Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Courtney Stodden Promises to Have Gay Baby

If there’s a silver lining to be found in the unspeakable tragedy of the Orlando nightclub shooting, it’s the outpouring of support for the  LGBT community that’s flooded in from all corners of the globe via social media tributes, monetary donations, and outraged calls for change.

Celebrities have shared have offered emotional accounts of ways in which they were touched by the largest mass shooting in US history, and many have called upon fans to help the survivors and families of the victims in any way they can.

Then Courtney Stodden came along and made things weird.

As you may have heard, Stodden is pregnant with her first child. 

Speaking with Us Weekly at a recent PETA event in Los Angeles, Courtney revealed that she doesn’t know the sex of her baby, but she knows that if it’s a a boy, he’s gonna be into boys:

“If it’s a boy I am going to dress him up in tutus,” Stodden told the tabloid.

“I know I am going to spoil my baby rotten. I’m going to be a fun mom. I always say I am going to have a girl regardless, and if it’s a boy he’ll be gay!”

In fairness, Coutney made her comments before the Pulse shooting, and Us waited several days to publish the interview, so we guess they’re to blame for the awful timing.

That said, maybe it’s just generally a good idea to hold off on comments about molding your child’s sexual orientation in 2016?

Hey, aybe Courtney was kidding.

Or maybe it was just the sort of joke that doesn’t translate well to print.

Whatever the case, the fact that Courtney is already planning on shaping this kid into cosmo-sipping mini-me and becoming an Amy Poehler-in-MeanGirls-esque “cool mom” is a little unsettling. 

Hey, at the end of the day, she’s 21, and it’s her first pregnancy.

We’re willing to forgive the occasional awkward comment.

We just wish we’d hear more comments along the lines of “I’ll love him or her regardless of whom he or she chooses to love” when parents are awkwardly asked about their kids sexual orientations.

Hey, even easier: just stop asking parents about their kids’ sexual orientations!