Monday, April 11, 2016

Kris Jenner: Caitlyn Never Told Me She Was Transgender, Like, Ever

These two are fighting like an old married couple.

Oh wait.

Caitlyn Jenner invited her ex-wife, Kris down to New Orleans to hang with the ladies on last night"s episode of I Am Cait, and I would be lying if I thought she wasn"t a hit.

Over dinner, Caitlyn"s friend, Jenny asked if the Olympian told Kris about being transgender "early on" in their marriage.

"No," Kris replied.

"Oh I did too!" Caitlyn insisted. 

"She keeps saying she told me but she didn"t do it," Kris says. "What happened was a conversation in a driveway, he says to me, "Do you ever want to have more kids?" And I said, "Oh God no." So he says, "Oh either do I, that"s like, that"s great! And I couldn"t have any more kids if I wanted to.""

Kris then explained how Caitlyn skirted around the issues of her taking a bunch of hormones in the "80s (before they met), but wasn"t up front about the fact that she was transitioning into a woman.

"He never said it was estrogen, he never said anything, he just said, "I took some s–t in the "80s."" Kris added.

"There was no, "I am transgender.""

Watch the video below for Caitlyn"s reaction.

Kris jenner caitlyn never told me she was transgender