Friday, June 10, 2016

Justin Bieber vs. Huge Dude in Cleveland: What Happened?!?

To the credit of Justin Bieber, he stands by his word.

Even to the detriment of his face.

Last month, the singer made it clear to fans that he would no longer pose with them for selfies.

He wrote at the time on Instagram:

“It has gotten to the point that people won’t even say hi to me or recognize me as a human, I feel like a zoo animal, and I wanna be able to keep my sanity.”

Okay, fair enough we guess.

So fast forward to Wednesday night in Cleveland.

Bieber had just attended Game Three of the NBA Finals when he got into a fight with a man who stood 6’5″ outside of his hotel.

Cameras captured some of the confrontation for the world to see:

What led up to this brawl?

Witnesses tell TMZ that Bieber’s opponent was named Lamont Richardson. He had just left a bar with two lady friends when he spotted Bieber hanging out on the sidewalk

The two chatted for a bit and Bieber seemed to be having a perfectly good time with Richardson and his gal pals.

But then the singer’s new friend asked Bieber if one of the women could get a photo and an autograph from the artist, to which Bieber allegedly replied:

No autographs tonight, motherf-cker.

Richardson adds that Bieber reeked of alcohol and tried to get all tough with him, “puffing his chest up” prior to taking a swing. 

Despite rumors that he got his rear end kicked, Bieber shared a photo on Instagram after the brawl that depicted his pretty, unscathed face.

But that isn’t the point, of course.

Bieber has to realize that he is rich and famous and getting to live out his dream for a living.

The trade-off is that he has to occasionally sign autographs or pose for photos or at least not act like a spoiled brat when approached for these items.

Or… he could keep himself farther out of the public eye.

According to TMZ, Richardson has hired an attorney and may sue Bieber.

By our unofficial count, this would mark the 79th time someone has sued Bieber to acting like a jackass.