Friday, June 17, 2016

Justin Bieber Falls Through Trap Door on Stage, Internet Laughs Its Ass Off

We don"t think we need to tell you that this past week has been one of the saddest and scariest in recent memory.

Some truly horrific things happened; many are grieving and others are outraged.

Fortunately, Justin Bieber is here to provide a bit of much-needed (albeit unintentional) moment of levity.

During a concert in Saskatoon, Canada last night, the Biebs was doing one of his swaggy struts when he accidentally fell through a trap door.

It was like when Taylor Swift welcomes a celebrity to the stage, except Justin"s surprise guest was gravity.

The Biebs is unharmed, so it"s okay to laugh.

In fact he reacted to the situation with his signature blend of douchiness and swag:

"Good thing I"m like a cat and landed on my feet," Justin told the corwd. "That scared the fuck outta me!"

Oh, just own it and join everyone else in having a laugh, Justin.

No humblebrag can save your ego after that tumble.

Usually when Justin embarrasses himself, it just means that his efforts to win Selena Gomez back have once again fallen flat.

So it"s nice of Justin to provide us with a bit of comic relief that"s not also kinda depressing. 

Justin"s fans showed up for a concert and they got a freakin" comedy show on top of it.

He"s the most clumsy-ass hardest-working man in show business!

Check out the clip below to see the Biebs" fall from grace:

Justin bieber falls through trap door on stage internet laughs i