Sunday, June 26, 2016

Tom Hiddleston Defends Taylor Swift: Kanye West Has NO CLASS!

If you haven’t heard, Kanye West is stirring the pot again with his controversial new video for “Famous.”

In it, 10 celebrities – or rather, creepy lifelike replicas of them – appear naked in a huge bed as they lie motionless surrounding Kanye and Kim Kardashian, who are also nude.

Among the stars is Taylor Swift, who has been at war with Kanye for some time now.

The video has angered a number of fans, primarily because it became clear that the rapper did not seek permission from the celebs to use their likeness – particularly their butt naked likeness.

In fact, some believe Taylor should sue Kanye.

But the person he pissed off the most may be Tom Hiddleston, Taylor’s new bae.

“Tom has been wonderful during all this [‘Famous’ drama],” a source told HollywoodLife. “Taylor was concerned about Kanye’s video the past week, but he’s really kept her mind off of it and had her focus on happy things.”

“He’s been her knight in shining armor lifting her spirits,” added the insider.

“Tom is probably more upset than Taylor if that’s possible. He thinks Kanye is classless.”

Tom’s not the only one, that’s for sure. Have you seen the internet?

The British actor and Taylor have only been an item for a few short weeks and made their debut not two weeks ago when a photo of them kissing went viral.

Nevertheless, the two seem to be taking it fast and have even met each others’ parents.

“Tom’s really been her shoulder to lean on, showering her with positivity and kind words,” the source added.

“Tom has been really supportive by encouraging her not to get caught up in the drama and to just stay focused on the time they have together before he heads to Australia to start production on his new film [Thor: Ragnarök].”

The pair have definitely been nauseatingly public with their new relationship, which has lead many to believe the whole thing was staged.

Lord knows it certainly wouldn’t be the first time.