Friday, June 10, 2016

President Obama Slow Jams News with Jimmy Fallon, Mocks Donald Trump

President Barack Obama and his high approval rating were guests on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night.

During his appearance, the Commander-in-Chief wrote some thank you notes, slow-jammed the news and took aim at Donald Trump.

Just hours prior to stopping by the program, Obama expressed his support for Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election.

He then received a standing ovation upon taking the stage to talk about the news in funny fashion alongside the host and some background music.

“President Obama stimulated long-term growth,” the comedian opened.

“In 2008, the country wasn’t feeling in the mood. It was too tired, stressed, said it had a headache. Barack lit some candles and got some silky satin sheets. Told the American people, ‘Yes, we can.’”

A smiling Obama added to his list of achievements:

“Same sex couples across the country now a constitutional right to marry, because love is love,” he said.

“Commander in preach!” Fallon replied, moving on to reference Beyonce and her latest album.

“When Republicans gave him lemons, he made so much lemonade Beyonce stated calling him ‘Baraky with the good hair."”

Will Obama stick around four more years?

“There will be no third term,” he replied. “I can’t stay forever. Besides, Daddy’s got a Hawaiian vacation booked in about 223 days, but who’s counting!”

Naturally, the Republican nominee for the highest office in the land also had to be brought up.

“Mr. President, since you’re here, I’ve got to ask: Have you been watching all the election coverage this week about Donald Trump?” sang Fallon.

“No, but I have been watching my new favorite show, Orange Is Not the New Black,” POTUS shot back.

Eh, not bad. We’ve seen the President make better jokes (see below).

The episode was taped on Wednesday.

Prior to Thursday initial broadcast, Fallon Tweeted:

“Tonight’s show makes me want to do this show forever. I’m so lucky to have this job and the people I work with. I hope you like it.”

We’re guessing between 50%- 55% of the country liked it a lot.