Friday, April 15, 2016

Courtney Stodden Stars As Sexy Dying Mouse For Obscure PETA Protest

I am all for animal rights, but when it gets to a point where I don"t understand what exactly we"re fighting for, then it"s time to go back to the drawing board.

This is more or less what happened on April 14th in Los Angeles, where Courtney Stodden dressed up as a "dying" sexy mouse, complete with a wig, a white leotard with a tail, and thigh high stockings.

Oh, and white stripper heels.

Stodden posed for a few photos before taking her place in front of a PetSmart, where she lay splattered in blood as protestors surrounded her with signs reading "Animals Frozen Alive at PetSmart Suppliers."

Stodden took to her own Instagram to publicize the cause.

"Hopefully this protest against #petsmart will get them to "SMARTen" up," the Mother/Daughter experiment star wrote.

"The suppliers that they get their animals from abuse, neglect & torture these innocent lives… yet Petsmart continues to ignore the cruel truth. It"s time for a change. Don"t buy while animals die! @peta #animalrights."

PETA sent out their own press release to explain the protest.

"Courtney Stodden is dying for PetSmart to stop selling animals. So she dressed as a sweet mouse, went to a PetSmart store in Los Angeles, and "died" on the sidewalk," the statement read.

The reality star "wanted to get involved after a 15-week PETA investigation revealed that a PetSmart supplier was gassing animals in plastic bags and setting them aside "to die and waste away," as one of the supplier’s supervisors put it.

"Another recent PETA exposé of a supplier revealed that small animals were warehoused in plastic bins and rodents were crammed into plastic bags and frozen alive."

The organization, which once threw flour on Kim Kardashian during a red carpet appearance, published a quote from Stodden.

“It’s heartbreaking to think that countless mice, rats, bunnies, and lizards are dying in filthy bins for PetSmart’s stores,” said Courtney. “My friends at PETA and I urge everyone to refuse to shop anywhere that sells live animals!”

If I want to learn how to prevent animal cruelty, I"ll turn to the ASPCA.

If I want to be entertained and forget exactly what I"m fighting for, I"ll watch a PETA campaign.

Courtney stodden dresses as sexy dying mouse for obscure peta pr