben Affleck, Gavin Rossdale.)

OK! magazine realized we haven’t had a good ol’ nannygate story in all of 2016 and needed to do something about the woeful lull.

Enter Eric Johnson, spouse of Jessica Simpson, and the caretaker of their kids, Maxwell and Ace.

The tabloid says the unemployed, former NFL player has a lot of free time on his hands and spends it with his kids hiking, grocery shopping and going to dinner while Jessica works.

The only problem is, he brings the nanny.

Like, all the time.

“Eric doesn’t need to bring a nanny grocery shopping or on a hike,”a source tells OK!

“Those are things he can do alone or the paid staff can do without his supervision.” 

Yeah, but then he’d actually, you know, have to watch the kids.

While the magazine’s cover teases, “They disappeared into the bushes for two hours,” the insider then divulges that Johnson hasn’t actually done anything… yet.

“Eric is bound to cross a line,” says the source, who thinks Simpson should “fire the twentysomething and hire a dowdy Mrs. Doubtfire.”

We totally rolled our eyes at this cover story and are wont to call BS on this overly recycled cliche, but then again…

Ben Affleck. Gavin Rossdale. And the rest of the nanny-shagging gang: