Friday, June 10, 2016

Duggar Family: SLAMMED For Facebook Post About Josh!

Yesterday, we discussed the fact that many expected Josh Duggar to slink away from the spotlight and fade into obscurity.

Instead, the disgraced former lobbyist and reality star is trying to weasel his way back into public life – and it’s going about as well as you would expect.

At first, the rest of the Duggar clan was basically leaving Josh to his own devices.

Like the rest of us, they probably thought that he’d live out his remaining days as a creepy, increasingly pale Southern hermit, a la Boo Radley.

But no, even though Josh wasn’t welcome on Jill & Jessa: Counting On, he’s still mounting a comeback, and it’s clear that he’s recruited his parents to help him re-introduce himself to the public.

First Josh made his first public appearances since leaving sex addiction rehab while on a road trip with Jim Bob and Michelle.

Now, his folks are testing the waters to see how the Duggar faithful might react to a Josh apology tour.

The family wrote the following post on their official Facebook page yesterday, and fans were less than thrilled:

“Joshua’s favorite Bible verse is Joshua 1:9: ‘Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.’ What is your favorite Bible verse?”

Hmmm … favorite Bible verse, eh? That’s a tough one.

Is there one about not molesting your sisters and then getting your parents to help you hide your crimes from police?

If so, Josh should probably adopt that as his new favorite.

Not surprisingly, the post didn’t go over well, with comments such as:

“Is that what he told his wife and all the girls he molested? ‘Be strong, God is with you, while I break other tenants of our faith."”

Sorry, Josh, but it seems like you have about as good a chance of winning back Duggar fans as Jared Fogle does of becoming Subway’s spokesman again.